The Punishment of A Demon General

Chapter 13: +Ilvia Finally Does Something Productive+

(I feel like this title is revenge for what I said last time.)

+Whaaaat? No way.+

Right, it's been a week since then! I'm under the heroine's watchful denial once again...

Why must this world be so cruel to let a lust demon have to go a week without sex one week after another? Thankfully, though, this week was not as unproductive as my last abstinent week. I've been sitting in front of the mirror and thinking for a while, and I figured out that there might be a way to sneak out from under the heroine's watchful eye.

I'm sure she knows I'm plotting, and while she does seem more submissive since last I saw her, the fact she's still denying me has made me understand that she is still my enemy! My submissive little enemy, but my enemy nonetheless!

So, I can't use my magic for most things unless the heroine allows it, right? With that thought in mind, what I need to do is use magic the heroine would allow without realizing it's detrimental to her.

I know it sounds obvious, but it took me a lot to think of that plan, okay?! My magic isn't really meant to do much besides mental effects or sex effects.

My idea is if the heroine can tell I'm about to do something bad by me knowing that I'm gonna do it, all I have to do is make myself not know I'm gonna do it.

'How the hell does that work?', you might ask, and that would be a good question! I've never used mental effects on myself before, but I do know I can manipulate memories and stipulate contingencies for their return. It's good for when you need to make someone leave you without being any the wiser that you cast magic on them.

So, all I have to do is remove all my feelings related to my interest in escaping, and upon escaping they'll come back. 'If you don't want to escape, though, how would you escape?'

There lies the true core of my plan! I don't know yet so I'm trying to figure it out, and that's why I'm thinking to myself like this.

It helps me process my thoughts better if I pretend I'm talking to someone, alright?

One option I'm thinking about that probably won't work is to make myself want to go out, make the return condition on going out, but then I won't know that the reason I'm going out is to escape and maybe she'll let me go?

I really wish the heroine was vulnerable to mental effects... I might be able to distract her with some physical verbal ones, though... Namely lust and pleasure. Another plan I have is to make myself not realize I'm going to cast spells at her, and then on trigger once I'm close enough to the heroine, my memories will return and I'll cast them as fast as possible to give her no reaction time.

It's possible that the heroine is only invulnerable to mental effects when prepared for them, but I have a feeling she's always prepared for them when she's around me.

Though, the heroine wants my body, right...? So what if I make her think I'm giving up and coming for sex because it's unbearable to go longer than a week... Then on approach, whabam! Lust n bust!

If I do that plan, it would be best done during the night so I can escape under the cover of darkness while she's distracted...

I let out a long sigh, looking to myself in the mirror once again, enjoying the way my breasts droop slightly with my perky nipples peeking out. Yes, I'm naked, what of it? I've gotta appreciate my whole body.

I'm really stupidly cute... Though I haven't changed my form in a while which is getting kind of annoying. Normally I'd swap every couple days to a week like changing clothes, but nooooo... I don't have the ritual materials.

I wonder if the heroine would give me them if I asked? Does require a few drops of virgin blood, though, which means she'll probably say something like 'Oh no, I don't have any virgins around me because I'm a huge whore.'

Compliments aside, maybe Killa is a virgin? If I can get some virgin blood, steal some candles, and whittle down some wood into a little Demon God statue, then I'll be able to perform it.

Biggest problem still remains the heroine though... I'd have to sit there being watched by her, masturbating with a demon god statue while dripping candle wax mixed with virgin blood onto my body.

Giving her a show like that would really annoy me, so I should probably escape first.

If I could just figure out how she's constantly watching me, I could distract her, perform the ritual real quick, take on a disguise, and escape.

... Wait, I've got an idea. If I hook up Julia and the heroine, she'll be distracted by lewd times, then I do the ritual and escape! I just have to hope I can find a virgin and ask for their blood?

My maid might be a good source there, she just doesn't talk to me that often... If I can convince her that I'm feeling hungry or something and that to my misfortune, I need virgin blood... Just a few drops would work good enough, hm.

Candles are the next problem, though. This entire castle uses magical lights, so finding a candle in here is gonna be next to impossible.

I could go ask Julia though, she has basically every fetish under the sun, so she might have candles for sex.

Ugh, I refocus my gaze to the mirror, seeing my cock throb angrily between my legs, I'm so sick of denial. It's been like this this whole time, and I know if I even try to touch it I'll be stuck trapped for the entire night since I tried it once again 3 days ago.

She doesn't even let me touch it when I go to the bathroom either, I just have to free hand it and point it, which I'm sure is causing all sorts of laughs for her.

If I'm gonna do the plan, I need to make sure I'm not distracted for it, and if I'm running around with this thing flailing between my legs, it'll be REALLY obvious.

Fuck, I just want to masturbate to myself, is that such a difficult thing to ask?

(Why do I keep insisting on embarrassing myself?)

+What do you mean embarrassing yourself? I masturbate to you all the time too, it's just a natural part of the world.+

(There's a difference because you're a pervert.)

+And you're hot, gimme some kisses.+

(No, the last time I gave you a kiss you deep-throated a hot dog before it and shot it out into my throat.)

+Hey, it was funny! Plus, it's already been a day, can't you forgive me?+

(No, suffer the consequences of your pranks.)

+I'll even swear! By the Holy Goddess, there aren't any hotdogs in my throat.+

(You just made a new sentence, congratulations. It's still a no, though.)

... Do you think she'd prevent me from humping something? I know she doesn't accept touching it by hand, but what if...

I head over to the bed, pondering the possibility of ruining a pillow for jerking it, they are really comfortable. I like my new bed as well, it has a canopy with bondage hooks and everything.

Shaking the desperate thought off, I try to think of another option.

You know, I've never tried lust spells on myself. I wonder if I could cast some pleasure spells and then problem solved.

It's very good for no touch orgasms for my servants, it's cute when they're trying to clean a vase and suddenly double over in bliss. Their pouty looks right after was always... Mh.

Fuck, I'm even more horny now, this is the worst. I stare at my throbbing dick for a while, my heart pounding in time with it.

I grit my teeth, if I'm gonna do it, I've gotta do it quick before she notices. She likely doesn't know every spell I have, so she probably won't guess what I'm about to do.

I feel my breath hitch, my brain suddenly having a plan. Oh my God, this idea is genius. Since the heroine is gonna be watching me anyway, what if I say I want to see her and then BAM, cum all over her face.

Just the thought is causing me to squirm around on the ground, enjoying this fantasy deeply, I thrust my hips a few times to give her a good show, my desire to bring it to fruition far overreaching my shame.

"Heroiiine... I give up, can I please cum?" I'm gonna make her come over here because I don't know where her office is, and I definitely wouldn't get lost along the way even if I did know.

I try to give my most pouty and pathetic look into the air, wherever she's watching from.


I wait for a while, trying to keep up my false squirming and moaning, calling for her between breathy gasps.

Ugh, my own voice is making me horny now, what the fuck am I supposed to do about this?

She's not coming, it's been like half an hour already! Aaaagh, I'm just making myself more horny by listening to myself moan!

I stand up and go to ring the bell for my maid. A short ring later, I start getting dressed. If the heroine won't come to me, I'll just have to go to her myself with a guide! I do a little fist pump, getting ready.

... My dress looks kinda awkward, doesn't it. I look down, seeing the fabric just sticking out, falling around the shape of my dick.

Oh well, it'll be fun to see my sweet little maid's reaction to it. Sometimes when she brings me food, I have to sit and resist the urge to pull her down and kiss her until she's a squirming mess.

Maid outfits are hot anyway, and her brown hair is just... Her looks are about average, but average isn't bad either, okay? If she put on makeup she'd be basically a textbook example of a cute normal gal. Exotic is great and all, but normal has such a special flavor.

Suddenly, a knock on the door! I call out for her to come in, turned right at the door so nothing can be covered up, ready to give her my most powerful seductive look.

"Don't mind if I do." The heroine says, licking her lips.

(Were you just sitting there and waiting for me to be off guard?)


(Are you seriously so underworked as the 'heroine' that you have time to just wait in front of an office?)

+Hey, I'm overworked! Just in short bursts, then I get lazy again.+

(I'm gonna go tell the princess and prince that you have too much time on your hands.)


Author's Note:

RIP my rating.

I know my writing isn't the best, but do I really deserve a 1*?

How rood.

Thank you all for over 75 favorites, I truly appreciate it.

Next chapter is more heroine smut!

And if it wasn't obvious, Ilvia's favorite icecream is vanilla. She likes 'normal' and 'average' things. Things that are exotic or especially strong can become chaotic, whereas normal just leaves a pleasant homely taste in your mouth. (Both food and person.)

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