The Punishment of A Demon General

Chapter 2: +Our Most Glorious Goddess’ Arrival+

Dick, pussy, tits. There, did I get your attention again? I last left off in front of this obsequiously obsequious door. The guards nervously look at each other.

Fuck, I like that look. Using all my willpower, I ignore the feeling with good girl? intent, waiting for them to open the door to reveal... Unholy demon god, what the fuck?

Sitting there at the desk writing with extraordinarily hot glasses, and extraordinarily hot button nose with pout-y lips, not lacking the term feminine, but not lacking the term strong either. Her gaze as intense as the demon lord as she looks at her work, her musculature intense but beautiful, almost like the goddess herself came and plucked one of her angelic warriors from the sky and- (Aaah... I'm sorry... I'll stop interfering with the dialogue if you will! Please stop spanking me!)

Right, there was an interesting girl working at the desk with a furrowed brow. She was... fairly attractive, I must admit, even with my soaring standards, her lips looked like they would take a wonderful place on my dick which, to my misfortune, throbbed even harder as I thought that. Her soft looking hands paired with her faintly muscular frame, her c-cup cleavage peeking out from a camisole, looking very casual... Mmf.

Doing my best to think good girl? thoughts, I slowly approached the desk, not minding my leash as it slowly extends from the guards trembling hands, stopping me before I reach her.

Her blonde hair swayed slightly as she looked up to me, turning that tense blue-eyed stare to me as well, surprising me and drawing a flustered flush to my cheeks. Suddenly that gaze softened, much to my confusion, I looked around to see if there was anyone else she was looking at, but nope it's just me.

We stared at each other silently for a few moments, before I channeled all my good girl? prowess to eek out a small "Hello, hero?" Her lips broke out into a smile while she watched me speak, it almost felt like her eyes were following every motion of my lips, and as the Demon General of Lust... I could definitely tell this girl was a predator.

Okay, I've lost interest in trying to figure out what she wants, I'll just take my next opportunity to escape. It's not out of fear, no, but when two predators try to claim the same territory it can become messy! It's definitely not because I was slightly intimidated by being lusted after with such a predatory look for the first time.

My thoughts ran unimpeded, she remained silent, just staring at me as if she were eye fucking my entire form before suddenly I shuddered instinctively and came back to reality... Wondering the cause, I realized she was staring at my dick with a beyond hungry gaze, one I would even have trouble seeing from Gluttony.

"Hero! I am the great Demon General of Lust!" I exclaimed loudly, hoping to catch her gaze to somewhere less vulnerable right now... I've never felt vulnerable down there before but now I know how my slaves feel when I stare at them coming into the room... Not that I'm calling myself a slave, of course.

"Yes, you are." A low feminine voice came from her lips, her eyes finally breaking away from my dick and staring me into the eyes once again, remaining silent.

Is... Is this girl socially awkward or something? Have I misunderstood? She's just staring at me silently... Normally my slaves entertain me, I'm not sure how to entertain someone the other way around... Usually I just order people around, but that would be counter to my attempt at good girl? thoughts...

Wait, why am I even still trying to have good girl? thoughts, I'm obviously intent on escaping now, so there's no point anymore. I raise my fiercest look, staring deep into her eyes. "What are you waiting for? Knee-"

"Okay!" Came a short quip back and she hopped up and got onto her knees in front of me, looking up with sparkling eyes that still belied her hunger.

I, the Demon General Of Lust may not be familiar with taking it from behind, but I can most certainly say I'm still good at it! Even then this crazy girl caught me off guard. She knelt right away. Did I hit her too hard in the last battle? Is she okay? With confused thoughts writhing around my skull, I turn my head to the guards helplessly...

Who promptly drop the leash and run, the door slamming closed behind them. Traitors! I thought about fucking you in the ass, where's your loyalty?! After a short stare of disbelief, I clear my throat, before turning back, looking to the... I don't WANT to compliment her, but frankly she's a slut, I can already tell.

I tapped my foot a bit, wondering what to do while we both size each other up in vastly different ways. "What are you doing?" I hesitantly ask, my skin bristling as she returns to eye-fucking me.

"Kneeling, like you asked," she stated like a matter of fact, looking at me strangely like I just asked a silly question.

I mean, it was a silly question, I just... Well, whatever, she seems to obey well at least, so I won't spurn her, as crazy as she is. "Uh... stand up?" Honestly, I'm not really sure, usually I'd make someone suck my cock but... Even a Demon General of Lust knows not to stick dick in crazy.

Slowly she stands up, obedient as my best slaves and eager to boot. Perhaps I could get used to this. This heroine had overpowered me pretty handily in combat... She had help, obviously, and I couldn't count on my useless army for nothing. She might make a good captain though?

While I stand there lost in my thoughts wondering what to do with this beautiful, albeit crazy, woman, she continues to stare at me. Feeling her burning look, I focus on her once again, only to see obsession further growing in her eyes the longer she stares at me.

I swallow instinctively, a bead of sweat starting to form on my brow as she stares at me with such intensity. Not to be cowed, I reaffirm myself, standing up straight once again, putting my haughty smile back on my face.

"Well, since you seem to be amenable to diplomacy, how would you like to join my army? I can make it..." I pause, taking on a sultry tone, my lips oozing seduction to the best of my ability, with my powers back I focus my full force of charm on her! "Worth your while."

"No," she firmly said. I recoiled slightly as if struck by a mace, I return her flat denial with confusion. Did she just tell me no? I put everything I had into that charm, and she's practically already fucking me with her eyes! How does she just tell me no!?

Feeling a bit huffy, I straighten my back even further, launching another charm at her, following with a command. "I demand you join me on the Demon Lord's conquest!" Perhaps she's of another more submissive persuas-

"No," she stated with the most hauntingly beautiful smile on her face.

I could feel myself getting angry by this point, rage bubbling within me as she dares to defy my orders... But it would be a loss if I tossed her away, perhaps she just doesn't understand the terms?

"You would be my captain, I would let you not want for anything... Women, men, power... Orgasms beyond your wildest dreams. Love, lust, something a lecher like you would swoon at!" I tout proudly, puffing up my already bountiful chest, giving her a look of 'how do you like them apples?'

"I already have you here, I have no need for dreams," she stated flatly, baffling me further.

Is she doing this on purpose, or is she just this dense? Power, pleasure, and p... penis? The three P's of the Demon General of Lust that I most certainly did not make up right now! Perhaps another offer is in order. I did say not to stick my dick in crazy, but this girl is not only crazy, but crazy powerful.

"Alright, how about this then? You can be my concubine, I have yet to take one, so you would be the first in line! All that power, pleasure, and me! You would have to be a fool t-"

"Nah, I'm good." This girl needs to let people finish their sentences before jumping into action!

Once again I feel rage bubble in my veins, taking a few deep breaths to try and maintain my composure. Never have I been so sorely tested by a mortal, only mortals have been tested sorely by me!

I spend time calming myself under her continuous gaze, feeling like every pore of my body is getting violated by her eyes. Not that I have many pores visible, I mean who are we kidding? I cheer myself up with a quick tooting of my own horn, but I'd feel more calm if I had a mirror right now.

"Then state what you want. If it is within my power, I will grant it, hero! In exchange you will be my eternal servant!" I don't like giving up the bargain so easily like this, but it would be better to know the terms in which we stand.

She actually thinks about it for a bit, this is the first time I've seen her do something other than stare at me for the past couple minutes, it's really a relief. "Give me your mantle as Demon General of Lust, and obtain me a harem of at least a hundred beautiful men and women," she says with a cocksure grin.

I stand with my mouth agape... This girl is truly fucking with me isn't she? Only I do the fucking around here, not anyone else. Briefly, I consider the situation once again, before deciding the ultimate course of action.

(And one I would regret for the rest of my days, seriously.)

I don't want her anymore, goodbye! I turn around, attempting to leave, feet rapidly approaching the door in a hasty walk, before hearing a low predatory groan behind me.

Looking back revealed a much similar sight, except... Her gaze is growing more fierce, instead of eye fucking me she looks like she's ready to pounce and tear me to shreds. My skin prickles with tension.

"I promised to be nice until you tried to escape... This means you consent, right?"

(That's not what consent means you perverted psychopath! Rapist, deviant, sexual predator!)

+Says the former Demon Lord of Lust, when did you ever get people's consent?+

(That... I'm a changed lady! Don't spurn someone's attempts to right their wrongs! You're giving the wrong impression to our audience!)

+Sure, cutie pie, sure. You say that like you aren't going to scream my name, begging for more later in this story. Also 20 spanks for talking back to me.+


+Plus thirty for interrupting the story again.+

(I'm sorry, I won't do it again!)

+Yes you will, you slut.+

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