The Returnee’s Quiet Journey Through High School – A Roshidere Fanfic

Chapter 1: The Student Council

The final bell rang, signaling the end of another school day at Seiren Private Academy. Students began to pack up their belongings, eager to head home or meet up with friends. Masachika Kuze, as usual, was taking his time, casually gathering his things without a hint of urgency.

Alya Mikhailovna Kujou, already standing by the door with her bag neatly packed, glanced back at Kuze. He was still leisurely placing his books in his bag, clearly in no rush. She let out a small sigh, thinking that if he didn’t hurry up, they’d be the last ones out of the classroom.

As Kuze finally finished, his phone buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out and glanced at the screen, reading the message he had just received.

“Yuki says the president wants to see us after class,” Kuze said, turning to Alya. His tone was as casual as ever, as if being summoned by the student council president was no big deal.

Alya nodded, her demeanor instantly shifting to match the seriousness of the situation. “We should go then,” she said, already heading toward the door.

As they made their way through the quiet corridors, Kuze and Alya turned a corner and found Yuki Suou walking down the hallway. She was not alone. Walking beside her, with the same grace and poise, was her retainer, Ayano Kimishima.

As the group approached, Ayano stepped forward slightly, offering a polite bow to both Kuze and Alya. “Good evening, Alya-san, Masachika-sama,” she greeted, her tone formal yet warm.

Alya returned the bow with a small nod. “Good evening, Ayano-san, Suou-san.”

Kuze, used to the formalities, simply nodded, his relaxed demeanor unchanged. “Hey, Ayano.”

“Good afternoon, Kuze-kun, Alya-san,” Suou greeted them with her usual warm smile, her presence radiating elegance. “Thank you for coming.”

“Of course, Suou-san,” Alya replied, maintaining her composed demeanor.

“So, what’s up, Yuki? The president wants something?” Kuze asked, his tone casual.

Suou’s eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief that only Kuze could detect. “Yes, the president has requested our presence to discuss some matters regarding the upcoming school festival. We’re heading there now.”

As they walked together, Alya’s eyes occasionally flickered to Ayano, who followed Suou with silent dedication. Ayano, with her dark hair neatly tied back and a serious expression, was the epitome of a loyal retainer. She moved with precision, always a step behind Suou, yet exuding an air of quiet confidence.

“So, Alya-san,” Suou began in her smooth, refined tone, “have you had any challenges with the budget for the festival? I know you’ve been working hard on it.”

Alya shook her head, her posture straightening. “I’ve been reviewing the numbers, and I think we can make a few adjustments to optimize spending. I’ll go over the details during the meeting.”

Suou smiled warmly. “I’m glad to hear that. Your dedication as treasurer is always appreciated.”

Alya’s cheeks tinged slightly pink, but she maintained her composed expression. “Thank you, Suou-san.”

As they continued walking, Suou turned her attention to Kuze. “And Kuze-kun, how about you? Have you been keeping up with your responsibilities as well?”

Kuze leaned back slightly, giving her a lazy grin. “You know me, Yuki. I’m all about efficiency.”

Suou’s smile widened just a fraction, her eyes narrowing playfully. “Indeed. I’m sure the president will be pleased to hear that.”

Ayano, who had been silently observing the exchange, nodded approvingly at Kuze’s response. “Masachika-sama is always reliable,” she added, her tone respectful.

Alya, meanwhile, couldn’t help but feel a slight unease as she watched the interaction between Kuze and Suou. They seem so close... she thought, her mind racing. But what’s really going on between them?

Suou, seemingly unaware of Alya’s internal turmoil, led the group down the hallway, her retainer Ayano Kimishima following closely. As they approached the student council room, Suou opened the door and entered with her usual grace, Ayano stepping in behind her.

Inside, they were greeted by a familiar face—Maria Mikhailovna Kujou, Alya’s elder sister. Maria, with her shoulder-length, light brown wavy hair and warm, chocolate-colored almond-shaped eyes, presented a striking figure. Her full, curvaceous form contrasted with Alya’s slim and mature frame, embodying a maternal warmth that had earned her the nickname "Madonna" among her peers.

“Oh? You guys are here,” Maria said with a smile, her presence instantly making the room feel more welcoming.

Kuze offered her a polite nod. “Good afternoon, Masha-san.”

Alya, however, remained silent. There was no need for formalities when it came to her sister, and she instead took a seat without a word.

As Kuze settled into his chair, he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was off. He glanced around the room, noticing a few familiar faces. “Is it just me, or are there more people in the student council room than usual?”

Alya, seated beside him, scanned the room and nodded slowly. “Now that you mention it…”

Her gaze landed on two figures who stood out for different reasons. The first was Sayaka Taniyama, whose plain appearance was characterized by her bob-cut black hair and red glasses. Though not as striking as beauties like Alisa or Yuki, Sayaka’s composed demeanor and sharp intellect were unmistakable. Despite their recent loss in the debate congress to Kuze and Alya, Sayaka maintained a calm exterior as she greeted them with a nod.

The second was Nonoa Miyamae, a girl who could easily be argued as the most stylish person in the school. As a model, Nonoa’s looks were admired by many, and today she wore her blonde hair in a high-side ponytail with intricate braids woven into the style. Her uniform was accessorized with a school cardigan wrapped casually around her hips, adding to her effortlessly chic appearance. Nonoa waved enthusiastically as soon as she noticed Kuze and Alya, her voice bubbly and bright.

“Yoroshiku, Kuzecchi! Kujou-san~” Nonoa chimed, her energy filling the room.

Kuze raised an eyebrow at the familiar nickname but responded with a nod. “Yoroshiku, Miyamae-san.”

Alya offered a polite smile in return. “Good Evening, Miyamae-san.”

Kuze’s attention then shifted to the student council president, Touya Kenzaki, who was seated at the head of the table, and the vice president, Chisaki Sarashina, who sat beside him. Both of them appeared calm, but there was a certain tension in the air that Kuze couldn’t quite place.

“What are they doing here?” Kuze asked, addressing both Kenzaki and Sarashina, his curiosity piqued. He wondered why Taniyama and Miyamae were present.

To his surprise, neither the president nor the vice president responded immediately. The silence that followed was thick, and Kuze found it odd, given the usually straightforward nature of both council leaders.

Before the tension could build any further, Sayaka Taniyama spoke up, breaking the awkward silence. “We were called here by Kaichou for some reason,” she said, her tone neutral but respectful.

Kuze exchanged a quick glance with Alya, who seemed just as puzzled as he was. Called here by Kaichou? What could this be about? Kuze thought, trying to piece together the situation.

Kuze exchanged a quick glance with Alya, who seemed just as puzzled as he was. The atmosphere in the room was tense, with a heavy silence hanging over them. Kaichou, Touya Kenzaki, had a serious look on his face, his hands clasped under his chin as he leaned against the table. His usual calm demeanor seemed distant, replaced by something far more unsettling.

Sarashina, the vice president and Kaichou’s girlfriend, noticed this immediately. “Touya?” she called out softly, her voice laced with concern. The use of his given name in such a setting caught everyone’s attention, and they turned to see what was happening.

Suou, always composed, raised her voice lightly, “Is everything okay, Kaichou?”

Without answering, Touya suddenly stood up and walked over to the window, his gaze distant as if lost in thought. The room was filled with a mix of confusion and worry as everyone exchanged uncertain glances. Kuze could feel the tension in the air thickening with every passing second.

Unable to stay silent, Kuze addressed Sarashina directly. “Is Kaichou feeling okay?”

Sarashina hesitated, clearly conflicted, before shaking her head. “He’s fine… I think.”

Just as Kuze was about to press further, Kaichou’s voice cut through the silence, firm and serious. “Our main agenda for today’s meeting is the upcoming school festival, as you all know.”

Kuze frowned, his instincts telling him there was more to this. He glanced over at Alya, who met his eyes with a worried expression. It was clear she sensed something was off as well.

Kaichou turned back to face the room, his expression grave. “But before we get to that, an important pressing matter has come up.”

Maria, seated near the head of the table, spoke up, her voice steady but with a hint of concern. “What is it, Kaichou? You look worried.”

Kaichou glanced at her briefly, then at the rest of the room, as if measuring his words carefully. Finally, he spoke, his tone serious and heavy with the weight of the situation. “I would like to humbly ask for your assistance.”

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