The Shining Wyrm



Jewel was glad that it was too much of a hassle to bring her ‘seat’ in from its place on the dais.

It was just more comfortable to sit curled around yourself, arms and legs tucked in close and wings in a relaxed arch buffeted by Wyrm Fire. Settling one’s belly right against the carpet and stone of Father’s study.

Like this she was just about even with Father’s own eyes.

Which was a towering position to their guest.

“Peter Bulchava, Humble Merchant of exotics and trinkets, at your service, Lord Baron Rochford.”

He was far more composed then the blubbering man that Jewel had loomed over before.

Watchful and even smiling although Jewel found it did not touch the corners of his eyes.

He had gotten his trousers cleaned, and even changed out the shirt he had been wearing before, opting for a less frayed one.

The dye was not as faded, but it was still only a hint of blue.

But no insignia, emblems or marks to state his rank or allegiance.

His ‘wares’ were on display in their entirety, at Father’s request. Laid out on an unfurled cloth across the desk.

Notably, however, the Amulet was not among them.

Instead it was around his neck, shining on his chest.

Fizzbunches was sitting amiably, looking for all the world like a perfectly normal cat. If you discounted the extra digits on each fore paw, which she now knew were thumbs.

Oh, and the glasses and hat of course.

But Jewel had heard rumors of the things the foreign Counts and Countesses dressed their hounds and even a goose in. If one was to believe those stories It was not really out of the question to expect that Fizzbunches was merely just an eccentrically decorated pet.

Apparently, Peter Bulchava too had heard similar stories and did not even blink at the cat.

As was usual, most of his attention was on Jewel. A Wyrm that she was.

Fizzbunches was thus left unmolested to sit there, tail lashing and eyes glinting in amusement at the charade.

He’d given all the trinkets a single glance, a longer look at Peter’s wearing of the amulet and then blinked thrice at father and turned to stare at the peddler with the kind of languid disinterest only a cat could manage.

So there was only the one artifact of sorcerous interest, but the Amulet was indeed bearing some enchantment of note and thus worth more than just the rarity of its inset eggshell.

At this late hour, the image set into it was shining with the dark of night and glittering stars.

The view through the trinket was honestly clearer than you could actually see the sky right now with the overcast.

Another summer storm would probably break soon.

Hopefully not for too much longer into the season. The hay had been mostly dry enough after the deluge during the boar hunt but if the rains went late into the hungry season it would have to delay the Wheat harvest.

And boons from Father or not there was only so far their granaries could be stretched for the peasantry.

Peter Bulchava seemed ill at ease with everyone’s silence and sought to fill it.

“I w-was told that you had interest in purchasing some of my humble wares? I must say I am honored but I did not come prepared with treasures that befits a baron! Please take no offense that I only have such trifles on sale.”

He was sweating under his clothes. He had wiped his brow before entering but Jewel could smell the salting of stress on the sleeve he’d used.

Jewel tried out the softer smile that Mother used when she was trying to put someone at ease.

But it appeared to not have the intended effect as she could smell and see the fresh perspiration bursting over the man’s brow. The rising scent indicated the moistening of the clothes on his back.

Father gave her a glance and gently waved her off.

Drat! She had wanted to be comforting! But since she was apparently intimidating? So that would be her role here? Well she could do that.

A flash of teeth before she pulled back and resumed a more placid expression. Closer to the one she used during the announcement at the start of the Festival.

Peter looked hard at her teeth for quite a bit too long, only turning away from her lips when Father spoke.

“Indeed I am, but as we both know, every item has a story to tell, might you share those of these?”

Peter’s eyes shot to Father’s gesture. Running over what might have been a single earring. It was polished up to a shine, but Jewel could smell it was not gold.

Given direction, Peter Bulchava began spinning a yarn so thick that Jewel thought she could have knit it into a scarf despite her forepaw dexterity. He seemed to calm a bit at least in working his craft.

“Well this beauty right here I can tell you is the sister twin to an ornament worn by the Archcountess of Karabas. I came upon it you see as a favor, reward for aiding her husband in a trial with a cruel and most fearsome ogre. See how it shines?! And feel the weight, the luster, it tarnishes not though feel the weight my Lord!”

Father Obliged the peddler and hefted the earring before he raised a brow with suitable signs of interest.

“Very light. Not gold then?”

The peddler took the earring back and placed it gently back to its place on the cloth.

“No, it is a metal of far northern and high mountain make. Along the freezing salt waters it is mined some magic of Copper and other secrets. A bargain for my lord at Ten Denari.”

Peter Smiled with a hint of desperation.

Jewel almost crossed her eyes at the term trying to remember what that even was.

Father smiled and nodded.

“Are we speaking to the classical Dynastic Solar Denari or the adulterated Middle Republic Denari Peddler?”

There were more than one?! Jewel was so glad she had delayed trying to purchase the amulet and left it to Father’s business.

That seemed to cause a flicker of a frown for Peter before he flew back into his jovial tone.

“Oh good lord is very learned, but of course the proper Dynastic, of course such coins are not so common here so I’d accept- ”

Father waved a hand.

“Eleven Pennies and a Hae if my memory serves for the silver of the Classical Dynasty Denari. That is correct right?”

The peddler paused, eyes going a bit sharper before nodding to Father. Peter swallowed a little heavily. Some of the tone shifting from exuberant tale too shrewd consideration.

“Just so Lord, just so.”

Father nodded to him in consideration.

“What is the tale you have for that one?”

And it continued, with each item the Peddler Peter Bulchava spun a tale. Most certainly false. But with each one they went on until they got to the price, or a comment on the nature and quality of its metal.

And every time Father’s words made the Peddler grow a bit sharper eyed and pause longer in consideration.

Drop both his fake joviality but also a bit of the nervous sweat as well.

Fizzbunches yawned widely, having grown very terribly bored with all the haggling and tale-telling.

His tongue curled, lips pulled back and jaws wide, showing off how pearly white and dainty his teeth were.

Jewel was tempted to answer his challenge with her own yawn but without a cue from Father it would probably send mixed messages.

And if she had half a mind to guess there was something close to a peak in the negotiations coming to a head here.

Why the last item Father had pointed out had gotten a far more honest laugh from Peter and the far more abbreviated comment.

“To be honest that one I picked up off a guttersnipe who fished it from the street. Probably fell in some one’s privy and was tossed with the rest. But I assure you I washed and blessed it myself a long two years ago.”

Father laughed with the same gentle tone and response as he had taken with the bold faced lies.

Finally with a finger father gestured to the point of this all, Jewel tried to keep her expression still even though Peter was not even looking her way.

He pointed right at the amulet hanging over the Peddler’s chest.

“And I suppose you found this one in the woods then?”

But Peter was quiet for a time. Looking thoughtful and then with a heavy sigh turned to look up at Father.

“So it’s that one you wanted then Lord?”

Father smiled and nodded.

“A bit too obvious? I must say what gave it away?”

The peddler sighed and scooped the pendent up from its place at his chest to look at it. Letting it spin from the leather thong.

“Well, to be putting it plainly, this one was not supposed to be for sale to the common folk of your realm, Lord. It was not even supposed to see the light of day today but an unfortunate tumble sent it to the dirt.”

Father only nodded and Fizzbunches was watching the amulet spin intensely.

“You want to know where I came upon this amulet then? Well it was my father’s and before him it was his father’s. And from him I don’t rightly know but as a treasure of my family I can’t rightly say I could part with it.”

Father leaned forward considering.

“And what family would that be which held such a trinket in trust for three generations? What kind of family is Bulchava?”

Peter the Peddler laughed and shook his head. It was not a happy laugh.

“I can’t rightly say Lord. What’s it matter to the high and noble like you? Sure my ma and pa told stories. Descended from a king, or some nights it was a duke. The stories were never the same. Who's to say how many generations back? Might even be true. Wild Oats and Noblesse Oblige eh my Lord?”

Father’s face was no longer friendly. It was stony all of a sudden but he nodded.

And while his voice was now calm it was also cold.

“So you're just a peddler with an heirloom then? Nothing more?”

Peter shrugged and laughed.

“Just a peddler? My lord none of us are just anything any more than your daughter. There is just a simple maiden with a touch of a dry complexion.”

Jewel blinked, where was this coming from?!

Peter’s tone had dropped all proper manners of civility or proper diffidence!

“How’d you manage that I wonder lord? A wyrm Daughter?”

He looked over Jewel with a very nasty and uncomfortable smile as he fiddled with the Amulet, spinning it this way and that as it hung from his fingers and the back of his neck.

“I’ve seen the wife, no beast is she well besides her manners. Is it a secret? Are the tales of how they can change shape true? Or was this something before the marriage? Will I hear of something scandalous in your dungeons all chained up for you?”

Where was this little peasant getting the gall to speak to Father like that?!

Lord Rochford’s face was turning stony as he glared at the man.

“Or maybe I misheard that it was the manner of this realm to slay Wyrms and monsters? Is it custom that you lay wi-”

Fizzbunches chose that moment to break his charade with a yowling laugh.

“Ah I see. So that’s what the working is then?”

That caused Peter to whirl on the Cat Wizard sputtering in shock and waving the Amulet in front of him like a shield.

Fizzbunches batted lightly at it, setting off strange twistings of glimmering light in the air where he touched the copper.

“Fascinating thing, but wasted on you Sir Peter of Bulchava, Son of the Son of the Son of a Son of a Warden of the Western Gates. You may very well break it trying to force the matter like that. Not at all its purpose”

The cat fixed the sputtering man with those golden eyes.

“I will relieve you of this burden and responsibility for Twenty-five Truskal gold Sovereigns or three gold Tallet of Ihaka.”

That made the man’s eyes bulge.

Jewel however was noticing that Father was getting a look on his face that suggested Peter would be lucky to leave the barony with his life.

Father had not signaled it but she began to stoke and pull upon her Wyrm Flame. Drawing it into her throat and neck. Filling out the ridged spaces.

If he commanded she would strike down this peasant and leave naught but ash.

The things he had said!

Fizzbunches seemed unconcerned but, as if led by the panicked swerves of Peter’s eyes, he spared a glance over his shoulder at Father then back to the sputtering man.

“Ah right, a price in gold of either as stated. Sovereigns or Talets as you prefer and safe passage immediately from these lands on my word as a Lord Sorcerer!”

Peter seemed to not be convinced and Jewel was not sure she liked the sound of it either. He had insulted Father and Mother!

Fizzbunches rolled his eyes and continued.

“That’s the sworn protection of the Weird of all the Alleys, Roofs and Gutters of the Trifold city of Ghergeintat. If you part with this trifle at this fair price no harm will come to your skin, nor blood be spilt, no pain suffered or life ended for you while you travel the lands held by the Lord Baron of Rochford or his allies or liege.”

Jewel was pretty sure that father was growing ever more furious by the moment and was liable to call on the guards or Jewel herself to deal with the Peddler and maybe even the Wizard.

Who was gazing in panicked spasms between Father and the glare Jewel was giving him.

However his grip on the thong of the amulet just tightened.

Which got a scowl from Fizzbunches.

“Good Merchant Peter Bulchava, that trifle will do naught but irritate a full and true Wyrm! I am offering you gold and safety to leave before you are rendered but ash for your idiocy! Take the Gold you Imbecile! That Amulet has done you a terrible disservice already!”

There was a tense moment.

Father began to rise from his chair; he almost towered over Peter before standing his full height.

Jewel readied, her lips already parting.

But before Father even finished leaving his seat or Jewel could fully open her jaws in menace the peddler finally broke and dropped the Amulet.

“Fine! For the gold! F-four gold Tallet! Proper Tallet from Ihaka! And your word I am safe to leave!”

Fizzbunches raised a brow at the attempt to haggle. Honestly Jewel was surprised by it as well.

The Cat Wizard snorted and nodded.

“Four it is.”

And with a clatter four intricately carved... sticks of shining metal gold clatter in the middle of his bundle.

They honestly were far shorter and thinner then Jewel had expected.

Peter threw the amulet to the ground. Which bounced before landing far heavier then it seemed like it should.

Then the man was bundling his trinkets up quickly and hurrying out with wild eyes for all of them.

Father took a heavy breath and glared at Fizzbunches.

Who was delighted and smug as always.

He waited until the peddler was gone from the study and his steps echoing down the hall before voicing his displeasure.

“That was not the agreement of how you were going to assist us, Lord Sorcerer.”

Fizzbunches batted the Amulet about on the ground a bit, skittering the thing about in blatant refusal to acknowledge Father.

“The deal was we would pay and treat with the Merchant and then you would pay for the amulet to us it’s fair price Lord Sorcerer”

Father was standing, he was moving around his desk like he intended to kick the cat wizard through the wall.

Jewel was honestly feeling like she very much would like to see that.

But before anything interesting could happen, Fizzbunches hit the Amulet with a final hard slap.

And the amulet failed to clatter to the ground anywhere in the room.

“Our arrangement shall of course be met in full, my Lord Rochford.”

Jewel was about to complain - how would it be in full if Fizzbunches had already paid the peddler?

But the thunderous clatter of coin crashing into fathers desk and then clattering and rolling free all over the study stilled her tongue.

Turning to look at the not insubstantial mass of gold coins further silenced her.


That was far more Crown Auren than would have paid for Jewel’s entire egg.

Fizzbunches looked up at Father with all the smug attitude now expected of him.

Father glared down at him.

“Just what sorcery was upon that Amulet?”

Fizzbunches eyes were crinkled in the most pleased grin Jewel had ever seen a cat wear.

“It was hard to spot at first, all the markings of district and rank were worn off.”

Jewel watched the cat lecture with his whiskers all a-twitter in delight.

“But it is a genuine badge of a Lord Captain from the Wardens of the Western Gate, Blood and Oathsworn protectors of the city of Intat once one of the richest provincial capitals of the Solar Dynasty Empire of Cantor.”

Father turned to look at the small mound of gold coins that had spilled over onto the floor of his study.

“And the fair price from you is all of this?! What does it do?!”

The Cat grins even toothier up to Father.

“Any rightful and ranked citizen born of a line of Intant - now the third district of Ghergeintat - who bears the badge of office, as captain and warden of the gate, shall suffer no strike done in malice or hate. Any who should trespass a blow upon his brow three will strike their own. All blade’s wielder which seek to pierce him shall feel thrice their blade’s bite.”

Father stared down at the Wizard.

Who smugly blinked his gold eyes up at him, a glittering expectation there as well.

“You are decidedly not my choice as Wizard to serve me.”

The absolute shock on Fizzbunches face was one of the most delightful things Jewel had seen in a season.

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