The Protagonist’s Sister Is Actually The Strongest [An Action-Packed LitRPG Transmigration and Progression Fantasy]

Chapter 212: The Heavenly Empress



A classification is given to items and danger levels, and I guess also to strength levels, but strength levels and danger levels are very similar at the end of the day. Just like we treat a S Rank Monster as dangerous, S Rank humans are the same as these monsters at the end of the day.

Therefore, when I saw “Epic Rank” in that crane woman’s status, I quickly felt slightly shocked. I didn’t really think I would face such a powerful being right away, and apparently without any restrictions either, mostly because this world had already gone through all its Awakenings.

Epic Rank was not just after SSS Rank, it was several Ranks above that. From what I recall, after SSS Rank, there was Phantasmal Rank, then Spiritual Rank, and then Epic Rank. Already, an SSS Rank Monster would be seen as a world-threatening calamity on Earth; I can’t even imagine an Epic Rank monster.

With each Awakening, the world also becomes tougher, not just the people in it. Therefore, the reason why Ranks are restricted within each Awakening is because these Awakenings actually signify the world becoming stronger, not the people. The world not only becomes stronger, but it also expands.


I guess Uroboros and the Death Apostles are exceptions, beings that used special methods to summon a fragment of their power to my world. But right now, there was a being that had almost reached the pinnacle as well and could soon become a Constellation, if she ever wanted to.

However, by seeing her here, protecting the last bastion of civilization from this world, it was clear she wasn’t going to abandon these people. Her Radiance was strong too, and her Tale was powerful; she had forged it with many Verses. She probably had well-developed Traits and Dao Roots and Branches.

Yet, I couldn’t sense any Cosmic Energy coming from her, even though she should at least have a few thousand points of it at this point. It was as if her ability to wield this energy was completely locked; something was locking it.

“You seem to be wary of my strength, yes. I am perhaps the strongest Cultivator in this world.” She smiled. “They call me the Heavenly Empress because I lead the Orthodox Faction. My name is Hue Xian; what is your name, young girl?”

“A-Anna,” I said. “I… Thank you for welcoming me here. And yes, I do indeed come from another place. I was sent here by forces that I think might not be on my side. To a mission, what mission? I don’t know, but it must be related to helping you and your people, or perhaps saving the world you’re living in.”

“Your eyes seem experienced; you’ve gone through this at least a couple of times, isn’t it?” She asked, smiling gently. She opened the palm of her hand, covered in black scales and white feathers. “Come, sit by my side, and drink some tea. Let’s chat. I won’t peck you or something, you know~?”

“Ah, yeah. Thank you.” I sat by her side. She offered me black tea with a delicious aroma of fruits. Yet as I drank it, I noticed something about being closer to her.

Through my Divine Eyes of Truth, I could easily see through her Ki Pathways connected to each Meridian and her Inner Martial Core, which was now an Immortal Martial Core. However, she looked bad. Most of her pathways seemed clogged with a strange, silver- and blue-colored essence. Despite being so strong right now, most of her power was… sealed?

“You’ve noticed already? Those eyes of yours are truly powerful.” She smiled. “Your gaze is like the one those despicable beings that called themselves Constellations had. Looking down on our kin like mere playthings. Offering us their riches, offering us their powers, only to use us as peons for their wicked games.”

“I am not a Constellation, if you’re wondering that, Lady Hue Xian.” I said with all honesty. “I genuinely want to help; I was sent here to help.”

“Do you get a reward out of this?” She asked with a sharp gaze.

“Of course I do; as good-hearted as I am, I am given a reward for helping you.” I smiled. “But perhaps that could assure you more than just plain honesty and goodwill?”

“It certainly does; a mortal’s heart is always full of emotions, but one that always prevails is greed.” She said. “The desire we all possess. A person that came here telling me they wanted to help me without receiving any reward in exchange would be more suspicious than someone asking for something in exchange for their work.”

“Very true.” I nodded, drinking more of the tea. “But by drinking the tea you gave me without even questioning it, I am showing you that I trust you blindly.”

“Yes, and that shows that you’re either a fool or... Someone who can tell a person’s intentions by giving a mere glance.” She giggled. “Anna, was it? You’re a unique girl, that’s for sure. Do you want to know what has happened to our world?”

“I really want to know.” I said, leaving the cup of tea over the table. “From what I’ve analyzed, this is a Murim Worldline. I’ve visited a Dungeon that was also from Murim, but nothing like this. Usually, Murim Worldlines are full of, well, humans. But yours is very unique.”

“I’ve heard that a few times from other otherworldly visitors, visitors that mean harm and no goodwill like you.” She said. “Such visitors, as you can see, have sunk our continent and destroyed our world beyond recognition.”

“So the sea...” I muttered.

“Yes, it has expanded due to their intervention. Only a hundred years ago, this world had a gigantic continent known as Pangea, surrounded by a hundred smaller islands.” She said. “Our world, as the ancients called it, is the world of beasts, claws, wings, beaks, and fangs, Bestia.”

A Murim Worldline dominated by beast people. It is truly a unique one. They always just have humans; to see one like this, it must mean something more. It is very special.

“We cultivate Ki and something we call Beast Spirit Essence.” She said. “Every beast bloodline possesses their own ancient lineage; we all descend from Ancient Martial Beasts. Through our cultivation, we bring forth these ancient powers. My Beast Spirit Lineage is known as one of the weakest, the White Crane.”

“Yet you’re the strongest…” I muttered.

“Indeed.” She smiled. “Because the truth of our world can be summarized with a few words. Practice makes perfect. Born talented or not, with as many advantages as you want. If you don’t continue practicing, and practicing, and practicing, you will never get anywhere. The ones born gifted waste their talent. And the ones born without talent waste no time.”

“Admirable.” I smiled. “Lady Hue Xian, I have a question. That tree…”

“That tree is one of the three Harbingers of Demise. We call them Metal Mother Trees; they endlessly produce those accursed metallic fiends you fought a few minutes ago.” She said. “They weren’t there when they invaded, but through these one hundred years of war, they managed to root them in our world, despite all our efforts to stop them. We managed to defeat their army; we closed the gates that summoned them, but the trees remained immobile. And when they grew to their maximum size, I had already lost my power.” She sighed.

“How did that happen?! You are someone at Epic Rank! And even more, I think you could even be beyond that if-”

Suddenly, Hue Xian lifted her dress, showing me her arms. I hadn’t noticed before at all, but her black-scaled skin was infected. Silver-colored metallic growth is showing all over them, and blue neon circuits are spreading. Slowly mutating her, transforming her into something inorganic.

“This is the prize I had to pay to finally fend them off our world.” She said. “A sharp needle injected this on my shoulder; I was unable to take it out—a strange material and energy I couldn’t fight back against with my own Internal Cultivation. I’ve been only able to keep it away from my Immortal Martial Core. But slowly, it’ll get infected too.” She looked both sorrowful and, at the same time, frustrated.

“That’s… Nanomachines?” I wandered.

“Nano- what?” She asked.

“In my world, they’re called nanomachines, small machines that can assimilate with things and multiply.” I said. “It is mere science fiction there, fantasy; no nanomachines in my world could ever do what these are doing to you. But I suppose other worlds, with advanced technology, could achieve such creations.”

“Do you know of a way to heal this?” She asked me with honesty. I could feel that she was already exposing her weakness to me. She trusted me greatly. Perhaps it was because I defeated the mechanical monsters, or maybe because she thought I was a fool, but a good fool. Whatever the case, I couldn’t simply betray her trust now.

“To be honest with you, I have no idea.” I said. “However, together, we can try to find a way to cure it.”

“…How long can you stay in this world, and what is your true goal?” She asked.

“I suppose they don’t even need to tell me what my goal is here. I have to destroy those Harbingers of Calamity somehow.” I said. “I only have 15 days.”

“Fifteen days is nothing.” She said. “It’s impossible. Nobody can break through those trees with their tight security. My strength… as you can see, is fading. Even at my full power, if I infiltrated their security and went inside, a myriad of even stronger mechanical beasts would attack at once. Those trees are endless hives, nests of millions of them.”

“Well, this might come as blunt right now, but I killed a Constellation.” I smiled. “I think I can do it, with enough preparation and perhaps a bit more strength. As you can see, my primary power is Mana, and this world seals such power. So I must first strengthen my Ki foundation and my martial arts, even so slightly, to gain more confidence.”

“I see, you’re overly confident and ignorant.” She laughed. “Killing a Constellation is no easy feat, but don’t think I haven’t done the same, child.”

“What?!” I felt shocked to hear that. “Y-You did it too?”

“I did; I’ve killed three. There were three otherworldly demons that tried to take over my world, and I believe they were also the ones behind this invasion. They were called {King of Steel}, {Mechanical Librarian} and {Mother of Artificial Life}.”

I’ve never heard of such Constellations before! I had no idea there could be, like, robot Constellations; that’s really insane.

“A-And you killed them?!” I asked.

“It was the only way to fend them off my world. I killed the Avatars holding their souls, and they seemed to die, or at least close to it. I was unable to absorb their powers, though. And this disease I got was from the Mother of Artificial Life.” She explained briefly. “However, unlike me, you were able to absorb the power of the one you killed; you’re certainly incredibly strong. Your stamina seems endless, and your body... It is very tough. But you’re like a diamond in the rough; you need much polishing. You lack proper movements, proper technique, actual insight, and focus on battle; you lag too much behind. You think too much, and you rely heavily on equipment, stats, and skills.”

“Ah, yes… I am guilty of all of that.” I sighed, lowering my head. “So that’s why...”

“You want me to help you grow stronger, to teach you?” She asked.

“Please,” I said.


This was my only chance to ask someone so powerful to teach me how to... Well, how to actually fight. Just as she said, I rely heavily on my supernatural abilities. I do not have much “internal strength."  I lack technique, insight, and experience. It is only fifteen days, but I want to learn everything I can from her.

“Anna, stand up.” She said.

“Yes?” I stood up quickly.

She then stood up after me.

“Tell me, when you see me, what do you see?” She asked. “If you lie, I will kick you out. I can see all lies.”

“…” I remained in silence. “When I see you, I see a powerful being, someone that I feel I could never, ever reach. Yet… I also see someone wounded, someone sorrowful, someone… frustrated with everything. I want to inherit your legacy, but at the same time, I want to give you new hope for a brighter future.”

“…” She stepped back in shock. She remained silent and then composed herself.

“Such an honest heart… I was the fool all along for not believing you, dear.” She laughed. “You’re also quite foolish, though! To say such embarrassing things to someone like me! Your world must be full of blunt idiots.”

“Hahaha! Yeah, but we are all hard-working idiots.” I giggled.

She nodded, suddenly hugging me out of the blue. I felt her warmth, and her soft feathers gently caressed my neck.

“You’re also a wounded girl as well, someone who has a heavy responsibility to fulfill. Despite your age, you’ve seen and gone through a lot, haven’t you?” She said. “You’ve lost people you loved; you’ve seen your world in ruins… You’re also a wounded heart, like me.”

“A-Ah, I guess.” I said. “So?”

“Of course.” She nodded. “In these fifteen days, I will teach you anything I can, and I will polish this rough diamond!”

“Yes!” I celebrated. “Thank you so much, Master!” I bowed to her.

“However…” She said. “If you truly want to destroy all three of those trees, just stating here won’t do. You must also move to the Dark Yin island, where another tree remains and where my archnemesis, the Heavenly Demon lives. And the largest of all three trees lays in the ruins of the Heavenly Court, which fell from the Nine Heavens many years ago, in the middle of our world, where our continent once stood proud.”

“Ah, shit…”

How the heck do I move to all those places in such little time?!

Wait, no.

I have an idea how!



If the lady is the Heavenly Empress, who could the crow be?

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73 Advanced Chapters of The Protagonist’s Sister Is Actually The Strongest

47 Advanced Chapters of The Heavenly Martial Empress Returns

17 Advanced Chapters of Fantasy Story Online: The Crippled Vampire Prince Walks The Heavenly Demon Path

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