The Puppet Emperor Regresses

21: Basic Imperial Swordsmanship – Part 2

Emperor Mikhail sat on his throne, the weight of his crown feeling heavier than ever. Before him, his ministers argued, their voices rising in barely contained anger.

"Your Majesty, we must take action against the northern rebels!" one minister shouted. "Their insolence grows by the day!"

Another countered, "And risk open war! I will not waste my region's soldiers on such an unnecessary endeavour! We must negotiate!"

Mikhail listened, feeling helpless and overwhelmed.

He knew he should have an opinion, that he should make a decision, but he felt paralysed by indecision. How could he, weak and unskilled as he was, possibly know what was best for the empire?

As the arguments grew more heated, Mikhail's gaze drifted to Gregor, standing quietly at the side of the throne room. The loyal butler met his eyes, giving an almost imperceptible nod of encouragement.

Taking a deep breath, Mikhail raised a hand. To his surprise, the room fell silent immediately.

"Ministers," he began, his voice steadier than he felt, "I thank you for your counsel. I will consider your words carefully before making a decision. For now, let us adjourn and reconvene tomorrow."

As the ministers filed out, some looking frustrated, others relieved, Gregor approached the throne. "Well done, Your Majesty," he said softly. "You handled that with grace."

Mikhail slumped in his seat, the brief moment of confidence fading. "Did I? I still don't know what to do, Gregor. How can I lead when I feel so... so inadequate?"

Gregor's response was measured and wise. "Leadership, Your Majesty, is not about having all the answers. It's about having the wisdom to listen, the courage to decide, and the strength to bear the consequences. You showed all of those qualities today."

Mikhail looked up at his faithful servant, feeling a glimmer of hope. "Do you really think so?"

"I know so, Your Majesty," Gregor replied with a warm smile. "Now, shall we retire for your afternoon sword practice? Every small step forward is progress."

--- --- ---

[System Alert: Memory construct initiated. Realism enhanced by Host's Temporal Consciousness.]

Before him, a ghostly image of Gregor materialised, looking exactly as Mikhail remembered him. The ghostly butler began to demonstrate the basic stance of Imperial Swordsmanship.

"Remember, Your Majesty," Gregor's voice echoed softly, "feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. The sword should be held at chest level, both hands gripping firmly."

As Mikhail mirrored the movements, he felt a strange sensation. It was as if his body was remembering motions it had never actually successfully performed, muscle memory forming from the imprint of his past life's struggles.

[System Alert: Temporal Consciousness is accelerating physical adaptation. Host's body is assimilating years of training experience.]

Hours passed as Mikhail trained once again cycling through the forms over and over.

The Defender's Wheel, a circular stepping pattern designed to ward off multiple attackers.

The Striking Tiger, a series of aggressive forward movements emphasizing power and momentum.

The Flowing Stream, focusing on fluid, continuous motions that could be chained together seamlessly.

In the void of his Personal Dimensional Space, Mikhail's movements became even more fluid, and more purposeful.

As he practised, more memory constructs appeared around him.

He saw himself at different ages, all struggling with the same basic forms. But now, with each repetition, Mikhail felt as though he was rewriting those memories of failure.

In one particularly vivid scene, Mikhail saw his past self and Gregor discussing the history and philosophy behind Basic Imperial Swordsmanship.

"Your Majesty," the ghostly Gregor was saying, "do you know why this style is so important?"

The ghostly emperor shook his head wearily. "Because it's all I can manage to learn, Gregor?"

Gregor's expression softened. "No, Your Majesty. It's because Basic Imperial Swordsmanship is the foundation of all martial prowess in our empire. It was created by Empress Alessandra herself, during the wars to unite the races."

Mikhail's eyes widened at this revelation. "Alessandra the Conqueror created this style?"

Gregor nodded. "Indeed. She believed that true strength lay not in complex techniques, but in mastering the basics. This style was designed to be learned by anyone willing to pick up a sword, from the lowliest peasant to the mightiest warrior."

"But surely advanced techniques are more powerful?" the emperor asked.

"Perhaps," Gregor admitted. "But I believe that true mastery of Basic Imperial Swordsmanship can allow even the most common man, the weakest man, the most downtrodden man to reach the heavens, as Alessandra intended."

The ghostly Gregor's eyes took on a distant look. "You see, Your Majesty, Alessandra understood that the strength of an empire lies not in its elite few, but in the collective power of its people. By creating a style that anyone could learn, she gave every citizen the potential to become a protector of the empire."

Mikhail listened intently, both to the words of the memory and to the deeper meaning behind them. He realised that this philosophy aligned perfectly with his own goals - to become strong enough to protect not just himself, but all those under his care.

"But Gregor," the ghostly emperor protested, "if this style is so powerful, why has it been abandoned by modern aura users? Why do they all seek more advanced techniques?"

Gregor smiled sadly. "Because, Your Majesty, true mastery is difficult. It's easier to learn a flashy new technique than to perfect Basic Imperial Swordsmanship. But I believe - no, I know - that the path to true power lies in this fundamental style."

With this understanding, Mikhail threw himself into his training with renewed vigour. Each movement took on new meaning, each form a step towards the mastery that Gregor wished for him to achieve.

As Mikhail continued to train, lost in the martial trance, another memory surfaced.

--- --- ---

The night was dark, the palace corridors eerily quiet. Emperor Mikhail walked slowly, Gregor at his side, heading towards his chambers after a long day of court proceedings.

"You did well today, Your Majesty," Gregor said softly. "The trade agreement with the Elven kingdoms will bring great prosperity to our people."

Mikhail nodded absently, his mind already drifting to the mountain of documents waiting for his Imperial signature.

He was so lost in thought that he almost missed the flicker of movement in the shadows ahead.


"Your Majesty, look out!" Gregor's shout broke the silence as a dark figure lunged from the shadows, a blade glinting in the dim light.

Time seemed to slow.

Mikhail saw the assassin's blade descending towards him, knew with certainty that his weak, untrained body could never move fast enough to avoid it.

In that moment, he felt a strange mix of fear and resignation. Perhaps this was for the best. Perhaps the empire would be better off without such a useless emperor...

But then Gregor was there, moving with a speed and grace Mikhail had never seen from his old friend.

The loyal butler threw himself between Mikhail and the assassin, taking the full force of the strike meant for his emperor.

The blade sank deep into Gregor's chest. The old man gasped, blood bubbling from his lips, but his hands shot out, grasping the assassin's wrists in an iron grip.

"Run, Your Majesty!" Gregor managed to choke out.

But Mikhail couldn't move, couldn't breathe. He watched in horror as Gregor and the assassin grappled, the butler's strength fading with each passing second. 

Palace guards, alerted by the commotion, came running down the corridor.

The assassin realising his mission had failed, wrenched himself free from Gregor's weakening grasp and fled into the shadows.

Mikhail fell to his knees beside Gregor, cradling the old man's head in his lap. "Gregor," he sobbed, "Gregor, no. Please, hold on. The healers are coming. You'll be alright. You have to be alright."

Gregor's eyes, clouded with pain, focused on Mikhail's face. A weak smile tugged at his bloodstained lips. "Your Majesty," he wheezed, "are you... unharmed?"

"I'm fine," Mikhail choked out. "Because of you. Oh, Gregor, why? Why did you do it?"

"It has been... my honour... to serve you, Your Majesty," Gregor managed, each word a struggle. "Please... live on. Become... the emperor I know... you can be."

With those final words, the light faded from Gregor's eyes. His body went limp in Mikhail's arms.

Mikhail's anguished cry echoed through the palace corridors, a sound of grief and guilt that would haunt him for the rest of his life.

--- --- ---

In the Personal Dimensional Space, Mikhail's movements suddenly became more aggressive, more desperate.

He moved through the forms of Imperial Swordsmanship - each strike fueled by the pain and regret of that terrible night.

"I'm sorry, Gregor," he gasped. "I'm so sorry. I was weak. I couldn't protect you. I couldn't protect anyone."

Aurora, sensing Mikhail's distress, flew closer. The sprite's light pulsed soothingly, trying to calm the young prince.

"Never again," he growled through gritted teeth. "I won't be weak again. I won't let anyone else die for me. Never again!"

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