The Rise of the European Emperor

Chapter 27: Columbus is back

In November, in the Canary Islands, four ships led by Columbus and 10 ships of the Spanish appeared in the port of Las Palmas in the Canary Islands.

Marin sent to take Columbus's armed merchant ship 2509, just waiting for Columbus and Draka to land and repair. Draka hurriedly handed over all the collected spice seeds to the captain Aben (Baldhead Aben) who went to greet them, and there were more than a dozen untouchable slaves bought from India who knew how to grow spices. At the same time, Draka also brought back the grains of rice that the Indians often eat, a few sacks, so that the Indian slaves were taken to Grenada for cultivation.

The reason why is that Draka is afraid that this group of Indian slaves are not used to eating bread, so they are free to grow some rice and cook pilaf ... after all, this group of Indian slaves are slaves, but they will be the main force for planting spices in the future. Therefore, Draka did not dare to be too negligent. After all, this is related to Marin's profitable business ...

If Marin knew that Draka had done this, he would give him a hundred likes. Moreover, after Grenada's rice is mature, it will definitely ask for supply to itself. Because, Marin hasn't eaten rice in years ...

Now that he received the spice seeds and Indian slaves, Aben planned to set sail directly to Grenada. But Columbus frowned:

"Abben, you've only studied sailing for a few years? Have the confidence to find the Americas with the fleet? Don't get lost in the Atlantic ..." Columbus felt that it seemed too much to let Aben lead a lone ship.

"It's okay, Master Columbus, Earl and Da Vinci have invented an instrument called the sextant that can measure latitude. I also invented the method of measuring longitude using a nautical clock and taught it to me. Although I have no ability to explore, But before I went to Grenada, I also recorded the latitude and longitude. What I want to do is to measure the latitude and longitude every day. According to the coordinates given by the American, I can easily reach Grenada ... "

"Longitude? Latitude?" Columbus frowned. He knows the latitude, after all, he is a navigator. But in this era, the concept of longitude is not yet clear, and he is also confused. What's more, Marin made this matter after Columbus left. Therefore, Americano knows, but Columbus does not.

"Longitude refers to the distance between the east-west direction and the port of Emden ... This, I do n’t know, Master, go back and ask Lord Earl and Da Vinci. I only learned the calculation method, but the truth is also true I didn't understand ... "Aben scratched his bald head ...

"Yes, Lord Draka, Lord Earl told me to ask Baron Sandro to help me, and I want to buy a coastal oasis on the southern tip of Morocco on the east side of the Canary Islands.

"Ayeon?" Draka frowned.

"Yes, the map is here, please see!" Aben handed over the map of Ayoun's geographic location hand-painted by Marin to Draka.

"What else did Lord Earl say?"

"He made me pay attention to this matter and said that this place is very important to him. If you come back, this matter will be left to you. Because, I have to go to Grenada ..."

"Okay, it's up to me. I'll leave a small boat with a small load to stay here until I get things done."

"Well, I have asked Baron Sandro to communicate privately with the chiefs of Morocco. But, I do n’t have time to wait now. So, please trouble you, Master. The Count said, this is very Important! If someone asks, it's for raising Arabian horses ... "Then, Aben told Marin about some points of attention and told Draka ...

After handing over the matter, Aben took the crew, and the newly acquired spice seeds, rice seeds and Indian untouchable slaves, embarked on a journey to the west ...

After getting the job, Draka and Columbus made arrangements quickly. They vacated a 180-ton ship and put the cargo on the other three ships. Then, leave enough guards and sailors for Draka.

Then, Columbus took another three ships and went north with the Spanish fleet. After arriving in the Spanish waters, I will briefly stop in Spain to receive the recognition and rewards of the Spanish kings. Then, take the fleet back home ...

In Cadiz, Columbus and the commander of the Spanish fleet Alenço de Ovida were warmly received by the Spanish kings. When they set sail from the Canary Islands, a speedboat returned to China one step ahead and reported to Toledo. Then, Ferdinand II and Queen Isabella I, together with Prince Ann, came to the port of Cadiz to welcome the return of the fleet ...

Of course, the more popular one is actually Alenço de Ovida. After all, he is a Spanish and is under the hands of the kings. And Columbus, now just an outsider ...

Therefore, the treatment of the two is completely different. Alonso de Ovida was baroned, but the land was fertile in Spain, and the land was vast. And Columbus, although once again sealed by Spain as a baron, and rewarded the land, but it was actually divided into the wild land ...

Yes, the wild continent, the wild continent that is now almost ignored by the Spanish kings. Moreover, the specific land closure has not yet been determined. Ferdinand II calmly told Columbus-are you not a navigator? Go exploring on your own, and find which island you feel is good, just report it ...

... The Spanish kings are really easy, and even the position of the fiefs, Columbus has to find it by himself, without sincerity ...

This time, the Spanish fleet dispatched 10 ships and shipped 1.2 million pounds of spices. In fact, the Spaniards wanted to buy 2 million pounds of spices. However, there are not so many spices for them to buy from India ...

They shorted Carrick's spice market, but they also managed to make up 1 million pounds. Moreover, the purchase price of spices increased from 1.5 fenny per pound to 2 fenny per pound.

Later, Indian spice merchants outside of Karikat successively pulled a lot of spices from the field to Calicut, only to get them 1.2 million pounds. It was Draka, who was quick-sighted, and as soon as he went, he first bought a "quota" of 50,000 pounds of spices. Otherwise, it will not be received.

Of course, even so, the Spanish kings also made a profit. 1.2 million pounds of spices can be sold for 2.4 million gold coins at a price of 10 shillings (2 gold coins) per pound. However, the cost is very low. The entire sailing cost and procurement cost do not exceed 100,000 gold coins.

If you sell at 10 shillings per pound, Shuangwang can earn 2.3 million gold coins. Of course, that is impossible. Because the quantity is too large, it must be sold at the wholesale price. Even so, it is enough for Shuangwang to make a huge profit of not less than 1.8 million gold coins ...

Looking at the full of spices ~ ~ Ferdinand II and Isabella I, who have always been calm, were excited, regardless of the middle-aged people, and there was a joy on the bow of the Spice Ship. Ballroom dance ...

And Columbus's fleet returned to Emden, Marin was also extremely excited. Because, Columbus brought back 300 tons of saltpetre and 100 tons of copper to Marin.

With 300 tons of saltpeter, 400 tons of gunpowder can be prepared, which can be used by Marin for several years. Therefore, Marin has every reason to be excited. And 100 tons of copper can also cast a lot of artillery. Or, it's very profitable to sell ...

Before, Marin gave Sweden the stockpile of gunpowder, and he felt very emboldened. In the event of war, the Marlin army ’s guns will become scrap iron. Today, Columbus returned with saltpeter, so Marin was relieved.

Of course, Marin is not stingy. Columbus came back with something, but he had to admire it. It's just that this time Columbus served as the lead party for the Spaniards, and he didn't have much credit for Marin. Therefore, the title cannot be promoted. But you can reward money ...

So, Marin pointed to a treasure chest under his hand and gently said to Columbus:

"Christopher, this is 10,000 gold coins, take it back to subsidize the family ..."

"Subsidize households ..." Everyone has some cramps in their mouths-special, who's ordinary households will use 10,000 gold coins? Still subsidized ...

Then, they looked at Marin eagerly-big brother, my family is very difficult, also subsidize me a little ...

Marin naturally will not subsidize casually, after all, Columbus people have been out of the boat for two years. Moreover, Marin also plans to make Columbus the principal of the captain's school and help him train more navigators ...

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