The Rise of the European Emperor

Chapter 9: Angela pregnancy

A few days after, Angela and Felice and Marin were in a cold war because of watching Mao sister. Even if eating at the same table, ignore Marin.

In desperation, Marin had to cheek his wife-in-law for forgiveness and vowed that he was only helping his bachelor solve his personal problems.

It's just that the kind Angela is averse to the existence of prostitutes. In this regard, Marin was helpless. After all, Angela is a girl living in protection, unaware of the cruelty of the world. From an early age, she was under the protection of a powerful father. When I grew up, although I was in trouble for some time, I was lucky enough to meet Marin. Not only did I avoid the threat of death, I was immediately given a gift by Marin. Therefore, she does not understand the misfortune of the bottom figures.

Even in the 21st century when the living standards are so high, there are special service occupations in developed countries in the world. Moreover, men are always animals that think about their lower body. If they do n’t vent them to special service places, they might go to X. What's more, it will be twisted into a **** guy ...

Moreover, these special service providers are all from Eastern European countries such as Mao Xiong, and they are not German or Han. Marlin naturally has no psychological pressure.

Marin needs his military stability. Therefore, Marin also needs to care about the ordinary lives of soldiers. Even in the modern era of later generations, this kind of breaking is inevitable.

The discipline of the Chinese army is the best, and of course, it cannot be separated from the powerful propaganda of the army. You should know that the Chinese soldiers of later generations not only have to organize ideological education and learning, but also have TV to watch. There are even cultural troupes who perform in person in military camps. Therefore, their spiritual life is very rich.

However, it is the beginning of the 16th century. European drama has not yet developed. Shakespeare will have to wait for 63 years before he is born. Therefore, the soldiers were actually bored at night. Marin even learned from the eyeliner that many people in the military camp are playing cards and gambling at night. In this regard, Marin also closed his eyes. As long as the soldiers on duty at night do not leave their posts, Marin will not be held accountable. Of course, gambling can't be bigger, and it is forbidden to mortgage or borrow money to avoid gambling debts.

In addition to playing cards and gambling money, the most favorite of the soldiers is to patronize the military "services" and "talk about life and ideals" with those campers.

However, after such a long time, the dozens of noble family members who were escorted from the killed noble's house to the military camp to serve as prostitutes were already haggard. After all, the reduction of noble ladies into prostitutes has caused them great mental torture. Some of them have committed suicide because they are not humiliated. Even when receiving soldiers, these campers who were originally noble ladies or noble ladies were very uncooperative.

But the new arrivals of Eastern European women are different. They were originally from low-level families and suffered misfortune. Therefore, they are very open. As long as they can survive, they can cooperate more than those noble women, and they are also very bold. Moreover, when they were in the Crimean Khanate, they were already used to this depraved life and only asked for life.

After learning about these circumstances, Marin sighed, and arranged for the surviving more than 80 former noble female families to serve as washmen to the soldiers, and no longer act as prostitutes. However, they did not want to let them go. After all, Marin is also afraid that these women will climb high branches in the future and have the opportunity to assassinate themselves. After all, the hatred of killing husband and son is difficult to resolve. Marin has left their lives, it is already soft-hearted. But in fact, their experience is no better than death. In this regard, Marin did not want to say anything, only to blame, these women marry the wrong person. Born to stand in line after birth, the children of the poor are born on the proletariat side. The children of the rich are born to be "little capitalists." Sometimes, many things in the world do n’t matter whether they are right or wrong, they have different positions and different choices ...

For Angela's question, Marin chose silence. Because, he did not like to tell Angela these dark things in society. In Marin's heart, Angela is a kind and beautiful angel. Angels should not be involved with those dark things.

At the dinner table, Angela condemned Marin for a long time, and Marin chose to bury his head for dinner ...

Suddenly, Angela felt a little uncomfortable and wanted to vomit ...

Marin didn't care at first, but when Angela went to vomit for the second time, Marin suddenly froze ...

"It won't be ..." Marin thought of the plot in the TV series he had seen in his previous life. Generally, when the hostess vomits, she is pregnant ...

For this, Marin was excited. However, he is not sure. So, he left the dining table in a windy manner and went to the front yard of the palace to look for Mozhgen and Battle.

Morrigan has returned from Lyle County, where he is taking care of Liv and directing the female apprentice to help Liv deliver a daughter. This little girl, named Mary, has the same name as her grandmother.

The birth of little Mary really attracted the attention of the family. However, because it is not a male heir, the degree of attention is also limited. However, it was true that Little Mary sparked the compassion of old Hoffman and Mrs. Mary. After all, whether it is the East or the West, they are all next-generation pros. Don't look at the old Huffman being serious about his sons, but for the first three generations of the little Mary's family, they are very affectionate. Even, it will beat Adler because of Adler's importance to Mary ...

In order to take care of the granddaughter, the old Huffman couple even moved to Adler ’s castle outside Lyle County ...

Angela is both envious and jealous of her mother-in-law and mother-in-law's love for Mary. Enviously, Liv gave birth to a child. The jealous thing is that he is not pregnant yet ...

At this time, the noble ladies were also under great pressure. What they fear most is that they cannot get pregnant. In this way, it represents the heir of this family. If you can't get pregnant, you will lose your husband's favor.


Marin pulled Morigan on duty, and the wind returned to the backyard of the palace. He asked Morigan to help Angela check her pulse. Fortunately, Mo Rigen was a Mongolian strong man, and he changed to an old man type. He was dragged by Marin and had a big heel ...

Mo Rigen was actually very depressed. He was a prairie doctor in the area, but now he has become a gynecologist. However, the noble family, the heir is big. Being a guest gynecologist in a large aristocratic family is not particularly shameful ...

"Um ... indeed it's a happy vein, congratulations to Lord Earl!" Mo Zhigen gave Angela a pulse and congratulated him with a fist.

"Ah? What are you talking about?" Marin was excited and used Mandarin directly. Fortunately, Mo Zhigen also learned Mandarin from Datong, and could understand what Marin was saying. Earlier, when Mozhgen and Battle did not learn German, the two sides communicated in this way ...

"Of course it is true, the old man still has this ability!" Mo Rigen carried his hands on his back and looked at the sky at an angle of 45 degrees. A lonely fan of the master ... Moreover, after the entire treatment of pregnant woman Liv, Mo Ri Gen is no stranger to gynecology.

"Ahahaha, Lao Tzu also has a late. This guy is not only a second generation of an uncle, but also a second generation of wearing (Vietnamese), I hope it is a lead, so that you don't have to worry about the heir's things!" Malin Yangtian laughing out loud.

Morigen understands what "Boer II" means, that is, the descendant of the Earl. But this "wearing the second generation", I still can not understand. Of course, Marin will not explain to him ...

In a good mood, Marin called on Chancellor of the Exchequer Kohler, took out a large box of gold coins, and sprinkled the gold coins directly in the royal palace. Whoever picked them up, caused a confusion. Marin is happy, what's the point of sprinkling some gold coins?

After, Marin again "forgive the world"-cough, what he called "world", only more than 3,000 square kilometers of East Friesland, there is no prefecture governor of the Ming Dynasty ...

The old Hoffman and Mrs. Mary who got the news hurried back from Lyle County. Even Archbishop Rovere has specially taken over from the reclusive Frisia Islands ...

For a time, the pregnant Angela became a giant panda. Mrs. Mary and Angela's mother, Lucrezia, began to take turns around Angela.

Then, Marin was expelled from the main bedroom of Angela's palace ...

However, Marin is not a place to go. With the acquiescence of Angela who was promoted to expectant mother, Marin quietly moved to Ferris. Of course, on the bright side, he still lives alone. It's just that his room, close to Felice's room, is very close, so it's suitable for "crossing doors" ...

"Brother-in-law, I want a baby too!" In the middle of the night, Felix haunted Marin and coquetted.

"Good, we also want a child. Angela's child inherits the position of the earl, your son, I arranged to go to Rome to play as a pope. At that time, you can also be regarded as the pope and his mother ..." Ma Lin Yi whispered seriously.

"Pope? Is this too difficult?" Felice did not believe it.

"This is nothing, your brother-in-law, I have money, and then the cardinals of the Roman Cardinals will be bribed. A million gold coins will be smashed, and the Pope will not be elected without faith!" Marin said with arrogance.

"Teach ... Teach ... The Pope and his mother ..." Felice imagined the day when his son became the Pope, and he became the Pope and his mother ... Felix just thought about it, and she felt uncomfortable and excited. It's red ...

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