The Shopkeeper of Konoha

8. Was the weed not enough?

Aoto was back in his closed room on his futon. He now had a huge headache. He was sure that there was nothing called Canabis in this world as of yet. Maybe such things were in the fillers or maybe not, he had always actively avoided the fillers of Naruto in his previous life because he always thought that those fillers were not canon. 

But as of now his memories didn't have any remembrance of weed in the society and this was his trump card. Since there was nothing like this before, he could take advantage of it but also will have to make sure that a particular customer could never get his hands on too many cigarettes. 

"System, how do I get access to the crates?" 


There is an inventory that is associated with which you will have access to always. Only the shop items can be placed in the inventory. No items that are not delivered by the system will be entertained in its inventory.


"And here I thought I will get some kind of storage bag." 

Aoto didn't think much as he called for a crate in his mind. A crate appeared near him out of thin air as it materialized. The crate was wooden and it had a lid that could be opened easily. After opening the crate his eyes were finally met with the items that were supposed to be sold. 

He was thinking that the cigarettes would come in just like the normal cigarettes in his previous life, but no, the weed came in the form of a single joint inside of a chocolate colored box which had a transparent plastic over it and thus one could look inside the single joint from outside.  

For a weed, this looked too sophisticated. He had seen such an arrangement before only in costly cigars. The system wasn't really playing games with him when it delivered him. Just from the packaging he could say that these joints were definitely of high quality.

There was another lottery still left, so he again went back to the system to try his luck. The white circular wheel was again near his eyes and he again rotated it. He rotated it this time with proper prayer. One rotation had given him weed, he didn't need another thing that could jeopardise him. 

The pointer stopped at one random question mark. The question mark again got erased and was replaced by a jar. A jar which had a viscous reddish color fluid. And on the label of the jar, there were two words written. 

Mad honey. 

Aoto felt like punching the system when he read that label. One wasn't enough, now there was another! Fuck!! Mad honey, a type of honey that was almost exclusively produced in an Asian country called Nepal. A type of honey that was once used for healing purposes and it could even be used as an alternative therapy against gastrointestinal disorders (peptic ulcer disease, dyspepsia, and gastritis). But as time went by people had found another use of it. 

This type of honey could be used like an aphrodisiac. If the dose was taken in a little higher dosage it could give people an otherworldly feeling just like weed or other drugs depending upon the dosage. But as was the nemesis of all drugs known to men, this thing on a much higher dosage could lead to unconsciousness, dizziness, vomiting and even death.

Aoto knew of this because he once followed Yes Theory videos on YouTube and the people from this YouTube channel had spoken of this. Unbeknownst of Aoto, 50 crates had already appeared near him.

"System, is this some kind of joke? I can understand the weed part but what the fuck is this? How am I going to sell this?" 


The host can sell it to the hospitals. This thing has healing properties and can help the patients.


"But I don't know the dosage required for this. This thing is more dangerous than the previous one." 

In response to Aoto, a sheet of paper appeared in his hands out of nowhere. 


Since this is a little dangerous thing and looking at the weak figure of the host, the system has decided to help the host seeing his poor luck. The piece of paper contains all the information about the dosage required for the ailments that the item received by the host can cure.


"Thank you.. Thank you." 

Aoto was almost in tears hearing that. He never expected that the system to be generous enough to even share the knowledge required. This would be a great help for Aoto. Now that the problem of mad honey was solved, it was time to go back to the real world. 

After coming to the real world, he went straight to work. This establishment was known for making bread so that was what he was going to do. Teuchi had offered his help for a few days in order to see if he was good at making it. 

He was only a young kid and he would definitely need some help, especially in the start. Teuchi had learnt some craft from his deceased friend of bread making and thus he could give his hands in it. Of course, Aoto refused his help at the beginning as he thought it would be too much for Teuchi but he insisted on it. 

He went into work immediately in the kitchen. The previous night he had already brought the flour, sourdough starter which was a combination of wild yeast and bacteria, and even the proper utensils required for making bread. 

In his previous life he did make bread once or twice but never gave full concentration to it, but today he would have to combine all the knowledge and experience he had of two memories and start making the dough. He would have to work his ass off making bread. 

He started with what he knew of making bread going for the flour, the sourdough starter and water. Making a proper dough was essential and thus he was taking his time with it. 

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