The Punishment of A Demon General

Chapter 6: +Ilvia Makes Her Second Friend Ever+

(Okay, before we start, that title is TOTALLY not true. I had Demon friends too!)

+I'm even more sure I don't believe that when I see how awkward you were at the start. Only 10 spankings because I feel sorry for you.+

Captain Blondie looks between us both during our argument over ownership and friendship with a raised eyebrow, finally she doesn't seem to be glaring at me for a moment. "You two uh... Have a good relationship?"

I don't know why it sounds like a question, and I hate the thought that she thinks we have a good relationship, but it's beneficial to me to keep playing along for now. "Yeah, definitely, we are besties, like I said. She's been very nice to me, so of course I'd be ready to pay it back." Ugh, gag.

For some reason I got a karate chop to the side of the head from the Heroine when I said that. What? I'm playing along, I'm doing that whole good girl? shtick again! "What was that for?" I grumble, rubbing the side of my head. It doesn't hurt, but it does feel annoying that she treated me like that.

"Be normal for two seconds." She scolded me! Why?! I'm doing absolutely everything in my power to treat her like my friend, it's not my fault she's that detestable! Besides her appearance. She needs to stop looking at me with those stupid eyes of hers. Who told her to have eyes?!

Grumbling to myself, I shoot a glance back to Captain Blondie. "So uh..." My brain kind of blanked out after saying that, I mean what do I say? These are still humans, what do humans like besides killing demons?

"Uh?" She asks, her eyes narrowing as she watches me with suspicion, while she was curious about our interaction earlier, it doesn't stop her from being hostile to me.

"... Kill any demons lately?" I said, causing both of them to immediately take on a look of confusion.

I panicked, okay?! What am I supposed to talk about with humans? Do humans like slaves? Sex? I know they like sex, but I've heard there are a lot of humans who go 'sex bad'. I'm not used to talking to people that aren't charmed or enslaved by me!

Normally if I meet someone they're either one of three options. Prey, coworker, slave. Do I treat them like the other sins? No, they're far too under my position for that. Treating them like a coworker would be an absolute no!

"Uh, yes?" Captain said with awkward confusion, the look of pity that stupid heroine is giving me hurts my soul. I didn't sign up for this! I spent so much time talking to myself in my head I never thought about what to talk about with actual people!

(Can we please skip this part? I'm feeling physical pain watching this.)

+Nope, punishment. 20 spankings for asking nicely, though.+

Fuck it. I can't bear those gazes, my pride hurts more from that than treating them like my coworkers. "So, did you... find anything fun while you were out?" Shit, at least with my coworkers I know what their vices are so I can ask about those.

Why did their eyes get worse?! I want to bury my head into the dirt and hide. I hold back the urge to clutch my head and scream. Use all my brain cells! Not that I have any.




(I... agh...)

+Pfft... It's... pffftttt... Okay now, you have brain... snrk... Brain cells now, I promise.+


+Aw, c'mon, don't be angry.+

Right, I just need to get through this conversation right? Focusing on everything on remembering what I can from hero literature, I remember that there's a 'dinosaur', which is like a dragon, called Barney and his friend Gordon or something? Apparently, they go around making friends and using a thing called a crowbar to get into crazy shenanigans.

+Oh, she thought it! Shenanigans! Also, the way the stories mix up in your head is hilarious.+

(... No more talking privileges for you for the rest of this part.)

+Awww, fine. 30 spanks.+

I mentally rub my mind, trying to push every ounce of friendship power from it and the stories therein. "Sorry, uh, I'm not familiar with interacting with humans, so..." I try to come up with an excuse, I remember that apparently humans like it when you just come out and say the truth if an awkward situation happens.

"Oh, that's... Fine, I guess? How do demons usually interact with people?" An honest question with a dishonest intent, she's trying to figure out our weaknesses! Well, then I'll just tell the truth, I don't really care about demon culture that much.

"You follow your faction, if someone from another faction or no faction appears, you deal with them unless expressly forbidden by your leader... If someone from your own faction appears, you keep your eyes on a swivel to make sure they aren't going to try and backstab you for your position... If they're not demons, you enslave them... If they're slaves, you do whatever you want with them." I rattle of, nodding, ignoring the Captain's twitching brow as my friendly discussion progresses.

"Not that she would do that anymore, right? That's just how they usually interact, not how she'll act now." For some reason the heroine threw me a life preserver, or at least that's what the look in her eyes tells me.

"Is that... so?" I can hear Captain Blondie gritting her teeth slightly as she watches me with a cautiously hostile gaze, irritation so plain on her face that even I could see it.

"... Yeah." I decided it was best to accept the heroine's help. Did I say something wrong? I rub my cheek slightly in hopes that somehow that will also rub my confusion away.

What the hells? Blondie stopped showing me a pitiful glance, but every time I turn and look to the heroine her pitying gaze gets worse? This bitch is looking down on me!

Of course she is, she's been doing that this whole time, I won't get angry over something so little. I take a deep breath. Friendship. Friendship.

"I am the great Demon General of Lust Livia!" I introduce myself to her, when one does introductions one should always give a name first! She's back to looking annoyed at me? Quick, emergency measures! "It's nice to meet you." I can't even tell whether that's a lie anymore, I've been alone for a month.

Upon hearing my added statement she seems a bit conflicted before hesitantly reaching out a hand. "I'm Captain of the Heroes' Second Squadron Julia, nice to meet you too?" I don't get why it sounded like a question.

Both the heroine and her stare at me for a bit while I think of what to say next. Perhaps I should-

Another karate chop, are you serious?! I put on my best stern but non-hostile face towards her. Stop looking at me with those stupid pitying and definitely not pretty eyes!

+By the way, the expression she's making kind of just looked like a child pouting. I remember it to this day.+

(What did I say about no talking privileges? 50 spanks.)

+Uno-Reverse! ... 50 spanks.+


"Shake her hand. Grab it like you'd grab a dick and give it a shake." It appears this is some human custom, but I guess I'll abide by it. "Do not do a jerking motion, SHAKE." I haven't even done anything, why is she feeling the need to clarify?!

I shake hands with her with no issues. "So, Captain of the Heroes' Second Squadron Julia..." I try to continue...

"Please, just call me Julia"

... but am quickly interrupted. Does everyone around the heroine have issues interrupting people? Why now it's not even pity she's looking at me with, but exasperation! I'm not that tiring to be around am I?

+No comment... Hey wait, I didn't mean that, I was just making a joke because you hit me with the 'no comment' last time.+

(I didn't say anything.)

+No, but you looked like you were about to cry.+

(I did not! 50 spanks.)

+Alright, I brought it on myself. Get over here and get to spanking, babe.+

(... You're free to go.)

+Nope, that's not how this works! Spanks are law!+


"Alright, Julia, uh... You can call me Ilvia, I guess?" I don't like being called without my glorious title, but it's feeling like she'd just get tired of it super fast and start calling me 'demon' or something instead of my name.

I clear my throat a bit. Right, conversations. Oh! She asked, so I get to ask back, actually. "How do mortals usually interact with each other, then?" I try to ignore the gaze of burning pity digging into me from the heroine. I'm not here to be pitied by you! You don't deserve to pity me!

"While there are a lot of unseen rules depending on where you are... At least in the rank and file we follow similar methods, just without the aggression and betrayal, I guess? Defer to your nearest highest ranking officer, who will defer to their nearest highest ranking officer. This is what's referred to as the 'chain of command.'"

Ooh, now THAT is what I like to here. "Yeah, chains are great for when you're commanding people. For the softer folk you can give them leather and just... Mmf." Finally, I'm in my element!

"That... The chain of command is more of a... Metaphorical chain, not an..." She keeps pausing, seeming unsure of what to say to my beautiful self. "Well, I guess we'll go with it. So you like chains, huh?"

"Yeah, they're great. All clanky and good for the hanky panky, lets you give some spankies too." I laugh at my own little rhyme there.

"I see... Then perhaps I'll let you live out your dreams later." She gives me a teasing wink.

I pause. Oh. My. God. Did she just flirt with me? Seriously? A human... Flirting with me? Not even a psycho human, a real, sane human! I feel goosebumps crawl across my skin in giddy excitement. "Really? That would be great!" I give a few soft and happy claps as I cheer myself on.

This is great, I'll finally get to do something lewd after over a week! Aaah, and I even get to have a cute muscly girl in a chain... Mfff... It's always the cute ones that are the kinkiest.

Oops. I readjust myself. Can't having it pop out and scaring this woman off yet. "So, later you say?" I give her a coy but genuinely happy smile, normally I wouldn't be satisfied with this little but a lady takes what she can get, okay?

"Yeah, tonight is good... You can't come to the barracks, so I'll head to your room, how's that sound?" Aaah, her grin shows she's just as excited to be chained up, I want to go back to sleep and get there faster now!

I glance over to the Heroine with a 'that's what you get for pitying me' shit-eating grin.

... Why is her grin even worse than mine? A shiver runs down my spine as I watch that. She looks hungry again.

"Um, yeah, tonight! See you later, Julia!" I sprint away, holding onto a certain thing between my legs to keep it from waving around out from my dress, not being stopped by either of them as I try to escape that hungry and sadistic grin.

+You should have heard what she said after that... I thought I was going to die from laughter. Aaah... My poor innocent Ilvia.+

(... at least we're friends now for real.)

+I'm still surprised how quickly she changed her tune when chains were brought up... I knew that was her biggest fetish, but WOW. I didn't even have to guide you into it either, you just clumsily stumbled into the biggest landmine.+


Author's Note:

So many people write succubi and lust style peeps as some sort of socializing masters, but I figured I'd go a bit of a counter route where because this one relied so much on her "charm" and lewd matters, she's just kind of awkward.

When she's flirting with people she's in her element, but otherwise... Phew. She loses it pretty fast.

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