The Punishment of A Demon General

Chapter 26: +Warning: Hand Holding+

I float in the abyss for a weirdly long time, or at least seemingly so. Maybe because my mind was such a mess from how good that felt...

I'm back though! This is just proof though, if the heroine isn't the main object in sex, sex is better, and therefore the heroine is useless! Down with the heroine!

+Go down on the heroine!+

(Shush you.)

I elect to not think about just how fucking amazing that felt though, seriously... It was so good. Wait, that's thinking about it, noooo!

Shooing the sticky thoughts of bliss away from my mind, I finally poke the dream-like sequence repeating ad nauseam that had just appeared in front of me.

Soon enough, I'm standing on solid ground! Hooray! My legs feel a bit like jelly for the first few steps, but I take it in stride, regaining my former glory of not being completely bow legged from sex!

So... I wasn't gonna acknowledge it, but why am I in a fancy-looking restaurant? Also sheesh, I'm short. I fiddle with my newly blonde hair, feeling some twitchy things atop my head, as well as a tail at my rump, both of which feel fluffy.

Oh, I think I've figured out her type. Can't tell if cat-girl or dog-girl though. Maybe neither! There's a lot of different types, I don't really care that much though. I do own a couple, though, so perhaps I can share them with Fluffy when she's my slave.

By the way my tail seems to curl though, probably cat-girl? Probably. I watch as everything slowly continues to form around me, not a toy in sight... Where does the heroine keep getting these weird people who have such a lack of obvious fetishes? My guess is it's exhibitionism, though...

I watch as the seats slowly fill up with blurred people, having to squint to get any sort of focus on them, their entire forms presented yet somehow leaving all of it to the imagination.

I see one pair of empty seats though, so I immediately dive in to take it! I wonder if I can have some dream food before she appears... Would need some sort of dream waiter, though.

I lean back slightly, rolling around menus with vague words that could be considered writing, but trying to read them just sends it scattering in your thoughts.

Curiously, I try to smudge the lettering but nothing seems to change. Weird. I've never had someone with this kind of scenario before... Well, sort of. I've had people who have 'fucking someone in a pillory while everyone watches' but... I dunno, non-demons are strange.

I'm pretty choosy about only cumming with my most submissive of slaves, so I guess that might be why I haven't see much on the more... Well, this kind of side. Though you'd think a submissive would be more interested in public stuff?

I'm interrupted by a very normal looking Fluffy, her eyes sparkling as she has a seat across from me, giving my hand a little pat as she speaks. "Hey, sorry I'm a bit late. I should've figured it would be this crowded."

Hm, I guess we open up with a date thing first, and then bam, sex. Well, we'll see. I'm very curious as to where this is going.

"It's alright, I only got here a little while ago myself." I play it off coolly. It's always easier to play other people than be yourself when you're trying to impress someone.

"Pfft, what kind of response is that? You're so cool, despite being so cute." Her words make me ponder a bit, perhaps this is someone she's close to? That's always the most difficult one to do, when you're having to play someone completely unknown to you with no tips... At least in sex you can just moan and beg and make people happy but this...

Shit, what was her name again? Calling her Fluffy wouldn't do, but I can't remember her name at all... Aaah! Stay calm!

Right, lets just NEVER give a chance to have to say her name. I hype myself up, ready to become the social butterfly I've always been ready to become!

"What do you meaaan? I'm so cool." I try to give a faint pout after saying that, keeping it just vague enough to be able to play it off if it seems out of character.

"Yeah, yeah, sure. Really cool. Have you gotten any drinks ordered yet, or nah?" I shake my head to her words.

"Alright, I'll go see if I can pick some up, this place is so packed it'll probably take a while to get some drinks otherwise. What do you want?" Her words rattle me slightly, but only slightly! I don't have very much knowledge of these human places, so I have to just...

"The usual." I stick my tongue out after that, trying to make it a 'teasing, yet serious' sort of deal. It's difficult to try and mix my signals up so hard, I don't know how long I can keep that effort up.

"Pfft, sure. I'll just get you a hard lemonade, okay?" My shoulders relax as she walks off after I agree to her choice. Survived!

I really wish I didn't have to try so hard, but I don't know what happens if I fail to satisfy the person, and I don't want to find out. Like hell I'm trusting this damn curse.

She quickly comes back with the drinks, setting one in front of me. I immediately dive in to take a sip, I've never had one of these before but it seems like her mind seems to be creating the flavor for me. Sour and sweet, hooray! I can imagine it's probably not as complex of a flavor as it would be in real life, though... Maybe I'll try one when I've escaped.

Oh right, human manners... "Thanks." Nailed it. I sway back and forth slightly, swinging my short legs in the air. Seriously, why am I so damn short? I don't think I'm a kid or anything by the development, perhaps she's just very unfortunate in the height department.

I can feel my ears flicking and my tail swishing in reaction to my enjoying the drink, looking up to Fluffy I can just see her staring at me with a smile on her face, her chin resting in her hand while she stirs her drink.

"So, how have you been?" Take that, normie question number one! I strike at her in the faux battle in my mind, going for a gut shot!

"Mm, I've been better, I think. Work has been tough, it's hard to keep up daily routines in the wilderness and stuff, so that's always pretty demoralizing... Now that I'm here with you, though, my entire year has been made." I can't tell if she's teasing or she actually thinks that's a suave comment.

"I don't remember asking for corn with my drink." I say bluntly, trying to keep a straight face.

She stares at me with a look of confusion, tilting her head before I unleash my true power...

"Because what you just gave me was extra corny." Hohoho, my jokes are immaculate, take that!

+Okay... Ilvia, what the hell are you doing here?+

(I... uh...)

+Is this what you thought was romantic?+

(... No! I was just... distressed, and... Yenno, I'm not good at interacting with people, alright?!)

+Did you have these same thoughts on our first date?+

(No! I'm better now, I promise! I'm not that awkward anymore!)

+That awkward, so you're saying you're still awkward?+


+Okay, okay, I'll stop teasing you, sorry.+

Fluffy stares at me in astonishment for a moment before snorting, covering her mouth as she struggles not to laugh blatantly.

Hah! I win. You will rue the day you faced a comedy genius like me!

"You are... So painfully cute." She manages to choke out through her snickers, nearly brought to tears by my amazing sense of humor.

I look at her with an unveiled smug superiority briefly before sipping at my drink. Yep, still tasty.

After a bit more back and forth resembling this, we order some food which has me excited! I had to have her pick, because well... If I pick a food neither of us know, it'll probably just taste weird, and I don't really want food I know right now.

When I asked for something 'sweet' she had ordered me something called 'pork tenderloin' as well as an ice cream 'sundae'. I've had ice cream before, but I have 0 idea what this sundae thing is, so I'm excited.

Surprisingly, or unsurprisingly considering it's a fetish-fulfillment dream, the food didn't take very long to arrive. I send praises to Fluffy in my mind for this incredibly delicious looking food. Though I don't see how the sandwich would be sweet?

I take a bite of it, the juices spreading in my mouth blissfully, pulling away as she leans forward, wiping my lips with her finger before licking it.

Okay, this is very savory... I wanted something sweet, but wow is it tasty nonetheless. I beam, pleased even with the mistake in flavor profile.

I swallow and move onto the sundae, immediately the sweetness begins mingling with the savory, nearly causing stars to appear in my eyes, the combo of the two somehow even better than they would be apart.

Okay, fine, you win. I can feel my tail thwapping around against the back of the chair as I enjoy the tastes of bliss from Fluffy's dream.

I'll give you the best sex of your life once you let me figure out what your fetish is, I swear! I will repay this glorious treat!

"You seem happy." She says, a smile on her face as she watches me eat, not having touched her food at all, it seems.

I give an almost frantic nod as I eat, far more than this body could feasibly hold in any sense in the real world, making it all the better because there's no limits!

Good food is really bliss... Sometimes I wonder if I would have made a better glutton.

Her fingers poke at my cheeks faintly as I chew, I try to give her a strange look while she does that, but I'm enjoying myself just a bit too much. Swallowing, I begin to speak, "What did you wanna do after this?"

"I was thinking maybe we go to the park, I didn't want something too grand, just something... You know, cozy." This place is really fancy though, what part of it is cozy? Also, why aren't you talking about something like a bedroom instead?

Humans really never cease to amaze me with how dishonest they can be about sex, perhaps she just needs a bit of a push! I slowly run my hand across the table... Okay, I can't reach. I strain a bit, but there's nothing I can do. I just leave my hand limply onto the table, giving up.

Soon, she reaches over to my immobile hand, holding it in hers, fairly small in comparison, but I still squeeze her hand back. Fine, you dirty girl, you get some hand holding.

The dream slowly begins to fade away after that, my mind having to take a moment to process everything as darkness sinks in.

Where was the sex?! Why was it just a date and hand holding?!

+Little do you know, hand holding is the lewdest thing you can possible do in human culture!+

(It's not, though?)

+That's 'cause you're a demon, you need to figure out our TRUE FORM.+


+Our true form are people who lustfully handhold and skip into the sunset, and during the climax... Even hug!+

(... I don't get this joke.)

Author's Note:

I decided against writing another smut today because feeling so unwell and foggy makes it hard to process lewd actions.

I'm also hungry, which may have played a role in a certain part of this chapter.

Plus, it's kind of funny that Lisle is like 'my fetish is dating and hand holding.'

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