The Puppet Emperor Regresses

23: Garden of Whispers

The Imperial Gardens were filled with vibrant colours and soothing fragrances. 

The meticulously manicured flowerbeds, exotic plants and well-trimmed hedges created a soothing environment for the gathered nobles. 

High Nobles in their finest garments made small talk and schemed in equal measure, while Low Nobles filled quiet moments with their sycophantic laughter and chatter hoping to curry favour.

Mikhail stood at the edge of the festivities, his small frame nearly lost among the swirling skirts and glittering jewels of the adults around him. 

He hated every minute of it. But this little farce was a necessary part of maintaining his cover. Scanning the crowd, his keen eyes took in every detail, every subtle interaction.

He heard their whispers with his augmented hearing, the words carrying clearly to his ears despite their attempts at discretion. 

"...the Bastard Prince…"

"I hear he can barely read, let alone cast a spell."

"Perhaps his low intellect is better suited to swordsmanship, it's a shame he awakened as a mage."

"The Empress is too kind, tolerating such a stain on her honour."

Mikhail allowed himself a small, bitter smile. Let them underestimate him. It would only make his eventual triumph all the sweeter.

The man he was looking for had yet to make an appearance. Aside from meeting Aria today, Mikhail wanted to form a new alliance with a man who would be crucial to his future.

As he moved through the crowd, he caught snippets of conversation, piecing together the complex web of alliances and rivalries that defined the Imperial Court. 

House Draconus was pushing for expanded trade routes to the eastern provinces. As Mikhail knew, this minor squabble would soon lead to a deadly climax, as Duke Draconus would be visiting the palace in the near future. 

The Silverthorns were angling for a marriage alliance with a prominent merchant family. And everywhere, there were whispers of unrest in the outer territories.

Suddenly, a hush fell over the gathering. 

Mikhail turned to see his father, Emperor Tiberius Ironforge, walking up the garden and taking centre stage. Beside him stood the Empress, her face a mask of beauty and composure.

"Esteemed nobles," Tiberius began, his voice carrying effortlessly across the garden, "we gather today not only to celebrate the bounty of our great empire but also to witness the forging of a bond that will shape its future."

Mikhail's heart sank. He knew what was coming, but the reality of it still sent a chill down his spine.

[System Alert: Host's emotional state fluctuating.]

"It is my great pleasure," Tiberius continued, "to announce the betrothal of my son, Prince Mikhail, to Lady Aria of House Terra."

A collective gasp rose from the crowd, followed by a smattering of applause. Mikhail felt all eyes turn to him, and he failed to maintain a neutral expression. "No way!" he shouted. 

The words burst from him before he could stop them, his voice cracking with what everyone thankfully assumed was childish indignation.

Silence lingered in the air as then raucous laughter rippled through the crowd, the adults finding amusement in what they perceived as the antics of an embarrassed 7-year-old child. 

Mikhail felt himself blush with genuine embarrassment, but he quickly composed himself. 

This, too, could work to his advantage.

As the formal announcements concluded, Mikhail slipped away from the main gathering, making his way to the Garden of Whispers. All children's parties were more about the adults having their fun, no one would notice his disappearance.

He needed a moment alone to collect his thoughts, to steel himself for the encounter he knew was coming.

The Garden of Whispers was a secluded area, its high, enchanted, hedges providing privacy for gossip and secret meetings. 

Mikhail found a quiet spot beneath an ancient willow tree, its drooping branches creating a natural curtain.

He closed his eyes, allowing memories of his past life to wash over him. 

He remembered the first time he met Aria in that other timeline - her shy smile, the way her eyes lit up when she laughed. They had been children then, innocent and unaware of the machinations that would shape their futures.

"Mikhail?" A soft voice interrupted his reverie. "Is that you?"

He opened his eyes to see Aria standing before him, looking exactly the way he remembered. Her golden curls framed her face, and her blue eyes were wide with curiosity.

For a moment, Mikhail felt his resolve waver. 

This wasn't the woman who had betrayed him in his bitter past, who had sold his secrets and ultimately poisoned him. This was a child, not yet practised in the cruelties of court life.

But then he remembered the pain, his resentment rose up in his heart like bitter bile, and the memory of the fatal taste of poison that almost killed him hardened his expression.

"What do you want?" he snapped, his voice cold and dismissive.

Aria flinched as if struck. "I... I just wanted to say hello. We're supposed to be..."

"Betrothed?" Mikhail finished for her, his tone dripping with disdain. "As if I'd ever marry someone like you."

Tears welled up in Aria's eyes, and for a moment, Mikhail felt a pang of guilt. But he pushed it aside, reminding himself of what she would become.

"You're mean," Aria whispered, her lower lip trembling.

Mikhail stood, towering over her despite his own small stature. "Get used to it," he growled. "Now leave me alone."

As Aria ran off, sobbing, Mikhail felt a deep self-loathing for bullying her. It was necessary, he told himself. He couldn't allow himself to grow close to her again, couldn't risk falling into the same trap.

But as he watched her disappear into the crowd, a new thought occurred to him. 

Aria was just a child now, shaped by the world around her. In his past life, had his weakness contributed to her transformation into the woman who betrayed him? 

Could he, with his newfound strength and knowledge, create a world where Aria could remain the blameless girl she was now?

Mikhail shook his head, pushing the thought aside. He had more immediate concerns.

As he made his way back to the main party, his keen eyes caught sight of something out of place. "Finally decided to show up, huh." 

A servant, moving with a grace that belied his humble attire, was making his way towards a group of young nobles.

Mikhail's eyes narrowed. This was the infamous assassin known as the Shadow of Sorrow, a man whose failed attempt on Duke Terra's son had led to his capture today and execution tomorrow - in Mikhail's past life.

Without hesitation, Mikhail made his way towards the assassin. If he could turn this man to his cause, he would gain a major piece for his revenge.

[System Alert: Divine Insight activated]
Name: Gage Millhand

Title: Assassin (The Master of Shadows)

Age: 35

Status: Healthy (Anxious)


Health: 65/100

Stamina: 100/100

Aura Core: ??? (Sealed)



Strength: ??? (Exceptional)

Dexterity: ??? (Masterful)

Constitution: ??? (Enhanced)

Intelligence: ??? (Above Average)

Wisdom: ??? (Experienced)

Charisma: ??? (Deceptive)


Notable Skills:

Assassination (Mastered)

Stealth (Mastered)

Poison Craft (Expert)

Disguise (Expert)

??? (Hidden)

??? (Hidden)


Special Equipment:

Concealment Artifact (Active)

Mana Sealing Device (Active)

Hidden Weaponry (Multiple)



Target's full capabilities exceed the current level of Divine Insight. Some information is obscured or hidden.

"Excuse me," Mikhail called out, his voice pitched high and innocent. "Servant, I need your help. I've lost my favourite toy in the garden. Can you help me find it?"

The assassin turned, a flicker of annoyance passing over his features before being replaced by a smile. "Of course, Your Highness. I'd be happy to assist you."

Mikhail led the man away from the main gathering, towards a more secluded area of the garden. As they walked, he chattered away about his lost toy, playing the part of a naive child perfectly.

Once they were out of sight and earshot of the other guests, Mikhail suddenly whirled around. His hands moved in a complex pattern as he whispered words of power. "Bind!"

Glowing chains of magical energy wrapped themselves around the assassin's body. The man's eyes widened in shock as he found himself immobilised.

"I know who you are," Mikhail said, his voice losing all traces of childish innocence. "And I know your aura is sealed to avoid detection. But you've made a grave mistake coming here."

A flash of metal caught Mikhail's eye as a hidden dagger shot out from a mechanism on the assassin's wrist. It flew straight towards Mikhail's heart, but before it could reach its target, it stopped abruptly in mid-air, hovering about 10 centimetres from the prince's chest. 

The protection bracelet Grand Mage Thorne had given Mikhail glowed faintly, its magic holding the weapon at bay.

"You…" Mikhail said, pitching his voice low so only the assassin could hear. "I know what you're planning. You will fail, you don't know this but the Duke's son is resistant to 1000 poisons, it's a hidden skill that none but me are aware of, your plan was doomed to fail."

The man's eyes widened in surprise, but he quickly masked his expression.

"How did you..." the assassin began, but Mikhail cut him off.

"That doesn't matter. What matters is that I'm offering you a choice. You can continue with your plan and die, or you can work for me and live."

The assassin's eyes narrowed. "And why should I trust you, little prince?"

"Because I know why you're really here," Mikhail replied, his voice filled with a wisdom far beyond his years. 

"This isn't just about a contract, is it? It's about revenge. The Duke's son murdered your wife and daughter, and you want him to pay."

The assassin's face paled, shock evident in his eyes.

"But what if I told you there was a better way?" Mikhail continued. "What if, instead of just killing the son, we destroyed the entire House of Terra? Wouldn't that satisfy your need for vengeance even more?"

Mikhail pulled a scroll from his Personal Dimensional Space. He unrolled it, revealing a complex mana contract.

"This is a mana contract," Mikhail explained. "It binds us for fifteen years. During that time, you'll serve me, lending me your skills when I need them. In return, I vow to destroy House Terra within that timeframe. If I fail, my life is forfeit."

The assassin's eyes scanned the contract, taking in its terms. The document stipulated that their deal must remain secret, that neither could harm the other, and that they were forbidden from speaking about their arrangement to anyone else. Additional clauses provided the assassin with protection, resources, and a promise of freedom once the contract was fulfilled.

"The choice is yours," Mikhail said. "Die today in a failed attempt, or join me and see your revenge realised beyond your wildest dreams."

The assassin hesitated for a moment, then nodded. In his field of work, too many moments of hesitation would often lead to a lifetime of regret. "Very well, Prince. It seems I have little choice."

As the man signed the contract, the parchment crumbled into golden motes of mana. 

These motes swirled around both Mikhail and the assassin before coalescing into a glowing string that connected their hearts. The string pulsed once, then vanished from sight.

Mikhail released the binding spell, allowing the assassin to move freely once more.

"Now," Mikhail said, his voice taking on a tone of authority, "I'll have my Head Maid transfer you to my household staff. Will the forged documents you used to enter the palace be easily discovered?"

The assassin took a moment to marvel at the child before him. 

This 6-year-old had not only seen through his disguise but had also managed to outmanoeuvre him completely. Royals were truly different creatures, he mused.

"No, Your Highness," he replied, a newfound respect in his voice. "Those documents are as real as any others. They cost me my entire fortune - a considerable sum. This was meant to be a suicide mission. I... I expected to die today."

They returned to the garden party and the festivities continued around them, nobles laughing and scheming, unaware of the forces being set in motion in their midst. 

In the distance, Mikhail caught sight of Aria, her eyes red from crying, being comforted by her parents. For a moment, he again felt a twinge of regret at his behaviour. 

But again, he pushed it aside. There would be time to deal with Aria later.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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