The Protagonist’s Sister Is Actually The Strongest [An Action-Packed LitRPG Transmigration and Progression Fantasy]

Chapter 206: New OP Shield


I showed Hilda the [Venom Wyvern King’s Scale Shield], the [Bastion Shield], and the mirror, which only had one usage left. This was a special Quest Item I acquired by helping a surviving Celestial get back the soul of his little sister, which had been turned into a stone by the King of the Celestials.

This was an incredibly important mirror, as it helped me reflect the deadly eye beams he unleashed, which could turn anything into stone. I had my suspicions that his Sponsor must have been Medusa, but because I never received any message, she must have probably left him behind without caring about him anymore.

“I see, so your classic shield and then this other one. And this mirror! It certainly has an amazing magical engraving set into it.” She said. “Where did you even get such an amazing item, Anna?”

“One dungeon I visited some time ago had angelic statues.” I lied. “It has the power to reflect spells, especially those that come imbued with status effects.”

“Interesting.” Hilda nodded. “Yeah! I think I can combine them, but that will only create a subpar item at most. We’ll need to give it some touches. Here’s my idea. I’ll combine the bastion and the wyvern shields together using my Smelting Synthesis Skill. Then, I’ll use materials to reinforce the shield into something at least at S Rank of quality. Lastly, I’ll imbue the mirror and synthesize it into a runic stone, and then use the stone to enchant the shield. And in the last step, I will further reinforce everything. Can you help me a bit with this? It’ll take a few more hours.”

“Sure!” I nodded.

After we had a small break, where we ate some of the food I had previously ordered and stashed inside my inventory, keeping it warm and fresh, we moved on. We spent the next three hours doing what Hilda said, almost step-by-step. Her amazing crafting abilities were incredible and, as I always thought, unparalleled.

She also added several other materials, including the scales of the Yellow Dragon Constellation, the scales of the Venom Wyvern King, the scales of Astaroth’s embodiment, and more. The resulting shield was a masterpiece that actually took us four hours to make, but the results were wonderful.

It was a gold and black-colored shield with the head of a roaring yellow dragon, no longer resembling the snake-like head of the venom wyvern. The shield was imbued with the power of the mirror into the dragon’s two golden eyes, which were a large runic stone that Hilda cut into two halves.

“This is… It's probably the best shield I’ve ever created. All thanks to you, Anna. Your ingredients are always the best!” Hilda started crying tears of happiness for some reason.

I knew crafting and creating items was her livelihood and her passion, but I never thought she would start crying over it!

“Thanks a lot, Hilda! With this, I know I can protect myself and my friends much better…” I smiled.

“It’s fine! My Skills improved a lot already—even more now! I think I'm getting even more excited. Give me the equipment of your friend; I’ll quickly improve it for you.” She said.

“Sure! Here, and these are the materials.” I told her.

“Nice, leave this to me and just make sure to rest.” She winked at me, quickly immersing herself in her obsession—I mean, her passion.

Meanwhile, I sat down while drinking a cold soda I took from my inventory, while looking at the shield’s status in my hands.


[Harmonious Yin Yang Dragon Heavenly Shield]

{Item Type}: [Shield] [One Handed] [Magic Item] [Martial Relic]

{Item Quality}: [SS+ Rank]

{Item Requirement}: [Master Both Light and Darkness Attributes]

{Item Durability}: [200.000/200.000]

{Item Effects}

[DEF]: [+80.000] [HP]: [+8.000] [MP]: [+4.000] [KI]: [+2.000] [STR]: [+4.000] [VIT]: [+4.000]

{Item Abilities}

[Heavenly Draconic Eyes Of Ying And Yang]: By harnessing the shield with large quantities of Ki, Celestial Energy, Demonic Energy, and Mana, it is possible to activate the two Runic Eyes imbued into the item. Whenever a magic attack is about to hit the user, it is possible to reflect 100% of its power and damage back to the user, dealing twice as much damage, while you restore 50% of that damage dealt as Ki. Durability lost and energy cost will be proportional to the damage of the spell -90%. Usage Limit: 3/3 Times a Day.

[Golden Dragon’s Palace]: Each time this shield takes damage, it’ll increase the wielder’s DEF by +5%, for a maximum of +200%, and it’ll decrease the foe’s ATK by -5%, for a maximum of -50%. Once enough Damage has been accumulated in the shield, by imbuing it with Ki and Mana, it is possible to Summon the almighty {Golden Dragon Palace} to protect yourself and your allies, an expansive golden barrier whose Durability is 50% of this weapon’s Durability. With each hit it receives, explosions of Golden Dragon Light will deal back 30% of the damage received back to the attacker. While inside of the Palace, you and any allies HP, MP, and Ki Recovery Speed increases by +300%.

[Divine Heavenly Harmony Dragon’s Breath]: Instead of choosing to use {Golden Dragon Palace} once enough Damage is accumulated on the shield, it is possible to unleash {Divine Heavenly Harmony Dragon’s Breath} to deal devastating damage against a foe based on all the Accumulated Damage +500%. This attack will cover a wide area in front of the user and will ignore 50% of all of foe’s defenses. If a foe survives after the attack, they receive the status condition [Heavenly Sealing Chains of Harmony], which will randomly seal 1 to 3 abilities, decrease all their stats by -30%, and stop the regeneration of Health, Mana and Ki for 10 Minutes, cannot stack.


It was truly a divine relic from the heavens! These abilities were all absolutely insane and also seemed like amazing upgrades from each item’s original abilities. The first ability was from the Mirror, the second from the Bastion Shield, and the third from the Wyvern’s Shield! With this, I can finally confidently say I am a sword and shield user. Though dual or triple-wielding swords is not bad either,.

And even more, this was the second piece of equipment I got that granted me KI stats when equipped, something usually limited in small quantities to Martial Relics only found inside Murim Dungeons, such as the necklace that Fang Shuan gave me, a prize we got from the Dungeon Treasure Chest of Murim’s Abandoned Temple Dungeon.


[Golden Emperor’s Family Necklace]

{Item Type}: [Accessory] [Necklace] [Martial Relic]

{Item Quality}: [S+ Rank]

{Item Requirement}: [Possess a Physique and Unlock the Ki Stat]

{Item Durability}: [10.000/10.000]

{Item Effects}

[HP]: [+4.000] [KI]: [+3.000] [STR]: [+2.000] [VIT]: [+2.000] [LUC]: [+1.500] [CHM]: [+1.500]

{Item Abilities}

[Golden Emperor’s Memento]: A memento that once belonged to the Golden Emperor’s past. By exchanging Ki and -500 Durability, temporarily increases the wielder’s Maximum HP, Maximum KI, Strength and Vitality by +100% and enhances the Strength and Attack Speed of all Martial Arts used by the wielder by +200%. Duration: 10 Minutes. Cooldown: 30 Minutes.

[Emperor’s Ki Armor]: Control Ki seamlessly and combine it with this Necklace’s powers, covering your entire body with a translucent, golden Ki Armor that can reflect 20% of all Physical Damage Taken back to the foe as powerful physical blows in the shape of golden fists. Increases Defense by +100% and decreases all Damage Taken by -20%. Duration: 30 Minutes. Cooldown: 1 Hour.


It was an amazing necklace by itself, to be honest. It had anything I could ever want. Both an amazing buff and some armor for even more extra protection. Whatever that next Job Class Trial is going to be, it’ll be a breeze! And right after that, we’ll go to Fenrir’s Dungeon and that will also be a breeze. We’re breezing through the first awakening. It’ll have to be the second awakening before I need to worry about anything.

…No, wait, let’s not get too cocky. Isn’t this train of thought what gets overly confident characters killed in novels? Yeah, let’s not go too far.

Anyway, the last thing I need to pick up now is my well-earned treasure from Osiris Treasury! After all, our contract states I can get any Relic from there every time I reach Max Level.

And my level has been at max for a while now. However, I don’t want to be too reckless either. I would like to get something that could help me if I ever get into a sticky situation.

Maybe I should just wait? But can I even enter the Treasury while inside a Trial? Perhaps, or maybe not. The presence of Constellations is almost completely null in those worlds.

Except for Void Rulers…

“Anna! I’m done here. Take this to Baihe and tell her that I admire her hard work!” Hilda winked at me. The equipment for Baihe was done, looking brand new and amazing.

“Nice! Thanks a lot, Hilda!” I giggled. “You’re the best! Now let me send you the pay. How much is it?”

“Hmm, with the discount and my standard prices... Five hundred million dollars would do.” She said it with a calm smile.

“Eh?! T-That much?!” I asked in despair. “Wait, let me see… A-Ah, hahaha…”

“You don’t have enough, don’t you?” She crossed her arms with an understanding smile. “I thought strong hunters could get billions now?”

“I’ve sold a lot of carcasses, but that’s not near enough to give me half a billion.” I sighed. “I have three hundred million as all my savings right now; how about it?”

“Hmm, just send an advance of a hundred and let’s ask for monthly quotas, without interest, so don’t worry.” She winked at me again.

“Oooh, Hilda! You’re my savior! You’re the best girl!” I cried, almost prostrating myself in front of the almighty blacksmith girl.

“Hahaha! Cut it out, you!” She laughed. “It’s the least I could do for my friend. You’ve helped me progress so much too; it’s insane!” She rested her huge hammer over her bulky and big shoulders; her arms were sweating, and her muscles looked really amazing. Her abs looked as hard as Mithril.

“Thank you, Hilda! And you’re so built! You’re such a queen.” I laughed, praising her. “I am getting a bit stronger myself, but not near as built as you.”

“O-Oh? Ah, hahaha! It comes with the job!” She giggled, blushing a bit. “Nobody had ever praised me for that... Thanks. You don’t really need to get bulky either, Anna. You’re as pretty as you are lovely.”

“L-Lovely?” I felt slightly odd after she said that, as she smiled at me with a rather… coquettish? Aura.

“A-Ahem! Anyways, now that we’re done here, shall we return? You look so tired. I would even give you a shoulder massage for all the thanks I have for you.” I smiled. “Want to have dinner with my family?”

“S-Sure!” She nodded. “Though, can’t you give me the massage now?” She blushed a bit. “I would appreciate it coming from you, really…” She started fidgeting adorably.

“Ehh… Sure?”

And like that, I found myself giving the muscular Hilda a good massage on her shoulders, and then her back… And then a bit down, but not lower than that.

But how did I get myself into this situation?! I may have overdone it with the compliments. I didn’t think she would ask me for a massage.

“Ahhh~ You’re so good at this, Anna... I feel all the tension gone. Your healing hands are amazing!” She said.

“Is that so? Well, I do have literal Healing Hands as a Skill. I am glad they helped.” I smiled. “Are you feeling better?”

“Yes… Thank you.” She sighed in relief, stretching over the wooden table.

Once we were done, Hilda gave me a big and tight hug and then kissed my two cheeks. It was embarrassing to have such a tall and muscular lady give me this much love.

“Thank you again, Anna! You’re of real help all the time. I wish I could have you all for myself~”

“…What do you mean by that?”

“Nothing! Hahaha, let’s go.”

Once we returned home, I gifted Baihe all her upgraded equipment. She looked a bit upset. I spent so much time with only Hilda, though, but after I gave her the items, her eyes shone brightly.

“Oh my gosh, S-Rank equipment?! ALL OF IT?!” She gasped.

“Yeppers!” Said Hilda, winking at her. “All yours, queen.”

“Thank you!” Baihe smiled adorably, but instead of thanking Hilda, she hugged me instead, kissing my nose. “You’re the best, Anna!”

“Ahahaha, there’s no need to get so happy. There, there… Big brother, how was the day?” I asked him while he was eating calmly.

“All fine.” He yawned. “I spent most of the day training with Henrietta and her little brother. We were trying to help him break through his original abilities. It worked a bit, but he still needs to absorb more monster cores. Anyway, amazingly done, Hilda. How much does Anna owe you?”

“Four hundred big ones.” Hilda smiled.

“Alright, I’ll deposit them with you now... There.” He handled his phone.

“Oh my! The benefits of having such a rich big brother, huh?” Hilda laughed, teasing me.

“Brother! You didn’t have to pay for me!” I complained.

“Come on, it’s a small sum.” He shrugged. “Now it's time for you to eat. Let me serve you two.”

He was really like a house husband at times, obediently serving us a delicious meal.

Henrietta has trained him well.


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67 Advanced Chapters of The Protagonist’s Sister Is Actually The Strongest

45 Advanced Chapters of The Heavenly Martial Empress Returns

17 Advanced Chapters of Fantasy Story Online: The Crippled Vampire Prince Walks The Heavenly Demon Path

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