The Record of Unusual Creatures

Chapter 59

Chapter 59: Neither a Success…
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Four gigantic chains hung forebodingly from the rock ceiling of the big chamber. Where the obsidian, black chains met, a claw-shaped metal structure that formed a twisted iron cage was mounted. Within it, a black crystal was held.

What they saw was just as Vivian had described; a meter odd in length with jagged edges protruding out from the main body. The crystal itself had the hue of blackened glass, almost obsidian-like with a tinge of blood red visible along the edges.

All three of them did not pay attention to the structure hanging on the ceiling when they first stepped into the room. Lily at first thought it was just a weird ornamental decoration, not being the sharpest tool in the shed. However both Hao Ren and Lily began to realize the gravity of the situation. It was the Demon Stone.

Hao Ren felt a faint vibration from the MDT and a deadpan voice echoed in his head. “I’m feelin’ really sa—”

“Hush it, shut up.”

“It can’t be…” Lily fell down, seated on her butt. “I’m still a wolf cub… I haven’t even met my mate yet…”

“Quiet!” Hao Ren hushed Lily as he smacked her head. “It’s a rock. We are not sure if it will—”

Vivian immediately interrupted him with a deadpan tone, “What do you think triggered the defensive mechanisms in the crypt or had those metal tin cans waking up?”

Hao Ren gulped. It was pretty obvious. Something resonated with the demonic rock.

“Say… would this be considered a critical situation beyond the ability of a mere human?” Hao Ren sheepishly activated the MDT and looked for the combat support function. “Is it okay if I call for reinforcements now?”

“Nope… not even close. You haven’t even seen the foe yet and you’re already calling for reinforcements? Do you have any sense of shame?” The MDT spat back viciously.

Hao Ren really lost it and screamed. “What the actual f*ck?! Do I really need to get myself almost killed before I can call for reinforcements?”

“That’s how we, at the Space Administration roll, buddy.”

Hao Ren almost burst a vein and got himself an aneurysm. A sudden violent shake within the crypt pulled him back from the brink. He realized that he was in a deeper pool of crap and fainting was not an option.

Dust and debris from the ceiling rained over the entire chamber. While the quaking was still ongoing, a spine chilling crack thundered from amongst the rocks. The hanging chains rattled violently and the claws, which held the Demon Stone shook too. From the outset, it looked like the claws would withstand the quake but after a few stir ups, the claws started to loosen their grip bit by bit…

Hao Ren wanted to leg it instinctively the moment the floor shook, hoping to find something to hide behind. But, as he caught sight of what was happening to the suspended cage, he forgot about it. The trio could only lock their sights on the hanging Demon Stone, as if enchanted by the magical crystal. With every shake, their hearts skipped a beat. Even Vivian did not have the guts to grab the thing out of the air. They could only stare at the iron claw’s loosening grip. Soon, one of the chains finally gave way.

The heavy metal chain swooshed through the air and headed towards the wall at the far end of the chamber. Nary a moment later, a deafening crash rumbled throughout the room.

As the grip of the metal claws finally gave way and the chains broke apart one-by-one, the black crystal fell, crashing on to the ground in a crimson gleam. It flashed as it came into contact with the surface.

Hao Ren had plenty to say at that point of time. What the f*ck was with the Gothic aesthetic of that design. Could the bloody fools not have made a proper, solid cage to hold the Demon Stone in place? And which f*cker was it who insisted on the claw design?!

“Run!!!” Lily screamed as she ran towards the nearest tunnel passage. The fur on her ears and tail rose in a hackle, the moment the Demon Stone crashed on the floor. As she lifted her feet, a crimson nova blasted out from the Demon Stone. Hao Ren saw a series of runic wards appearing on the walls of the chamber. Not long after, they faded in quick succession and a shattering blast no different than that of a broken window echoed throughout the chamber.

My god! The runic wards did not even last a second!

As the wards faded away, Hao Ren heard something very familiar… Klank! Klank!

Aside from that one tunnel that had collapsed, there were three other tunnel ways leading into the chamber and the clanking of armor was clearly audible from all sides. Lily managed to get a few meters in front and she quickly turned tail as she saw a sea of red glow floating in the dark. With it, an even more terrifying number of armored wraiths marched in rows into the chamber!

Since the wards failed, the wraiths could now enter the chamber.

The armored wraiths that appeared this time were different; grey mists swirled about their armor and a blood red glow shone from the eye slits of the helmets. The unholy energy from the Demon Stone had clearly taken hold of the crypt guards. As Vivian said, while the armored wraiths were protectors of sacred grounds, they were still spirits driven by unfulfilled desires. Their creation made use of techniques that were taken from a demonicon. They were useful when the crypt was sealed but, under the sway of the demonic rock, they turned into living nightmares.

“Bloody demon hunters!” Vivian let out a frustrated roar. Out of nowhere, another loud blast rocked the chamber from above.

Dust and debris rained across the chamber again as a giant slab of the ceiling collapsed right on top of Lily. She did not even have time to look up and leap as far as she instinctively could to avoid being turned into fine paste. While she escaped mostly unscathed, her tail was caught underneath the rocks. Hao Ren could only hear the pitiful whine of a dog having its tail stamped on.

“What’s going on up there?!” Hao Ren felt that the subsequent quakes were unnatural, more akin to explosions. “Why am I hearing explosio—”

As he spoke, the center of the roof came crashing down. Moonlight shone through the gap as the dust settled. Someone had blown a hole right through the crypt.

The armored wraiths simply stopped moving as the roof collapsed, perhaps confused by the sudden ray of moonlight. Hao Ren and the rest could only look towards the gaping hole in the ceiling. What was the deal with that? And the roof was directly underground?

“Can we go up through there?” Lily asked as she leapt to Hao Ren’s side; her tail wagging as she stared at the hole, her golden eyes filled to the brim with curiosity.

“Hold on, something’s not right…” Vivian signaled them to stop moving as she blew the dust off her face. Hao Ren saw a rope being lowered into the chamber through the hole.

Hao Ren cursed in his heart as he saw the figure coming down the hole.

It was that bloody demon hunter, Nangong.

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