The Richest Man Yang Fei

Chapter 2587

Chapter 2585 Su Tong Takes the Scriptures

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Yang Fei personally made a cup of tea for her and brought it to her: “Sister, you don’t understand. If you really don’t understand, you would have agreed to him. It is difficult for ordinary people to refuse his offer such a good condition.”

Su Tong said: “In fact, anyone who is calmer can see that the sky won’t fall into the pie and that it’s still such a huge pie. I’m really afraid that I can’t eat it.”

Yang Fei said, “You are the only one. Other people have already rushed forward.”

Su Tong said: “I heard Zhang Wendi said that they would hire some beautiful researchers in this line of business. In fact, they are public relations ladies and people who can’t touch money will send them out.”

Yang Fei chuckled and said, “It’s no surprise that wine, wealth and qi are the most transferable. It has been used by planners since ancient times and can make people fall.”

Su Tong said: “What about you? Didn’t anyone send a beauty PR to you?”

Yang Fei said: “I used to have the company’s plate so big that ordinary people couldn’t eat it and didn’t dare to eat it. On the contrary, no beauty PR came to me.”

Su Tong said: “How did you deal with it before?”

Yang Fei couldn’t help but think of Gao Qin with a faint smile: “Do you think I am so easy to fall into?”

Su Tong said: “You haven’t told me what trap Zhang Wendi set?”

Yang Fei said: “Zhang Wendi is also a dealer and a big dealer. The dealer is an extremely complex engineering system that involves all aspects of society.”

Su Tong looked at him and his handsome face was so kind that she couldn’t help but think of the piles of past events.

But she quickly stopped her mind and listened to him seriously.

Yang Fei said: “Bookmakers often use various forces to mobilize all the factors that can be mobilized and use all available forces to support and assist the entire settling activities. In this settling process, investing a certain amount of manpower, financial resources, and material resources to engage in public relations is their goal. An essential means of success.”

Su Tong said: “Is it easy to sit in the village?”

Yang Fei said: “If it is easy, then the rich will go to the bank. There are two big problems to be solved in the bank. One is the vote and the other is public relations. Among them, public relations are especially important. The job of public relations personnel is to implement the manager’s intentions and various The social relations are well dealt with and the news is released smoothly. But how to release it smoothly? You can’t hold a tweeter to sell it in the street, right? This involves the public relations of the dealer.”

Su Tong asked: “Then what’s the relationship here?”

Yang Fei said, “Why are you so interested in this?”

Su Tong said: “I just want to understand what it means.”

Yang Feidao: “The public relations of the market maker are very complicated. The relationship with listed companies, the relationship with the media, the relationship with the stock evaluation agency, and the relationship with the securities firm also include the relationship with the exchange, the relationship with the local government, and the relationship with the regulatory agency. The first three are closely related to the news release. If you can’t figure out how these dealers want to make big money, it will be difficult.”

Su Tong said: “It’s no wonder that they don’t hesitate to spend a lot of money to find a good PR lady and are willing to invite reporters to be a PR. I still don’t understand why the dealer must climb the listed company? Wouldn’t they be able to do their own thing? Safety?”

Yang Fei smiled and said: “The dealer must obtain the distribution of the company’s mobile chips from the listed company if they want to win, especially to understand the position of the top chips to provide first-hand information for future operations. Establishing a good relationship with listed companies The business status of listed companies and changes in major issues can be informed immediately by the market maker. In the process of holding the market, the close cooperation of the listed company can be obtained to facilitate the release of news and the production of themes. The market maker and the listed company are formed. A special interest group forms a special alliance to achieve mutual assistance of interests and the smooth completion of the dealership plan. Therefore, the dealer must climb into the listed company.”

Su Tong said: “Then the listed company can ignore them. Does the company have to hook up with the dealer?”

Yang Fei said, “Of course you can ignore them.”

Su Tong said: “What about reality? Is there a lot of cooperation between listed companies and market makers?”

Yang Fei said, “This is a mystery. But I guess there will be no less.”

Su Tong said: “What do they picture again?”

Yang Fei said: “The company is a listed company that is managed by people. The quality of the senior management of a listed company is uneven. Individuals who cooperate with the dealer will get huge profits.”

Su Tong said: “Tell me in detail that I also have listed companies now. The more I know about them, the more detailed the people in the company will know if they hide what they do.

Yang Fei nodded and said, “Of course I know everything about you.”

Su Tong said: “If you were like this before, it would be fine.”

Yang Fei touched his chin and said with a light cough: “Many ways for the management to obtain income can be to organize their own funds to buy the stocks of their own company with the banker, or they can directly take a share of the profit from the banker’s manipulation. China has not yet realized it. Some legal restrictions on the real-name system for personal assets are in vain. For example, if senior executives and their relatives are not allowed to buy stocks in their own company, they can just find a batch of ID cards that are not directly related to the operation, and it is very convenient to deposit and withdraw funds, even with’money laundering’. Steps are omitted Su Tong said: “Then how can I prevent this kind of operation? Or how can I find out if someone in my company does this? ”

Yang Fei shook his head: “It’s difficult. Of course, it’s not impossible that we will discuss this in detail later.”

Su Tong said: “Hey, it seems that I still have a lot to learn! I am here to learn the scriptures today, and you can tell me everything you know!”

Yang Fei said: “Most of the listed companies want to raise funds normally to make the company bigger and stronger and also want to give back to the minority shareholders, but there are always some people who go public just to collect money. The money is the image of investors’ appellation for the financing of listed companies because There are indeed a group of listed companies who are heavily fund-raising and lightly transforming themselves. They just want to spread their claws in the stock market to make money and never intend to return investors. After this type of company is listed, it is issued to raise a sum of funds and use the funds to barely maintain The situation even relies on investment income to maintain performance and maintain the qualification for rights issue. After the stock price rises, the price of the rights issue can be set higher in order to collect more money!”

Su Tong said: “It is precisely because of this kind of mouse **** that a pot of good soup is mixed!”

Yang Fei said, “Getting back to the subject, let’s return to Wendi Zhang. According to my observations, he has already been in the market on the day of the listing of beverage stocks. A considerable part of the rise in beverage stock prices is due to his contribution to it!”

Su Tong said: “You guessed it, he told me the same. Yang Fei, I don’t understand one thing: why I don’t know why he bought so many stocks?”

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