The Protagonists of the Novel Escaped

Chapter 19


The First Saintess of the Gael Holy Kingdom led an envoy into the Imperial City.

Countless citizens flocked like clouds.

The atmosphere, which had been dampened by a horrific bombing, quickly rose with fervor.

Light, flowing silver hair.

Glittering, carefully crafted gem-like blue eyes.

An ivory-white face and an appearance so beautiful it seemed sculpted by a artist.

A woman donned in pure white vestments revealed herself alongside the Holy Knights of the Holy Kingdom. Citizens showed their respects with short gasps while offering prayers, as the saintess was known as the Incarnation of Goddess Gael, stirring the crowd’s devotion merely with her beauty.

“The Incarnation of Gael has come…!”

“Aah! Truly an elegant and noble figure!”

The incarnation of the Goddess.

A pure maiden blessed by the White Dragon.

Zebeline Albion Russell.

She reciprocated the citizens’ gestures with her own prayers while bowing her head.

The Valtarian Empire, concerned about the disorder, dispatched a large military force. They feared the crowds might act rashly. However, the citizens welcoming Zebeline maintained a perfectly orderly line.

“Long time no see, Saintess Zebeline.”

“I’m relieved to see Your Majesty in good health. It must surely be the blessing of the Earth Mother.”

The mustached Emperor welcomed the envoy from the Holy Kingdom along with his ministers.

It was quite an unprecedented honor.

The ruler of the Empire himself came to greet them at the inner city.

Perhaps surprised that the boisterous Emperor would personally make an appearance, the priests also expressed their bewilderment. Given that the Empire and the Holy Kingdom had always quarreled over superiority, their reaction was all the more justified.

“Was the Red Dragon of the Valtarian Empire well?”

“…Thanks to your concerns, I’m well.”

Ludmilla, who had come to escort the Emperor, met Zebeline’s gaze.

The saintess greeted her warmly.

In response, the princess bowed her head and spoke.

They exchanged greetings and inquired about each other’s well-being. Yet there was no warmth in it. The sharp and fierce air in their eyes confirmed that.

– The Red Dragon and the White Dragon had contested supremacy in the skies for centuries.

As if to represent a verse from the scriptures, those who had received blessings from the Red Dragon and the White Dragon were famously known to be irreconcilable enemies. The animosity and rival spirit that manifested from those blessings always escalated into confrontations.

The Red Dragon and the White Dragon might fight to the death.

Thus, every time the princess and the saintess met, there was anxiety and dread that accompanied them.

“I heard that many citizens tragically lost their lives due to the bombing by a cruel criminal organization. I express my deepest condolences as the saintess of the Holy Kingdom.”

“Thank you for your kind words.”

“I’ve heard the hero who defeated the Bomber is a descendant of Maximilian. If it’s permitted by the princess, I would like to meet the prince of the Hohenberc Family.”


Gale Doher and the Bomber Squad had long been enemies that the Holy Kingdom had pursued.

They had murdered numerous priests.

Even committing the outrageous act of bombing a cathedral.

It was natural for the saintess, representing the Holy Kingdom, to want to express gratitude to the hero. In essence, Edanant had vanquished the villain on behalf of the Holy Kingdom. There was nothing strange about her request.

Yet for some reason…

Instincts began to plead, “You must not meet him.”

Ludmilla, sensing a primal instinctive crisis, narrowed her eyes and stared at Zebeline.

In turn, the White Dragon boldly met the Red Dragon’s gaze.


Fame was a double-edged sword.

For an extroverted person, it served as wings of confidence,

While for an introverted person, it functioned as chains of embarrassment.

Where would I belong?

Sadly, I fell into the latter category.

The Valtarian Imperial Family aggressively promoted the hero who defeated the cruel villains, driving me further into a corner. Was this how they planned to take revenge on the Hohenberc Family? They appeared to be focused on “elevating” him so much that it was almost alarming.

“Every newspaper prominently featured Edan’s face! Wow, Edan is amazing!”


The second son of the Hohenberc Family, involved in a scandal with Princess Ludmilla, had suddenly risen to heroic status.

Of course, the reporters would not miss out on the opportunity.

They churned out headlines.

Even plastering black-and-white photos of him on the front page.

As if they had no concept of portrait rights, they used secretively taken photos without hesitation. Consequently, no matter where he went, he would quickly be recognized, leading to disastrous outcomes. I quietly gripped the handle of a gun, recalling the reporters who would do anything for a scoop.

“When I become a celebrity, noble families that admire fame send engagement offers in competition, right? Yet, why hasn’t a single one come in? It’s eerily silent. The special features even detailed the address of the villa I currently reside in!”

How could it be so quiet?

It’s strange.

Noble families made up of oddballs and eccentrics wouldn’t be this silent.

Perhaps the numerous bashful young ladies were hesitating to confess their feelings… I irrationally revolved in my mind, creating a baseless happy scenario. Even I thought it was a truly futile delusion.

“Even during Maximilian’s days when he was active as a hero, things were quiet. But that was because Maximilian was engaged to the youngest daughter of the Imperial Family a long time ago… I’m twenty-three and have no fiancée.”

Even if I were a married man with an owner, I would have received engagement offers for a mistress.

What on earth was going on?

There must be some colossal force behind the scenes trying to sabotage engagement offers…

As I continued to ponder, Rue burst into laughter, playfully circling behind me like she was playing tag.

“Your Highness, are you at home?”

While I was lost in a useless yet important train of thought,

There was a knock.

And then Ludmilla’s voice followed.


I clearly heard there was an important matter to discuss today, but at Ludmilla’s call, I stopped in my tracks. Rue, who had been following closely, crashed into my back.

“Your Highness has arrived. However….”

Ignoring Rue, who had fallen, I hurriedly adjusted my clothes.

Then, I headed down to the first floor.

“We have a guest from the Holy Kingdom. Please welcome the Saintess of the Holy Kingdom.”



That’s Beatrice.

The girl with flowing silver hair didn’t resemble the infamous Harem Management Queen…

Then I realized that the guest invited by Ludmilla was the ‘First Saintess.’ The envoy from the Holy Kingdom was set to arrive in the Imperial City today. I recalled the fact I had briefly forgotten while my head was spinning from the sensational headlines.

“Zebeline Albion Russell, the First Saintess of the Gael Holy Kingdom. It’s an honor to meet you, prince of the Hohenberc Family.”

“I’m honored by your words. I am Edanant von Hohenberc.”

Perhaps because she was alongside the slender Ludmilla,

The First Saintess of the Holy Kingdom seemed much younger than her actual age, possessing a slight figure.

It was hard to guess her age.

Perhaps she hadn’t even undergone her coming-of-age ceremony.

As I casually glanced at her, our eyes met. The White Dragon gently smiled like a bride, throwing me into confusion.

“Is there something on my face? I know I’m pretty, but it’s not good to stare too much.”

“N-no, I’m sorry.”

She was definitely a complete stranger, yet she felt oddly familiar.

Had I seen her somewhere before?

I felt as if I had heard this cheeky joke once before… A peculiar sense of déjà vu crept uncomfortably along my neck.

“I heard that Prince Edanant wields the Holy Sword Aldebaran. Is that true?”


At last, the moment had come.

The Holy Sword Aldebaran.

That must be the reason the First Saintess had personally descended.

Maximilian had received the sword of demon extermination as a blessing from the hero, but ownership was naturally subordinate to the Holy Kingdom. Although Maximilian’s brother was an outsider without permission to wield the sword, it was only natural the Holy Kingdom would feel displeased.

They wouldn’t burn me at the stake, right?

After all, I had defeated villains.

I would prefer a fine reduction…. It feels like I might die merely from the compensation I need to pay to the imperial family.

“Well then, I hope you use it well. The sword of demon extermination is a precious treasure of the Holy Kingdom.”


“If Aldebaran has chosen you, there must be a reason behind it.”

“…Ah, understood.”

Was it really acceptable to grant the Holy Sword, which was solely permitted for heroes, as if it were just any common artifact? Zebeline’s response shocked me.

It seemed Ludmilla shared the same sentiment.

This was something the saintess had no authority to decide.

Rightfully speaking, the owner of the swords was the ruler of the Holy Kingdom, their representative.

Yet Zebeline still gave a firm response as if to take full responsibility.

“Edanant, more than that… Shall we share a secret discussion, just the two of us?”



The saintess, who suited white clothing, pulled my arm. Then, she lunged into my embrace.

What was going on?

I widened my eyes at the saintess’s inexplicable behavior.

Simultaneously, Ludmilla, who had been wearing a frown, exploded with rage upon witnessing Zebeline’s sudden action.

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