The Protagonist’s Sister Is Actually The Strongest [An Action-Packed LitRPG Transmigration and Progression Fantasy]

Chapter 209: Divine Martial Arts And A New Pet



[You have fully absorbed the contents of the [Celestial Golden Dragon Fist Divine Martial Arts Scroll (SS Rank)], both its knowledge and power!]

[You learned the [Celestial Golden Dragon Divine Fist: Tier 1] Martial Arts!]

[The [Golden Dragon Fist: Tier 4] and the [Golden Dragon Roar: Tier 3] Martial Arts have been immediately assimilated by the [Celestial Golden Dragon Divine Fist: Tier 1]!]

[The [Celestial Golden Dragon Divine Fist: Tier 1] has Ranked Up to Tier 3!]

[You have absorbed the leftover Essence of the Heavenly Golden Dragon within the scroll.]

[All your Stats have increased by +500!]

[Your KI has increased by +1.000.]

[Your [Physique]: [Nine Colored Nova Physique (Tier 3: Rank 1)] has Ranked Up to Tier 3: Rank 2!]

[Your KI has further increased by another +1.000!]

[The [Celestial Golden Dragon Divine Fist: Tier 3] has become your Core Martial Arts! As you further develop these martial arts, you will learn more techniques.]

[It is now possible to fuse Martial Arts learned using the power of the {Divine Eyes of Truth}!]

[The Cosmic Throne {Father of Harmonious Primordial Radiance} has high expectations of you.]

[He has gifted you the Title: [Disciple of the Heavenly Golden Dragon]!]

Not only did I get overpowered Martial Arts as my Core Martial Arts, but I even gained plenty of extra stats. My body felt stronger than before, by far! This was also a Divine Martial Arts, incredibly hard to obtain by any means.

Usually, you would need to acquire every part of a Martial Arts, combine them after they reach Tier 10, and then obtain a Divine one through enlightenment. However, like this, I don’t need to worry about such things, like at all.

And with Divine Eyes of Truth, I can even combine unrelated Martial Arts together!

But why am I so excited about something that is not even Skills? And what’s so big of a deal compared to much stronger and cooler Skills?

Well, the big difference is that Martial Arts are useful in Murim Dungeons and Worlds, where Skills could be easily sealed there.

And second, they’re more reliable than Skills in any of such settings. In the future, the Awakenings will become increasingly complex. Scenarios with requirements will appear.

And some of them might even force you to choose specific skills you want to carry within limits.

Naturally, you either assimilate the skill to such a level that it is like conjuring magic to you or you learn martial arts! And well, I’ll do both of them to overcome the trials that’ll come in the future. Although I am relying heavily on Skills, and will continue to do so, Martial Arts are a much deeper strength that cannot be stolen. It is what I plan to turn into the core of my growth, of course, coupled with all my Skills.

This is why the Murim Dungeons are so important, despite how little they seem to be in the novel. After reading so much about how the Murim Cultivators were able to bypass most restrictions because they didn’t rely on Skills but used their inner cultivation and martial arts the most, I quickly realized how OP they were.

And despite that, the Author always showed them losing pathetically, being sore losers, and always acting prideful and getting themselves killed by that horrible and evil version of my brother at that time.

I might do the same, though, if we ever meet those evil cultivators, but my point stands!


[You’ve met all the conditions to refine your own {Inner Martial Core}!]

[Condition One: Physique of Tier 3 or higher.]

[Condition Two: Obtain 3 Tier 10 Martial Arts or one Divine Martial Art at any Tier.]

[Condition Three: Possess over 8.000 Ki Stat.]

[To Refine your {Inner Martial Core}, simply concentrate your knowledge, comprehension, enlightenment, and Ki into your chest and crystalize it.]

[Once crystalized, your {Inner Martial Core} will be created, and it will be able to progress by further improving your Martial Arts and refining Ki and other elemental energies into it.]

[Your Dao Roots and Dao Branches will connect to your {Inner Martial Core}, further improving their growth and combining their abilities.]

And, well, there’s also this. Because I have a Divine Martial Arts as my “Core Martial Arts”, a Martial Core can now be refined inside of me. To comprehend the Heavenly Dao is to grow the Dao Roots and Dao Branches, born from the transformation of a person’s Tales into reality and how they develop and grow.

Each Root and Branch then creates Traits, which are quite literally your character’s traits within your own Tale, the Story you’re making. Therefore, both the growth of my Radiance, Traits, Dao Branches and Dao Roots, can be interconnected and deeply boosted through an {Inner Martial Core}!

It is a “lifehack” that is revealed much later in the novel, when Earth is already gone, and my brother is surviving within the endless expanses of the Realm Beyond.

Why? Because the Golden Dragon is the creator of the Heavenly Dao, naturally, learning from the power system he created himself will help me develop my own Dao through its branches and roots inside my soul.

It is surprising, though, that not many have ever realized this fact. And it wasn’t like the Golden Dragon was spreading the news about it either.

Many other Constellations were also too prideful or had their own original power systems to cultivate and grow, so naturally, not many would ridicule themselves by seeking the power of someone else.

“Anna, are you alright? You’ve been in a daze for a while now.” My brother asked me.

“Eh? Ah! Y-Yeah! I’m fine; I was just… Yeah, a lot. Ahem! I mean, I gained a lot of power with that scroll.” I said. “Like, it taught me how to move and fight, even though I’ve never done any of those moves before. I feel like I gained valuable experience.”

“Amazing, so that’s how those scrolls work!” Jonathan said. “I’m glad they were able to help you grow stronger, Anna. And I guess my work here is done now. I should get back to the association building. I got a pile of paperwork to get done, hahaha!”

“So soon, chairman?” Asked my brother. “But what about Baihe? You wanted to also talk with her.”

“Oh, well, she doesn’t seem to be waking up any time soon, so let’s leave that for another time.” The chairman spoke.

“Huh? Why do you want to talk with Baihe?” I asked.

“To raise her Rank. She’s been ascended to A+ Rank Hunter.” Said the chairman. “Here, this is the new license for her. Leave it as a gift from my part.”

“Oooh, so that was it!” I smiled. “Sure! Thank you again!”

“Yeah, yeah, I’ll get going now.” Smiled the chairman. “Thanks again, Anna! Please come visit with your brother whenever you have time. You kind of remind me of my daughter.” He gave me a gentle head pat. “See ya.”


He walked away after that and then leaped off into the sky, flying away. Well, that’s a seasoned S Rank hunter for you.

"Well, that was certainly a thing.” I smiled. “I had no idea you had that kind of relationship with him. Is he like your uncle?”

“I don’t know if I would call him my uncle…” Jack sighed. “He helped me a lot, and that should be enough explanation for now. It’s not like I am going to ask him to do things for me or something; I have never been as shameless.”

“Thankfully! Ah, good morning, sunshine.” I saw Baihe walking out of her room, looking slightly sleepy. She had messy bed hair.

“What was all that noise?” She wondered.

“The chairman came and brought you your license! Look!” I gave it to her.

“What? I still have mine; it’s not like it got lost or something- WOAH! A+ Rank?!” She gasped. “Really? That easy?”

“Yeah, since he recovered, he has been reassessing the Ranks of most Hunters.” I said. “So he upgraded all of ours. I am S Rank, and my brother got ascended to S+ Rank.”

“That’s incredible! We get to enjoy so many new benefits. The discounts for almost everything are the best ones, by far!” She said. “This is so nice! Why don’t we use it right away? We could go shopping together!”

“Sure, we can call our friends too.” I nodded.

“Nah, just the two of us for once, please?” She asked with puppy eyes.

“Okay, fine, just the two of us.” I smiled.

Before going out, we ate breakfast together, and then I swiftly went back to my bedroom to check on a few things. The first one was the strange little cicada-shaped golden pin above my head. Because that thing wasn’t a pin; it was an actual, living being.


The golden-colored insect flew around once I took it off my head, ultimately landing on the palm of my hand. I looked at its eyes, finding they were two very bright green jewels! And the creature’s Aura was also very powerful, exuding an aura of Ki and Essence.

[Thanks to the effects of the [Let’s Be Friends!] Privilege, the [Heavenly Golden Time River Cicada Larvae (B+ Rank)] has become your Tamed Monster!]

[Please choose a name for the Tamed Creature.]

“So I get to give you a name, alright…” I nodded. “I guess you’ll be sticking around, huh? If the Heavenly Golden Dragon gave you to me, I suppose you’ll be useful, right?”

“Bbbzztt!” The Cicada flew around and then landed over my nose, biting it with its sharp mandibles!

“Ouch! Hey! Why are you angry? Get off!” I quickly grabbed it and pulled it away. “Don’t be rude to your master! Geez, okay. I’ll give you a lame name just because you were rude! Goldie! You’ll be Goldie, heh.”

“BBBZZTT?!” The Cicada seemed to panic greatly.

[You have named the Tamed Monster as [Goldie]!]

[Goldie] can now Level Up both their Internal Level and their Skill Levels.]

[A strong link between Goldie and you have been made. As a powerful Martial Beast, as it grows, it will further boost the development speed of your Cultivation.]

[Thanks to this Link, you will also be able to strengthen and even learn Unique Martial Arts related to your Martial Beast Pet!]

“Oh wow, you’re cool, actually!” I gave him a thumbs up, but the bugger angrily bit my thumb too! “Ouch! What the hell?! Goldie, stop it!”

“Bbzztt…” Goldie then sat down over my head and pretended to be a hairpin again. I slowly fed him with my Ki, and that made him slightly happier.

“Anyways, what are your stats?” I wondered.


[Monster Name]: [Goldie]

[Monster Race]: [Heavenly Golden Time River Cicada Larvae]

[Monster Rank]: [B+ Rank]

[Title]: [Divine Martial Beast Bloodline]  

[Level]: [0/100]

[HP]: [5.000/5.000]

[KI]: [20.000/20.000]

[STR]: [3.000]

[VIT]: [3.000]

[DEX]: [4.000]

[AGI]: [8.000]

[INT]: [4.000]

[WIS]: [3.000]

[LUC]: [8.000]

[CHM]: [8.000]

[Innate Skills (6)]

[Heavenly Golden Time River Cicada Lineage: Lv1] [Heavenly Golden Exoskeleton Armor: Lv3] [Luck Connection: Lv3] [Time Magic: Lv5] [Time-Distorting Wave: Lv4] [Aura Of The Golden River Of Time: Lv3]

[Description]: One of the rarest Divine Martial Beast across all Murim Worlds. This species of Cicadas is born within the Golden Rivers of Time that interconnect with every Murim World, letting the flow of time continue endlessly. They are said to be capable of not only consuming the Essence of Time, but also manipulating it to some extent. Because of this, they’re highly sought-after by powerful Cultivators.

As a larva, this creature cannot exude the total power of its lineage, but as it Levels Up and Evolves, it will continuously become stronger, eventually being able to even Stop Time, Accelerate it, or Regress it at will.


“Okay, you got some talent, Goldie! I gotta admit it!” I laughed.



Suddenly, a glow of golden light encompassed my entire body.

[Goldie] has activated their [Luck Connection: Lv3] Skill! They have shared all their Luck Stat with you, plus another +30% as a bonus.]

[Your tremendously low Luck has been greatly increased...]

[Though it is still in the negatives.]

“Ohh! So you can do this too? Amazing!” I said in awe. “Let’s get along, little one. I will make sure to feed you well, alright? So let’s become best pals.”

“Bbbzzz!!” However, Goldie only bit my head after I said that.

“Ouch! W-What is your problem?!” I cried.

Maybe this is the way for Cicadas to show their affection?


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70 Advanced Chapters of The Protagonist’s Sister Is Actually The Strongest

46 Advanced Chapters of The Heavenly Martial Empress Returns

17 Advanced Chapters of Fantasy Story Online: The Crippled Vampire Prince Walks The Heavenly Demon Path

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