The Science of Cultivation [Xianxia]

Chapter 51: Demonic Cultivators

Li Lang was instantly on guard when the person he was conversing with confirmed he was a demonic cultivator. He had heard no good things about them from his time within Spirit Grove or in his memories. Even in cultivation novels he had read when researching immortality, they all depicted demonic cultivators as cunning and merciless killers.

“...I understand we don’t have the best of reputation, especially within the territories of the righteous sects, but I want to make things clear. We aren’t the evil villains they have made us out to be. While some of us who cultivate the so-called demonic techniques are deranged criminals, most of us are normal people.”

Li Lang furrowed his brows at Jian Beiyun’s pleadings. He wasn’t sure if this was some trickery to get him to lower his guard, but he realized it wasn’t far-fetched that the righteous sect would spread propaganda to defame their foes.

From what he knew of the righteous sects, they controlled vast territories rich in resources. They would sometimes demand unreasonable things from the common people under the pretext of contributing to the defense against demonic cultivators. He had witnessed instances of this even on the short trip from Xiang Yang to Polarity City.

“Okay, and why should I trust you? In fact, why are you even trying to help me?”

“Right, I’m getting ahead of myself. I am a member of Nightmoon Valley. We pride ourselves on upholding order within the Luminescent Domain and keeping all demonic cultivators in check. While I talked to you because I suspected a rogue demonic cultivator may have threatened you to do their bidding, I’m still happy to assist anyone in need.”

Is this demonic cultivator really spewing how he wants to help people as if he’s a champion of justice?

“The last demonic cultivator I saw kidnapped my friends, so you’re going to have to forgive me if I find your words hard to believe.”

“Really? Tell me more. Our Nightmoon Valley would not let such acts stand. Do you have a name or description? Where did you see them?”

If his words are true…Does this mean they can help me rescue Zi Xi and Zi Xiao Mei much earlier than I had thought?

“...I believe she was called the Abductress. She came to my hometown within the Yellow Qilin province.”

“...” Jian Beiyun’s excitement was immediately doused at hearing Li Lang’s answer. “I’m sorry to hear that…as much as I hate to admit it, the Abductress isn’t someone we can handle. In the first place, she is famous for being elusive and cunning. We wouldn’t be able to find her even if we wanted to.”

“Based on your words, is she really so strong that your entire sect can’t handle her? Your sect must have at least Violet Core elders or even someone stronger, right?”

“Yes…based on rumors, she is at the peak stage of Spirit Divide, the realm after Violet Core. You could say she is one of the peak experts throughout the entire Violet Isle. Without the help of an immortal from the mainland, she is practically untouchable.”

“I see… the mainland…” Li Lang muttered. “Anyway, thank you for the information.”

“What about the matter of relocating to Emberglow City? Based on what I heard, if you can’t stay in the righteous sects’ territories, it is the best choice for you.”

Li Lang tried not to roll his eyes as he formulated a response. It would be foolish of him to blindly believe the words of a stranger, not to say a demonic cultivator during their first meeting. At the same time, he didn’t want to offend the potentially dangerous man, either.

“I’ll have to think it through and discuss it with my companions. Thank you for the offer, though.”

“Understandable. I will be staying in Polarity City for the rest of the week. You can find me here at the guild should you come to a decision.”

The two parties parted ways and Li Lang was finally free to rent out a refining room and began his work.

After selling his newly refined pills for a decent sum, Li Lang exited the Alchemist Guild.

When Li Lang returned to the inn, he spotted his two companions having dinner in the restaurant by the entrance. The place was boisterous with many guests, but his friends were just so eye-catching and easy to find.

“What’d you guys do all day?” Li Lang asked as he plopped himself down beside them.

“I just went window shopping, but you should ask Wei Ping. He actually did something productive and gathered information while I was frolicking.” Long Yi proudly declared for some reason.

“I-I just asked t-the residents about the c-city.”

“Oh, and what did you learn?”

”Just h-how high the c-cost of living is a-around here. I-it’s basically only c-cultivators who live here. T-the only time t-they employ a bunch of o-outside workers is during the a-annual auction.”

“Yeah, I figured as much…” Li Lang quickly placed an order with the waitress. “Anyway, I had a… sketchy encounter earlier. I met this demonic cultivator who—”

“Demonic cultivator?!” Long Yi shot up from his seat and yelled. He swiftly brought his hands to cover his mouth, but it was already too late.

He drew a few glances from the neighboring seats, but they otherwise carried on as if nothing happened. However, one of them continued to stare their way. The three boys exchanged uncomfortable gazes with each other and the man looked at them until he decided to take a seat at their table.

He had long black hair dressed in a bun and a frail appearance like that of a scholar.

“You gentlemen seem to be new here if you’re so afraid of demonic cultivators. Let me clarify a few things for you.”

“Sir…We wouldn’t want to bother you,” Long Yi politely replied.

“It’s fine. I was the same back when I first arrived in Polarity City, so I’d like to do my part as well.”

The three children reluctantly nodded and the man joyfully continued.

“Unlike what is said back in my hometown, the demonic cultivators aren’t such a united force that we thought them to be. There are good and bad people among them.”

“T-then why a-are they called d-demonic cultivators?” Wei Ping sharply asked.

“That is because they all practice demonic cultivation techniques. Any technique that steals the cultivation of others is categorized as such.”

“So they do hunt down cultivators!” the alarmed Long Yi blurted out.

“Only some of them who had let their cultivation techniques cloud their minds. You see, demonic cultivation isn’t perfect and is more prone to affect their thoughts and behavior. The ones you hear about outside the Demonic Cultivator Territory are outliers, not the norm.”

The man continued to extol the different types of demonic cultivators he had encountered until his companions called him over to continue drinking.

The trio let out a sigh of relief, having finally gotten rid of the stranger from their table.

“Let’s eat first and continue our conversation in our room,” Li Lang declared.

They did just that.

“So, as I was saying. I encountered a demonic cultivator in the alchemist guild who told me quite a few things. He suspected me of being manipulated by a nefarious demonic cultivator after overhearing my conversation about finding people. After clearing the misunderstanding, he’s basically offering to take us to Emberglow City, where we can find test subjects.”

“T-that does sound s-sketchy. Where even is E-Emberglow City?”

“Demonic Cultivator Territory, or Luminescent Domain, as they call it.”

Hearing those words, Long Yi took a deep breath and released a long sigh.

“You’re basically telling me a demonic cultivator invited you to go with him to his territory. Does that not ring any alarm bells for you?”

“It did, which is why I politely turned him down. But after hearing what that guy said at dinner, I think we should look into it more,” Li Lang quickly retorted.

“I’ll g-go ask a-around right away!” Wei Ping thumped his chest and declared.

“We can wait until morning. There is no need to hurry.”

Two days later, Li Lang and his companions all visited the Alchemist Guild together first thing in the morning.

When they asked the receptionist about Jian Beiyun, the demonic cultivator Li Lang had encountered, they were escorted to a private room and told he would arrive shortly.

Just as the clerk had said, Jian Beiyun showed up in his grey robes within five minutes.

“That was fast. Are you at the guild all day or something?” Li Lang couldn’t help but ask upon seeing him.

“No, but I am normally in the area. I instructed the guild to inform me if you were looking for me. Seeing how you have sought me out, I take it you would like to take me up on my offer?”

“Maybe, but we wanted to ask a few questions first.”

“Of course. Prudence is a good virtue to have, especially for people at such a young age. Ask away.”

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