The Returnee’s Quiet Journey Through High School – A Roshidere Fanfic

Chapter 4: The Prolonged Absence

The room was quiet, the air thick with anticipation as the student council members gathered around the long table. President, Touya Kenzaki, stood at the head, his expression unusually serious. He took a deep breath before addressing the group.

“I need your assistance in investigating a special case,” Kenzaki began, his tone measured and deliberate.

“Special case?” Alisa (Alya) Mikhailovna Kujou echoed, her curiosity piqued.

“What is it about, Kaichou?” Masachika Kuze asked, leaning forward slightly, his usual relaxed demeanor replaced by genuine interest.

Kaichou glanced around the room, ensuring he had everyone’s attention before continuing. “Let me explain. As you all know, each of you, along with every first-year student, went through an entrance examination before enrolling in this academy. The exams are different every year, and their difficulty is carefully calibrated by the school based on the profile of the enrollees. It’s a process that ensures the academy maintains a certain standard of excellence while accommodating the unique challenges each year’s batch may present.”

He paused, letting his words sink in before continuing. “However, this year, something unusual has come to our attention.”

“Unusual?” Sayaka Taniyama asked, glancing at her childhood friend Miyamae Nonoa, as if trying to gauge her reaction.

Unusual? Chisaki Sarashina, the vice president, glanced at Touya, concern flickering in her eyes. Touya’s been tense for a while, and now this… what could be so serious that it requires the entire student council’s involvement?

Maria Mikhailovna Kujou, seated calmly with her hands folded in her lap, observed the others with a serene expression, but her mind was already at work. A special case... Her thoughts raced through the possible scenarios.

Kaichou continued, his tone more serious. “The academy has a policy of not disclosing the academic standings in the entrance examination for all the students who enrolled. All of you must be aware of that, I presume?”

“Y-Yeah. We never really got to know our results,” Alya commented, her curiosity apparent. She had always wondered about her ranking, but the academy had kept that information under wraps.

“Kaichou, you seem worried. Did something happen during the examinations?” Yuki Suou asked, her curiosity piqued by the unusual nature of the conversation.

“This year, the first-year examinations were significantly more difficult than the last five years of examination patterns,” Kaichou revealed, his words causing a stir among the council members.

“Huh?” Taniyama looked surprised.

“Wait… seriously?” Alya echoed, her eyes widening.

The revelation took the first-year students by surprise. None of them had realized that their entrance exam had been so much more challenging than those of previous years.

“Kaichou, why are you telling us all of this now? Isn’t it the school’s policy not to disclose this kind of information?” Kuze questioned, his query reflecting the thoughts of everyone in the room.

Kaichou nodded, acknowledging the legitimacy of the question. “You’re right, Kuze. Normally, this information would be strictly confidential. However, the school has requested the student council's involvement with an important task.”

“What task?” Nonoa asked, her voice filled with curiosity.

Kaichou didn’t answer immediately. Instead, he moved to his seat and accessed his laptop, which he connected to a projector borrowed from the broadcasting club. The council members exchanged puzzled glances, unsure of what was about to be revealed.

What’s with the projector? Kuze thought, a frown creasing his forehead.

“I’ll be presenting this year’s entrance examination results to everyone present in the room. I would kindly request that you do not share this information outside of this student council room. The academy—no, the Principal—has deemed this information to be very sensitive, and it must remain confidential.”

The announcement left the room in a state of shock. The student council members stared at Kaichou, their expressions a mix of surprise and concern.

What could be so critical that it requires this level of secrecy? Maria thought, her composed exterior masking the myriad of possibilities running through her mind. This isn’t just about the difficulty of the exams.

The Principal himself is involved? Suou’s thoughts mirrored Maria’s concern. 

Kaichou then projected the entrance examination results onto the screen, making the situation clear to everyone present. The screen displayed a list of examinees, complete with their scores in each subject, ranked in descending order. Each examinee had an image attached to their data, along with their overall standings and individual scores.

As the student council members took in the information, the atmosphere in the room grew even more tense. The names and faces on the screen represented the best and brightest of their year, yet something about this list had prompted the school to break its long-standing policy of confidentiality.

“Kaichou, I have a question,” Alya interjected, raising her hand. “You said this year’s exams were much more difficult than previous years. How does the academy determine the difficulty of the exam anyway?”

Kaichou seemed momentarily taken aback by the question, but then he composed himself and nodded. “Well, I suppose I can divulge that information to you, given the circumstances. But again, I would ask that you please keep this information strictly confidential.”

He paused, ensuring everyone was listening intently, before continuing. “Here’s how it works. Each year, the school conducts thorough background checks on all examinees who apply for enrolment. When an applicant submits their application, the school performs a multitude of checks—academic history, extracurricular activities, family background, even psychological profiles—to build a comprehensive picture of each candidate. This information is then used to set the difficulty of the entrance exams. The administration ensures that the exams are challenging enough to select only the most qualified candidates, while still being fair to the entire pool of applicants.”

Kuze, thoughtful as ever, reflected on the prestige of the academy. With its connections to the Japanese government and various influential politicians, it would be relatively easy for the academy to obtain detailed information about each applicant.

As Kaichou spoke, he adjusted the display on the projector, revealing the rankings of the entrance exams. The student council members leaned in closer, their eyes scanning the list. Yuki Suou and Alya’s names appeared in the top five, with Kuze holding the impressive 12th spot. Taniyama and Miyamae were ranked 7th and 18th, respectively.

But then, they saw the name at the very top.

“What?... No way!” Taniyama exclaimed, her voice filled with disbelief.

“Is this for real?” Suou’s usually composed demeanor cracked as she stared at the screen. The scores of the student in the top spot were almost surreal.

Even Alya, known for her calm and analytical mind, found herself struggling to process what she was seeing. Her eyes widened in shock, while Kuze’s face tightened with a strained expression.

Kaichou noticed their reactions and nodded gravely. “Each year, the difficulty of the exams is set according to the average abilities of the entire body of applicants. This is a rule we never break. However, this year was different. The baseline for determining the average abilities was pushed to unprecedented levels—because of one individual. The academy has deemed him the ‘most promising student’ in the history of Seiren Private Academy.”

He let that statement hang in the air for a moment, allowing its full weight to sink in.

“This student,” Kaichou continued, his tone reverent, “is unlike anything we’ve seen before. His scores shattered every record we have on file. In mathematics, he solved problems that most of our professors would struggle with. In literature, his essays were published-worthy.In science, he demonstrated an understanding that was far beyond what was expected for his age, impressing even the most experienced teachers with his insights. His physical aptitude matched his intellectual prowess, excelling in every physical examination he went through according to his background. The depth and breadth of his abilities are beyond what we thought possible.”

The room was silent, the council members absorbing the gravity of what they were hearing.

“A once-in-a-lifetime genius,” Kaichou said softly, almost as if speaking to himself. “Someone who could change the course of the academy’s history, perhaps even the country’s future.”

It was hard to believe that someone of such extraordinary caliber existed, and yet, the evidence was right in front of them. The screen displayed the student’s results—a flawless 100% in every subject, a perfect score that seemed almost impossible. In every aspect, this student was at the top, excelling in areas that most could only dream of mastering. Mathematics, sciences, literature, physical education—every field had been conquered with unparalleled precision.

The room was silent, the council members staring at the screen in disbelief. The numbers didn’t just tell a story of talent; they spoke of something far beyond the ordinary, beyond what even the brightest minds at Seiren Private Academy could achieve.

“…It’s unbelievable,” Kuze finally muttered, his voice tinged with awe. His usual composure was shattered, replaced by a look of pure astonishment. He had always been considered the prodigy of his family, gifted with exceptional talent. Yet, he had purposefully let that part of himself fade, choosing not to exert himself after enrolling in the academy—except, perhaps, when it came to matters involving Alya. But even with his natural gifts, Kuze realized that he paled in comparison to the top student, a name now etched in his mind: Youseke Arima.

Youseke Arima? Alya’s eyes lingered on the name, her mind reeling from the realization of the vast gap that separated them. She had always prided herself on her abilities, her intellect, and her dedication, but this—this was something entirely different.

“Arima-kun? Where is he now?” Maria leaned forward, her gaze fixated on the profile on the screen. But something caught her attention—there was no image attached to his records. A ghostly presence, with nothing more than a name and scores that defied belief.

“I don’t have any idea,” Kaichou admitted, his tone reflecting the confusion and concern that had been gnawing at him. “Before this ordeal, I wasn’t even sure such a student existed in the school. When I met with the principal, he gradually opened up about him, but even he didn’t know where his whereabouts are. The school has been trying to track down Arima, but he has not been in contact for the past four months.”

“Four months?” Sarashina’s voice quivered with worry. “So… did he just vanish?”

“Yes,” Kaichou confirmed, his expression darkening. “He’s been out of contact with the school for so long. The academy believes it’s a waste for such talent to go unnoticed. The school wants him back at all costs.”

“So, Kaichou, what’s with his profile? He doesn’t even have an image,” Kuze asked, his voice tinged with frustration. It was as if the mystery only deepened with every answer.

Kaichou sighed, shaking his head. “Frankly speaking, I have no clue either. It was only recently that it came to my attention that his records were this promising. His scores, his capabilities—it’s like the school has been sitting on a goldmine without even realizing it. But now, with your assistance, the school hopes to investigate his disappearance and find out what’s really going on.”

Alya, ever practical, asked the next question. “What does the school have on paper about his absence?”

Kaichou pulled up the relevant documents on the screen. “The records show he took a mandatory leave of absence to tend to his family. Nothing more detailed is mentioned. Given his potential, he was granted the leave on short notice without much hesitation. However, it’s been four months, and he hasn’t returned. The situation is becoming increasingly concerning.”

“Hmm,” Kuze murmured, his analytical mind turning over the implications. “The school can’t exactly take negative actions against him because of his situation. But the longer this drags on, the more problematic it becomes.”

Alya’s mind raced as she processed the information. It’s surprising how far the school is willing to go for one of its students, she thought. But then again, someone like Arima-kun isn’t just another student.

Kaichou nodded, sensing the council’s unease. “I understand how this might seem unusual, but the school recognizes the rarity of Arima’s talent. We can’t afford to let someone like him slip away—not just for the sake of the school’s reputation, but because of the potential impact he could have on a much larger scale. That’s why I’m asking for your help. We need to uncover the truth behind his disappearance and bring him back before it’s too late.”

Yuki Suou, always composed and thoughtful, raised her hand slightly. “Kaichou, what is the current stance of the academy on Arima-kun’s situation? Has any action been taken against him yet?”

Kaichou shook his head slightly before responding. “The school has reached out to him multiple times, but he has not responded. We believe that the situation might be dire for him, and that’s why he’s been tending to his family. However, he has been given a final notice and is summoned to attend school tomorrow.”

“Final… notice?” Suou repeated, her brows furrowing in concern. “So you’re saying he might actually come to school tomorrow?”

“I can’t say for sure if he will, but I want to keep my hopes up. Regardless, I would like everyone present here to be prepared to investigate his situation.”

Suou considered this for a moment before voicing her concerns. “Kaichou, judging by how capable he is, won’t he quickly realize that we’re keeping tabs on him?”

“That’s precisely why I need you to approach this delicately,” Kaichou explained. “We must actively engage with Arima, get to know him, understand his thought process, and try to make sense of his situation if necessary. I realize this might require us to delve into his personal life more than we’d prefer, but it’s a necessary step. So, I ask—will you help the academy with this?”

Kuze was the first to respond, his voice resolute. “I understand… I will accept, Kaichou.” Deep down, he sensed that this might be an important connection for the future, something that could significantly influence not just the academy but his own path as well.

Alya looked at Kuze, momentarily surprised by his immediate response, but then nodded with determination. “I will accept as well, Kaichou,” she said, her expression serious.

“Me too,” Maria added, her voice calm but firm.

“Same here,” Taniyama echoed, a sense of resolve settling over her.

Suou smiled slightly, a mix of determination and acceptance in her expression. “Well, it looks like I have to help too, then.”

“I’ll follow you wherever you go, Yuki-sama,” Ayano Kimishima added, her loyalty unwavering.

“I’ll be in your care!” Miyamae said excitedly, her usual energy bubbling over.

“Touya, you know I’ll always be there for you when you need me, okay?” Sarashina said softly, her words carrying a personal warmth that went beyond mere duty.

Kaichou—Touya Kenzaki—looked around at the faces of his council members, a thankful expression softening his usually serious demeanor. “Thank you, everyone,” he said, a genuine smile spreading across his face. He felt incredibly fortunate to have such a dedicated and reliable group by his side. Even including the non-members, Miyamae and Taniyama, he was grateful. Each one of them brought something unique and indispensable to the table.

“Oh, and regarding the upcoming school festival,” Kaichou continued, shifting the conversation slightly. “We will have a formal meeting about it tomorrow. I apologize for postponing it, but today’s agenda was too urgent and has slightly delayed our schedule.”

Maria smiled warmly, her calm presence filling the room. “You don’t have to worry about it, Kaichou. We’ll be ready. We can handle the preparations for the festival while also working on this investigation. You can count on us.”

The other members nodded in agreement, their earlier unease replaced by a sense of collective purpose.

Kaichou’s smile grew, his confidence in his council reaffirmed. “I appreciate that, Maria. And I appreciate all of you. Let’s make sure we handle this investigation with the same care and dedication that we’ve brought to everything else. Arima-kun is an important piece of our academy’s future, and I have no doubt that, with all of you on this, we can bring him back.”

With that, the meeting drew to a close, but the sense of resolve lingered in the room. The council members dispersed, each carrying the weight of their new mission, but also a renewed sense of purpose. Tomorrow would be a pivotal day, and they were ready to face it together.

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