The Self Evolver.

Chapter 1. (4)

Chief Bjorn gave the girl nod of acknowledgement and approval as he beckoned her forwards.

“And now to Jenna Belhild, we have…” he pulled the sheet revealing a beautiful grey axe with a large double bladed metal head with beautiful carvings of Vikings slaying beasts and men of all kind. The handle was made from a smooth white oak wrapped in expensive and comfortable curated leather. It was truly a magnificent weapon.

“An axe made by the finest blacksmith in the village with the best and hardest iron ore and other various hard materials, the handle was crafted by the finest woodman and finally the leather too was refined by the finest leather curator in the village. This axe is capable of slicing through ordinary dragon scales with ease however be warned that for the much more armoured dragon, it will more than a few tries and great strength to slice through their scales.”

Chief Bjorn removed the axe from its stand and held it gently horizontally in front of Jenna who slowly took grabbed it by the handle as she examined it closely noticing how beautiful it was. She slowly raised the battle axe high in the air and gave a roar of excitement which was equally met by cheers all around.

“And now to the 2nd place winner” Chief Bjorn brought the second cart towards Gunnar who was also looking with excitement.

“I give you….” He pulled the sheet revealing a large black and blue metal armour “a battle armour made from incredible metals but the most significant part is that it was also forged from the rare scales of a Whispering death making them extremely durable and unbreakable capable of withstanding the hot breath attack of most dragons without melting , only suffering a few cracks however be warned that prolonged exposure to the heat from a dragon’s flame will result in irreparable damage.”

The armour covered everything from the neck down including both of his arms guaranteeing the ultimate protection. Normal iron weapons wouldn’t even make a ding on such a hard armour so most Vikings would have trouble facing him head on.

Gunna and everyone else could help but gasp in amazement at the beautiful yet powerful armour for a few seconds.

“Well go on lad, put it on” said chief Bjorn as he gently shoved Gunnar towards the armour. Gunnar took off his metal vest armour and began to put on his new armour. The armour was built to fit a bigger and wider build which was a common body feature of Vikings.

“Wooo…Wooo…” cheered everyone as Gunnar finally finished putting on the armour revealing a mighty Viking warrior who looked like a warrior who would put the Valkyries to shame with his large helmet, battle axe and powerful armour.

Gunnar looked at himself from the reflection of a shield and for a brief moment he felt like he could take on Thor himself.

“Hahaha” Gunnar looked at the crowd only to locate the source of the loud booming laughter being his own father who was beaming with joy shouting “That’s my son right there.”

Gunnar could feel his eyes getting wet with tears of joy, but he held himself back from crying as it would ruin the mood. True Viking men don’t cry.

“And finally, to the champion of this year’s duel, to my very own son Tuweryn Lothbrok the ninth, I give you….” He pulled the sheet off the first cart revealing two items. One was a double-sided bladed silver battle axe with beautiful carvings of Vikings slaying beasts and men of all kind similar to Jenna’s battle axe except his mostly contained images of different dragons being slayed and very few men and the other was a large round wooden and metal shield with a cone-like metal structure at the front.

“The champion’s battle axe and shield crafted from the finest dragon parts and various rare metals rare even to the entire Archipelago. Just like Jenna’s axe, its blade, handle and leather were made by the same people however unlike Jenna’s battle axe, this particular axe is so sharp it can cut through dragon scales and armour like cutting through butter even the armoured dragons out there will tremble at the sight of it. But that’s not it’s most dangerous quality, during its creation its molten metal was infused with a mixture of a variety of poisons which together create a poison that is lethal to dragons. One scratch from this axe’s blade will send any dragon straight to Helheim”

“Ohhhh…..” Everyone present glanced at the axe in amazement at its incredible properties. A weapon sharp enough to slice through even the toughest dragon scales with ease and capable of inflicting a poison capable of sending any dragon to Helheim. It was definitely a weapon perfect for a Viking especially Vikings such as themselves who had recently experienced multiple attacks from wild dragons.

Jenna and Gunner both had jealous looks as they glanced at Tuweryn’s prize as it was basically a Viking’s dream weapon. The poison capable of killing dragons aspect was definitely a desirable property.

 “As for the shield, the underside is made of soft dark oak wood known for its resilience and toughness even against metal, on its top side is a metallic layer infused with various rare metals and also the incredibly rare scales of a screaming death known to possess the toughest armour scales among all the known dragons. Ordinary weapons wouldn’t even be able to make a scratch on it, even dragon made weapons would only leave a scratch on it at most. It is also capable of easily wish standing dragon fire for a period of time. Just the sield alone would make one a nuisance to a dragon but both the axe and the shield create the ultimate dragon killer.”

Chief Bjorn gave a brief hug to Turyn before pulling away and holding his shoulders firmly

“And now my son is the one to possess such weapons. The perfect weapons for a champion! The perfect weapons for a Viking!!!!” he declared.

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