The Protagonists of the Novel Escaped

Chapter 32

Is there anything more unjust than being reprimanded for something you didn’t even do?

A chilling solemnity filled the air, like watching a political hearing full of desk-sitting politicians.

I wanted to shout right then and there about my innocence, but the moment I laid eyes on that rough, reddening face, I ducked down. After all, the opponent was the Emperor, flaunting his absolute power.

“No, I mean it’s a misunderstanding! Those suitors misunderstood and went off jabbering!”


Elizaveta, having heard the news, rushed in to defend me with an agitated voice. Yet, despite that, the Emperor’s menacing expression remained unchanged.

What on earth could he be dissatisfied about? Oh, wait. Thinking it through, my very existence must be the issue. Wouldn’t I look to him like a thief trying to snatch away his beloved daughters he raised with such care? Maybe he was struggling to get the impulse to smite me under control.

‘The scandal with Ludmilla was due to the journalists’ speculation, and the one with Elizaveta was because of those damn suitors! I’m the real victim here!’

Scandals with both Second Imperial Princess Ludmilla and Third Imperial Princess Elizaveta, huh? This is why fake news is terrifying. Just how much trash do they need to generate before they’re satisfied?

The citizens of the Empire probably think of me as the “Princess Hunter.” And the Hohenberc Family would become a crazy prestigious family that keeps producing wastrels.

“Elizaveta is right…! I have absolutely no intention of that!”

“What do you mean by that! You scoundrel!!”

I raised my head to show my innocence. At that moment, Elizaveta, who was defending me, began to get angry.


“After pledging with such a serious voice to protect me… how dare you toy with a princess?”

Elizaveta’s face turned red as she shook her fists. She looked like a betrayed heroine abandoned on her wedding night.

What did I even say? I can’t remember clearly. It was such a frantic situation back then. I do remember trying to comfort Elizaveta, who was filled with despair. But didn’t I say something that would invite a misunderstanding?

“What?! You toyed with our Liza’s heart! So, you are a rogue!”

The Emperor, who had been silently observing, erupted in anger. The situation started to spiral downward.

Now I even had the title of “scum who toyed with a princess’s heart.” With Elizaveta’s ambiguous statements, the air grew more intense. My heart sank at the sight of the Emperor clenching the armrest tightly.

Given that I was already a target of his disdain, it’s only natural that Barbarossa was furious with such a misunderstanding.

If I die, who’s going to take care of Rue…?

I already began to worry about what would happen after I’m gone.

“Your Majesty, we have returned victorious from the Pug Kingdom…”

Just when I was passively waiting for my fate, the only savior who could unravel this tangled mess appeared.

The Second Imperial Princess, Ludmilla Dreg Valtaria.

As soon as I saw Ludmilla, who had returned after quelling threats from the Pug Kingdom, I felt a deep sense of relief. I was sure she would undoubtedly become a reliable ally.



For a brief moment, our gazes met as Ludmilla entered with her impressive demeanor. She blushed and slightly turned her head away.

Something feels off.

An inexplicable fear washed over me.

“Is it… because of Prince Edanant?”

“That’s right! I intend to punish the one who has deceived the Valtarian Imperial Family with repeated scandals!”

The determined second daughter responded, and Barbarossa answered without hesitation.

The verdict is confirmed.

That was a remarkably swift result, almost akin to a witch hunt. It was so grim, as if he would show no mercy. I began to understand why the ministers representing the Empire trembled under the Emperor’s wrath.

Facing such a menacing visage, it wouldn’t be surprising if one felt intimidated.

“That’s an unreasonable course of action. Even though our relationship with the Hohenberc Family has soured, Prince Edanant is a hero who saved the Empire, isn’t he? Public and private matters should be distinguished. Your Majesty, please show some grace… think positively about the engagement.”


Ludmilla’s face, arguing for the legitimacy of the verdict, began to blush progressively. While she spoke in a resolute voice, filled with discontent, she kept stealing glances at me.

Did my heartfelt persuasion work?

As her passionate plea continued, the Emperor’s boiling anger gradually subsided. Truly, he was a fatherly fool, merciless to his ministers yet tender to his daughters.

“While this punk did save Liza from the vile Meiros, I will forgive the unsightly rumors circulating about him… but wouldn’t taking him as Liza’s partner need careful consideration?”


Once, Ludmilla had even recommended me as her sister’s new fiancé, and I nodded as I recalled that moment when we boarded the locomotive heading to the Imperial City.

What on earth could be so compelling about pushing me as her sister’s partner?

I could hardly dare to guess. Yet, it was clear that this came from Ludmilla’s genuine intent.

“Are you truly saying this with sincerity?! You want me to be with Edanant…?!”


Elizaveta bit her lower lip, trying to hold back her embarrassment as she spoke. When her beloved sister agreed to the engagement, she too began to hesitate.

“Wait, are you saying… you were discussing the engagement between Liza and Prince Edanant?”

Ludmilla’s eyes widened as she lifted her head. She uttered in shock, her rosy face turning pale.

So, who did she have in mind, then?

Surely not thinking of the married eldest sister, right?

It seems she misunderstood because I hurried back from the battlefield.

Ludmilla displayed a clearly flustered reaction and lowered her head. Her neck and ears turned as red as they could get. It looked like she felt too embarrassed to lift her head.

Wouldn’t a teapot on top of her head start boiling?

I suddenly thought about that.


What on earth did Ludmilla misunderstand?

I looked at her with questioning eyes, but the princess remained unresponsive, just hastening her steps.

I had to quicken my pace to keep up with her.

“It’s a rumor conjured up by the suitors who love to fabricate stories. If the Imperial Family consistently asserts that these rumors are unfounded, public opinion will quiet down.”


Is this how a husband feels when accused of infidelity by his wife?

This couldn’t be overlooked. So, I exaggeratedly declared my innocence and tried to soothe Ludmilla somehow.

I briefly had a thought—’Could it be jealousy?’—but I shook my head. For now, I needed to focus on comforting the Red Dragon.

“You thought I would be a great match for Liza, didn’t you? Didn’t you say that before leaving Hohenberc County?”

“Yes, I remember.”

“But now that it’s actually happening… I just don’t know how to handle it. What a fickle nature I have.”


Ludmilla sighed heavily.

It wasn’t hatred directed at anyone. It was a sigh aimed at herself for turning her heart inside out.

Eventually, I found myself catching her gaze as Ludmilla turned her head. She was smiling, a mixed expression reflecting her complicated feelings.

“I am indeed a very fickle woman. Moreover, it’s rather bothersome.”

“That can’t be true.”

I shook my head at Ludmilla’s self-deprecation, which felt tinged with bitterness.

Then, I reached out to her.

“From what I know, Lady Ludmilla is nobler than anyone. You volunteered to save the Pug Kingdom, which the ministers of the court found daunting, didn’t you? If it weren’t for you, a terrible incident would have occurred.”

It was merely a resource-deprived wasteland.

There were no specialties to speak of, and not a single advantage in sight.

For that reason, the Valtarian Empire ignored the lives of 50,000 people.

But not a singular person—

Except for Ludmilla.

The one who deserved to be revered as a noble hero was, of course, Ludmilla. She volunteered knowing full well that she wouldn’t gain anything for herself.

That’s why I felt genuine respect for the truly noble Red Dragon.

“You’re really skilled in handling a lady’s heart. Almost like a playboy.”


“Hehe, it’s nothing. I’m just making a joke since your charm is so impressive.”

“I’m glad to see you’ve recovered.”

Ludmilla smiled faintly as she grasped my hand.

And we walked down the hallway together.

If someone met us in the corridor, we would have to quickly drop our hands, but…

We decided to hold hands just a moment longer.


The scandal stirred up by the suitors who turned down the engagement subsided as the Valtarian Imperial Family repeatedly asserted it was unfounded.

And Emperor Barbarossa’s wrath began to clear like a mountain fire met with rain.

We just barely made it through.

Now, there shouldn’t be any more issues coming our way.

Leisurely eating jelly candies with Rue, I relaxed my time.

The Valtarian Imperial Family would surely bestow a great reward to the foremost contributor of the conquest soon. Of course, the foremost contributor of the conquest would be the one who faced the Meiros using the Holy Sword.

A territory? A title?

Or perhaps an enormous reward?

Anything would be fine.

Having saved the youngest daughter, cherished like a rare gem, I wouldn’t expect less of a reward.

“I have good news for Prince Edanant.”

A girl dressed in pure white vestments visited the villa as morning broke.

What’s this?

This familiar situation…

Could it be a cult member who came with good news?

If she weren’t the First Saintess of the Holy Kingdom, I would have slammed the door shut without question. Though I hesitated at the sudden visit, I ultimately welcomed her as a guest.

“Prince Edanant, you haven’t received baptism, have you? How about seizing this chance to do so?”

“N-no, that’s fine… there’s no need to get formal now.”

You want me to receive the Earth Mother’s baptism from a Meiros worshipper?

Are you trying to kill me?

I would be turned to mush by the Divine Collision the moment I get baptized.

The Saintess’s radiant smile felt rather eerie today.

“Of course, there’s no option to refuse. The Cardinals of the Holy Kingdom made this decision without consulting anyone. They said it’s a travesty that someone who uses the Holy Sword hasn’t received the Earth Mother’s baptism. Such an absurd decision, isn’t it?”



It most certainly is.

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