The Reincarnated Master Craftsman Just Wants To Live A Peaceful Life.

(Chpt. 43) The test of a Grand Mage

Clickbait title~ I heavily edited this chapter. It went from 1.6k words to 2.2k. I hope it does not feel too wordy seeing it's a bit uneventful. On other news, I finished a 4 part chapter that is around 8k words long. I like it a lot but unfortunately, I will have to split it into multiple chapters for selfish reasons. I shall apologize in advance — I am sorry.




 “Welcome…” A raspy voice resounded throughout the hallway as the creaking door opened. The door opened and the blue-haired receptionist just shoved me inside and then immediately slammed the doors behind me. The room was kind of the same except it had a really big window behind the desk; showing a really pretty lake landscape behind as well as the whiteish castle. What got my attention was the man sitting behind the desk. 


Wearing a pointy hat and a faint smile. Wrinkles that made his eyes slightly drop and his mouth cave in. A stubby nose and surprisingly no white long beard. Just a few white hairs below his hat as I could not see his hairstyle. He was looking at me fixedly with a spark of interest, but he seemed to be oddly happy for some reason. As his stupid smile did not vanish. 


“Welcome. Young student, or rather. Future student. Please take a seat.” I sat in front of him in one of the available chairs as per instructed. 

“Weren’t you going to do a test?” 


I decided to ask the first thing that came to mind. Seeing the receptionist did mention it, I haven't even taken the test and the geezer is already calling me a student in this school. Weird. I sent him an inquisitive gaze but he did not really react to it. He just kept his stupid face as he fiddled with a pen on his desk. A plaque that read “Mr. Lynn” stood there, next to it there was a potted plant with nice rounded leaves. 

The old man thought for a second and then lightly chuckled.


“You are quite desperate aren’t you?” 

“... No, not really. But, you can’t really drag me into here telling me I need to do a test and then not do one.” I simply explained to him, making him nod in the process. 


“You are quite right indeed young one. Then, I have a single question." he narrowed his eyes. "What is magic for you?” 


I sneered; It was a rather obvious thing. “A tool to protect my loved ones and send appropriate punishment to those worthy of it," I said with pride. He seemed to be expecting a bit more. I thought for a second, what was magic truly for me? "Absolute control over the situation; having people acknowledge you as a higher existence, a source of respect! Among others…” I got a bit derailed there, I ended up speaking what I used to think of magic for the past hundred years instead...


“Fufufu. What an interesting explanation! I normally hear things like ⁠— ‘It’s a privilege!’ or humble things. While you did carry a bit of the privilege and self-righteousness as others.” I flinched, being compared… “You do seem to have different motives in comparison to those people. I like that.”  

“However, that’s not what magic is about…” He said as he was mocking me. After those words came out of his mouth. His body became a dark silhouette and everything became enveloped in darkness. It was like being in a void. I had seen this magic before. It was meant to give an eerie and creepy atmosphere. I kind of just absentmindedly looked at him, or rather, in his direction. 

“Do you finally understand young one!?” He let out this grandiose voice of joy, trying to make me realize something. I just picked my nose. It was getting boring. I mean, what's so special about the I-am-so-cool darkness effect? Wasn't that what Kuro looked like anyways? All dressed in black and stuff. I am glad that her clothes are normal now, otherwise, I would feel shame following her around. Well, I still feel a bit of pity for her, but that's for her to fix. However, thinking about Kuro was not the right time. I had to pay attention to the mage. 


“Not really… What’s the point of using such a useless magic anyways?” I nonchalantly said as I poked the darkness with some mana. The spell became undone seconds later, I wasn't really sure if he manually removed it or I caused a change. It was a very sensitive spell after-all. The old man seemed to be thinking about something so I just watched him. Then he started looking at the table and murmuring something before turning back to me. 


“... What an interesting young one.” he paused. “Do you perhaps have the Mage class already?” I just nodded. I saw a smile bloom on his face. “Ah… Looks like this old man forgot…” He started rummaging below his desk as he moved various objects around. Until he pulled out a sheet of paper and a pair of glasses. He began reading it and then nodded. 


“Yes… Looks like I forgot. It was already written here.” He then showed me an envelope. It was Dan’s letter. After doing so, he just laughed and continued “To believe that person would recommend someone…”

I was surprised for a somewhat different reason; to think the geezer knew Dan. I wonder what kind of relationship Dan has with this annoying old-man. I mean I don't mind it, but I do not advocate for using magic to try to "enlighten" people. What's the point of making them freakout and cry from insanity using a darkness spell? Funny how Neutral is forbidden but Darkness isn't. Well, I am getting slightly derailed. I wonder about Dan. 


“Is Dan special or something?” I asked out of interest. 

“Kind of,” he casually said. 

“Is it like, a girl that tries to be a boy and has depression because no one believes she is a boy?” I still had my doubts about it. I noticed the old man quickly turned around and his breathing quickened for a second before coughing. 


“It’s different… Although I guess he is special in looks too…” he said as he was trying to not laugh. I guess that was enough. Now into what I wonder about. 

“I see… So, what was the point of the useless darkness magic?” 

“Haha~ That‘s the first time that magic has been called useless. At first, I thought I did not hear you. But I guess I have to show young mages what its capable of…” The magic activated again after he said that. Enveloping the room in darkness and eerie stuff. I heard a faint sound followed by a weird feeling of uneasiness — it was an alarming feeling, I don't know if it was the same as Kuro felt it that time with the adventurer I killed out of rage, but I felt... scared. I moved in a panic, I had to move, it was something dangerous and sinister. Then I heard a dull sound hit the ground.

“H-How…” The magic wore off and I looked at the ground. There was a rock. Unfortunately or fortunately, I had developed a strange fear of being hit by rocks, something I had just discovered but it did not take me that long to think what made me feel like moving. It was the feeling of being thrown a rock when you cannot see it, something sinister indeed. I decided to inform him about the situation, seeing he was astonished. I did not think it was that amazing, it was more like a self-defense mechanism if anything. 

“Well… if you used something else than a rock, I wouldn’t have dodged it." I paused. "But the magic is still pretty useless,” I nonchalantly restated my thoughts on him. He let out a dry laugh as he returned to his desk. He had been behind me after throwing his rock. 


“I am looking forward to seeing what you can do. The test will begin now! Even though you already passed…” He tried to sound excited about the big reveal but then sounded disappointed. I did not understand this old man at all. I mean, to be fair, he did not ever say 'test begin'. But, wow, was it supposed to be a shocker or something? I did not expect it, but then again, I did not expect a rock to be thrown at me. 


“So, what’s the test?” I asked. 

“Simple. You just have to name neutral attribute magic! Everyone should know about forbidden magic. So, it’s basic knowledge for most people. Of course, this is not the only question we do normally. But I think it should be enough.” 


I nodded. Of course, it was more than enough! I pondered for a second recalling all of the spells I knew about regarding neutral attribute. 

I spattered a lot of forgotten spells I knew in excitement. Some of them were my own original spells! How could I not be proud of them! Although I did behave like Kuro there, but he did ask about forbidden magic. Having more knowledge than him in that regard should give me a better standing on his perception. It's not like he will think I am suspicious since he did get a letter of recommendation of Dan. He must be trusted among people to have such influence, so I will be okay if I do this much. 


“To believe you would even know about forgotten spells! Spells that were said to be lost in time. Some of the ones you mentioned are among those! Also a few ones I did not recognize” he murmured. "Anyway, I am surprised you knew about Ruin." He began laughing again… He seemed rather amused. But… Ruin, is that impressive?

“What's astonishing about knowing Ruin?” I decided to ask out of curiosity. He stopped laughing, he was probably taken aback from this. 

“Well, the last time I heard about the spell was about a certain girl destroying kingdoms.” Hearing this my smile instantly turned bitter. 

“Is something wrong?”

“N-no.” Everything is fine! I did not totally destroy a few kingdoms on a tantrum… 


“Well, I am looking forward to seeing more of you young lady. This concludes the exam.” I started getting up from my seat hearing his dismissal, but he wasn't really prepared as he called out for me again. “Wait.” I paused. “Would you show me some of your mana control? This is not really necessary.” He said with a bit of hope but I did not really want to do so. 

I just shook my head and left the room. He seemed disappointed but, I don’t even know what is a normal mana control. I might have done something bad in a Kuro style. Which frankly I wanted to avoid doing again. I did it with the Neutral attribute spells… I should probably watch out more shouldn’t I?


On the hallway, the receptionist was there with a gloomy expression. As soon as she saw me she rushed to me.

“I am sorry…” Those were the first words she spoke to me.

“About?” I tilted my head, it was weird. 

She grabbed my shoulders with teary eyes. “Don’t worry young girl. Not every teacher is as mean as that person. Let’s hope you get a different one for approval next year.” She was about to cry. But… What?

“If you mean the old man. He was pretty annoying, but nothing too hard…” I stated my opinion. However, the receptionist's eyes went wide and her mouth opened. 

“Eh. You passed?!” She was having a panic hearing me. I just nodded. 

“That’s the first time Lynn passes someone in the past three years!” She stated in joy. Was his name Lynn? Oh well… What's so amazing about the old man anyway? Well, I don't care either way. I have to go back, I dislike being alone with a weird receptionist and a old man that has an overexcitement for magic. 


I started walking back to the elevator. Leaving the receptionist behind. I had no time to be praised by her, it sounded annoying. 


“Wait!” I heard her hurried steps but I continued walking until I reached the elevator. To my surprise, she actually caught up to me after I had entered the elevator. Although she was heavily panting. 


“Why, did, you, do that!?” She was heavily panting and supporting herself by holding her knees. She did do a long run, the hallway was long and she seemed to have been talking about stuff when I left her, most of it was about the old man. I had hoped I could leave her behind but I guess that wasn't the case. I should at least honor her question.

“I did not want to hear you monologuing about the old man.” 


As rude as it was… It was the truth. I’d try to be nicer, seeing I am pretty much alone here. But this was just too much. I mean seriously. I don’t care about how mean the old man is. He was pretty weak anyway. Level 85 I would guess… Nothing praiseworthy. However, the receptionist seemed to think differently as I saw her frown. 


“I will have you know! That he isn’t an old man. He is Lynn! One of the few Grand Mages!” She talked about him with sparkling eyes. Seeing she didn’t move I tapped the lowest button on the elevator. It started moving down slowly, it was nowhere near as fast as when it went up. So I was stuck listening to the receptionist and how much she admires the old man. Now, I don't mind people admiring other people, but this was too annoying. I don't care if he has a dog or two dogs or three dogs... 

In the end, I was stuck hearing her monologue inside the elevator. 

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