The Science of Cultivation [Xianxia]

Chapter 22: First Sect

“Greetings, Senior Cao.” Li Lang clasped his fists and bowed to the woman before him. “I heard you had wanted to speak with me?”

The woman had light brown hair and was wearing an olive-green robe. She sat there and stared silently at Li Lang for a few moments before replying.

“...Yes, congratulations on becoming an apprentice alchemist. I heard you are not part of any sect, nor do you have a master. Is that right?”

“That is correct.”

“What grade is your aptitude?”

“...Senior, I only have a grade one aptitude.”

The woman’s eyes widened for a split second. Li Lang didn’t fail to miss, but she quickly recovered. She tilted her head and fell into deep thought for a full minute before breaking the silence.

“Hmm…Would you like to join my sect, the Spirit Grove? If you accept, I can guide you in my spare time.”

“Senior, you would truly take me as your apprentice?” Li Lang blurted out without being able to hide his excitement.

“No, not as my apprentice. I will guide you on the basics that you seem to lack and endorse you to take my sect’s special entrance exam to become an outer disciple.”

“...Is there anything you want from me in exchange?”

“Yes, you will work hard for my sect, producing low-level mortal pills for our disciples.”

It was Li Lang’s turn to take a moment. He deliberated the pros and cons of the offer, but he quickly made his decision. His objective wasn’t to become one of the inner disciples of a sect, so there weren’t any major disadvantages to him.

Accepting would bring him closer to the goal of finding an expert to help save the Zi siblings and his study of cultivation. The offer would help him make an important step toward both goals.

“I would be honored to accept your offer, Senior.”

The woman nodded appreciatively at Li Lang.

“Good. I will be leaving for my sect in the morning, three days from now. I will meet you then, so go make your preparations.”

After leaving those words behind, the one-star alchemist took her leave.

Li Lang wasted no time and returned to his inn after the long day at the Alchemist Guild.

There was a lot for him to process with everything that had happened. His plans had been upturned, having been suddenly fast-tracked into a sect. While he had yet to take the special test, even just the opportunity to take it was already a huge step forward.

Li Lang also had to think about what to do with the kids who had been helping him. He would be leaving them behind, but he wasn’t sure if that would be a permanent arrangement or if he would be able to drop by and visit.

After putting some thought into it, he decided he would start showing Wei Ping, the kid with the stutter, how to make sodas. Despite his speech impediment, he had proven to be diligent and intelligent enough to understand the main points, no matter what he worked on.

Li Lang knew if he was accepted into a sect, he would likely not need to bother making soda anymore. Having worked in a government institution all his life, he knew the importance of connections. That was why he would go out of his way to pass on his knowledge to Wei Ping. It didn’t hurt to maintain a connection in Xiang Yang when the cost of doing so was low.

“And that’s why I’ll be leaving town. If you have the time, please come in the evenings as well, and I will show you how to make sodas.”


“You’ll be fine keeping the rest of the kids in line, right?”

He nodded and thumped his chest.

With the matter resolved, Li Lang greeted the innkeeper as well, completing the miscellaneous tasks he needed to take care of before he left.

For the next few days, Li Lang settled into his routine of cultivating and teaching Wei Ping how to create the sodas. While the recipe was somewhat complicated, the boy at least had ample strength to complete the physically demanding task. 

They mostly spent the time going over how to turn the nahcolite into baking soda. Then, on how to mix it with the vinegar and transfer the carbon dioxide gas over to the drink.

Li Lang returned to the Alchemist Guild exactly three days after he had passed his test. This time, he brought along all of his possessions, that were neatly wrapped in a large piece of cloth. It wasn’t much as he left his bulky and heavy stove with Wei Ping.

When he entered the lobby, he saw a figure waving a hand at him as soon as he went in.

“Li Lang. Punctual, good. Follow me.”

He recognized the voice of the one-star alchemist, Cao Mei, who had agreed to induct him into the sect and complied.

The two swiftly made their way out of the city. They stopped at a flat clearing just outside the walls.

Before Li Lang could ask what they were doing, Cao Mei held out a hand and suddenly, a wooden carriage appeared out of thin air. It was a four-wheeled carriage, but there were no animals in sight to pull it.

“Get in.”

Li Lang boarded the back while Cao Mei took the reins, sitting in the driver’s seat out front. She quickly opened the small window between them once she got settled. Peeking back to check on Li Lang, she nodded and a sizable amount of Qi began emanating from her. Sensing this, Li Lang quickly directed Qi into his eyes and he was soon able to see the carriage being enveloped by the alchemist’s Qi.

The vehicle then began to move by itself, rapidly picking up speed. Within a second, the carriage lost contact with the ground as it began to soar into the sky. Li Lang swiftly moved the blinds out of the way to look out the window on the side.

“Have you ridden on a Skyrunner before?”

“Yes…just once.”

She nodded.

The duo continued their trip in silence until Li Lang couldn’t take it anymore.

“So…How long will the trip take?”

“Not long, half a day.”


As if she could detect Li Lang’s thoughts, she quickly followed up with an enticing offer.

“With nothing to do, why don’t I go over what to expect once we get there?”

“Yes… please do enlighten me, Senior.”

“Your entrance test won’t be much different from the general test. You will be tested on various topics, including talent, combat proficiency, mental resilience, crafting, and an interview.”

“...There are quite a few things on that list I’m not confident in.”

“No need to fret. They are mainly for show. As long as you prove you are capable of refining pills, you will pass.”

…Then why even bother, anyway?

“So will I be able to visit Xiang Yang again once I’m accepted?”

“As an outer disciple, you can leave as long as you receive permission from an elder or take on a request from the Mission Hall. However, as an alchemist, you should be able to leave if you have legitimate business with the guild as well.”


The woman examined Li Lang’s expression for a few moments before advising him.

“We aren’t too strict on outer disciples. That means you will have to decide for yourself how to spend your time and make use of the opportunities the sect offers you. I advise you to make use of your access to our library to learn more.”

“Do you have any suggestions?”

The two continued to chat as they made progress on their trip. By the time the sky started to darken, they approached a colossal tree that towered high above anything in its surroundings. The branches threatened to extend into the clouds, and their Skyrunner only made it up to the tree’s midsection.

Peeking through the gaps in the tree branches, Li Lang could spot numerous people down below. The buildings integrated seamlessly with their environment, making the place appear like an elf village.

He could spot people and other Skyrunners flying around here and there, but they otherwise had the skies to themselves. Their carriage flew unceasingly into the sect, heading straight toward the giant tree at the center.

It entered through a large hole in the trunks and landed in a clearing beside a set of heavy-looking doors.

Cao Mei quickly stowed her Skyrunner away once Li Lang had disembarked.

“Welcome to the Spirit Grove. I’ll get someone to show you to your room. Your test should start tomorrow after I’ve made my report. Wait here.”

The woman swiftly disappeared, leaving Li Lang alone. With nothing to do, he could only examine the wooden interior of the giant tree he found himself in.

This place is simply amazing! I would love to investigate how they managed to build it!


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