The Punishment of A Demon General

Chapter 22: +Ilvia is a Meaniehead+

I didn't think my body could ever feel sore in places that technically weren't touched at all, but here I am.

I lay face down in the pillows, mentally exhausted from that experience. The pillows are my friends.

Okay, yes, it felt really fucking good. I don't think I could ever experience that by myself even if I tried, my brain just feels like mush, and somehow my body feels sore despite not having done anything.

Hugging my pillow friends, I turn over onto my side, continuing to bury my face into them. I know I don't really stick around for pillow talk, but she could have at least stayed around for some comfy time! My gift has already left the cell.

Though I guess it wasn't really a gift. Sneaky heroine. I yawn slightly, looking at the entrance to the cage...

And find the heroine watching me. What the fuck?! Was she staring at me this whole time? I bury my face back into the pillow, trying to wash away the illusion of the heroine just standing there silently watching me.

After a couple moments I poke my head back up, finding she's still there. Aaagh, why is she just standing there silently!

I need to get revenge somehow! She made me experience something beyond incredible... It's embarrassing though, and I have standards!

Hmmm, lets see... what's the- oh! She didn't like that my slaves seemed to be dead, and I can't escape anymore, so maybe if I tell her the truth she'll go run to save them and I'll have a chance to escape!

Plus she'll feel bad, that's bonus points. I grin evilly looking to the silent heroine, speaking up. "Hey, heroine, you wanna know something fun?"

She stares at me for a while before shrugging and nodding. Haha! You have activated my trap card!

"I lied, most of my slaves are probably still alive, and unfortunately in the time you've kept me here after kidnapping me again, more have probably died!" Honestly, that leaves a deeply sour feeling in my chest, but at the very least I'm not dead, so that's fine. Still, the best way to harm someone is to sacrifice yourself doing so!

"Suuuure." She says, rolling her eyes. Eh? She's not believing me? She believed me when I lied, but doesn't when I tell the truth? Is this some sort of dumb human thing again?

"Uh... I'm not lying you know. You've indirectly caused the death of more slaves! Good job!" Honestly, I'm starting to feel really unpleasant saying this, but to win the war, you must win battles!

Wounds are meaningless! They heal over time! I shall inflict as much as I can on the heroine!

"Yeah, sure, I totally believe you, I'll just go save the definitely real slaves." She says that, but I can see her brow furrowed slightly, she seems to be on the ropes! Maybe.

"Do you really think that just because I've been missing for a little over a month they would have immediately raided my home? No way! I have a ton of traps setup, and if I came back, I'd easily crush their skulls! I just lied the first time so that you'd feel bad, muahahaha!"

My evil laugh comes out perfectly, a perfect villainess laugh if I ever heard one! I grin a bit, proud of my laugh practiced so long in the mirror!

Suffer, heroine! Suffer!

I can see her brow furrowing even further, staring at me with a tinge of frustration. Hah! See, you can't hide from the truth! Their blood is on your ha-...

Uh... Why is she crying? Like, I know that's a good thing, she's crying! Perfect! This is exactly what I wanted! This slight frustrating pain in my chest is just from a job well done!

"Um... Uh..." Should I comfort her? I don't know, this feeling in my heart is really annoying. It makes me want to punch something.

Wait, two birds with one stone! I tell her exactly how to save my slaves, and she can cheer up! Then I can have my slaves back! Hah!

"Well, I guess I can have a little bit of mercy for someone as pathetic as you and tell you how to save them..."

Wait, why am I thinking like I'm gonna be stuck here forever? I need to escape! Though, by the time that happens it might be a bit... Well, I don't know if I'll have any slaves left. I have favorites that I really wanna fuck again!

"I'll even help you! I'll follow you like an obedient little puppy and help you save them!"

I doubt she'll bite, but this might be another opportunity to escape. I don't like to compare myself to a cute little puppy, but she's still crying! Though she's not making any noise, tears are just falling down her face, but like...

She slowly perks up with what I said, a small grin on her face as she concocts one of her evil plans.I won't fall for it this time, I swear by the Demon God!

"That sounds like a good idea... Hm." I open my mouth to speak, but she already immediately walks off, wiping the tears from her eyes with a seemingly newfound determination.

Seriously, can this girl get anymore rude? We were in the middle of a conversation and she just walks off! What kind of person does that?! Well, besides the Demon King, the Demon King does that a lot when he gets bored of a conversation.

... My conversation skills aren't that boring are they? I really try! What the heck?! Boredom immediately takes over as I sit in the bed, a sensation of loneliness welling up, still feeling a bit unpleasant from making the heroine cry.

Why do I feel so ishy? I just did what she deserved! I made her cry because she deserved it. Really!

Aaagh... I return to my pillow, trying to ignore the frustration in my heart. It would have been better if she just shot back some sass like she normally does. Why can't she just be sassy all the time?

Okay, maybe not, her sass is really mean and brings me too much shame, but still! This indescribable feeling continues to linger as I lay there, causing me to grumble in frustration.

After a while, I ball my hands into fists and begin punching my pillow with fluffy vigor! Wham! Wham, wham! Wham! I grin slightly as I try to imagine it as the heroine, but that was short lived.

The moment I tried to imagine the pillow as the heroine, the sour feeling grew stronger, each punch made me feel even more miserable than the last, causing me to quickly give up on punching before laying on my heroine substitute.

That's better, I'll suffocate her with my breasts! Muahahaha! Muahahaaaaa... Is the heroine a succubus? Did she charm me? Why do I feel so frustrated just from hurting her a little bit! She absolutely deserves it! She kidnapped me and has had me locked in this cell for a total of... Well, I don't know anymore, but it's still a long time!

I hate her! I definitely hate her! There is absolutely nothing redeeming about her! Well no, she's really lewd and that's kind of attractive... Plus her face is super cute, and her body looks like it was hand crafted by some divine being... Still! Hate!

Except her hair, her hair likes to sparkle in the light, and it's really fascinating to watch. I mean what the heck kind of product does she use? There's no way that's natural!

+It's natural.+

(You are the enemy of women everywhere.)

+Good thing I just have to have sex with them and they'll fall for me! Not unlike someone.+

(Hey, it wasn't the sex!)

+So you admit you fell for me, mmm?+

(That... You... That's not what I said! I definitely haven't fallen for you that hard yet!)

+Pffft, so you have. So cute. You 'haven't fallen for me that hard', you say? Perhaps I should fix that... Maybe I'm not putting in enough effort. What a fickle heart you have.+

(It's not fickle! I just have standards, and those standards happen to be not some sex crazed lunatic!)

+Rules are made to be broken, the same applies to standards!+

(You... Rules are exactly made to not be broken! That's why they make them!)

+That's what they want you to think! If I didn't break a few rules, they would have never let me bring a demon into my harem! This means that, much like a condom, my breaking created life!+

(... Why do you have to make such crude analogies?)

+Cus it's fun.+

After a quick masturbation session, one that the heroine for some reason had allowed, my head feels a lot more clear! No more frustrating feelings in my heart! That's definitely not me trying to convince myself they aren't there, because they really aren't!

I slowly stand up and head to the bars of my cell, peeking out of them slightly. This is my usual routine when I'm in the cell, and it usually is accompanied by... "Hellooooo? Hellooooooo...?" That.

I continue to call out for a while, hoping someone will appear to ease my boredom. "The next person to come down those stairs gets a kiss from a hot demon~!"


Wait, why did the heroine instantly appear? Didn't she go to do something?! I quickly back away from the bars, watching them cautiously as she comes into view once again.

"Gimme." Wait, what? Did she seriously come all the way just because I said that? What a psychopath! Who the heck sprints back to come kiss me?!

"Psh... I have to warn you, if you kiss me, there's no going back! You'll be addicted forever, you know? You'll become my lovely little pet for all ete-."

"Give." She still hasn't stopped interrupting people! Wait, why is she still so adamant even with what I told her? Aaagh, this crazy horny girl!

I cautiously move over to the bars, my pride for sticking to my words overwhelming my frustration at kissing the heroine, attempting to give her a quick peck through the bars before running away. It's definitely not because I wanted to kiss her, okay?

Unfortunately for me though, she immediately wrapped her arms into the bars, holding me against them while she suddenly begins french kissing me deeply.

I squirm against her gorilla like strength, groaning in surprise while I try to push away. Her tongue battling with mine lewdly, one tongue trying to retreat while the other presses onward, slightly reminding me of that tentacle that wouldn't stop playing with my tongue...

I feel my cock touch hard steel as it hits the cell, my arousal growing with the constant tongue-fucking the heroine is giving me. Down, girl! Down! Stop getting aroused from the heroine, that's a no go!

Finally, we both break away from the kiss, leaving me stumbling back as I'm suddenly released, my breath coming out in soft pants while I wipe my lips with my sleeve. "What the-."

"Right, the real reason I came here... We're going on an adventure!" Something something interrupting girl. The real concern is this foreboding feeling I'm having. Why would I ever want to go on an adventure with the heroine! There is absolutely no way, no possible amount of convincing she can do to drag me along with her!

+We'll see how long that will lasts.+


+You know, another thing that's wonderfully breakable besides rules... Is people.+

(That's not something the heroine, someone who is supposed to uphold justice and defeat demons should say!)

+So you're saying it would be fine if I break you, since you're a demon?+

(That is not at all what I said!)

+Thank you for giving me the idea!+


Author's Note:

Sorry for the delayed chapter, sleep didn't come easily last night.

I'm gonna immediately go pass out after this.

Thank you very much for 200 favorites.

I hope you all have a wonderful day/night, wherever you are in the world.

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