The Science of Cultivation [Xianxia]

Chapter 37: Courting

After having spoken to the independent cultivator Ri Xin some more, Li Lang gathered all the Yellow Wind Flowers he could and brought a sample of every material he came across into Ruby’s artifact space. He then made his way back to Xiang Yang as he thought about the things he had learned from the conversation.

Li Lang lamented at the fact how unlikely it was for him to see Ri Xin again, as he was touring the entire Violet Isles with his master. Someone with a rare unique physique was a valuable specimen to study, but Li Lang had to make do with a short conversation instead.

It had broadened his horizon on different factors that affected cultivation, where he had previously thought aptitude was everything. During the entire journey back to the city, he fell into deep thought about the correlation between the strength of one’s spiritual roots and aptitude, and how it could be measured.

As he entered the city, he made his way straight to the branch office of Spirit Grove. He hadn’t corresponded with anyone on getting back to the sect, so he had to set foot in the branch office for the first time to arrange transportation.

It was located deep in the center of Xiang Yang, in a prime location near where various guilds like the Alchemist Guild were located. Spirit Grove’s branch office was a splendid estate that you would expect a rich merchant to have, but otherwise looked like a normal residence.

The gates were wide open, and anyone could walk straight in. After going through a short path flanked by a splendid garden, the main hall came into view with several servants toiling around inside.

Li Lang was immediately noticed with his unique appearance combined with the robes that gave away his affiliation as an outer disciple.

He strode down the hall straight toward where a woman sat in the back with perfect posture, enjoying some tea. As he made his way toward her, he couldn’t help but notice another girl beside the woman, with her back turned to him.

“Outer disciple Li Lang greets senior.” He introduced himself, holding a fist with his other hand, and bowed.

“I am Deacon Bing. How can I help you, Junior Li?”

“I’m looking for transportation back to the sect.”

“I see, well you’re in luck. A Skyrunner is scheduled to come here soon. You should head out to the gates with Ling Xue here. An elder is personally coming to pick her up.”

It was only then Li Lang lifted his head. He made eye contact with the familiar-looking girl with whom he had traveled to Xiang Yang just a week prior.

The girl had the same icy expression as always, so he simply nodded amiably in her direction and nothing more. At the urging of the deacon, they soon found themselves traveling together in silence as they made their way to rendezvous with the Skyrunner outside the city.

During the entire trip back to the sect, Li Lang and Ling Xue didn’t speak a word to each other. While they didn’t speak, Li Lang couldn’t help but wonder if it really was a coincidence that they returned at the same time.

In the first place, sect disciples had everything they needed in the sect to cultivate. The only time they would need to go to the city besides for grand auctions or events with the other righteous sects was for missions.

The mission time limits were often associated with the distance from the sect, so her missions should have been similar to his. However, if she was also returning to the sect at the last moment, Li Lang couldn’t help but let his speculations run wild.

Maybe she was visiting family in Xiang Yang?

Despite being curious about what she had been up to, Li Lang knew she didn’t want to be spoken to. Her demeanor said all that needed to be said, so he quietly kept to himself.

They soon peacefully arrived back at the sect as the gigantic tree came into view once they passed the sect’s guardian formation.

“We have arrived, little Xue. I have some business to attend to, so I’ll see you later.” The elder explained before swiftly departing from the Sky Berth as soon as the two disciples had disembarked.

As a gentleman, Li Lang gestured for Ling Xue to exit the berth first. What he didn’t expect was several disciples awaiting them. There were three young men in total, standing just below their Sky Berth, who all appeared only a few years older than Li Lang.

The three of them all varied in physique, with a lanky one, a round one, and one with a medium build.

“Welcome back Junior Ling! Why didn’t you call me if you were leaving the sect for a mission? I would’ve been more than willing to accompany you.” The lanky boy greeted.

“Hmph! Dream on, Pei Fong! It won’t be your turn to accompany Miss Ling when I am here. Only a talent like I, Zhang Bai, is fit to accompany someone as talented as Miss Ling here.” A boy who resembled a ball retorted with his thick arms crossed.

“Shut up, both of you! You may have some small skills, but you both lack the refinement and finesse to accompany someone as elegant as Lady Ling.”

“Lu Hong, you…!” The two other young masters glared back in unison.

The young man last to speak, Lu Hong, was average in appearance but had the demeanor of a snobbish noble. He fanned himself as he disdainfully looked down at the others with his nose. When he turned back to Ling Xue, his attitude immediately changed as he fawned over her.

“Lady Ling, forget these fools and let me accompany—”

It was at this moment that Li Lang attempted to walk by the bothersome group and the three young masters all glared his way in surprise.

“...Lady Ling, may I ask who this is?”

Instead of replying, Ling Xue snorted in disdain before pushing past the men surrounding her. The three of her pursuers were helpless as she left, not daring to stop her lest they earn her ire.

Instead, they all directed their hateful gaze in the direction of their scapegoat, Li Lang, before exchanging glances with each other. They wordlessly came to a tacit agreement to form a united front.

“You there, you seem new to the sect. Why don’t you introduce yourself to your seniors?”

“...I’m Li Lang. I have just returned from a task from the Mission Hall, so you’ll have to excuse me as I turn in the materials before they go bad.”

Li Lang quickly walked away, but unfortunately, the three formed a wall, blocking his path.

“Come on, Junior Li. You can surely spare us a moment to get to know each other.”

“Pei Fong is right. It’s not every day your seniors bother to take the time to instruct you.” The roundest of the three proudly declared as he nodded his head up and down.

Li Lang could only inwardly shake his head at the misfortune befallen him as he gathered his words.

“Seniors, I believe we have a misunderstanding. I am not related to or acquainted with Ling Xue. We just happen to be in the same Skyrunner. I don’t think I can answer any of your questions.”

“Really?” Lu Hong frowned as he scrutinized the young boy before him.

“Yes. Now if you’ll please excuse me. The Yellow Wind Flowers I gathered really will spoil if I don’t take them back soon.”

When Li Lang tried to slip past the three musketeers this time, they didn’t block his path.

They only stood in place as they silently watched him leave.

“What do you think, brothers? Is this boy a threat?”

“He’s the same age as Lady Ling, so I believe he is.”

“...Zhang Bai, that kid doesn’t seem to be the charming type with that strange oversized head of his. I doubt Junior Ling would pay him any heed.”

“We’ll keep an eye on him first. If he acts up, we’ll just have to beat him down a notch.”

The three nodded in unison as they stared at the back of Li Lang.

Li Lang was completely unaware of what his seniors were plotting as he had already forgotten about them the moment he arrived at the Mission Hall. The disciples there quickly received the flowers and gave him fifteen contribution points for his work.

He swiftly made his way to the alchemy building to stock up on materials before settling back into his routine of cultivating and refining.

There was so much to do, but Li Lang knew better than to rush things. Haste made waste, and he had lived for long enough to have experienced those words himself.

He continued such a routine for a whole week before he sighed out in frustration.

I don’t feel like I’m making any progress in my cultivation at all…I have no idea how to get started with Qi manipulation. Maybe I should return to Xiang Yang early to focus on my experiments first. No…patience is a virtue. I still have almost a year until the next sect competition to win an Ascension Pill.

His patience paid off after another two weeks when Elder Cao finally decided to show up.

“Li Lang, how have you been?”

“Elder Cao.” Li Lang clasped his fist in greeting. “I have been doing well thanks to you, but I did want your guidance on something.”


“I’m…having issues with making any progress to the fourth stage of Energy Gathering. Can you explain to me in detail how to control my Qi?”

“Ah yes. A common enough question. We didn’t have time to get to it during our last conversation, I believe.” She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “Listen well, disciple. There isn’t one answer, as everyone finds the difficulty of various methods to vary. However, I can still give you the general direction to explore.”

Li Lang perked up his ears and listened attentively, like he was back in school.

“Controlling Qi is very similar to absorbing it, but is one step further. You must feel the flow and be able to direct it. The key part here is to master the method to direct it. It is unlike anything you have experienced before. You will have to discover this new… ‘muscle’ that can manipulate Qi. The common methods are…”

Hmm… I am kind of wishing I still had my implant to record all this for me…

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