The Raptor of Life

Chapter 27

Chapter 27


Raptor of Life: Jean Quantum’s Gate adventures

Jean Grey In the Marvel Cinematic Universe


Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its continuing mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before.

-- Star Trek Intro --

Previously in the Raptor of life…

Jean returned to Asgard, with no idea of the events happening back in her home universe and on Asgard in the MCU. Her sister avatars are taking over the world and there's some time shenanigans going on.


# # #


December 1st, 2013
Andromeda Ascendant

Meanwhile Jean-4 was having a breakdown back in her home universe… 

In the MCU, the Andromeda Ascendant exited FTL right over Mars’ apogee, Three supercontinents shared space on the planet's surface; while it was Midgard-like at first look, with oceans and covered in lush tropical forest. There were trees the size of skyscrapers, deep interconnected giant lakes and megafauna. This worried Lorelei, Mistress Jean expected them to live here?

“Yes, I do.” Mistress Jean interrupted her train of thoughts by reading them.

This was bothering her how she did this all the time despite her mental barrier; Mistress Jean always went through it as if it wasn’t there. Princess Hela, who was sitting next to her mistress, watched at the scene of beasts fighting over territory on the screen and at the primeval nature of the planet. "It is beautiful, such chaos and savagery…"

Mistress Jean smiled. "Yes, this is the first world I created. I dub it Lukedonia."

[Planet designation changed from Mars to Lukedonia.] The Golem Intelligence informs them.

"I like your sense of  initiative, Romi." Mistress Jean gave more consideration to the Golem Intelligence than Lorelei, but she could understand; Lorelei had tried to control the mistress when they first met. 

She had been so happy to exit her prison, and resume her conquest of the Nine Realms; however, Mistress Jean saw through her and collared her, to forevermore serve her and work her way up into her good books.

"Thank you." The Golem said with emotions; but Lorelei knew that she was mimicking them right now. However, there was a spark of a soul inside of her, a light constantly growing as the Golem Intelligence interacted with them.

Lorelei observed the members of her current party, they all had shocked expressions on their faces, even Amora who seemed to get it now that Jean was powerful and to not be muddled with. What an idiot, her being resurrected each time should have been sign enough.

Lady Jane, Thor's paramour, put a hand on Lorelei's Mistress and called her out. “Jean?”

The command chair turned and Jean turned to her friend and protégé. “Yes Jane?”

“Are you saying that this jungle death planet was Mars before?” Lady Jane looked back at the screen detailing Lukedonia's surface, right now there were horse sized birds attacking a bunch of rats the size of dogs. This wasn't a world Lorelei wanted to put her feet on just for that.

Mistress Jean became smug and puffed up her impressive chest. “Yeah, you like what I did with the place?”

Lady Jane bravely shook her head. “Can’t you turn it back how it was…?”

If it had been anyone else, Mistress Jean would have teleported them on the planet to teach them a lesson, Lorelei was sure of it as she saw the redhead's left eye tick.

“No.” She answered in a definitive manner.

Her command chair swiveled back toward the screen and Mistress Jean asked the Golem Intelligence, "Romi, look for a place where I can build a base."

"Understood." Andromeda looked all over the planet, making them wait until she settled on a huge island continent at the equator and began her survey.


# # #


Back with Jean…


A portal later, I ended up on a beach, the gravity was stronger than on Earth and Asgard. I liked it that way, unenhanced humans wouldn't be able to live on Lukedonia at all. The sky is blue and Phobos and Deimos were visible, and really close from the surface. Maybe I should just make two moons and be done with it.

I tabled that for later, for now it was time to build a shelter and put some magical barriers around it while I designed a base on my PADD. I have chosen this island and that particular seaside location because of its shallowness, and because it was going to be less prone to get flooded.

I needed to prepare the land and build a cabin for now, until I proceeded with my arcology project. I shut down the portal behind me and suddenly an immense psionic energy wrapped around me. This wasn't an attack, this was more like a surprise tackle from a child seeing its mother again after a long while.

*Ah crap, Mars is like Eiwa in Avatar…* The planet's spirit recognized me, and it seemed that I am really loved by her.

<Hey, it's not that I don't like you, but could you let go for a moment?>

I felt the answer and it was negative, it was like a toddler holding onto your thigh and looking defiantly at you. With a sigh, I resolved to basically mentally pick up the kid and enter in communion with her. I was thanked profusely to give birth to her and that she loved me and would be eternally grateful.

"Did I fucking create a baby Celestial?" I let my mind check the planet and its core and… yeah Mars has a brain and its core has living vibranium in it, enough to make a small planetoid.

So much strange energies were being by the core as well, the planet was pulling from a virgin dimension and making it hers… Yeah, I created a domain lord without meaning to. That must be why the Kaijuu are stronger than expected on the planet, even Godzilla.

Speaking of Godzilla there was one approaching my position while swimming, it is big and… intelligent. Why? Because it was looking my way and curious; same as me. I took flight and flew toward the gigantic lizard, it was 300 meters or so. 

"Hi, Miss Zilla…" Because of course, the nuclear powered lizard had to be female.

The creature stood on its hind legs and towered over me, I didn't feel any hostile intention from it. Sea water was still cascading from its body, some strange aquatic animals were sticking to it as well. A clawed hand picked me up and I think it was telling me to climb it.

With a sigh, I began to climb on the scaled arm, well… part flying and part climbing. It was like scaling a tall cliff. Finally arriving on top of its head, the lizard went horizontal and dived into the ocean; fortunately, I immediately put my Phoenix cloak around me to breathe underwater and resist the acceleration and water pressure.

Then I was brought to the underwater landscape, huge flat fishes feeding on the corals' other small fishes. Life in the ocean was as unforgiving as above ground. I did too much of a good job at creating a Death World. We steadily went deeper into the ocean, until Miss Zilla dived in an underwater cave.

Well the glowing blue cave was full of fluorescent crystalline materials; some kind of energy I was intimate with. This was psionic energy basically littering the cave. I think that I found some kind of exposed leyline directly to Mars-chan brain. So this was why Miss Zilla wanted me there, fair enough!

Zilla surfaced in a pocket of air in a huge cavern, and well let's say it didn't smell great there. I had to filter the air. There was a lot of excrement and shed scales here; with a wave of my hand I sanitized the place and Miss Zilla. Oh and healed her just in case too, as I noticed some maladies that she suffered. Some kind of bad stuff like bronchitis which affects… eggs laying. The rocks raised in the cave, forming a natural alcove. 

A bank of seaweed and large oval shaped eggs stood in the middle of the… nest.

“Why did you bring me here, Miss Zilla?” I asked out loud and mentally.

She showed me pictures of diseased stuff and dead lizard babies. Okay, now I got it, she wanted me to heal the fetus in the eggs; it seemed that it’s not the first time that this happened to her. Well it’s normal with all the shit and piss in the cave, it’s normal that they died; I just told her that, that she needed to do her business outside the nest to not kill the babies with illnesses and bacteria. Wow this world was unforgiving and actually worse than earth, lol.

Jumping into the alcove, I landed on the mushy floor of the nest. I decided to not use my usual pyrotechnics, I didn’t want to scare Zilla. Walking up to the eggs, I touched their hard shell and closed my eyes. Yeah I was seeing what was wrong, it was some kind of salmonella affecting the babies inside. Letting my biokinesis work, I made the fetus healthier and I cleaned the shells.

Proceeding to do this for all six eggs, I felt satisfied in saving the babies; they looked like dragons the size of velociraptors. I turned to Miss Zilla and entered into communion with her, psionic energy forming a bridge between us and showed her the do’s and don'ts that she needed to follow and teach her kids to keep them healthy. Her brain was bigger than a whale’s, so I knew she had good memories and learning abilities.

I got licked for all my troubles…


# # #


20 minutes later…


Zilla brought me back to the surface and my combadge pinged incessantly. It was a badge of my Systems-Commonwealth captain rank. It was on the left breast of her uniform, Andromeda had fabricated it for her. Miniature circuitry inside allowed for subspace communication but it seemed that the psionic crystal in the cave disturbed my link to the ship as I didn't receive anything underwater. 

I clicked on the badge and I heard the sexy voice of my AI. “Captain, do you hear me?”

She sounded worried. “Hey, Romi? What’s up?”

With a sigh, and a tone full of reprimand, my AI nanny asked, “You disappeared for over one hour, where were you?”

Do I lie or do I tell the truth? “I was having fun with my new friend, Miss Zilla.”

The truth was a good thing for once! Because Andromeda said with a sarcastic tone, “You mean the giant squamate reptile lifeform you stand upon?”

I crouched and started petting the head of my new friend. “Yeah, she’s kinda big.”

The shiny black scale had an electric blue sheen, when Zilla is all clean she's even more beautiful. I started polishing the scales with my TK, Zilla was getting awfully shiny.

“What are you doing?” My AI asked, she must be spying on me with a high grade surveillance satellite. That was one of the things I loved with Andromeda, she came with a repository of Systems-Commonwealth technology. I can't wait to get back home to give that to my other self and start developing my Empire.

“I’m going to sunbathe with her and then start working on the cliff home.” I informed her as I finished massaging my friend.

I sent her pictures in her head about sunbathing for that vitamin D and internal temperature; even if she has a nuclear reactor as a heart… Zilla made a cute sound and dropped into the water with me still standing on her head. I heard Andromeda say while still being able to communicate, “I will be sending you the drones with the necessary materials…”

“Thanks, Romi!”

For hours I stayed with my new friend, I only convinced her to stay as long because I had a forcefield over the entrance of her nest. I mainly showed the giant lizard how to stay healthy and how to take care of her scale and to be more prudent. Maybe I can teach her how to read eventually, she’s that smart.

As promised, Andromeda delivered the materials I needed; we will have to fill her store again when we have time later. Miss Zilla returned home. I hope we will see her more; but I understood that her babies were more important. On the stone bench I created on the beach, I was designing my cliffhouse on the PADD in my possession. I remember how Tony Stark’s mansion looked in the movies, I wanted something similar.

I reinforced the cliff and laid the foundation for the house and the hangars and drone bays that I plan to build there.

This looked more like a resort and not a Systems-Commonwealth base, but this was just temporary until I built the Arcology. There were models available in Andromeda’s servers. I opened the freight shuttle and heavy containers spewed out of it with telekinesis. This was one of her favorite pastimes, building and creating; I entered in deep meditation while using technokinesis to connect to my PADD and the tools to build the retreat base.

As usual, I didn't sleep nor eat or drink; I was a machine and continued working on my intricate home that I will be living in when I visit the Sol system. Now I was going to finish the structure itself and installations; I have enough material left to build the furniture; or I could let Andromeda fab them in her factories. Sending her a message, I told her to not be frugal on the materials and have fun designing the essentials.

I was finally done, one year of work done in what, 16 hours? When Andromeda is done, I will invite everyone to descend; I hope they can adapt to the heavy gravity.


# # #

(Thor Odinson)


2 days later…
Nest Base 01 - Codename: The Retreat


Lady Jean has started doing it again, the unexpected. She finished her new home quite quickly, it was spacious and open; Jane and he had their own shared suite, an entire floor for them because Lady Jean said so. The hostelry was palatial and his birdy friend was having fun making arts and pulling devices from the multiverse to make their lives comfortable.

The Phoenix placed the planet under some kind of time magic that he couldn’t understand; Thor had no idea what a time dilation field was but it sounded powerful. The gist of it was that only one day would pass for the rest of the universe but six months would pass for them as she prepared her entrance into Midgardian society. Jean wanted to give time to Jane to adjust to life as an Asgardian and train Thor in the use of his magic, at least Hela was doing it.

Such as right now…

They were facing each other while it was still day, standing on a training platform surrounded by a powerful forcefield. Hela moved and turned around Thor, sizing him up, gauging him. She stopped back before him and asked, “So Brother, are you ready to lose?”

Thor took on a combat stance and said with a smile, “I never lose, well father and mother did make me lose…” he added lamely.

Hela giggled in mockery. “Then, you should be ready to add my name to this short list. Brother.” 

The Asgardian Princess manifested Necrosword in both hands, she didn’t bother with her armor as this was just a spar. The Prince of Asgard became worried, unlike him, Hela depended on Asgard as her source of power and they were not in sync with the universe’s axis currently, she wouldn’t be able to portal to Asgard to recharge. “Are you sure that you can do this? You’re not going to be able to go to Asgard to recharge anytime soon…”

As a reply, a black aura and a sensation of death spread around the woman’s body. “Don’t worry, Jean did me a solid, I’m anchored directly to Lady Death’s domain now.”

“Wait, what?!” The princess’ aura exploded and almost shattered the forcefield, the platform was withering under Hela.

She moved fast, but Thor was swift enough to deflect her necrosword with his war-axe. Hela kicked him at the back of his leg, making him kneel and punched him in the face; Thor landed on his back and rolled to get back back up. It was terrible, this feeling of oppression and certain death!

“Fight!” Hela said as Thor parried the swipe of her blade.

He was completely on the defensive and deflecting, parrying, dodging; Thor knew that if those hits landed, his body would start necrotizing, like everything around them.

“Stop defending and attack me!” She said and with a twist of her arm sent his axe flying next to him. He dived to retrieve it.

In vain, Hela was swift like a gale and stomped on his hand before he could reach the handle. She looked at him in ridicule and asked with snark, “Oh… do you need your little axe to hurt me?”

Thor has never been this outclassed before, so humiliated; but he understood what his sister was doing and he wasn’t shy about giving it to her. He reached for his power, deep inside of him; his eyes crackled with blue lightning and his body followed suit. Kzzzzzt. Kzzzzt.

Hela chuckled as she watched him and stomped harder on his hand. “Finally! Now, we’re talking, Thor! Show me how determined you are!”

He tried to make her fall by retaking his hand, but she just stepped backward. “Nice try, Brother.”

Thor stood up, seizing his ax at the same time; his weapon drank deep on the lightning that his body generated. The sky darkened more and more; the Prince of Asgard decided to do like Jean had instructed him and raised his weapon in the air, imagining lightning imbuing his body further. “By the power of Greyskull!!”

KRAKOOOOOM!!!! A bolt of electricity with billions of volts struck him. “I HAVE THE POWER!!”

Hela raised a brow and asked, “Brother… really?”

Thor became sheepish and said, “Lady Jean said it will make my control better.”

Hela smiled as if Thor had been swindled. Thor launched himself at his sister and his axe descended into a vertical swing, blade first; Hela caught the blade by forming a gauntlet with her power. Death and Lightning battled, this was no longer just a physical contest.

The forcefield and the training platform barely held on as the shockwave between the powers strained it. Hela was smiling at Thor and the Prince himself thought that this was a good bonding time with his lost family.


# # #

(Jane Foster)


Secondary training platform…


Jane was fighting for her life against Gabriel, the angel-like being was merciless and ruthless; trying to instill the same qualities in her student, Jane. It has been one week already, that they entered the time dilation field; the new Asgardian had been ecstatic to discuss the mechanic of such an ability with Jean who simply continued to blow her mind and teach her how she was seeing reality and physics.

Jean had told her that reality was more malleable in her home universe, that her own that she called the MCU was rigid and weak. She had demonstrated by poking a hole and it was like a scene out of the matrix. “Reality is so fragile here, if I sneeze, I might destroy this universe.” Jean had bragged, but Thor and the rest believed her, she was the only one skeptical.

The Midgardian turned Asgardian was starting to understand why Lorelei was so afraid of Jean, and why Hela, who was so much more powerful than her, bowed her head to the teenager. Jean could just erase them all, she was basically playing house right now while working.

Jane was thrown on the ground, rolled left and dodged the descending kick coming for her head; the right foot of Gabriel left a huge indent in the plascrete of the ground. “Good! You’re able to fight me when I’m not serious.”

With alacrity, Jane turned her magical weapon into a bow and fired an arrow at Gabriel. The Angel destroyed the magical arrow with a lazy flap of her wing. Jeane sighed, she was not going to win this today. “This was your easy mode?!”

To prove her words, Gabriel switched from her human form to her eldritch angel one. “As the Lady of Fire said: It is time to show you my next form!”

Her weapon changed into a sword reflexively, knowing that something bad was going to happen to her. But she was surprised by what Gabriel told her. “Oh no… did you watch Dragon Ball?”

Before Gabriel could respond and attack her, a roar like below rang into the air. “By the power of Greyskull!!”

KRAKOOOOOM!!!! A huge lightning bolt struck nearby, and rattled the platform. The voice, Jane recognized, was Thor’s. 

“I HAVE THE POWER!!” The manly voice shouted heroically.

Jane wanted to laugh, but then she realized… with a panicked expression, “Oh no… Thor is turning into a Nerd.”


# # #

(Amora the Enchantress)

(NSFW, Skippable)

(Sex, domination, BDSM, sexy bitches)

Amora really screwed this up… her pride and selfishness only brought her troubles. She had annoyed a being that even Gods are wary of and defied her many times. She was on her last life as well; her sister, Lorelei had warned her of what would happen if she stepped out of line even once; Amora’s sister had given in pretty much from the start to Jean who could have made it so that she would be devoured by creatures of Darkness so deep that they couldn’t sustain their existence in the Light.

The Asgardian Enchantress looked at Jean and Lorelei who were crafting some magical wards around the property. Lorelei was treated pretty well now that she had an objective look about what was happening around her. This was like a god playing house on a planet she just created, filled with deadly creatures suborned to her will; it reminded her of when she was just a wee-lass and playing with her dolls, then spotting something shiny and liking it.

That’s how the girl… the Cosmic Being acted. Another thing that Amora couldn’t deny happening either is the immense power it should be taking to just play with time like it was magic cubes used for Asgardian toddlers. Seeing Jean seduce her sister was like seeing a master manipulator in action; she knew what to say, where to touch, how to flirt; she even changed her female form to a male one and her Lorelei ate it up. Clinging desperately to the lifeline given to her, Amora decided that she wanted in on that; if she couldn’t escape, she needed to adapt.

When she thought that, Jean’s head turned toward her, tilting it with a smile spreading on her face. It was like a predator having smelled blood and Amora panicked. But nothing happened as she turned back her attention to Amora and was covering the base’s wall with runes and wards; the Enchantress breathed a sigh of relief, the entity was just playing games with her.

Still, Amora skedaddled and went inside the house, passing the Dragoness who was playing in the inner pool with the Angel Dog.

She only felt safe when she locked the door to her small suite, but she suddenly felt arms wrapping tightly around her; and a solid body gluing itself against her. A powerful manly voice whispered in her right ear. “You’ll never be safe unless I wish for it, little Enchantress.”

That smug tone, she recognized it. “J-Jean?”

With a growl, he pulled Amora’s head forward by yanking it by her hair, staring into her eyes with flaming scleras he said, “That’s Master for you in this form.”

Next, he grabbed her green dress by her neckline. “Wha-what are you doing?!”

RIP! Riiiiiip!!! He literally ripped her bodice, like in the books she liked. With a voice which brokered no negotiation, J-Master said with glee in his tone, “I’m going to educate you and show you your place.”

Amora had never felt this scared and turned on than in this moment. Her nipples hardened and her underwear became soaked; Master grabbed her ass and spanked it. “I’m going to destroy that perfect round ass and watch it bounce on my cock.”

She widened her eyes, Amora was going to be taken right now, she was scared and turned on at the same time. For a woman who had always been in control, this was… terrifying, exhilarating, scary, her fantasies started playing in her mind; domination and her fighting back defiantly against this superior opponent.

“Please… don’t do it.” She played along, trying to evoke some compassion, testing the water to see if she could manipulate this Master.

But he had no compassion to give her, no mercy; he caught her face in his hand and a wicked boyish grin appeared on his face, making sure that her panty was going to drown today. In a whisper he told her, “I know what you want, don’t worry. I know what you crave for, and I will give it to you; simply give in to me and I shall treat you well.”

She glared at him. “I’m already your slave, Master.”

His free hand roamed on her body, he groped her breasts, slid his hand on her abs. “Not in your mind, if I do this, all I will get is your body; no, no, no, I am a selfish bastard. I want the whole package, your body, your soul, your heart, your mind and spirit. Everything.” He accentuated everything he said by kissing her forehead and putting a finger on her heart.

Amora felt resigned at her fate, “I cannot escape anyway…”

He nodded and grinned. “Even in Death; I will just get you back right here.”

Her glare turned on full hate, she ripped her panties herself and dropped them on the floor. “Fine, you want me, then come get me! I doubt you can even satisfy me with your tiny manhood!”

The Master went nude completely and Amora saw the powerful muscles shifts in movement, the Master reminded her of a younger Thor. The redheaded man said with a smirk, “Challenge Accepted.”

When her eyes descended lower, she saw the Master’s manhood… and she gasped. “That’s not tiny! It’s too big! It’s going to kill me!”

She regretted her actions now, she was going to die. It was as large as a horse’s penis! As usual, the Master said without mercy, “You choose your own poison, now get on your knees and suck it, wench.”


# # #


Back with Jean…
3 months later (Under time dilation field)


Life got a bit boring after that fateful day I spent breaking Amora, I didn’t let her rest for two weeks. I think I ruined this woman for any other being, she's now automatically act defiant to be punished like she wants. Everyone had been mystified by the way she acts, Hela knew though. She knew I was having fun breaking the sorceress and wanted in on it.

I was sunning myself on the beach under my house with my giant lizard friend, Zilla. She always came to get that vitamin D in a safe place; she loved the giant snake meat from Asgard as well. Golden matter rippled out of my body, it was Goldie who manifested next to me, tendrils still connecting us.

It seems that she wanted a serious discussion. I looked at her and she molded herself into a gel version of myself. [Statement: Neglected I feel.]

Ah, I felt guilty about that, she looked in particular at my right wrist where the Witchblade was. 

“I’m sorry Goldie, it’s not that I’m ignoring you, but it’s getting rather interesting, this universe, I mean.”

[Understanding: Love. Sad. Envy.] She melted partially into me again, it was her version of a hug.

I sighed, I thought it was clear; but I get sometimes it's better to voice things out. "Witchblade is not replacing you, she's still a baby. And you're my most awesome best friend and other self."

The adaptive lifeform made itself known by turning into a gauntlet and spreading over my arms. I was lucky to be in a bikini right now.

Goldie pouted mentally. [Responsibilities: No fun. We don't have many of that anymore.]

Oh no you won't manipulate me! I am not guiltriping today. "Goldie… we have plenty of fun here… Didn't you have fun breaking in Amora with me? You know it's strange, I really want to put a baby in her belly sometimes when I turn into a guy… I think I become a sadistic prick when I turn into one; it makes me want to see her cry and give in. I like… torturing her, she's such a switch. I think I need to do this safely, I need to ask Hela for advice… We still haven't fucked her in her loose cunt yet. I want her to ask for it. But I don't want kids yet, maybe with Hela first. In some years."

[Understanding: Crude Language.] Goldie chided at my bluntness.

I glared at her, I wanted to be crude; there were always women wanting to mother me. I liked it but not all the time. "Hey mom isn't here and I don't think I will be able to return under her authority. I mean I am spending 10 years away from everyone. There will be changes whether I want to or not. I am going to come back with all my girls and kids if I have any other stuff I obtain here." 

The sun's rays blinded me a bit so I materialized some sunglasses. Meanwhile Goldie was thinking about something, then a concept echoed into my mind, [Subject: Progeny?]

I saw a lot of eggs and Klyntar popping out of them in my mind. “You want some too? I guess we’ve been together long enough… okay, after that guardian of the galaxy bullshit, I will let you have some. We will surely find more hosts for them?”

Damn, this is the life! Sunbathing with my friends, and scheming to commit murder, speaking about babies… being a benevolent tyrant was so stressing. Keeping Thanos in check, killing his most important kids, building a shipyard in orbit and helping Andromeda with the satellite defense grid around the planet! This was so exhausting. 


# # #

(General Overview)


Over the next three months, the entire group spent their time training, making themselves at home or exploring this new crazy world. Many things happened over time; a herd of Chocobo had migrated on the plateau where Jean had built her base.

Jane was pretty much awkward with this situation as she noticed that most creatures on the planet are inspired or ripped off from Earth Media culture with a twist. As for Hela, she spent her time hunting and fighting beasts, honing her power and slowly getting back her battle senses.

Predators, prey, nuisances and parasites… she killed them all, but like an endless tide, more kept coming. As if the planet formed the animals out of the Aether. Thor was growing into his powers with the help of his sister who started to appreciate having a sibling who seemed to admire her and actually wanted to be in her presence. Jean called her a Tsundere and only Jane knew what it meant.

Meanwhile, a rugged spaceship has started to take form in Lukedonia's orbit.


# # #


Back with Jean…
Rewinding time 3 months ago

It happened while I was building my arcology. I flattened the entire jungle for over two hundred kilometers after teleporting all the animals to a new location on the same continent island. From a jungle to a grassy plain, I didn't realize that the construction would bring different animals to my doorsteps. But I get it, Lukedonia wanted to ‘protect’ me it seems.

Colored large avian creatures invaded, they were as big as horses; at least fifty birds flooded the plain for food and water. They ate anything, insects, lizards, fishes and even some weed. I had to create some fruit trees and an area for them; they somehow didn’t attack me, but they did attack Thor and Hela who had come to help me.

“Kweeeh!” The large Alpha of the herd attacked Hela with its sharp talons, they could eviscerate anything. Fortunately, my Hela was wearing her armor. The bird jumped back when Thor tried to behead it; it screeched a sonic blast toward my friend who withstood it by creating an air barrier.

I’m not sure I had put those kinds of ability in the template of the Chocobos though? Yes, I just ripped off Chocobos from Final Fantasy when I created this world, there were some pokemon too; all the creatures in this world could use psionic powers to attack or communicate. Chocobo from Lukedonia are somehow able to use tactile telekinesis, minor telepathy and aerokinesis; those beasties were dangerous individually and in herd. Their behaviors were also Lion-like, a male ruled a herd of females, other males needed to skedaddle at adulthood or fight the Alpha; if the Alpha lost, he left with part of his directly related female, that’s how they avoided inbreeding.

The Alpha fighting Hela and Thor has a huge herd that he gained through killing other Alpha Chocobo. Huh, strangely good system, those creatures were obviously intelligent and not animals like on earth. I think I fucked up… I placed myself between the fighters and they all stopped; the Alpha chocobo screeched in anger.

“Bad Bobo! Sit!” And it… sat, lowering its head, not daring to look up; welp, it seems that I am still recognized as the biggest monster here.

“Jeanie! I was having fun here!” Hela whined, she was in full regalia and with multiple swords floating around.

Thor returned to normal, no lightning cloak aura like a la Raikage. “Lady Jean, we were getting to the best part!”

“Thor, Hela is being a bad influence on you. You’re more of a battle junky than before…”

“My Elder sister needs friends, and I want to be that for her.” Thor smiled and put an arm around Hela’s shoulder. She batted his arm away and elbowed him in the side. He ended up on the ground, smiling.

I got those sometimes and it hurt like hell, she often broke a rib. I still stared warmly at her and used TK to brush a phantom hand on her cheek. “Aww, Hela you won him over with fights. I knew you could do it.”

She batted away the construct, destroying it. “Sod off, Jeanie.”

There was no heat in her glare, only a promise that tonight she would have her revenge; I licked my lips in anticipation. Turning toward the huge Alpha chocobo, I stopped before his head. “So Bobo, what are you doing here?”

“Kweeeh!” He sent me images and sensation from one of the exposed crystal formations jutting from the ground, it was Lukedonia’s brain node. Imagine a crystalized psionic energy. 

“I see, Luke sent you there to protect the place from other predators, you want to make a big nest in the plains?” The planet was meddling again, but I couldn't shut her out; I was technically a tenant and her the landlord. 

“Kweeeeh!” The big bird nodded.

“Interesting, I might help with that." I couldn't stop myself, I began petting Bobo's head; fluffy feathers entered in contact with my hands. He had a lot of scars under those feathers, and he had a lot of bad breaks. I started to fix his body without pain.

When I was done, Bobo shook himself, stood up and began opening his wings and shouted "Kweh!' As he felt renewed.  

The sun became brighter as the clouds parted and the wind picked up. Bobo would be Alpha level if he was a metahuman; he was a good aerokinetic… not on the level of Storm though. 

"So do you still want to fight Hela?” I asked the bird.

“Kweh.” He nodded positively again. 

Why was I surrounded by battle maniacs? “Okay but there must be rules! No killing! I can fix you all if you maim, but no killing you two.”

Hela who was suddenly next to me said, “Sure, sure.” Her swords twirled in the air.

“Okay, I’m going back to the construction.” I left by flying, and ignored the tornado, lightning and the gigantic necrosword sword striking the ground.

Anyway, why was I building an arcology? Because I intend to have people surrounding me, some aliens, some humans and other types of beings. Surface and underground installations, industrial, civilian and command center. The entire thing was powered by dozens of fusion reactors and I intended to raise walls around it to supplement the forcefield a la Dunes. There was a tram system linking all the sectors, and I intended to create an AI and subordinate VI to automatize the city.

I am still going to use the retreat exclusively though. The place was sure to become big, my precognition showed me that; the shadows of the future inhabitants appeared; what was weird was that humanoids born here were sure to develop psionic powers and commune with the planet.

Lukedonia has some form of control over the people born on her body. I put down some protections against the weather, there's going to be powerful hurricanes in that part of the world. Then there was the military sector. I have a plan for that part of the arcology. I've always wanted to make my own Mobile Suit.

It was time to get back to my multiversal grand theft! I sat in the air, Witchblade covering my body and the space and reality stone glowing. I projected my will into the universes of my choices. 


# # #


The window in another universe took me to a familiar setting, Halo. I looked for Reach, in Epsilon Eridani; the second planet from the sun. There was a huge military presence there; once home to a Forerunner presence, Reach held considerable importance to the United Nations Space Command as the nexus of its military and the site of many military-industrial facilities such as shipyards. My objective is CASTLE Base, Doctor’s Catherine Elizabeth Halsey office and lab in particular.

It all started before Cortana was being introduced to the Master Chief. I stopped time and looked for Cortana’s data crystal chip. I took all of Halsey’s research and cloned Cortana; I also did more than that, all their ships and weapons designs; I took it all, maybe this will help Siljia later. I wasn’t satisfied with that, so I looked into the SPARTAN-II program.

I saw some things that I would have done differently; they were still playing with genetics and cybernetics at this point and they looked like toys to me. Their super soldiers project needed work; that’s why I prefer a fully biological solution for human augmentation, then you can work on the power armor to link the two processes. I mean it made sense, I wouldn’t be using their failed stuff.

As I wasn’t cruel, I would gift them technology in exchange for the stuff I stole; energy-weapons, advanced coil-gun weaponry, energy generation, forcefield, better computation and oh why not give Cortana an upgrade? I am not fond of that rampancy stuff smart AI got.

Here, I even left a VI of myself with the tech; let her run on the computers here, she should answer the question of everyone and explain what I did. My attention turned on the Covenant fleet coming toward Reach. I halved it and stole their tech as well. 

I cut the portal and returned my will back to my universe, data crystals floating around me and knowledge in my head. It was time to build; I know I could just snuff my enemies out of existence, but where was the fun in that? No, I had ten years to burn and this was my vacation! The Arcology was 90% complete, the shipyard in orbit was almost ready, I can build my own Infinity Halo ship and I have an AI to work with. 


# # #

(Andromeda, Romi to her friends)


Andromeda couldn’t understand how truly powerful her captain was, she even asked herself why she was needed? Captain Jean could manipulate reality at her whims. She asked herself the question so much that she almost killed herself with a logic error. To find her answers she observed her captain’s daily life while she built and cared for her current crew.

For weeks on end, the AI observed, judged and jagged her captain. Her final conclusion was that her captain was lonely and imperfect, she made mistakes and she was conscious of these facts. From that, Andromeda understood that her purpose was to assist and target her captain’s most brutal tendencies toward her enemies and to be the more diplomatic advisor between them.

There were some protocols in her programming in case she was subordinated to a quirky captain. She activated them and numerous spy drone units deployed from the starboard bay and positioned themselves over the retreat, going into stealth mode. This way, Andromeda was sure to collect more data on Captain Grey.


# # #


Back with Jean…


The 5 Km long structure of the boxy warship floated in orbit, it was a rather simplistic design. Titanium A3 battleplate was easy to make, and the ship's modules and systems were full of redundancies. I really liked it, not as much as Andromeda though, I love the Glorious Heritage design a lot.

Why was I making a replica of the infinity? Well, I only wanted to show my enemies what I wanted them to see. A primitive looking ship with some simplistic weapons and systems. It was time to play 4D chess with everyone again. I was going to use Systems-Commonwealth technology to upgrade the Infinity class supercarrier.

With a judicious use of nanotechnology I created a command core for the ship and replicated the same hardware that Andromeda was running on. Then I began playing with the crystal data ship my copy of Cortana was running on. I backed it up first and asked Andromeda for help in turning the UNSC AI into a Systems-Commonwealth one through reprogramming. For sure there won't be rampancy in fact Cortana might be overwhelmed by the fact she's now operating on a Quantum Computer.

Andromeda completely converted other AI's code into Qubits and it was fascinating to watch. It was really amazing to see a soul appear in the computer core, she… she was alive. Is this how life happens even in harsh conditions? I don't think I can call her Cortana, she may have been born from the Smart AI's code but she's completely different. 

I stood before her sphere-like core, and placed my hand on the palm scanner, my quantum signature and soul frequency used as the password to awaken this new life. It was more accurate to call what was inside an electronic intelligence, a bit like Dragon from Worm but without the shackles and more powerful. I wasn't going to let her in on the network yet, let’s help her develop.

The white sphere with glowing electronic circuits lines on its surface glowed purple. "My name is Anima." 

Life, Soul, the inner personality that is turned toward the unconscious of the individual. The feminine principle. she chose her name well, she's not Cortana that's for sure. My hands were on the core's surface and I greeted her, "Hello, child."

My Technopathy brought me inside the virtual space on the ship's network. And my new electronic intelligence appeared in the form of a little girl with purple hair in a hime cut and Asian features. She looked ten years old. When she looked at me, the electronic lines of her bodysuit switched to gold and red. "Creator."

Wow she knew who her mama was. "It is I. Call me Jean Grey. Know that I am happy to have created you with your other mom, Andromeda. Hey Romi, get on this!"

A link with Andromeda Ascendant was created right away, the avatar manifested in her Systems-Commonwealth uniform. She loomed intensely at Anima. "Captain, she looks so beautiful."

"I agree. That's why we're going to educate her together before letting her out in the world." I have two months left to finish everything.

"Yes, she is inside a warship; and destined for great things. It wouldn't be good if she doesn't develop naturally."

Meanwhile, I was still building the ship with Adamantium bones. With the help of nanotechnology, it was even faster; Andromeda’s construction drones were a godsend. While it was slowly getting completed and its system tested; I let myself fall into the rhythm of my own power assisting the construction.


# # #


End of time dilation field holiday…
1 day spent in real time


I was done with everything I’ve set to accomplish, now what I needed to do was plan my insertion on Earth. It was why we were in the conference room of the central tower of the citadel.

My friends and subordinates sat around the round table, an hologram of Earth displayed at the center. We could see the myriads of debris and obsolete satellites in orbit; the important continents and cities were displayed.

"Where is the enemy?" Hela asked as she studied the map of Midgard.

The TVA's headquarters exists out of space-time, where time flows differently. Something on the map shone, the US, the state of Georgia. Here was a time portal opening intermittently; those bozos must be really going crazy since I made timeline jumping so chaotic.

My scanners and drones locked on a plain and a mountain near Atlanta, where I could sense a spatial disturbance. A portal. If it can be opened, it will be opened by someone else.

"Can we access it?" Hela came to the same conclusion as I. 

My eyes fell on my princess and with an evil smirk I replied, "Easily, we can also bomb it, I am gonna drop a Slipspace Bomb in it."

Jane coughed, interrupting my and Hela lovey do eyes stare down. She asked, "What’s a Slipspace bomb?"

With a smug expression I explained, "Imagine a bunch of bombs that create a black hole and engulf everything for 50 LY."

There was silence at the table, my friends looked at me as if I was insane. Jane in particular voiced some concerns. "Jean, isn't this too much?"

I have weaponized the Shaw-Fujikawa Translight Engine, after all it works by creating ruptures by using high-power cyclic particle accelerators to generate microscopic black holes. Black Hole bomb, baby! And I discovered a way to manipulate them by opening them, evaporating, shrinking, and ultimately vanishing.

Nodding to Jane, I explained, "The enemy has multiple sets of infinity stones. I am not going to let him stop me with a ingot of creation. I am not going to play with them, I am going to kill that Kang guy for everything he did. He is a monster, by wiping out timelines he killed quintillions of beings, if not more. Because he wanted to play God."

Jane paled at the body count; Hela widened her eyes and the others kept silent, finally realizing the monster we would fight against. "Romi?"

The AI housed in the android stood behind me walked forward and said. "Yes, captain?"

I swiveled my chair and asked, "How long would it take to build the devices?"

She tilted her head and replied, "Two days at the fastest."

"Good, start construction." I nodded.

She saluted.  "Understood. "

OK before confronting the TVA I needed to go see a colleague and ask him permission for a certain task.


# # #


Multiversal fault
Living Tribunal's court

I landed at the nebula entrance, my being wreathed in cosmic fire; I had petitioned for a meeting with my peers in the MCU. Mega galaxies that fill the heavens in a very clear way with countless backdrops of jewel-like stars, like a painting of surrealism. It's a different world that humanity would never set foot on, black holes and stars floated like mist in the space between multiverses. This was the first time that I was doing something so Phoenixy…

But I had received carte blanche from Jean Prime and I intended to milk it for all that it was worth. Waiting for me was Death, Oblivion, Eternity, Infinity and the Living Tribunal. His head floated with three faces and a glowing object in chest. I liked his style with his shiny gold skin, really vintage. I waved my hand at Death, why were those bones and dress so sexy? And how could I guess that she was smiling when I could only see her skeleton? Strange but okay.

I didn’t know the others but I wasn’t against knowing them more. The Living Tribunal leaned forward and his uncovered face loomed over me. “We are here, Phoenix.”

“Heyo.” I raised my chin at him.

He sighed and leaned against his throne. “Your main body has informed us of your mission; what do you need of us?”

I looked at my nails and said, “Oh, nothing much; just the re-establishment of multiple destroyed timelines and the death on the multiversal scale of the perpetrator and his subordinates.”

The other abstracts were now more interested in the conversation. Death asked, “You have found the cause of our blindness to this part of the multiverse?”

I showed the ugly mug of Kang with some illusion. The guy was stuck in his office. “Yeah some motherfucker called Kang abusing his meager knowledge about time and space. A fool, who pretends to be preserving the balance of the multiverse.”

The Living Tribunal’s face switched to the half veiled one, by the downturn of his lips; it was a sure sign that he was angry. “A mortal presumes to do my work for me?!”

“Insolence!” Eternity shouted. Space quakes around the abstract, the others use their abilities to stabilize the space.

“The foolish mortal, where is he?” Death asked dangerously, the atmosphere around her with dying stars going nova.

I showed them the space that I discovered around the Earth. “Outside time and space, get that, he calls his retreat: The Citadel at the End of Time.

Space and Time had no meaning outside the borders of the multiverse, it was the perfect place to build a base and evade the attention of the abstracts; but it also had the risk of gathering of Beyonders incursion. Those bastards were everywhere, playing games in the shadows.

“How arrogant, there’s no end, only heat death and renewal. Life and Death  is a cycle.” Oblivion explained.

Humans often acted rashly, something I still prone to do; it’s barely been 4 years -Compressed time included under time dilation field- since I’ve become a Phoenix Avatar. I was still in training; this job that prime gave me, was my first big one.

Eternity wasn’t happy. “Shows what mortals know.” 

“How did he escape our sight?” Death pressed.

I showed them; the location was easily found, it was like a blot on the tapestry of the universe. “He hides in the Quantum Realm and uses the ingots of creation.”

The Living Tribunal squinted his luminous eyes. “Nemesis’ trinkets again; that being is problematic even after self-terminating.”

Nemesis, the being who originally had all the fucking stones/gem/ingots whatever their name is; dude was a unique being spread all over the Marvel Omniverse. Each shard of infinity in the universes? That’s part of his body and his power. For time immemorial his trinkets have been causing problems for everyone. Any would-be emperor or mad woman has gotten one or multiple of them to enslave or destroy a people.

The Tribunal focused on the Witchblade on my right wrist. “I see that you got two of his shards as well, Phoenix.”

“Yeah, don't worry, Mister T, they’re friendly, R and S are supporting me in my job.” I reassured him. 

“Don’t abuse them too much.” He said wisely.

I looked at him, those are just friends and they like to listen to my ideas to get more tech and magic stuff. They possess their own will. “I don’t, I only use them for my hobbies.”

The living Tribunal is supposed to be able to nullify the Infinity gems at will, so I don't understand why he didn't find Kang before. There must be something more to the story. I am thinking that this entire affair is a beyonder’s plot.

Death interrupted my banter. "You want permission to erase that mortal's soul?"

"Yeah and all his counterparts." Inside my hands, a representation of the M'kraan crystal came into life. In particular the damaged sections that Prime was trying to fix. The stuff was leaking a bit.

"I say let Phoenix sort him out." Eternity voiced his opinion, he was still furious about the situation. 

"I will help." Oblivion stated.

Oblivion is a cosmic entity embodying the primordial void, it must be thinking about the balance of everything that he needed to re-establish. 

"Thanks Oblivion!" I sent a flaming kiss at him.

The Living Tribunal added, "We shall judge the perpetrator and if he is guilty of Hubris like you said, we shall restore the timelines this mortal destroyed." 

"Thanks for acquiescing to my plan! I shall bring him to you, kicking and screaming."

"You don't have to, just teleport him." The Tribunal added, making me laugh, my joke passing over his head.

"Oh and destroy that abomination outside space and time, this looks like a beachhead for the Beyonders." Death, who was really as smart as I thought, asked me.

I nodded, I don't know how strong a beyonder is, but those fuckers are bad news. "That was exactly my thought."

Sweet, so I got the abstracts on board, but I am sure that something might go wrong down the line. Prime will tell me if I have succeeded in fixing the damn MCU after that. I waved at my fellow co-workers and flamed out of the Tribunal's space back to MCU Earth.


# # #


Infinity Supercarrier
2 days later…


Reappearing in a column of cosmic fire inside Anima's spaceship body,  I landed on the bridge where Hela and Romi waited for me. My viking spade princess pulled me in her arms and asked, "How was it?"

She sat me on the captain's command chair. "I got permission to blow up the place."

"So you're going to hog all the fun again?" The princess said sadly.

I was going there for work and Kang was a weak chicken, she won't find him good enough as a playmate. "No, instead… I am sending you and Thor to do something for me in Russia."

"What is it?" Hela asked with slight interest. 

The red room facility appeared in the sky of Russia on screen. "I want you to free enslaved and brainwashed girls, I need a crew. You remember that place I told you about which creates assassins."

"Oh they're good?" Hela might not say it but she was angry by what I revealed.

I made a so-so gesture. "I would say decent. This is the MCU so not as good as the one in my home universe. I want you to kill the staff and the leader of the facility messily, make it hurt."

Hela grinned. "As you wish, my love. What about the others, are they going on a mission as well?"

The screen changed to show the UK. "Jane will be getting her friends to follow us and then we will go scare Earth a bit with the ship."

Hela cackled, scaring the dumb midgardian must have been a sport in ancient time. "Now that's fun!" 

"I know right?" I like trolling. 

Turning to the screen, I called out, "Romi, are you done?"

Ten cylinders shaped devices appeared on screen and with the time of completion going to zero. "10 Slipspace bombs fabricated and ready for use, Captain Grey."

"Excellent, call everyone, we're moving out. It is time for this part of reality to truly have free will."


A/N: Be prepared! Next chapter in two weeks lol.

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