The Protagonists of the Novel Escaped

Chapter 166

Currently, the Marquisate of Hohenberg possessed the power to swiftly annihilate all forces on the continent.

Saintess Party.

The Red Dragon of the Empire and the White Dragon of the Holy Kingdom.

And the vampire of fresh blood and the seraph of the heavenly realm were part of this power.

Declaring war on the Marquisate of Hohenberg was akin to suicide. If any force sought to plunder the bountiful territory of the Marquisate, they would inevitably face destruction.

An absolutely inviolable territory.

All kings of the continent had effectively declared the Marquisate of Hohenberg a restricted area.

“Essentially, the Marquisate of Hohenberg is… a demon realm.”

Demon realm.

The ultimate defense line of humanity that must never be invaded.

The minister describing the power of the Marquisate of Hohenberg gasped and labeled it a ‘demon realm.’ Emperor Barbarossa, who was listening from the throne, swallowed hard and nodded.

“I never thought the Marquis of Hohenberg to be such a simple man without ambitions. If he were an ambitious conqueror dreaming of world domination, the throne of the Empire would be in jeopardy…”

Thud, thud.

The Emperor tapped the armrest of his throne as he spoke.

The minister of the interior, who had begun the report, opened his mouth again.

“Your Majesty, Princess Ludmilla is currently staying in the Marquisate in the capacity of a guest. Also, the Saintess Party is also residing there. Furthermore, the master of the Red Tower frequently visits, and the Invincible Sword of the Holy Kingdom periodically comes to interrogate the Saintess Party.”

“…That’s crazy.”


The strongest members of the Seven Heroes of the Warring States linked to the Marquisate numbered six.

Red Dragon. Hero. Mercenary King. Sword Saint. Master of the Magic Tower. Invincible Sword.

Everyone except the Beast King, who reigns over the northern nomads, is gathered here.

Even if the Demon King’s Army, which was annihilated in the Racial War, were to resurrect, they could probably wipe out every last remnant instantly if they were to command the Marquisate of Hohenberg. With the current Marquisate, it was entirely possible.

“Father! I heard that the Saintess Party has returned!”

A beautiful blonde young man rushed into the audience chamber.

It was Crown Prince Alexis.

The Saintess Party had returned.

Crown Prince’s face was filled with joy like never before upon hearing the news.

Everyone knew that the Crown Prince of the Valtarian Empire was a fervent admirer of the Saintess Party. Thus, the ministers smiled gently as they watched the Prince fidgeting anxiously.

“The Saintess Party has returned after defeating the Great Demon who sought to inherit the Demon King of Death.”

“I knew it! I had faith!”

The details of the Saintess Party were thoroughly concealed by the upper echelons of the Holy Kingdom. Barbarossa learned of them through the Second Princess Ludmilla’s report, but he remained silent and did not disclose it to anyone.

It must not be made known to the world.

Neither the nearing end of the world threatening the current age nor the decision of the Saintess Party to resurrect the Disaster of Death to stop it should be revealed.

Barbarossa smiled wryly as he looked at the Crown Prince, who was rejoicing at the news of the legendary heroes of the Holy Kingdom returning safely.

“Your Majesty…!”

“What is it?”

A knight belonging to the intelligence department approached.

Barbarossa raised his hand and permitted the report.

“Lord Boerun has paid a visit to the Marquisate of Hohenberg.”

“What? That bread…! That man barged in without any notice?!”


Barbarossa slammed the armrest of the throne and rose abruptly.

As the impulsive Emperor exhibited his fiery temperament, the ministers swallowed hard.

“The Second Saintess is currently residing at the Hohenberg Family. It seems the Holy King came to personally welcome the Saintess who returned from the Demon Realm.”

“That foolish daughter!”

It was as if he had intruded without any permission from the Lord. Even if the envoy were dispatched to criticize the Holy King’s diplomatic faux pas, even the most arrogant cardinals wouldn’t dare voice an objection.

A good excuse to reproach the Holy Kingdom had fallen into his lap.

However, this time, he decided to show leniency. After all, he too was a father with a daughter.

“Prepare! I will visit the Marquisate of Hohenberg immediately.”


“What’s the matter, you bunch of sluggards! Move at once!”

“I understand…!”

The sharp mustache shook as the fierce scolding rang out.

It seemed the competitive spirit that came from being another doting father had exploded. As the Emperor saw the Holy King of the Holy Kingdom as a lifelong rival, it was highly likely that his petty competitive instincts were stoked in this trivial matter.


Otto von Hohenberg had lived a simple and modest life in a peaceful frontier.

As a representative commoner completely devoid of ambition and greed, Otto found himself facing the once-in-a-lifetime situation of hosting the Holy King of the Holy Kingdom, who had arrived unannounced at the Marquisate of Hohenberg.

“I wonder if the black tea will suit your taste.”

“No, it smells lovely. I shall enjoy it gratefully.”

Clink—. Clink—. Clink—.

The trembling hand gripping the teacup was almost pitiful.

Holy King.

The representative of the Creator Deity and the ruler of the Holy Kingdom.

As a devotee worshiping the Earth Mother, Otto was delighted to welcome the Holy King but was also anxious about possibly offending him.

“I didn’t expect your Majesty to come all the way to this remote frontier.”

“How could a devotee of the Creator Deity be particular about location? I am only grateful for your hospitality.”

True to his reputation as a figure praised by all priests and holy knights from the Holy Kingdom as a kind father, Boerun possessed both a gentle demeanor and high standards of dignity.

It seemed the steadfast maiden deity had chosen her representative very carefully.

The conversation flowed smoothly.

Since they both disliked luxury and enjoyed simplicity, Otto and Boerun could converse somewhat easily.

“As the Holy King of the Holy Kingdom and also as a father… I will never forget the kindness of the Hohenberg family.”

“N-No, it was simply what I ought to do.”

For the next six months, restrictions would follow.

Going outside would be impossible.

If anyone were to recognize the Saintess Party, all manner of suspicions and doubts would swarm in like a swarm of bees.

Having sacrificed himself to save the world, he had fallen into a position akin to an exiled sinner. Regardless of the reasons or justifications, attempting to resurrect the Disaster of Death was the worst crime against the laws of the Creator Deity.

“I’m sorry to interrupt our conversation…! Th-The Emperor has arrived!”

Knock—. Knock—.

With hurried knocks that were clearly anxious, the door swung open.

The servant who hurried in delivered truly shocking news capable of sending Otto, the lord of the Marquisate of Hohenberg, into a frenzy.

The Emperor had arrived.

Otto became as stiff as granite upon receiving the news from the servant.

“Haha, the Emperor of the Empire can’t wait quietly, can he?”


Contrary to him, Boerun displayed a leisurely demeanor while sipping tea.

It seemed he had predicted that the fiery-tempered Emperor would come rushing in immediately after hearing the news.


The Emperor of the Empire and the Holy King of the Holy Kingdom sat facing each other at the table.

And the Marquis of Hohenberg sat in the center like a theater director, gazing at both the Emperor and the Holy King.

It was like a fish caught in a whale fight.

To be hosting the leaders dominantly ruling the continent at once.

If news got out that Emperor Barbarossa and Holy King Boerun had secretly met in the Marquisate of Hohenberg, the entire continent would be engulfed in a whirlwind of suspicion. Given the meeting of leaders who had led the Racial War to victory, the repercussions would be beyond imagination.

What could they be discussing?

World peace?

Or world domination?

They might even be deliberating on the merger of the Empire and the Holy Kingdom.

The kings and nobles of the continent, having received this crucial report that the Emperor and Holy King were in discussion, would try everything possible to uncover the purpose of their meeting.

“My dear in-law, since we’ve met, let’s start discussing the wedding date!”

“Your Majesty must adhere to proper order. Lord Edanant is set to have the wedding ceremony with the First Saintess of the Holy Kingdom first.”

“You say something that even the angels of the heavenly realm would scoff at. He has exchanged wedding rings with my daughter… Are you forgetting your conscience and trying to cut in line?”

“That’s not true. The recipient of the wedding ring given by Lord Edanant is our First Saintess.”


What on earth does that mean?

An absurd situation unfolded.

Could it be that there aren’t two wedding rings, making this impossible?

The eyes of Barbarossa and Boerun, who were exchanging barbs like mortal enemies across the table, naturally turned toward Otto, who was playing the role of mediator.

“U-Um, about that…!”


How about saying the prepared wedding rings were actually two?

– Surely the Emperor and the Holy King would respond with delight to such a naive statement.

The Marquis of Hohenberg, now caught up in the whale fight, began fervently burning the circuits of a reality-deprived fantasy.

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