The Science of Cultivation [Xianxia]

Chapter 53: Getting Settled

The three children quickly drove their Skyrunner off the plaza in search of some place to stay.

“First things first. We find shelter before investigating our surroundings. Then we can start recruiting test subjects while I refine pills to fund us.” Li Lang turned to Long Yi. “What will you be doing? Will you continue to stay with us?”

Long Yi’s expression instantly changed to that of one who had been wronged.

“What do you mean? Are you trying to kick me out? Here? In the middle of demon—Luminescent Domain?”

“Well, no, but the only reason you wanted to tag along was to avoid staying in the stifling environment, right? Isn’t there something you want to do with your freedom now?”

“Hmm, my goal is still to cultivate. I’m not so stupid to consider freedom without the strength to protect it. And based on what I heard from you guys, you’re researching a better way to cultivate, right?”

“...Better is not the word I’d choose, but yes, I am trying to find ways to cultivate more efficiently.”

“So yeah, I’m sticking with ya,” Long Yi said as he rested an elbow on Li Lang’s shoulder.

The trio continued making their way into the city of Emberglow, paying careful attention to all the pedestrians they came across. From what they could tell, there was a wide range of people in the city, ranging from normal commoners with little cultivation to experts.

They didn’t make it out of the plaza for long before they came across a large crowd on the main road. Many of them were gossiping, and from their vantage point atop the Skyrunner, they saw several figures in black and red robes at the center.

“Did you hear? There’s been another case of murder.”

“Gosh, again? It’s the fourth one this week!”

“Is that the culprit they’re restraining, right there?”

“Silence!” a loud voice suddenly called out, silencing the scene.

Shortly after, a small earthen platform was raised with the speaker on top of it.

Seeing the scene, the three boys decided to park their carriage to the side to see what the man in black and red robes had to say.

“We have captured the culprit responsible for all the recent cases of murder.” He gestured for his companions to bring up a restrained woman. “Rest assured, we’ll find out everything about them and if they had any accomplices. You should rest assured and go about your day. I, Tai Xilun, will definitely make her speak.”

As if to back up his words, the man turned to his captives and grabbed the woman by her face.

The woman then began to shriek in agony as small strands of blood could be seen being extracted from her orifices. They whirled in the air around her for a brief moment before returning to their owner before the cycle repeated itself.

The woman continued to scream, but to the horror of the three boys, the crowd began to disband as if nothing special was happening.

“...Are you sure this place is as safe as that Jian Beiyun had said?” Long Yi muttered.


The three children continued their way down the bustling street, searching for an inn by looking for a wooden sign depicting the sun and the moon. Wherever they were, it appeared to be a food market more than a commercial district.

Following the flow of people, it took them a whole hour before they spotted the signs they were looking for.

“We should probably check out that one.” Li Lang pointed at an inn with an elegant exterior made up of finely polished stones.

“Your wallet feeling a little too heavy or something?” Long Yi asked.

“I t-think it’s b-because we are i-in unfamiliar territory. I-it’s better to go f-for more expensive i-inns that have b-better security.” Wei Ping retorted before Li Lang could respond.

The three children swiftly entered the fancy-looking inn and were greeted by a muscular man sitting behind the counter. The man had a murderous aura around him and stared sternly at his little guests.

“...We’re looking for a room for one week. Do you have any available?”

“Standard room with two beds, five silver coins per night. Suite with four beds, eight coins per night. Meals not included.” The man declared with his arms crossed.

So they use normal coins here. Works for me. What a weird city where cultivators live along with normal people.

“So, which room will it be?” The bulky innkeeper urged.

“Li Lang, pick the suite, pick the suite!” Long Yi whispered while grasping his sleeve.

“...We’ll take the suite.” Li Lang fetched out the coins and placed them on the desk before the man. “Here.”

The man carefully picked up a coin and scrutinized it for a few moments.

“You kids aren’t from around here, are you?”

“...No. Do you not accept these coins?”

“No, we do accept them. Just curious. We don’t see people carrying money from outside the Luminescent Domain that often, so I find it a bit strange, that’s all.”

“Right, I guess you wouldn’t…”

“Here are the keys for room 207. You can return the key to me when you go out for safekeeping.”

Having accomplished their goal of finding lodging, the trio quickly settled in.

With the experience of exploring a new city like they had done back in Polarity City, they quickly delegated roles and went straight into it the next day.

Wei Ping went to gather news while Long Yi tagged along. Despite not actively doing anything, his imposing figure could fool most people that he was an adult as long as he hid his childish face. He was basically the bodyguard who would deter any trouble from coming their way.

As for Li Lang, he headed straight for the Alchemist Guild once more. It was their only source of income for now, and one that was vital to his research, anyway. He required as many types of materials as he could get his hands on to counter the toxins built up from cultivating.

After asking the innkeeper for directions, he soon arrived at Emberglow City’s Alchemist Guild. When the receptionist reacted positively to Li Lang’s ring, which identified him as an apprentice alchemist, he let out a sigh of relief.

So I guess even the guilds within Demonic Cultivator Territory are connected to the other ones. I should’ve expected as much seeing as I met Jian Beiyun at Polarity City’s branch, after all.

“I have confirmed the authenticity of your ring. You can have it back, Li Lang. How can we help you today?”

“Can I browse a list of all your available materials?”

“Of course.”

As expected of an entirely new province that was mostly separate from the rest of Violet Isle, there were many new materials while some old ones were missing as well. Thankfully, the basic materials for Recovery Pills were available, and Li Lang didn’t hesitate to buy up a sample of everything new.

Like that, Li Lang fell into a new routine of refining pills, analyzing materials, and cultivating.

Two months later.

“Thank you for coming, everyone. As we have discussed, we will be starting our experiments today. Please let us know if you have any questions, as this will be your last chance to back out.”

A dozen different people glanced at each other before one of them stepped forth toward the child with a strangely large head.

“The people of Emberglow City are straightforward and decisive. We know what we’re getting into, so let’s get started.”

Li Lang took a moment to glance at all the other participants, who were all nodding enthusiastically at the man’s words.

“Very well, let me explain the experiments to you first, then.”

Over the two months that Li Lang, Wei Ping, and Long Yi had settled into Emberglow City, they had accomplished all their goals and more.

Wei Ping had successfully begun recruiting test subjects after verifying the news they knew about the city. It seems unlike in the righteous sect territory; it was common for non-cultivators to live alongside cultivators, without any major distinction.

However, the city’s order was strictly upheld by the Bloodwave Conclave with an iron fist. Thankfully, that wasn’t something the trio planned on worrying about, as they would follow the rules.

Long Yi had accompanied Wei Ping throughout the two months, but the most notable thing about him was his progress in cultivation. As someone with grade-three aptitude, he was able to make quick progress.

He only struggled with the bottleneck between the third and fourth stages of Energy Gathering for a month before breaking through.

Meanwhile, Li Lang remained in the fourth stage of Energy Gathering, but he had made tremendous progress in his research of creating a drug to eliminate the toxins accumulated from cultivating.

After gaining access to several Luminescent Domain exclusive materials such as Radiant Bloodstone and Ashen Clover, Li Lang successfully stumbled upon a concoction that showed signs of being able to safely remove the toxins from the human body.

That was why he gathered his new round of test subjects.

It was time to test out one of his most pivotal works that may allow him to bridge the gap with the talented.

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