The Reincarnated Girl Will Live Quietly

Chapter 23

“The Winter’s Tear?” Grand Duke Lione furrowed his brows. 


The Winter’s Tear was a rare and valuable flower that only grew in the harsh climate of the North. To get their hands on one was an alchemist’s dream come true. It was rumored that the Winter’s Tear could not only cure any illness, but it could also improve one’s own lifespan. 


However, it was extremely difficult to find one. It was nothing short of a miracle that the first head of the Lione family managed to find a flower. In the past, many adventurers and opportunists alike attempted to get their hands on one, only to never return from the forests of the North. 


After returning from one of his subjugations, the Grand Duke was informed by his wife about Sable’s plan. Sending the letters was easy. However, her request to find a cure for her mother would be much more difficult. 


“Are you sure she can’t be cured any other way?” Grand Duke Lione looked at Sable questioningly. 


Sable shook her head. 


“I’ve heard from the servants’ gossip that her health slowly started to decline shortly after she gave birth to me, and that was ten years ago.” 


Sable didn’t know if it was she, herself, that caused it or if it was something else, but what she did know was that ten years was a long time. Her mother would have certainly seeked out countless doctors and tried countless treatments. If they were unable to help her, then who could?


Grand Duke Lione closed his eyes in contemplation. 


“As much as I want to help you, I’m afraid it’s too difficult to do so right now.” Grand Duke Lione sighed. “Our hands are full dealing with the subjugations and the corruption orbs.” 


“Then what about Lord Auberon?” Sable suggested. “He helped us last time.” 


Grand Duke Lione shook his head. 


“We haven’t seen him since that day.” 


He instructed his knights to look out for the mysterious dire wolf, but Auberon never appeared in front of them again. Grand Duke Lione didn’t know why the dire wolf had so willingly helped them, but he could not sit around to think about it. 


Sable frowned. 


She expected his response, but it didn’t lessen the feeling of disappointment in her chest. Without their help, there was no way that Sable could gather the Winter’s Tear. There was a slim chance that Auberon would help her again, but he was nowhere to be found. 


What do we do now, Bel?” 


“I’m afraid there isn’t much we can do.” Bel answered with a sigh. “I suppose we can wait for Mother’s response, if she even responds at all.” 


Sable fell into a contemplative silence. 




Her mother’s letter arrived sooner than she expected. 


She was reading in her room when she was summoned by a servant to the reception room. When she arrived, she could hear the Grand Duchess speaking to someone. 


“Your Grace?” Sable quietly interrupted to announce her presence. 


“Oh, Sable, there you are.” Adelaide beckoned her inside. “A messenger arrived with the letter from your mother.” 


Sable nodded her head, but when she turned to look at the messenger, she felt herself freeze. 


“...My lady?” 


It was her maid, Aly. 


She looked much more exhausted than the last time that Sable saw her. There were noticeable bags under her eyes and her hair had lost its lustre. Underneath her heavy coat, she was wearing commoner’s clothes rather than the maid uniform that Sable was used to her wearing. 


“...Is it really you, my lady?” Aly’s voice cracked. 


“...Aly.” Sable was feeling a mixture of emotions. 


There was a sense of relief that her maid was still alive, but there was also guilt about failing to warn her about the Terror Incident. In her nightmares, Sable often dreamt about a dead Aly blaming her for the events of that day. 


“Do you two know each other?” Adelaide curiously gazed at the two. 


“Yes.” Sable answered. “She was my personal maid.” 


Sable was about to apologize to her, but Aly stood up and abruptly bowed before she could do so. 


“Thank you very much, my lady!” 


“Huh?” Sable blinked dumbly at the sight in front of her. “What are you thanking me for?”


“If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t be here today.” Aly answered. 


Contrary to Sable’s belief, Aly was quite thankful to her. There was no doubt in her mind that Sable had saved her life and many others due to her actions in the Plaza that day. Aly’s only regret was that she felt that she failed in her responsibility to take care of the young lady. 


When she heard that Sable had gone missing, Aly resigned on the spot and fell into a deep depression. She returned to her parents’ home outside the Capital, and she was helping them out with their store until one day a maid arrived with a request from Marchioness Marten to go to the North. 


Out of her feelings of guilt towards Sable, she agreed to the request. Needless to say, she was shocked to see that the young girl was alive and well. 


“Thank you, my lady.” Aly repeated. “Truly.” 


“...Please, raise your head.” Unused to the strange, warm feeling in her chest, Sable decided to change the subject. “You have a letter from my mother?” 


“Ah, yes, of course.” Aly reached into her coat and pulled out the letter. 


Taking the letter, Sable unsealed it. 


The warm feeling from earlier was snuffed out as Sable felt a cold wave wash over her. 


On the letter was a single sentence. 


Do not contact me again. 


A bitter laugh escaped her lips, shocking both Aly and the Grand Duchess. Her grip on the letter loosened, and she let it fall to the floor. 


“Sable, what’s wro-” 


“I apologize, but I need to leave.” Sable knew it was rude to interrupt the Grand Duchess, but she didn’t know how long she could contain her emotions. 


Without waiting for a response, she ran back to her room as her vision blurred. She could hear voices calling out to her, but she forced her feet forward. 


She didn’t want them to see the shame on her face. 


Slamming the door shut behind her, Sable slid down and wrapped a hand around her mouth to muffle her sobs. 


“I… I thought… she would… help us…” She managed to speak through the sobs. 


“...I’m sorry.” Bel replied in a somber tone. Her hands were clenched by her sides. 


They had been too optimistic these past few days. The letter was a cruel reminder that Sable’s situation was far from ideal. They could not expect things to always go their way. 


Before her thoughts could spiral any further, Sable heard a frantic knock at the door. 


“Sable, it’s me.” Came Isadora’s soft voice. “Can you open the door?” 


“...Go away.” Sable whimpered. 


“Please, Sable, open the door.” Isadora didn’t back down. 


Earlier, she caught a glimpse of Sable’s tear-stained visage as she ran past her, and she didn’t respond when Isadora called out her name. 


There was no response from the girl, save for the sounds of her quiet sobbing. 


“Sable…” She wanted nothing more than to comfort the girl. 


Isadora heard footsteps approaching and looked to see her mother’s worried look. Beside her was a young woman, who shared her worried look. 


“Please talk to me, Sable.” Isadora pleaded. 




After what felt like hours, Isadora finally heard the sound of shuffling inside. The door slowly opened to reveal a crying Sable who was furiously wiping her eyes. 


Immediately, Isadora enveloped her in a hug. At first, Sable resisted and tried to push her away, but she eventually relented and allowed herself to be held. 


Then she quietly sobbed in Isadora’s arms. 




Sable sniffled. 


Once she calmed down, Sable went back to the reception room where Grand Duchess Adelaide and Aly were waiting. Isadora remained with her, holding her hand. 


“Are you alright, Sable?” Adelaide asked concernedly. 


Sable nodded. 


“I apologize for my behavior earlier.”


“Don’t apologize, dear.” Adelaide replied with a gentle gaze. “Now, what do you want to do?” 


As she asked the question, she placed the letter from Sable’s mother onto the table. 


They were quite surprised when they read the letter, but their concern for Sable grew. 


If her mother wasn’t willing to help them, then she would need to rethink her plan. It would also be more difficult to take down the Marquis. 


“...” Sable didn’t know how to respond. 


Her mind was too muddled to think clearly. 


“...send her?” 


Amidst her inner turmoil, she heard Bel’s quiet mutter. 


She looked questioningly at her. 




The others looked at her in confusion, but she paid them no attention. 


Bel met her gaze, then her eyes traveled to Aly. 


“Why did she send her?” Bel repeated her question, louder this time. 


Sable met eyes with Aly. 


“That’s… a good question.” Sable responded to herself. 


Why did her mother specifically send Aly? 


She could have chosen anyone to send the letter, but she went out of the way to seek out Aly to be her messenger. 


And if she couldn’t contact her again, then Aly had no reason to go back. 


She tightly shut her eyes. She pushed aside her muddled emotions and thought about her mother’s actions. 


Unconsciously, her grip tightened around Isadora’s hand. Isadora, despite not knowing what she was thinking about, squeezed her hand back reassuringly. 


When she opened her eyes, they faintly shined with clarity. 


“...I still want to help her.” She declared. 


“Are you sure?” Adelaide furrowed her brows. 


Sable’s sudden mood swings alarmed her, but her eyes were looking at Adelaide with resolve. 


“Very well.” Adelaide relented. 


“Thank you, Your Grace.” Sable bowed to her. She looked at Aly. 


“If Your Grace allows it, I would like to ask if Aly can stay with me.” 


“My lady?” Aly looked at her incredulously. 


“If you’re worried about her abilities, she is a very capable maid.” Sable continued. 


“My lady, please wait!” Aly stood up in a panic. “I haven’t done anything to deserve this. There’s no need to go this far for me.” 


Sable shook her head. 


“Mother sent you here for a reason.” Sable explained. “And I can’t keep taking advantage of the Lione family’s kindness.” 


“My Lady…” Aly felt tears well up in her eyes. 


While she was staying with her parents, Aly reflected on her actions towards Sable. When she served at the mansion, she felt pitiful for the young girl, but she never went out of her way to truly help her. It was only when she went missing that Aly realized there was more to the young girl than she thought. 


Sable was an intelligent and observant girl, but that was often undermined by her father, and of course the servants reflected his attitude, including Aly. 


This was something she always regretted. 


Yet despite everything, Sable saved her life. Had the girl not come with her to the festival that day, she didn’t know what would have happened to her. 


“We will need to screen her first.” Adelaide replied. “You don’t mind it, do you?”


“Of course not, Your Grace.” Aly bowed. 


In her heart, Aly vowed that she wouldn’t fail the young lady again. 

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