The Road to Godhood of the Shrek Seven Monsters

Chapter 15 Together forever (1)

Chapter 15 Together forever (2)

"Your Highness, get up quickly, no need to be polite." Tang San smiled and used a gentle force to hold up the avalanche.

Xue Beng followed Tang San in, saw the other seven people, with obvious respect in his eyes.After all, they saved the entire Heaven Dou Empire.Without them, Xue Beng wouldn't even know if he was alive or dead.

"Masters and uncles and ladies." Xue Beng was obviously very conflicted when he said these titles, and his face turned slightly red. "I am here this time, everyone should have understood that I am here for your wedding."

Without waiting for everyone to interrupt, Xue Beng continued: "The wedding is tentatively scheduled for three days later. Teacher, do you have any questions?"

"We can do it anytime." The seven monsters all nodded.

"That's good." Xue Beng was obviously excited because there was no time conflict. "The wedding in three days' time, I will personally preside over it. Most of the guests are from the Haotian School, Nine Treasures Glazed Tile School and Tang Sect. Two people, if you mind, we have also prepared invitations for the Star Luo Empire." The last sentence was obviously Said to Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing.

The two shook their heads: "They don't care about our happiness at all."

"Oh, then the wedding process is roughly as follows..."

Xue Beng explained every step of the wedding process to the eight people in detail. What surprised the seven monsters was that the royal family paid as much attention to this wedding as the Jialing Pass War. Every step was meticulous. Everyone is very satisfied.

"Finally, about the wedding clothes. Our royal tailor will make them specially for you. Please think about the appearance, color and size of the clothes now. I have several styles here..." After saying this, Xue Beng took something out of his pocket. A book of dozens of pages was published. "This is a complete set of style samples of various palace costumes. You can choose the color and size by yourself. Please take a look."

Everyone passed it around one by one, selected the style they liked, and indicated the size, color and special requirements to Xue Beng.After Xue Beng wrote it down, he hurried back to the palace.

The capital was covered with notices, and the marriage of the Seven Monsters was a household name, and lanterns were hung up in every house for a while.

During the three days without words, everything was quietly being prepared.

In the evening of midsummer, the cool breeze dilutes the heat of summer.

On the red carpet leading to the palace, there are all kinds of flowers all around, swaying gently in the breeze.People who came to watch were crowded behind the flowers, orderly under the command of the Royal Knights.

The eight people walked slowly towards the palace arm in arm, screaming and cheering everywhere they went.

The leader is naturally Tang San and Xiao Wu.

Tang San was wearing a sea blue dress with constant ripples.Embroidered on the top is a giant dragon that soars into the sky to catch up with the sun.Against the background of long blue hair, she is extremely handsome and elegant.

Wearing a long white dress, Xiao Wu was as elegant and graceful as if she hadn't touched the slightest smell of fireworks in the world. Her hair had been completely loosened, but it didn't hang down to the ground.The colorful moon orchid shone with a faint light, just like her master, with a touch of shyness and deep happiness.Like a beautiful fairy descending, with a faint shyness and smile on his face, he leaned on Tang San and walked forward.

Blue, white, just like their own pure love, without any distracting thoughts, so beautiful at this moment.

Oscar wore a sapphire blue dress, and his handsome face was completely presented in front of everyone.The whole person seemed full of energy, exuding a vigorous heroic spirit at the moment.Inheriting the position of deputy suzerain of the two sects of Tang Sect and Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, his status is naturally rising.At this moment, he no longer has the inferiority complex of the class gap that was brought to him in the past.Holding Ning Rongrong's hand, there was only happiness and focus on his face.

Ning Rongrong was wearing an orange dress.With a faint smile on his noble face, he looked extremely charming and beautiful.After more than a year of good maintenance, the wheat-colored skin left by tidal body training has completely returned to fairness.Leaning his head on Oscar's shoulder was so enviable.

At this moment, the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Sect's suzerain and vice-president appeared at the same time, receiving no less attention than the previous two.

Sapphire blue, orange, noble, yet tranquil and indifferent; calm, yet passionate.

Following are Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing

This pair.

There are fewer cast gazes.Although both of them look equally outstanding.After all, there are only a few people who know the true identities of the two.

But do they care?

Dai Mubai wore an open black robe, revealing the golden dress inside, hanging straight down to his feet like a cloak, paired with a head of golden hair, he looked extraordinarily majestic.The white tiger's arrogance coupled with its double pupils attracted the gazes of countless girls watching, but at the moment, his gaze was only directed at one, and that was his treasure beside him, the ghost civet Zhu Zhuqing.

Zhu Zhuqing's outfit was different from that of the previous two daughters. The tight white dress highlighted her perfect figure.The lower body is a white skirt, just like the style when the two of them met for the first time.

"Zhuqing, this is Mubai. From now on, you will be friends, and you can treat each other as a family." Zhu Zhuqing recalled the scene when the two of them met for the first time, and they got to know each other under the guidance of an adult.Five-year-old Zhu Zhuqing has white short sleeves and a short white skirt. Although he is only five years old, he already has a pretty delicate face.

"Hello, Zhuqing." Dai Mubai stretched out his hand, his pupils shining with a strange light.

From then on, he understood that this boy will be with her for the rest of his life.Life is just like the first meeting, fate is doomed, what she can do is to love his man well.Eye sockets are slightly moist, no need to say much, just hold his hand and walk forward.

Black, white, two extremes, but they do not conflict.

The last ones were Bai Chenxiang and Ma Hongjun.

Ma Hongjun's hair, which he didn't care much about in the past, was now neatly combed.After Wuhun evolved into a nine-headed fire phoenix, his appearance changed a little.The eyes have become bigger, and with the completely thinned body, it looks heroic.The fiery red dress, coupled with his martial spirit, showed his unique nobility.It also attracts the attention of countless people.

Bai Chenxiang, wearing a long pink and purple dress.Compared with the Shrek Seven Devils who have seen the world, she still looks a little bit shy and nervous.Holding Ma Hongjun's big hand tightly, she seemed to have found support.The long black hair hangs down to her waist, which is equally charming.

Fiery red, pink and purple, youthful vigor and enthusiasm like the morning glow.

Along the way, the eight people walked forward surrounded by people from all walks of life in Tiandou City.Stepping on the red carpet, the feeling at this time is the same, still sweet, still applying, but there is a little more emotion and excitement in the gestures.

Looking from a distance, a tall building gradually appeared in everyone's sight.

The Royal Chapel, where the Seven Devils held their wedding.The lights are brightly lit at this moment, not only how many people are waiting excitedly inside.

Nearly 100 meters away from the church, the scenery suddenly changed.

There are no longer colorful flowers on the roadside, and there are no crowds around.At this moment, there are neat red flamingos beside the road, exuding a strong festive color.Around the flamingos are some long and thin tubes, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple are lined up into the distance in sequence.

The ground supported by the soul guide suddenly glowed, and there was a "ding".

The seven monsters looked around vigilantly, not knowing what happened.Although there is no need to worry at all, they don't want to be disturbed by others on such an important day.The Elementary Blue Silver Domain was opened, immediately covering the entire building.

But what happened next made them almost jump.

The red tubes suddenly brightened, and in an instant, red fireworks erupted from several red tubes at the same time.Dozens of fireworks shells formed a heart shape in the air, and then slowly dissipated.

Next, another wave of fireworks.

Next, another wave.

Xue Beng didn't tell the Seven Monsters about this part, obviously he wanted to surprise everyone.

Naturally Ma Hongjun could do this, but this was a blessing from Xue Beng and the Heaven Dou Empire, which still made them very happy.

The eight people stopped and admired the fireworks arm in arm.Tang San gently hugged Xiao Wu, looked up at the fireworks in the sky: "Honey, I told you a long time ago that I want to hold the most grand wedding for you, and let everyone in the world know You are my wife, and today, I made it.

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