The Reincarnated Master Craftsman Just Wants To Live A Peaceful Life.

(Chpt. 90) New Beginnings: Head-Priest of Tortul

Cough slightly behind schedule. But I never announced any schedule, so I was never behind!

New Beginnings Chpt. 90: Head-Priest of Tortul 


We all looked at each other in silence. Ash ⁠— scarlet haired disciple ⁠— quickly started scratching her cheek. I stared at her in confusion. She was my world renowned disciple? Ari looked at her in confusion. I had to agree. Jer’s silent gaze didn’t help either. 

“I guess that was an awkward thing to say…” She meekly said scratching her head. “So the real disciple just died…” She sighed. “That is… unfortunate…” Her shoulders slumped. 

“Very unfortunate.” Ari added. 

What was I even supposed to say? Well there is a question… “So, you expected another player to know what is going on? Isn’t that very hopeful?” I asked, unable to keep my curiosity to myself. 

She looked at the ground. “Well, I was hopeful. But it’s just… Well I didn’t choose this.” She kept staring at the dirt as she crossed her arms closed to her body. “It’s good to be hopeful, but now? I am…” she paused in silence. “Unsure.” 

She was shaking a bit. I could understand her, but I felt awkward. She finally sighed and looked at me, her deep red eyes looking profoundly at me. 

“I…” She took a deep breath. “Allow me to accompany you!”  

“No!” Ari hurriedly exclaimed from behind. Jer again; said nothing. 

Ah, why me? I silently groaned and simply shook my head. I didn’t want her around⁠— I didn’t know who she was⁠— or if she had any other motives. Considering her strength, if she attempted anything on Ari, then, it’d be troublesome. 

“I can’t allow that, you’re too strong.” 

“No, no wait! Look at my status!” She hurriedly pulled a stone from her bag. “You can check it! My status!” 

I nodded and took a look at her to inspect her. She shuddered, before putting her stone away. Guess she realized it wasn’t necessary. 


Name: Ashes

Family: Riverwood

Race: Forgotten Human 


Title(s): [Herald of Ash] [Successor of Riverwood] [Phony] [Disciple of Legend] (22 others)...

Karma: 412

HP: 62981/622981(+ 30%)

MP: 19173/19173(+ 30%)

ST: 74391/24391(+ 30%)

Luck: 300

STR: 78230/78230(+ 30%)

AGI: 94404/94404(+ 30%)

CC/CD: 200%(+ 30%)

Classes: [Ashen Smith. Lvl 40][Rogue. Lvl. 40][Night Shadow. Lvl. 40]

Special Skills: [Eyes of Ash] [Translation] [Spatial Box] [???] [???] 


I titled my head reading her status. Her name is Ashes. It was well ⁠odd. But, I hadn’t heard of  Ashen Smith or anything related to the ash theme of her status. She was a rogue, a smith and a shadow of the night; which meant she was incredibly fast and she would receive bonuses during the night. Though worth noting that, I had no clue what a forgotten human was. Perhaps it had to do with how she looked like a teenager in spite of her claim of thirty years. 

I sighed. She was like an assassin. 

“I-I know it’s a weird status, but I assume you’ve got similar numbers right?” She asked in slight desperation. Her face looked uneasy. I didn’t know what to say or how to say it. I just didn’t trust her. 

It happened too fast. The dwarven smith of the capital had mentioned that my disciple wouldn’t be returning for like a month yet we met her here. Moreover, she was a player, which added a whole new variable. What was I supposed to answer? 

“I⁠—” She paused looking at the ground, her fists shook. “No, forget it. I’ll just accompany you people to the capital.” Her fists relaxed and she half-heartedly smiled at me. “Just a lot to think about, it’s getting to me.” 

I tilted my head, what was this about? Though. She was sad. But… I had to worry about things too. I sighed and nodded at her. I didn’t want to say much more. 

“Y-YAMI!” Ari suddenly called for me out of nowhere. “We need to go, now!” 

“Ha?!” I was supposed to be Kuro! 

“A holy knight is coming!” Ari looked giddy as her gaze landed on the distant horizon. “W-Wait I have an idea, the weirdo disciple already knows anyway!” Ari took off her disguise collar, undoing the transformation and returning to her usual self. “Jer, try this!” 

She hurriedly gave my collar to Jer. “Since the armor is technically a part of you then it should work. Just think of your current armor but in white⁠— full white! Like a glorious knight of the sun!” Ari’s desperate voice made us look at her weirdly but Jer did it anyway. Putting the collar somewhat awkwardly after quickly removing his helmet. 

Surprisingly or unsurprisingly his boney white head popped out, it was slightly surreal to look at it but it wasn’t my business. 

Soon ⁠— surprisingly ⁠— Jer’s armor actually shifted, slowly changing color and morphing in a few parts to have carvings. And before us, stood a white knight. Radiant and valiant. Ari scrunched her brows. 

“It’s almost there⁠… well good enough I think…” She muttered. “Now, put on your helmet!” Jer nodded and did, his helmet switching to fit his holiness. It was quite shocking how royal he looked under the scorching sun. The white from his armor refracted in a rainbow as if it was glass.

“Wow, that's interesting.” Ash mentioned. Ari simply scoffed in response. 

“Jer, now you’re a holy knight of the Church of Grades. If anyone asks, you worship the holiness of items but never elaborate on it. You’re an eccentric holy knight, you look down on those who have less than [Divine] tier equipment!” Ari instructed. 

Huh? Jer looked at me and I nodded in confirmation. 

“I understand Ari.” Ari nodded in satisfaction. 

“Ah the pathetic church.” Ash said in realization and then sighed. “I was supposed to be at their capital but instead they changed the contents of the deal midway through.” She shook her head as she shared that information. 

“Ah,” so that’s why she was here. “Unfortunate.” 

“Very unfortunate.” She nodded in understanding. “Ah⁠—

She was interrupted by the booming sound of a horn. Ari’s face distorted in a mix of horror and uncomfortability. I hurriedly moved in front of her. If this would make her so uneasy, then… It wasn’t anything good. 

Ash entered a stance and pulled out a dagger that caught my attention. It was certainly better than any dagger I had seen since coming to this world. Jer stood in front and pulled out his sword. I tensed as I saw a convoy in the distance. 

There stood a girl walking with her eyes closed, her silver hair fluttered along with her highly adorned robes. She had a walking cane that was pale like bone, she smacked it against the ground and rocks occasionally. Her skin was rather pale, reminding me of someone. A wolf stood next to⁠— Wait isn’t that Fenri? I paused. That⁠—that’s Aizen?! 

What the fuck had she been doing!? Now she was part of the church?! And what’s with the cane?! Wait is that even a cane? Though at least it meant everything would go alright. I think. 

“Jer, bring down your weapon, it’s a companion.” I said in a low voice. He complied and put everything away. He stood in front of the entire group to receive them. 

Their convoy full of priests? Actually I didn’t know what they were, but there were two files of people that would gawk at Aizen and Fenri. A third figure walked alongside them, his armor somewhat similar to Jer’s, he stood straight with a regal demeanor; lacking any hurry whatsoever. 

Fenri couldn’t stop looking at me and wagging his tail. Aizen looked at me in surprise before looking at Jer then back at me. Finally cracking a grin. I looked different though? She looked at Ari and smiled, before pausing at Ash and raising her brow. Aizen set her cane in front of her and placed both of her hands atop of it⁠— it was a sword…

“Ehem,” Aizen cleared his throat. “I can feel a necromancer among you, please do step forth. We are here for negotiations. To show my⁠—” She paused. “Sincerity, I will be going forward with my companion the Holy Wolf. Adams, our Holy Knight shall stand back.” As if on queue, the knight nodded and took a step backward. 

Aizen began walking towards me. Jer looked at me and I just nodded. He moved out of the way as she stood before me. 

“Please, submit yourself to the Church of⁠— submit yourself to the church.” She couldn’t even remember what the church was called! “Evil necromancer, your capture is imminent, let us not make it violent.” 

Eh… I looked at Ari, and she looked unsure. Aizen nodded at both of us. She had a plan? 

“I didn’t know Kuro was a necromancer.” Ash said from the side. Aizen looked at her. 

“And you are?” She raised her brow, she was definitely annoyed just judging from her judgemental expression. Her amber eyes seemed to pierce into her target. 

“Ah, I am Ash, the disciple of the Master Craftsman, the church should know of me.” She nodded. Aizen paused and looked at me, I hurriedly shook my head. 

“I see.” She nodded and pulled out a collar. “Necromancer, do you want a duel to the death or⁠—

“Actually we have her captured!” Ari added and gestured to Jer. “We have a Holy Knight with us⁠— he was just passing by and he helped us!” Jer nodded and began his acting as if on queue. 

“Indeed. Necromancy is a serious offense to the Church of Grades.” Ehh… So I was a prisoner now? 

“Very well.” Aizen nodded. “I will be using the collar to seal away your powers. Should any unnecessary moves occur, both Holy Knights shall attack ⁠— it is my authority as the Head-Priest of Tortul.” Ha? Head-priest?! Ari looked at her in astonishment. 

She looked at me waiting for my words. 

“I, Kuro…” The necromancer? “Accept your terms.” Aizen nodded and threw me the collar. 

“Put it on, and we will all be at ease.” 

I looked at it somewhat dubiously and inspected it. 

[Suppression Collar ⁠— Rare ⁠— Effect: Degrade user’s stats by 90%, effective against anyone under level 80]

Oh! I smiled and gratefully put it on. It did absolutely nothing. Well done Aizen! It was shameful to admit it, but I was the one that caused the chaos for once. As soon as it was on my neck the group behind Aizen seemed to relax their tension; well except for the Holy Knight, he behaved like a statue⁠— actually Jer was pretty much the same. 

Before I could do anything, Fenri barked and pounded me. Eh, weren’t we acting?! He started licking my face and stepping on me on pretty much everywhere, his paws digging into my stomach, chest and legs. 

“Oh no! Holy Wolf! You mustn’t cleanse the necromancer so fast,” Aizen chuckled. “Little girl come with me.” She signaled at Ari, she made a weird face but nodded anyway. She also gestured at Jer to come, he meekly did so. 

“You smell of contract; contracted with her?”  She whispered. I sighed seeing I could hear her. 

“Yes, are you that dragon Ari spoke about?” Jer asked at her. 

“Yep!” Aizen did a chuckle before addressing her group. “Everything has gone smoothly! Thankfully by a miracle of Amatsukami there were two Holy Knights!” The people behind cheered and the Holy Knight that was with Aizen approached and got close to Jer. 

“I’d like to have a word with him.” He said emotionlessly at Jer. Err… shit? 

“Sure.” Aizen agreed. “No problem, right Necromancer?” She asked as she lifted her sword and hit a random rock with the scabbard. 

“None…” Why ask me?! And why do you keep using it to hit things?! 

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