The Royal Fall

Chapter 14 – Ceremonial Preparations

Present times

It wasn’t the intensity of the orgasms that got to Jinta. It wasn’t the mocking laugh from Zenith at her plight, or the cold gaze of Valia. It wasn’t even the fact that she no longer had access to her nether regions, and that her cunt was freely at the mercy of her tormentors no matter how she tried to squirm or shield herself from the feelings.

It was the constant unending sensations, how they never let up for the slightest of breaks. Jinta didn’t know if it had been days, weeks, or months since that fateful day. Since Zenith had first arrived, and she’d been forced into the role of a maid. All while the former maid got to prance about at Zenith’s side in the position that rightfully should have belonged to her. 

Jinta caught herself mid thought. It wasn’t a helpful mindset, and she’d been trying to move away from that perspective. Not because she was worried about Valia or Zenith reading her mind. If they could, she likely would’ve been locked in the deepest prison cell or executed long ago. No, the real problem stemmed from the fact that stewing in her own bitterness and regret only made her feel worse. She couldn’t even blame Valia. Valia was doing what she needed in order to survive, much like Jinta herself had been in the first place. And although she hated the former maid with every fibre of her being, Jinta didn’t blame her for it. 

The real person Jinta blamed was Cherry. Her ridiculous optimism and inability to see people for what they truly were was the reason they had fallen into this entire mess. And now, Cherry was back again, still blindly fumbling about without the slightest clue of what was really happening. 

“Val… Valia is that you?” She had to roll her eyes at Cherry’s shock and horror. Although she knew Zenith had kept her out of the loop, it was baffling to see just how far behind she was. “No, that can’t be right. You wouldn’t do this, Valia. It’s not you. You’re not like that.”

Jinta couldn’t help herself. She let out a snort of air, which soon escalated to full on laughter. It was too much. The absurdity of the situation, along with seeing Cherry finally realise how far out of her league she was, ended up being more than she could handle. “Don’t you have eyes? How can you deny what’s right in front of you? For fuck’s sake, you really need to pull your head out of that fat ass of yours.”

At the comment of a fat ass, Meredith perked up. “Is it fatter than mine? Mistress Zenith made me so plump and pretty.” As if to prove a point, she began shaking her chest and causing her massive tits to jiggle all over the place. There had been a time when Jinta took some sadistic pleasure in seeing her aunt debasing herself like this, but this time she was too preoccupied with everything else that was happening. 

Cherry was still shaking her head, eyes wide in shock from everything she was seeing. Her serious expression was a strange contrast to her ridiculous fetishised jester’s outfit. “No, no… this can’t be right. You’ve all been brainwashed. This is her doing. This is all just a part of Zenith’s magic, that she’s controlling your mind.”

“And is she controlling your mind as well?” Valia’s question was pointed and cruel. “You broke easily. You chose this, just as much as I did. And no amount of whining or complaining is going to make this easier for you.” She stretched her whip out in her hands. “Although I’ll admit it’ll make things a lot more fun for me.”

“Still believe this is all just some mind game? Face it Cherry, we lost.” Logically, Jinta knew that she shouldn’t be antagonising one of the only allies she had left. But she was furious at Cherry. “You lost to Zenith, and now we’re all stuck in this hell.”

The shocked look on Cherry’s face was replaced with righteous indignation. “I lost? I did everything within my power to protect my kingdom, and you’re trying to hold me accountable for-”

“That’s enough from all of you.” The words were quiet, but they were spoken with a strong authority. Zenith looked over all of them from her throne, powerful magic emanating from her. Jinta tried to speak up, to protest, but no sounds were able to leave her throat. Judging by how the others were seemingly choking as well, including Valia, she knew she wasn’t alone. “As amusing as it is to see you all bicker amongst yourselves, this is a rather important day. You should all know how to behave yourselves by now. Or do I need to give a reminder of what the cost of disobedience is?”

The threat hung in the air between them. Jinta doubted anyone would have answered, even if they could. It was a firm reminder of just how dangerous the sorceress could be. And how even if she often took a more laid back and playful approach, they were all utterly at her mercy.

“Good. I would hate to break one of my toys before the ceremony starts.” In an instant, Jinta felt the magic in her throat disappear as her voice returned to her. “Now, I have a few more errands to attend to before we begin. I expect you’ll all be nice and ready by the time I return. And if you’re having trouble, my dear lieutenant will be more than happy to remind you of your duties. Ta-ta for now!” Without giving anyone a chance to respond, Zenith vanished from the room in a swirl of dark magic.

None of the girls immediately knew how to respond. They were reunited again, for the first time in what felt like ages, but it was hardly a cause for celebration. Zenith’s final threat had sent shivers down Jinta’s spine. Although the sorceress was no longer with them, she could still feel her omnipresent threatening personality weighing her down. They weren’t free. The only hope she possibly had of freedom was Valia, and it was impossible to tell what that girl was really thinking.

Cherry was the first one to fully react. She made her way to the throne, where Bellwyn was being restrained. Although Jinta was used to seeing her being used as various art installations, she could understand her cousin's distress, especially considering how close the two were. She was about to call out, to warn her that she couldn’t just free one of Zenith’s prize prisoners. Not out in the open like this. However, Valia beat her to it.

“What do you think you’re doing?” She placed an armoured hand on Cherry’s shoulder, firmly keeping her in place. “You heard Zenith. It’s time to get prepared.”

“Valia, she’s not here now. You can drop the act.” There was a desperate plea in Cherry’s voice. “I know we can’t fight her. I just want to hold Bellwyn again, to let her know that it’s going to be okay.” She took a deep breath, trying to steady her shaky nerves. “Look, I know everything got all messed up. But as long as we stick together, I’m sure we can find a way out of this mess. I think… I think I finally understand how Zenith works. And I want to let Bellwyn know that I’m not mad at her, and we’ll make it through.” 

At first there was no response from Valia. She kept her gaze, but she didn’t remove her hand. “You think I’m acting? You think this is the lie?” She gestured broadly towards her harsh black armour, complete with Zenith’s rather suggestive emblem. “You never did figure it out, did you. All those years. All that time I spent as your maid. Cleaning up after your messes.” Her voice was slowly rising, her cool facade starting to crack. Jinta instinctively flinched. She had already been exposed to this side of Valia, and it was still hard for her to hear. 

“Every single day I spent in your chambers. Helping you get dressed, preparing your schedule, placating others when you were late for meetings, and protecting you from yourself. You thought I did that job out of loyalty? Out of devotion, because I genuinely cared for you?” She gave Cherry a rough shove, pushing her backwards, the bells of her jester’s outfit ringing as she stumbled. “Not all of us have the luxury of being born into royalty. Some of us have no choice but to serve.”

Cherry looked as if she’d been slapped in the face. “Of course I know I was born lucky. That’s why I’ve always tried so hard to do what’s best for the people. And it’s not like your hard work was unnoticed, everyone in the castle knew you were the best of the best. I told you how thankful I was that you were my maid, almost every day, and-”

“YOU THINK I WANTED THANKS?” Valia erupted in a fit of rage. “I wanted to be free. To leave and never have to care about you, your mother, your cousin, your girlfriend… but instead I was chained down to be a part of your life forever.” She grabbed a wand from her staff. It was about the length of her forearm, with a glowing pink crystal at the tip. “But now Zenith has broken those chains. And she’s given me the tools to pay you back in kind for everything you’ve done over the years.”

She held the rod up high, and the crystal began to shine in a bright light that enveloped the room. A pair of magical spheres slowly faded into view, each with something inside of it. Jinta gasped in surprise as she saw what exactly they were. Inside each sphere was a human torso, smooth like something from a dressmakers shop, except for some extremely realistic humanoid parts. One of them had a vibrating rod penetrating the vagina, while the other had an ethereal hand slowly toying with the clit. Jinta instinctively reached down to the blank area between her legs while she felt the vibrations rock her body.

“The talisman. Valia, why do you have that!” To her surprise, it was Cherry who spoke up before her. And given her flushed expression, it was clear enough to Jinta who the other talisman was connected to. She couldn’t help but scowl at the sight of it, and the gentle treatment hers was getting. Jinta had been getting fucked almost nonstop ever since the damned thing had arrived, and meanwhile Cherry was getting a soft and simple relaxing massage. It was just another way her situation was unfair.

Valia, however, was still focused on the former Princess. “It’s like I’ve been telling you. I’ve pledged my loyalty to Zenith, and I have no intentions of turning on her. My orders were to get you ready for the coronation. So like it or not, that’s what’s going to happen. Bellwyn is already prepared for her part, as is your mother. Zenith assured me that you would be compliant, but it appears you may need some extra punishment as well.”

The air was tense. For a moment, Jinta wondered if Cherry would do something brash. She could be hot-headed, after all, and Jinta had to admit that she was a skilled fighter. The Cherry she knew wouldn’t back down without a fight when confronted like that.

However, none of them were the same as when Zenith had first arrived. Cherry slumped her shoulders, gazing wistfully towards the throne where Bellwyn squirmed in place, unable to join the rest of them. “That’s what I thought.” Valia relaxed her pose as well. “Typical royal attitude, all talk and no show when it comes down to it.”

Jinta was fairly certain that she was just baiting her, but Cherry didn’t rise to the provocation. Instead she turned her gaze towards the pair of talismans. It was too much for Jinta. She knew that there was a plan, and she was tired of the back and forth bickering. “Enough fucking around. Valia, are you going to let us have our bodies back or not?” She was pretty sure she knew the answer, but she still had to ask. 

“That depends,” Valia replied. “Unlike Zenith, or our previous rulers, I actually reward effort and a job well done. You’re the maid, so you need to prove that you can keep this place clean. Or is that too much for you?” Jinta grumbled under her breath. She was going to argue further, but a particularly strong vibration in her cunt sent her over the edge to another rolling orgasm. Considering how many times she’d been forced to climax, she thought she’d be numb to them, but unfortunately each one still drove her insane.

Valia gestured towards Meredith. “The slut over there’s leaking her jizz all over the place. Go clean it up, and then maybe you’ll get a reward.” She turned back towards Cherry. “Now, for you. The court jester.” Valia’s eyes narrowed as she examined the purple and orange bodysuit, the shiny latex hugging her body and bells jingling with every movement. “Do something to make me laugh.”

At first, Jinta wasn’t sure if she heard properly. But seeing Valia’s stone expression solidified it. Now all of a sudden, her own task really didn’t sound so bad.

Cherry was equally incredulous. “Make you laugh? Valia, this isn’t- I’m hardly in the mood for humour right now.”

“Neither am I, so you’ve got your work cut out for you.” There was no sympathy or mercy in her voice. “Zenith told me all about your denial. Make me laugh and I’ll give you a fair chance to cum.”

“How… how can I believe you, now of all times?”

“I swear it on my loyalty to Zenith.” Jinta winced at that. Even she had a hard time figuring out just what exactly Valia was planning. Despite everything, and hating herself for it all the time, a part of her still thought that maybe Valia was playing up the traitorous role to gain Zenith’s trust. And that was after seeing her brutality first hand. Cherry was seeing this side of her for the first time.

But that was Cherry’s problem. For now, she had a monarch to clean up after.

Meredith had been watching their entire exchange with a somewhat dazed expression. Jinta had only seen the Queen a few times since her capture, and every time she managed to look even more depraved. There was no trace of the hard working and compassionate ruler she’d come to know. Her selflessness and nurturing behaviours were replaced with hedonistic desires. 

A sultry moan came from her lips. “Ooh, are you here to fuck me? Come oooon, I’m so horny!” She thrust her hips towards Jinta in a vulgar fashion. The massive bulge underneath her string bikini was obvious, and there was a clear damp spot on it. There was also a small puddle on the floor, just as Valia had presumed. 

Jinta pulled out a rag and a rune of moisture. Often she was made to polish things with her tongue, but thankfully that wasn’t always the case. Sometimes she needed more conventional tools. Although given the nature of what she was mostly cleaning, it hardly felt conventional regardless.

And of course the queen slut herself couldn’t leave her alone while she was working. The moment Jinta bent over to start her job, she felt a firm hand grab her ass. “Aww, isn’t this just the cutest little bubble butt around? You deserve to spend time on my lap, don’t you think?”

“I’d love to do that, my queen, but I’ve got some important work to do.” Jinta spoke through gritted teeth as she went back to polishing the jism from the floor. “Work that would be a whole lot easier if you just left me alone.” She’d learned that Meredith was too stupid to properly reason with, but at least she could understand basic requests.

At least, most of the time she did. This time, Jinta felt herself getting pulled by the waist into her warm and thick embrace. “No, don’t be all mean like that! Come here you little darling.” Meredith started pawing at her body, groping her wherever possible. Although Jinta tried to squirm out of her grasp, the larger woman proved to be surprisingly strong, despite her current state. She found herself wrapped up in Meredith’s warm embrace, her massive tits pressing against her back and an already stiff cock poking up around her thighs.

“Fuck, get OFF me you stupid cunt! I’ve got cleaning to do.” Jinta shuddered as yet another mini orgasm ran through her body. She was already feeling irritable and exhausted, and this was only making it worse. “Are you trying to get on Zenith’s bad side? You know she’ll get mad at you if you keep getting in my way.”

“Nuh-uh! Mistress Zenith said that she can’t get mad at me because I’m too much of a dumb silly bimbo. She said that I’m too cute for her to be upset at.” Even after all this time, it was bizarre for Jinta to hear a grown woman who she’d known for so many years as a regal and composed ruler speaking in such an immature tone. Meredith tried to grope Jinta, her hands reaching around to the space between her legs. However, she began pouting upon finding an empty flat surface instead of a tight pussy. “Aww, where’s your fuckhole? I wanted to use it?”

Jinta did her best to remain calm. “As I’ve told you before, I don’t have it. It’s over there. See?” She gestured towards where the pair of floating disembodied torsos were suspended in the air. “That’s where my ‘fuckhole’ is. Out of reach where nobody can touch it or control it. Not even me, if I wanted to.”

Meredith squinted at them. “Which one is you? The one getting gently rubbed or the one you can see buzzing from way over here?” To her own frustration, Jinta could tell what she was talking about. Cherry’s pussy was getting a nice and slow magical massage, while her own was being tormented with overwhelming sensations that refused to let up.

“The vibrating one. Now, can you please just let me go already?”

“Oh, so you’re the lucky one! It’d really suck to be that other person, they aren’t getting off nearly as hard as you are.”

Jinta ground her teeth in anger. She finally pried Meredith off of her and knelt down at the floor, using the cleaning rag to take out her frustrations on the floor. Being able to forcefully scrub the cum-stained tiles was a good outlet for her energy that wouldn’t get her in trouble with Valia.

From the sound of things, however, Cherry was having her own troubles with her former servant. “Come on, you always used to laugh at that one! You said it was your favourite.”

“Of course I said that. It was my job to tell you that you were great at everything you did. It’s not my fault you were too stupid and naive to see that I had to play to your ego.” Even though Jinta’s back was turned, hearing the icy conversation was enough to put her on edge. “Zenith has chosen you to be her jester, so you’d damn well better make sure that you’re actually capable of your duties for a change.”

“Valia, hasn’t this gone on enough? Look, I’m sorry for not listening to you before. Can’t we try to work something out? At least let me talk to Belwyn?”

“Belwyn is exactly where she needs to be. She’s embraced her role, and I suggest you do the same.”

“What, as a piece of human furniture for Zenith to sit on as a throne?”

If the circumstances had been different, Jinta would’ve felt bad for her cousin. She was still trying to bargain her way to a fair deal, and the fact that Zenith had no intention of playing fair clearly hadn’t set it.

As Jinta continued scrubbing away at the floor, a shadow began to loom over her. She looked up to see Meredith standing up above her, cock fully exposed and erect. She was already rubbing herself, drops of precum spilling onto the area Jinta was trying to clean.

“Hey, can you knock it off? For fuck’s sake, I need to clean up your jizz before the ceremony starts, so you can’t be making more of it.”

Meredith giggled in response. “But that’s why it works so well! You’re already cleaning, aren’t you? So if I just cum on the floor as you’re scrubbing it it’s like I’m hardly making an extra mess! Besides, you get to cum over and over again, so it’s only fair that I can do the same.” as she was saying that, a large drop of cum spilled out and dripped onto Jinta’s hair. “Oops, my bad! I’ll aim for the floor next time.”

By this point, Jinta was too exhausted to even try and argue. She knew that her hair was almost always matted in a thin layer of sweat these days, a stark contrast to the skintight shiny latex of her maid’s uniform. She was utterly dejected as she continued using her rag to mop up the fluids  as they were coming down. 

All she’d wanted was a chance at what should’ve rightfully been hers. To be skilled with magic, to be praised as a leader, and to get the recognition she deserved. And now everything had been lost, her final desperate hope being that Valia was somehow still just putting on an act. A hope that above all else she wished that she could crush and fully give up on.

“Hang on, I’m about to cuuuuuum!” Meredith’s drawn out moan was soon followed by a fresh burst of jizz, far more than any human should be able to produce, spurting out all across the floor and over Jinta’s hands. She felt the vibrator in her own cunt speed up in tandem, forcefully wringing another orgasm from her body. It was enough to make her collapse, to fall face-first into the fresh batch of creamy liquid. “Oh, sorry. Looks like I made a bigger mess than I expected. Well, the good news is that you’re cleaning up anyway.”

Jinta wanted to snap at her. To explode with anger and take it out on Meredith, on Cherry, on Zenith, on somebody. And it wasn’t all that long ago that she would’ve done exactly that. But it was too much for her, and the only thing she could muster up the energy to do was continue mopping up after the bimbo in a seemingly sisyphean task.

Her melancholy was interrupted by the sound of laughter. Valia’s harsh laughter, echoing throughout the room. It was a sound that Jinta wasn’t used to hearing, but she knew that it was never caused by anything good. “Wow, that is a GOOD one! I’ll admit, I didn’t actually expect you to make me laugh. But hey, maybe this role is a natural fit for you after all.”

Cherry’s voice sounded meek and confused “But- Valia, I wasn’t joking. I’m being serious!”

“I know. And that’s what makes it all the more amusing. Keep it up like that and I’m sure you’ll do fine at the coronation. And if not…” She let the sharp crack of her whip emphasise her point.

Jinta didn’t know what had been said. She had her own problems to worry about. But with nothing else to latch onto, she took comfort in knowing that at least her cousin was suffering almost as much as she was.


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