The Shopkeeper of Konoha

18. Ho! You are approaching me

Aoto didn't really anticipate that. When the system informed him that he was untouchable inside the store, he assumed the system would act instead of handing him the wheel. However, the system was clever about it and simply let Aoto act, which was preferable to the system acting, which would undoubtedly be mysterious.

Arisu didn't realize he was about to suffer the ultimate public humiliation as his knuckles continued to slowly approach his face. Stepping to the side, Aoto fist-clenched. He took aim at the area that would hurt this piece of garbage the most.

Aoto was going to be a larger bully because this person didn't care about the age gap and chose to bully a "child" like him. Aoto made sure to hit his "eggs" with his fists by placing them right at his "crotch."

Arisu delivered the hit, then retreated. The moment he took a few steps back, the pace of time returned to normal. Aoto actually believed he had transformed into Dio for a while and wanted to scream "Ho! Are you approaching me" but somehow stopped his nerdy brain to speak such absurd things.

When Arisu's fist missed the child's face, he was initially shocked, but then his pain receptors in his brain shouted. He experienced excruciating anguish, which caused him to coil up and collapse to the ground.

He made a concerted effort not to yell. But the discomfort was too great, so he could only sigh internally. He was unaware of what had occurred and didn't care. All he wanted was for the anguish to stop.

"Arisu-san, Are you alright? What took place? Are you famished? Would you like any bread?"

Aoto moved promptly and like a responsible citizen by approaching the man to "give" him assistance. Naturally, his words were ignored. Fortunately for Arisu, only a few seconds after he collapsed, another client entered his store.

"Eh.. Arisu-kun, isn't he? What went wrong with him?"

"Oh, Miko-san is here. Please assist me. Miko-san.... He merely arrived and collapsed to the ground." Aoto used all of his acting skills to mimic how someone may behave if someone around suddenly fell to the ground.

"Huh!! Is he ill or poisoned? I'll take him to the hospital, please. Fear not, Aoto-chan. He'll be all right." Miko was a longtime friend of Arisu and had recently transitioned from genin to chunin. She was unaware of what had occurred, but when she heard a fellow citizen groan, she felt compassion and pulled him up by the shoulder.

She was pretty swift in running towards the hospital while Aoto just admired someone like Miko who was innocent and pure. She didn't harbor any hatred for Uchiha and just genuinely helped her colleague. If only the people around would be more considerate like her, this world would have been in a much better place.

Whether Arisu told the truth or not, or whether he recovered before getting to the hospital, didn't matter to him.

Nobody would think that a regular person like him, who lacked chakra in his body, could harm a high level ninja.

He wanted to give this man more painful lessons, but he stood by and did nothing.

Since he was only invulnerable in his shop and otherwise just a regular boy, he didn't want to overdo it. But by golly, it felt wonderful to hit a ninja in the balls.

Arisu, who was resting on Miko's shoulder, awoke from his suffering and looked up to see someone else carrying him as they ran quickly. He said, groggily

"Leave.. Leave me.."

"Arisu-kun.. You have woken up.. What happened to you? Few more seconds, we will reach the hospital."

"No.. Leave me here.. I can.. I can go to the hospital myself." Arisu insisted as he started wriggling on the back of Miko. Miko, getting the cue, stopped and slowly let got of Arisu. Arisu was still in pain but he was trying hard not to show on his face.

"Do you want me to drop you down at the hospital, Arisu-kun?"

"No, I will be fine."

"Okay Arisu-kun, if you say so." Miko being the innocent chunin she is let go of Arisu and walked away. After Miko bid her good bye to Arisu and repeatedly asked him to go to the hospital as fast as possible and finally vanished from the sights of Miko.

After making sure that nobody was following him, he went to the side and almost collapsed on the ground. he checked his 'balls' to make sure there wasn't extensive damage or else he would be fatherless.

After making sure that the pain had gone after sometime, did he sigh in relief. As reality slowly came back to him, he started to think what went wrong. He was on the verge of hitting hat kid but instead all he received was pain.

'That kid? Is he a ninja? But I checked. He had failed in the entrance of the ninja. Even if he was secretly a ninja there is no way he would be able to hurt me. So that means he has a secret aide. Fuck.. That naive face tricked me...'

Arisu was making the typical inference that any ninja would make following a failed mission. Without a doubt, he considered this to be a complete failure. He had to take action because he couldn't coerce the child into selling him just one thing. That was absurd in and of itself, and if word got out that he had failed to intimidate even a child, his own clan members would laugh and make fun of him.

"He is called Aoto. Was it? You want to play with the big boys, therefore I'll demonstrate what true play is like." As he made his way slowly back to his house, Arisu kept those ideas in mind.

One week later.

Lot of time had gone by since the last incident had occurred in his shop. Arisu didn't show up and according to Miko-san who dropped by later, said he was alright He was expecting a retaliation from Arisu but nothing came.



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