The Road to Godhood of the Shrek Seven Monsters

Chapter 34 Elite Competition (1)

Chapter 34 Elite Competition (1)

Tang San nodded: "Probably, there shouldn't be anything else."

The two walked through the streets and alleys, and the palace was right in front of them.

"Stop, who is it?" The Royal Knights shouted when they spotted the two.

"Sect Master Tang San, and Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Sect Master Ning Rongrong, have come to discuss matters at the invitation of Emperor Xue Beng." Tang San said lightly, but there was majesty in his gestures.

The man visibly trembled: "Are you Tang San, Lord Ning Rongrong?"

The two nodded, and the man said: "Please wait for a while, I will report to His Majesty right away.

Not long after, I saw two people hurriedly walking towards this side, and one of them quickly retreated to the side to stand on guard to maintain vigilance.

"Teacher." Xue Beng saluted respectfully after seeing who was coming.

The shadows of the trees flickered, and in the distance was the palace.Tang San had been to the palace twice, and one of them was his first decisive battle with Qian Renxue.Tang San chuckled, said nothing, and followed Xue Beng into the palace.

There are many branch roads in the palace, and the corridors with patterned carpets are winding and winding, and from time to time there is a faint fragrance.Tang San and Ning Rongrong followed Xue Beng and turned around corridor after corridor. They couldn't help but secretly lament Xue Beng's memory. If he didn't turn on the mental detection, he might not be able to find the way.

Every corner of the corridor is guarded by guards of Soul King level and above. Demonic eye soul guides for surveillance are all over the corners. The defense is not lax.Everyone stopped in front of a door. Xue Beng called away the guards and opened the door. The scene inside came into view.The room is not big. Brown carpet with gold edges is laid in the room, covering the mahogany floor.The magic device lamp rotates slowly, emitting soft light.The bed was placed in the corner of the room with gauze curtains, and in the middle was a mahogany table. "Your Highness, I'm afraid there's something wrong with this." Ning Rongrong, who was well versed in palace etiquette, said hesitantly.This is obviously Xue Beng's dormitory, and there is something obviously wrong with entering the emperor's dormitory.Xue Beng waved his hand: "With this important matter, there is no need to have so much etiquette. Besides, you are all princes and dukes and heroes of the empire, so you don't need to pay too much attention."

Now that Xue Beng had already stated his position, the two of them walked in without saying much.The two were seated at the mahogany table, when the sound of two footsteps came out.Walked to the door and stopped. "Huh, uncle?" Tang San said softly.

"Tang Xiao, the leader of the Haotian Sect, comes to see His Majesty." The hoarse voice of the messenger sounded.Xue Beng hurriedly stood up and went to open the door himself. "Sect Master, you are here, please take a seat." He said respectfully.In terms of seniority, Tang Xiao was considered his master.Tang Xiao greeted the two with a smile, and then took a seat at the mahogany table under the leadership of Xue Beng.Xue Beng closed the door and hurriedly took his seat.

Tang San smiled slightly, the three sect leaders had already arrived, it seemed that this meeting must be very important.Xue Beng said seriously: "I invite you all to come today. There are two things I want to discuss with you." "Two things?" Tang San asked with interest.Xue Beng nodded and continued: "The first thing is about the continent-wide senior soul master elite competition that will start in ten days." He paused and then said: "I would like to invite the three of you to sit in the VIP seats. Watch the battle and pick some elite talents for me. I wonder what the three of you have?" Tang Xiaohe nodded. Tang San and Ning Rongrong looked at each other. Ning Rongrong said first: "Your Highness, my daughter just inherited the title of sect leader this year. My position, my prestige is still low, and the team still needs me, so I’d better ask my father Ning Fengzhi to attend.”

Tang San said: "My reasons are similar to those of Sect Leader Ning, but I can attend the opening ceremony, and then I will lead the team to participate in the competition. Let our sect's elder, Senior Dugubo, go." Xue Beng also hesitated, but nodded.How dare he not listen to what his teacher said?

"The second thing is about the seven major sects' competition in the continent two years later." "The seven major sects' competition?" The three people exclaimed at the same time. Xue Beng nodded and continued: "Although you are now recognized as the masters of the upper three sects, a formal process is still needed.The competition was jointly organized by our Tiandou and Star Luo Empire, two years later, the original Wuhun City. "The three of them all nodded. They all realized that this was not only a moment for the sect to gain glory, but also a moment for Tiandou to show its national power to the Star Luo Empire. It is essential to be on guard against others. No matter what the other party's attitude is, it is better to intimidate them. Okay. "Please gather your strength and prepare for the competition in two years' time. You are the pillars of the Tiandou Empire, so you must be prepared, especially since there are still several titled Douluo who have surrendered here in the palace. At present, Those who are cultivating in a secret room include the top six or seven worshipers of the Spirit Empire. If you have the ability, please be sure to win them over. "Xue Beng will not be stupid enough to use the power of the royal family to manage these titled Douluo. If something goes wrong, I am afraid that he will suffer before the reinforcements arrive. "The Haotian Sect only has an inner sect, and only those who have the Clear Sky Hammer spirit can do it. If you can enter, give it to the other two sects. "Tang Xiao shook his head. Tang San then smiled and said: "The Tang Sect transferred power to the Nine Treasure Glazed Sect. At the same time, the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect now has more than a hundred soul masters, at least one Eight-Ring Soul Douluo and three Six-Level Sect. With the existence of the Ring Soul Emperor, I also want to kill Lan Dianba

Wang Longzong was rebuilt. "Rebuilding the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect has always been the dream of Grandmaster and Liu Erlong. Today, Tang San will help them realize this dream.

"What did you say?" Xue Beng almost jumped up. Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, Xue Beng had almost lost confidence in it and was about to abandon it, but Tang San actually volunteered to take over this mess. Why wasn't Xue Beng unhappy? "I said rebuilding the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect." Tang San repeated lightly. "I think that with the Tang Sect's current human and financial resources, we can do this." "Teacher, I'll leave it to you." Thinking that the next four sects of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect can still occupy a place, the excitement is palpable. "But, how do you find the lost disciples of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Family?" Tang San smiled and said, "Most of the disciples of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Family have been found by the master and incorporated into Shrek Academy." After listening to Tang San's words, If the sect leaders of the three upper sects hadn't gathered here, Xue Beng would have danced with joy. He just kept thanking him and didn't even notice that the three people left quietly.

Ten days later, in front of the Tangmen mansion.The majestic wind of the morning blew through everyone's hair.After Tang San's hard persuasion, Flanders gave up on the shit green color with the advertising pattern that he had always insisted on.Ning Rongrong and Oscar were dressed in the formal attire of the heads of the Nine Treasure Glazed Sect, while the others were all dressed in blue and gold striped attire that symbolized the exclusive Tang Sect, making them look particularly dazzling.Although the remaining team members are still a ridiculous green color, they still look quite beautiful with the light emerald gold and white background.Tang San asked the royal tailor to make this.Now, looking at the school team, which is several times more beautiful than usual, everyone is secretly happy, and at the same time, their morale has improved by more than a big margin.

The fourteen people in front of them are the first and second teams of the Shrek Academy representative team.The second team of the Six Soul Sect and the First Soul King.Captain Yu Minglan, with the martial soul Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus, is a level 51 attack spirit king; deputy captain Tang Feng, with the martial spirit Clear Sky Hammer, is the leader of the fourth generation disciples of the Haotian Sect. He has just entered Shrek Academy and is a level 49 assault spirit. He is a fighting spirit sect; Tang Lie, Tang Feng’s younger brother, is a level 48 attacking spirit fighting spirit; Wang Tao is a fighting spirit fighting tiger, a level 48 attacking spirit fighting spirit; Huang Xue is a fighting spirit water lotus, a level 48 control fighting spirit. Zong; Bai Yueling, martial spirit Lei Bao, Bai Yuelan's cousin, level 47 fighting spirit sect; and Ning Jian, martial spirit Qibao Glazed Pagoda, level 45 auxiliary fighting spirit sect. Tang San once half-jokingly said that since Qibao After the direct disciples of the Glazed Sect settled in Shrek Academy, the most indispensable thing here was the top auxiliary martial soul. It can be said that these people in the second team are geniuses everywhere, but compared with these monsters in the first team, they are still inferior.Tang San looked at everyone and said calmly: "You, after several months of training, are now geniuses among geniuses. Now, I promise you that if you win the championship, you can join the Nine Treasure Glazed Sect and the inner sect of Tang Sect at any time. You can join. It doesn't matter if one person joins two sects." The members of the second team, except for the captain and the Tang brothers, all looked surprised. The Tang sect or the Nine Treasure Glazed Sect were the places they dreamed about. Now that we are so close, our determination to win becomes even higher.Tang San suddenly raised his voice and asked: "What are we?" Fourteen's hands folded together: "Champion!" The voice echoed in the streets and alleys, and could not disperse for a long time.

The Tiandou Spirit Fighting Arena, a hundred-meter-high building, is full of excitement and hustle and bustle.The nearby streets have been sealed off and carriages are prohibited from entering or exiting.The central area is separated by guardrails, and only participating team members and ticket-buying spectators are allowed to enter.More than half of the broad street was occupied, and the railings were crowded with people, all wanting to catch a glimpse of these elite young soul masters.Groups of boys and girls stopped on the roadside, looking at the crowds wearing various school uniforms with fascination in their eyes.

"Purple Star College, please come in. Blue Peak College, please come in." At the beginning, some unknown colleges came, and the staff at the inspection office were already slightly sleepy.A golden card was handed over. "Okay, okay, eh, Shrek Academy?" He exclaimed, and when he looked up, he saw Dai Mubai's eyes.Who doesn’t know the Shrek Seven Monsters? "Evil-eyed White Tiger Dai Mubai?" One can imagine the excitement in his heart when he saw his idol at such a close distance.By this time the crowd was in complete commotion.Everyone rushed to see their appearance, and some flying soul masters even flew. "Are you ready?" Dai Mubai urged impatiently. "Okay, okay, please come in." The inspector said tremblingly. He had not forgotten that the seven monsters were all Titled Douluo-level experts.

None of the senior leaders of Shrek Academy came. It was said that Flanders had blackmailed the Tiandou Empire again and invited them to drink.Everyone walked inside, leaving cheers and screams behind. "Hey, Boss Dai, you are very famous. Look at the way those girls look at you." Oscar came up with a teasing smile. "You look famous. It's all because of you. Everyone in Doucheng knows about your reputation as the Big Sausage Uncle and is looking forward to it." "Come on, Boss Dai, I just saw the twin sisters again." "Go. Damn it, Xiao Ao, are you asking for help?" Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing sneered as they watched their men expose each other. No one had any intention of stopping them. Ma Hongjun quietly held Bai Chenxiang's hand and said, "I'm a good boy." Their faces look particularly similar.The 14 people behind were all stunned and speechless.They never expected that these two teachers would be so insignificant, and their tall image would instantly collapse.

Fourteen people walked forward mechanically like petrification.

The lights were shining on them, watching the gradually widening corridor, they gradually reached the center of the arena.

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