The Seven Gentlemen: Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!

Chapter 83 - I Can’t Walk Out This Door

Chapter 83: I Can’t Walk Out This Door

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Song Yu blinked her eyes in disbelief. She found herself unable to relate a person of his magnificence with an activity as mundane as watching a movie.

One simple look at the man was all it took to know that he was not someone who would watch a movie, even if it was in a private theater.

He probably did not even have the time to watch a movie, hence his decision to bring her out to do things that normal people would do on normal dates. Song Yu could not help but feel surprised.

However, she thought wrong because there was no way Qi Chengzhi would have such an ordinary itinerary for his date.

When Chang Lai reached the airport, Qi Chengzhi brought her down from the car, prompting her to ask, “Aren’t we going to watch a movie?”

“Mm. In Hong Kong.” Qi Chengzhi held her hand and said it as though it were any old excursion.

“…” What kind of movie required them to go to Hong Kong? “I don’t have a travel permit!”

“I got it done for you.” He took out a blue booklet and gave it to Song Yu. She opened it and saw that it was her Exit-Entry Permit for Travelling to and from Hong Kong and Macau. Her photo was printed on it, and it surely could not have been fake.

‘When did he get this done?’

There was not even any luggage with them. All they had were the clothes on their backs. It was as if they were taking a day trip to a nearby city, and there was no feeling whatsoever of leaving the country.

When they reached Hong Kong’s bustling city, Song Yu continued to feel as though everything was so unreal. After all, they were still in B City a few hours ago!

They sat inside an Audi A8 that Qi Chengzhi somehow managed to get a hold of. According to Hong Kong’s norms, the driver’s seat was on the right, but in spite of that, Qi Chengzhi drove the car with much ease.

Once they reached the hotel, Qi Chengzhi let her rest on the sofa while he handled the checking-in.

Not long after, she saw Qi Chengzhi calling her over from the front desk.

Even though it was a holiday on the first day of the new year, there were tourists aplenty. Within the swarm of people dealing with their check-ins, Qi Chengzhi still stood out. He remained the most eye-catching person despite being surrounded by a crowd.

Song Yu walked over to him. He took her hand in the midst of the crowd and brought her to the elevator.

The room that Qi Chengzhi booked was a suite, complete with a huge bed in the bedroom.

Song Yu looked at the bed and blushed. Qi Chengzhi was holding her hand, and at that moment, she felt his palm to be scorching hot.

She did not ask whether he booked only one room. It was a silly question because Qi Chengzhi would obviously not book two rooms.

He was an adult man, thirty-four years of age.

Their relationship had just started, but he had already expressed his fervent desire for her.

She knew that he would sleep with her sooner rather than later. Every single step that Qi Chengzhi took was leading them to that singular goal.

He never hid his intentions.

During the flight, Song Yu knew that his spontaneous trip to Hong Kong was not going to be as simple as merely watching a movie.

His intentions were clear and direct, never hidden.

Throughout the journey, she considered whether she should agree to it.

She believed that he would not force her if she refused.

As she looked at the bed, her face felt hot. Her hand was held in his large hand, and their fingers were intertwined.

She raised her head and met with Qi Chengzhi’s deep gaze. He stared at her, full of desire, and it made her felt so hot that she trembled.

“Come on, let’s go watch the movie.” His deep and delicious-sounding voice turned husky, making his tone seem even deeper than usual. It enveloped her body and made her feel all tingly.

Under his passionate gaze and hoarse voice, Song Yu felt weak in the knees.

“If you keep looking at me like that, I can’t walk out this door.” Qi Chengzhi’s deep voice became nearer all of a sudden.

Somewhere along the line, he lowered his head and spoke as his lips began brushing from the center of her lips to the corners.

Song Yu tried her best to stifle a moan. Her face was so red that even her ears were feeling hot. She lowered her head in shyness and felt his warm lips rubbing against the corner of her eyes and her forehead.

A gentle chuckle resounded from the top of her head. She looked up impulsively and saw how he looked when he was genuinely laughing.

“Let’s go.” He kneaded her hand.

The cinema was just nearby. Not three minutes from the hotel was Times Square, and on the thirteenth floor was a cinema called CineTimes.

Qi Chengzhi asked her to sit while he lined up to buy a ticket.

She looked as his slender frame stood in the line. Even though he was dressed casually that day, it was still not enough to cover up his aura. He really stood out from the crowd.

When it was Qi Chengzhi’s turn, he said, “Two tickets to 3D Sex and Zen,” without even looking at the screening schedule on the wall.

It was a young lady who manned the ticketing counter. She was just about to select the movie when her hand paused. She smiled politely and spoke to him using not-so-fluent Mandarin, “I’m sorry, sir. The screening period for that movie ended a long time ago.”

Qi Chengzhi tapped his fingers impatiently on the table. He finally noticed the screening schedule, so he squinted and asked, “Lan Kwai Fong 3, is it very explicit?”

His Mandarin was good, and it contained a touch of Beijing accent. Upon hearing it, the ticketing lady promptly imagined him as being one of those perverts who came all the way to Hong Kong just to watch their level three 1 films.

As a result, her smile became more forced, but she tried not to be impolite when she replied, “It’s quite explicit.”

Qi Chengzhi nodded in satisfaction and bought two tickets.

Song Yu watched as he walked over with a rather pleasant mood. When he went to buy the ticket, she was so engrossed by his shocking behavior that she forgot to ask him what movie they were going to watch.

She was looking at the movies and there were a few good ones. Some were even screening at much later times in mainland China, so it would be nice to watch it a bit earlier in Hong Kong.

She did not get up from her seat but instead waited until he sat beside her. Her eyes shifted to the tickets that he was holding and she asked, “What movie did you get?”

“Lan Kwai Fong 3.” Qi Chengzhi gave her the tickets so she could see the title clearly.


His thoughts were made abundantly clear.

She could neither laugh nor cry, and she stared at him despite feeling shy. ‘No wonder you wanted to watch a movie in Hong Kong!’

On the contrary, Qi Chengzhi felt that there was nothing wrong in his choice of movie, despite her insistent stares. He still had that dignified expression on his face as he sat steadily on the chair. There was even a bit of decorum to the way he carried himself.

Looking at his appearance then, no one would have guessed that he flew all the way to Hong Kong just to watch some explicit movie. How indecent must one be to even do such a thing?

When it was almost time to enter the hall, he held her hand and helped her up. She could feel that his grip was much tighter than before. Perhaps it was a sign that he was excited?

Song Yu shifted her gaze from his hand to the clear outline of his face from the side. He was still as calm and cool as ever.

The tickets Qi Chengzhi bought were for the VIP screening theater. They were couple box seats no less, and when they sat on it, there was virtually no space between them.

The theater was still bright and she could see quite a lot of couples. Each pair took their seats on the couple seats surrounding them, and some women were smiling shyly. Their partners would tease them and look at them with gazes that seemed to have some hidden meaning behind them.

Qi Chengzhi crossed his legs and leaned back contentedly on the soft chair. The movie had yet to begin and the hall was still bright. People were aplenty too, and the voices of people talking made for a bustling atmosphere. Even so, Song Yu felt uncomfortable because she was trapped in the seat and was alone with Qi Chengzhi.

She lowered her head and allowed her fingers to fiddle involuntarily with her bag.

His well-defined hand slid over absent-mindedly and grasped her hand. His thumb gently caressed her thumb and caused her to shudder in her neck.

He was leaning close to her body, so she looked down and scrutinized his fair hands. A thick fragrance emanated from his body, and she felt that he did not need any help from the movie.

The theater lights were switched off, and the screen in front lit up.

She found the movie rather boring and was unable to understand a thing since it was in Cantonese. The storyline was not interesting to her, and her attention was focused only on Qi Chengzhi.

She felt the motion of his thumb caressing her palm, as well as him leaning closer and closer to her. Even his breath was exhaled all over her ear.

Song Yu had no choice but to try her best to focus on the movie in order to keep her thoughts occupied. Her eyes stared at the screen and she did not dare to turn her head.

Visual perception was much impaired in the dark, but the darkness only served to enhance her other sensory organs.

In tandem with the scene in the movie, Song Yu felt ticklish in her neck. She trembled too, and could not help but gulp. Her breathing also turned rough.

Suddenly, she felt hot breaths exhaled onto her ear. From the corner of her eye, she saw that Qi Chengzhi was leaning closer. His handsome face was within inches of hers, and his warm lips were already exploring her ear.

Song Yu’s lips and mouth were dry, but she was afraid to lick her lips. Instead, she pursed her lips even tighter. His warm palm shifted from holding her hand to her waist, while his other hand was grasping her gently. Song Yu could no longer concentrate on the movie. She lowered her head and with every breath, she took in his scent.

His lips moved from her ears to her cheek, then to the corner of her lips, and finally landing firmly on her lips. She wanted to dodge him by moving back, but instead, he conveniently squeezed her into the corner of the box seats. The box seats’ walls were trapping her, while he was blocking her from the front. There was nowhere she could hide.

Despite the sound of the movie being present in such a public place, Song Yu still did not dare to let out a sound for fear that others might hear her.

“Do you still want to continue watching?” He pressed down and inhaled. His low voice resounded from the sensitive skin of her neck. Like coming into contact with electricity, she felt numb from both inside and out.

Song Yu shuddered briefly and held his shirt even tighter using her hands.

She placed her forehead on his shoulder and shook her head while trembling gently.

She heard the sound of Qi Chengzhi’s intense inhalation and his abrupt shiver from arousal. Such a reaction never once occurred on the body of this man, who always maintained his self-control.

“Wait for me for a moment.” She heard him stifle his voice and mutter whilst still placing his lips on her sensitive neck.

All of a sudden, he left her, and the authentic warmth of his body was gone too. At that moment, she felt an abrupt coldness. Her body leaned back weakly against the corner of the seat. She shivered and was desperate to be in his embrace once again.

Song Yu bit her lip. When did she start becoming as ravenous as a wolf or a tiger?

She heard a rustling sound, but soon enough, it disappeared.

Her eyes were already accustomed to the darkness of the movie theater, so she was roughly able to see things. She saw as Qi Chengzhi pounced abruptly on her, hugging her tightly while kissing her fiercely. His thirst for her was evident in his kiss, and it somewhat frightened her.

He then released her and pulled her up.

As soon as she stood up, her legs were so weak that she nearly fell down, but he managed to support her by the waist in the nick of time.

“Can you walk?” Qi Chengzhi hugged her. His lips caressed her ears as he asked.

The couple box seats were at the very back of the hall, and the one Qi Chengzhi chose was the rearmost row, so even if they stood up without moving, they would not be blocking anybody.

However, judging from the situation, it was highly likely that no one was actually watching the movie.

She stood still for some time while still in his embrace. She then nodded, because at that moment, she found herself unable to say a word.

Qi Chengzhi seemed to have seen the nod, despite being in the dark. He held her hand and brought her out.

As they left the hall, they saw another couple coming out from the VIP theater opposite them. The couple was holding their hands, with the woman red-faced and the man seemingly impatient. Song Yu and Qi Chengzhi probably looked no different.

Both couples stared blankly at each other for a moment, and the man opposite them flashed a smile before leaving.

It was then that Song Yu realized what the rustling sound was. Qi Chengzhi had put on his overcoat, most likely to conceal his erection.

During that journey, Qi Chengzhi walked particularly fast. The pavement of Causeway Bay was very narrow, enough for only two people to walk, and that was not even counting the foot traffic going in the opposite direction. They had no choice but to walk one ahead of the other.

Qi Chengzhi did not let go of her hand all throughout the journey. He took great strides while walking, and Song Yu followed behind him. It was almost as though she had to jog to keep up with him, and it seemed like he was dragging her along.

Fortunately for her, she was wearing flat-soled ankle boots, so it was not too hard to jog, although she was straining to keep up with him.

A route that originally took three minutes ended up taking half that time, and soon enough, Song Yu was thrust back into the hotel room.

Barely moments after the door was closed, Song Yu was lifted up. As soon as her legs were lifted up the ground, his kiss came assailing toward her, pressing against her so she was leaning back. Her legs, almost involuntarily, wrapped around his waist. In truth, she did not know what in the world she was doing, but everything just felt so natural.

She finally came to her senses once her back landed on the softness of the bed, and she knew what was going to happen next.

She did not resist, and although she shivered from feeling a sudden chill, both her hands mustered up the courage, traveling from his shoulder to his neck, and finally to his nape, where all ten of her fingers interlocked behind it. Her fingertips touched against his short, neat hair behind his nape, and although they pricked her, she fondled them admiringly. Back and forth her fingers caressed his nape, and she felt the gentle and slightly ticklish feeling of his hair when rubbed against her fingers.

Her actions were equal to her taking the initiative in silence. Waves were surging in Qi Chengzhi’s mind—he lowered his head and looked at her blushing face. In sheer excitement, a groan escaped his throat as he kissed her forcefully.

One by one, her clothes began lessening, and she was completely oblivious to it in her dazed state. She was fully naked by the time she felt cold, and she was trembling quite severely. Qi Chengzhi, meanwhile, was still fully clothed, and Song Yu’s supple skin turned slightly red after brushing against his sweater as well as his overcoat.

With an intense look in his eyes, he glued his lips on her and made his way downward. Some kisses were gentle, while others were forceful. Once in a while, he would—by accident—leave some marks on her skin. Song Yu’s hands unknowingly let go of his neck. She grabbed the bedsheets and closed her eyes because she was too shy to look.

Once she closed them, she could not help but wonder if she was being a bit too open. They were still fresh from clarifying their status with each other, and yet she had already gone so far as to let him do whatever he wished to do to her.

Letting go of her slowly, he tossed his overcoat and his sweater onto the floor. His fiery eyes still maintained his gaze on her.

Song Yu’s face felt hot, and she was shy. She wrapped the blanket around her body hastily. Qi Chengzhi smiled and did not stop her; as far as that action was concerned, he allowed her that liberty.

She felt as his shoulders wrapped around her tightly, enveloping her in his embrace. Her bones could feel his bones under all his muscles, and although it was slightly painful to come into contact with, she did not seem to mind.

Every ounce of worry that Song Yu harbored prior had disappeared. She expected to feel regret, but she felt peace of mind when he wrapped her in his embrace, and when she felt the violent beating of his heart on his chest.

Song Yu began relaxing gradually, and deep down, she breathed a sigh of relief.

It was what it was. Resisting a man like him was futile, and she would have capitulated to him sooner or later.

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