The Reincarnated Girl Will Live Quietly

Chapter 11

“Greenhouse?” Sable repeated. Her eyes flashed with a clear interest. 


“Yes.” Claire smiled at the slight emotion that the little girl was showing. It was a change from the usual empty look. 


“The North isn’t exactly a place conducive to growing medicinal herbs.” Claire explained. “As a medic, I have a responsibility to make sure our supply of medicine is abundant enough to treat the knights and then some.” 


It made sense. And they would certainly need the supplies when the outbreak of beasts occurred. 


Isadora walked over and Claire greeted her with a salute. 


“My lady.” 


“Claire.” Isadora responded with a nod. “Are you going to show Sable around the greenhouse?” 


“Yes, my lady. If it is not an inconvenience, of course.” Claire gave a questioning glance to Sable. 


“Well, what do you want to do, Sable?” Isadora asked. 


As everyone’s gaze settled onto her, Sable twitched ever so slightly. She was unused to the attention they were giving her. 


Why do you care?


Someone has to.’ 


Isaac’s words repeated in her head, and her eyes flashed with a strange emotion. 


“Lead the way, Lady Claire.” Sable finally answered. 


At her words, Claire began to guide the others to the greenhouse. It did not take them long to arrive. 


The greenhouse was located behind the barracks. It was a large glass building and Sable could see the faint outlines of plants and herbs being grown inside. A few knights were guarding the entrance to the greenhouse and they bowed at Isadora in greeting. 


Heading in, Sable was amazed at what she saw. 


Several varieties and species of herbs and plants were growing inside, each separated into small sections. There were a few people moving around inside, presumably gardeners from the way they were dressed and carefully pruning and checking the plants. 


Sable identified herbs that she had seen in books before, but there were a few that she did not recognize. She spotted a workstation by the side and started to approach it before being stopped by Claire’s voice behind her. 


“Sable, would you like to take your coat off?” She asked. 


It was certainly warm inside the greenhouse, much warmer than the outside. With a nod, Sable took her coat off and just as she was wondering who to give it to, Isaac took it from her hand. He neatly folded it and draped it over his arm. 


“Thank you, Sir Isaac.” Sable gave him a nod. In her peripheral, she caught a glimpse of the odd look that Claire was directing towards Isaac. She couldn’t give it much thought, however, as Claire’s expression returned to a smile and she looked at Sable. 


“What do you think?” 


“It’s certainly impressive.” Sable gave her an honest remark. Claire gave her a proud grin. 


“The previous Grand Duke constructed this place after he realized that it would be difficult to continuously keep traveling back and forth from the Capital to resupply our stock of medicinal herbs and potions.” She explained. “For us medics, this place is a lifesaver, in more ways than one.” 


She let out a small laugh at her own joke. 


“Anyway, constructing this place was certainly difficult, but as you can see, their hard work paid off. Most of these herbs are used to treat various ailments and illnesses, as well as wounds, but recently, we’ve had the luxury to grow some for herbal teas and whatnot.” 


“How are you able to keep this place so warm?” Sable wondered. 


“Ah, follow me.” Claire led Sable to a small device in the corner of the greenhouse. The device was rectangular in shape and made of some kind of metal. At the top was a small hatch. 


Claire opened the hatch and gestured for Sable to peek inside. 


“A mana crystal?” Sable raised her brow. The opening  revealed a small compartment inside the device, containing a glowing red crystal placed on a small pedestal. 


“The mana crystal of a draconid to be exact.” Claire clarified. “The device acts as a conduit for the mana produced by the crystal and with it, we are able to simulate the temperature perfect for growing these herbs.” 


Sable nodded along to her explanation. It was no surprise to Sable that the Grand Duke employed the use of magical devices, as many nobles often do, but she wondered how much this particular device cost them. 


Since the Teodora Kingdom was an important buffer state and trading hub, many merchants and travelers visited the kingdom. Among these travelers were many craftsmen and inventors. They were responsible for the creation of many convenient magical devices that were currently being used throughout the kingdom. Although it was mostly nobles that frequently bought magical devices, the more commonly used devices, such as lanterns and cookware, were available for commoners to use. However, such specialized devices, like the one in front of Sable, were rare and more than likely specially commissioned. 


Once she finished her explanation, Claire closed the hatch of the heating device and they moved towards the workstation. Sable spotted an open book and, upon closer inspection, she discovered it to be a book on herbology. It was well-worn and showed signs of being frequently used as there were many notes and papers around the book. 


Sable scanned the notes. Along with drawn images of the herbs, there were lists that detailed physical characteristics and the specific uses of each plant. The information was meticulously written out. 


Claire awkwardly shuffled by Sable’s side. 


“It’s normally organized, but I haven’t had the time to clean it recently.” Came the excuse. While Sable preferred it to be less cluttered, she wasn’t in a position to scold Claire so she didn’t say anything. 


“May I take a look around?” Sable asked after she finished looking at the notes.


“Go ahead.” 


As Sable moved away with Isaac in tow, Isadora remained with Claire at the workstation. Sable could hear them talking about training. 


Moving through the greenhouse, Sable recognized a very familiar plant. She leaned forward and inhaled its faint minty scent. 


Memories flashed through her mind. 




“...Father? Where are we going?” Sable timidly asked. After being woken up in the morning, her father had suddenly summoned her, and they entered a carriage. She was not told by any of the servants where they were headed. 


Marquis Marten stared at her and thinking that she said something wrong, she was about to apologize when he answered. 


“I’m going to send you somewhere you can be useful.” His cold reply made her shoulders tremble. Sable did not speak for the rest of the carriage ride. 


The carriage stopped, signalling their arrival. Sable stepped out of the carriage following her father. 


They were somewhere in the middle of the forest, probably somewhere outside the Capital. Sable, who never spent any time outside, was out of her element. She trailed closely behind her father, but she was careful not to get too close to him, lest he scold her. 


The pair moved quietly through the forest, following a small path. Her father seemed familiar with this place as he continued through the path without a single moment of pause. 


At the end of the path lay a small hut. Sable could see smoke billowing from the chimney above. 


Her father walked to the door and knocked on it three times, each knock evenly spaced out in intervals. Sable heard shuffling inside before the door opened to reveal the owner of the house. 


A woman clad in a dark cloak stepped out. She wore large, round glasses and had her reddish-brown hair tied back in a bun. 


She narrowed her eyes when she saw Marquis Marten. 


“To what do I owe the pleasure?” Her voice dripped with sarcasm.


Sable’s eyes widened. She’d never heard someone address her father that way. To her surprise, Marquis Marten grimaced, but he did not reprimand her. 


Instead, he stepped aside and gestured towards Sable. 


“I need you to make her useful.” 


The woman raised a brow. 


“How old is she?” 


Rather than answer, Marquis Marten looked at Sable expectantly. 


“I’m six years old, ma’am.” Sable answered. 


“Nanny isn’t in my job description, Marquis.” The woman replied in disdain. Sable bowed her head down in shame. 


“Last I heard, you were looking for an apprentice.” Marquis Marten countered back. 


“If you know that then you should know what happened to my last apprentice.” The woman crossed her arms.  “I won’t be able to guarantee her safety.” 


“As long as she becomes useful, then you are free to do as you wish.” Marquis Marten sneered. 


The woman contemplated for a moment then answered. 


“Very well.” 


Marquis Marten nodded and started to leave. Sable froze, not knowing what to do. 


“Father?” She called out weakly. Marquis Marten did not stop and left her behind. 


Sable stood, rooted on the spot. The woman gave her a pitying glance, but she offered no words of comfort. 


“Are you going to stand outside all day or are you going to come in.” It wasn’t a question. 


Giving one last look at the trail that they came from, Sable turned and entered the woman’s home. 


The hut was small, containing a kitchen and a living room. There were two other doors that led elsewhere in the house, presumably the bedroom and bathroom. It was enough for a single person, at most two, to live in. 


Notes and open books were laid out over the table, and a small workstation sat in the corner of the room. Everything was neatly organized and clean, a glimpse of the woman’s lifestyle. There was a faint minty scent in the air. 


The woman moved past Sable and moved a stack of books on a chair aside. She gestured for Sable to sit down. 


“What’s your name?” The woman asked. 




“Listen up, Sable. From this day forth, you are my apprentice-in-training. I do not have the patience to hold your hand so pay attention to everything that I am about to teach you. Are we clear?” The woman glared at her. 


Sable nodded stiffly. 




Silence settled between the two of them. Sable stared at the woman warily, not knowing if she was allowed to speak up. 


“Spit it out.” The woman noticed her questioning stare. 


“Um, may I know your name?” Sable apprehensively asked. 


“Avinya.” She replied offhandedly. “As my apprentice, however, you are to refer to me as Master.” 


“Of course… Master.” Sable sighed in relief that she didn’t scold her. “You said that you were going to teach me, but what exactly is it that I am going to be learning?” 


Avinya frowned. 


“He didn’t tell you?” 


Sable shook her head. 


Avinya sighed in exasperation. 


“I’m going to be teaching you alchemy, Sable.”




“Yes. But we’re not going to be brewing potions.” Avinya’ smirked and a sharp glint entered her eyes. Sable felt a chill run down her spine. 


“We’re going to be making poison.” 




Sable felt someone nudge her shoulder. 


“Is something wrong Sable?” Isadora worriedly asked by her side. Unbeknownst to Sable, she had been staring wistfully at the herbs in front of her for several minutes. 


“...It’s nothing.” 


“Witch’s Rosemary.” Claire commented from the side. “It’s useful when it's made into a salve for healing minor injuries, and it can also be used for stomach aches when brewed into tea.” 


“In large doses, it can be poisonous.” Sable added absentmindedly. Claire looked at her in surprise. 


“Are you certain? How do you know that?” 


“...” Realizing her mistake, Sable did not answer. However, under the expectant gazes of everyone, she could not maintain her silence for long. 


“I had a mentor who taught me.” 


“I see.” Claire nodded. “Where is that mentor now?” 


“I’m afraid I can’t contact her anymore.” Sable had a distant look in her eyes. 


“That’s a shame. I would have loved to compare notes with her.” Claire shrugged her shoulders in disappointment. 


Sable inhaled the scent one more time, before turning to Isadora. 


“May I head back inside now?” Sable requested. “I’d like to do a bit more reading.” 


“Of course.” Isadora turned to Claire and gave her a nod. “Thank you, Claire.” 


“It was no problem, my Lady. Thanks to Sable, I have some more research to do.” 


After saying their farewells to Claire, Isaac handed Sable her coat and they exited the greenhouse. 


During the way back, Sable seemed distracted. The faint minty scent lingered in her nose. 

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