The Sickly Beauty Substitute Called It Quits

Chapter 159

Im baackkkk~

This is still unedited so feel free to comment any inconsistencies~

No matter how one puts it, Shang Junlin is still the emperor. He cannot always stay inside the tent. Shen Yu cannot ride a horse, and even if Shang Junlin wants to accompany him at all times, there are still specific times when he must go out.

When the king goes hunting, it also to some extent demonstrates the king's strength and invincibility to his subjects. The first arrow before the start of the hunt is shot by Shang Junlin.

After Shang Junlin goes out, he will definitely not return empty-handed. Shen Yu has accompanied him before and knows that this man is skilled in archery and will surely catch many prey.

"You didn't ask before, so I thought you weren't curious about it," Shang Junlin put down the cup in his hand and raised an eyebrow.

"I didn't ask before because I wanted to leave the surprise for the end," Shen Yu casually replied.

Shang Junlin didn't expose his slip of the tongue: "I also didn't pay close attention to what was there. I'll have Meng Chang bring the records for you to see later."

When they hunt, they only handle bows and arrows. There are specialists to handle collecting the game. It's normal for Shang Junlin to not remember all the details.

Saying this, Shang Junlin turned to look at Meng Gonggong who was waiting on the side. Without needing to say anything, Meng Gonggong quickly went to fetch the records.

As someone who serves in front of the emperor, he should have this kind of understanding, knowing what the master intends to do through subtle gestures.

Shen Yu scooped a spoonful of porridge into his mouth. The dishes in front of him were light and had some heat-clearing effects. It couldn't be helped, given the special circumstances.

"It's a pity. I only got to taste the meat roasted by Your Majesty once," Shen Yu sighed with regret.

Roasted meat is too greasy, and he can't eat it now.

"Ah Yu likes it. I'll roast it for you again after we return to the palace. The Imperial Kitchen has all kinds of ingredients," Shang Junlin gently wiped away the water stains from the corner of Shen Yu's mouth.

Feeling the sudden gaze upon him, Shen Yu calmly covered Shang Junlin's hand: "Your Majesty, it seems like many people are watching us."

Shang Junlin raised his gaze, his icy look causing the eyes on Shen Yu to dissipate.

"They're curious about us," Shen Yu stated matter-of-factly.

Shang Junlin held Shen Yu's hand: "They've heard about various things that happened before. Many people wanted to meet you privately, but I stopped them."

With Shen Yu's current status, he is qualified to meet with the imperial consorts. Naturally, those designated consorts can also send letters to the palace to request an audience with Shen Yu.

The original prince and princesses started like this.

"What's there for them to see me for? At worst, I'm also a man. Most of the ministers' families consist of women, right?"

Although Da Huan values the southern fashion, considering it as an elegant pursuit, the number of true male-male marriages is few and far between. As far as Shen Yu knows, the wives of the court officials are all women.

"I dismissed a few. After that, no one brought up the matter again."

Shang Junlin's words were accurate. Many in the court were curious about Shen Yu. Before entering the palace, people's impressions of him were limited to not being favored by Marquis Zhenbei. After entering the palace, besides that one grand banquet, they didn't have a chance to see him in person.

Merely being able to firmly grasp the emperor's heart is enough to arouse strong interest in him from everyone. Not to mention, the emperor, for him, refused to bring in more consorts to the imperial harem. Now, they even ride in the same carriage and enter and exit together. Judging from the looks of it, he is thoroughly favored.

The world hasn't stopped its intentions of sending women into the palace. As long as ambition persists, such thoughts will never disappear. Not bringing it up now is simply a demonstration of their understanding of the right timing, knowing that it's not the opportune moment.

As long as the emperor's affection for Shen Yu remains, these individuals will have to suppress their thoughts day by day.

After the formalities were over, Shang Junlin led the bored Shen Yu away.

It was only after they left that the banquet truly came to life.

Ladies and young misses who were on good terms with each other sat together, discussing various topics. As their conversation progressed, it turned to the Emperor and the noble monarch.

"I've always been curious about what kind of person the noble monarch is. To be able to captivate our usually unfeeling Emperor so thoroughly, I saw him today, and indeed, he's remarkable. Such appearance, there are few in the world who can compare."

"His Majesty's affection for the noble monarch is truly... " The lady in blue clothes covered her chest, "Why can't my spouse learn from His Majesty?"

"When they're together, there really is no pretense. It's obvious that His Majesty has genuine feelings for the noble monarch," lowering his voice at this point, the person continued, "But who knows how long this sincerity will last."

"It's not something we need to worry about."

"True, but the noble monarch's actions are so extravagant. He leaves no room for anything, aren't you afraid that in the future...?"

Since ancient times, emperors have often been fickle in their affections. When deeply in love, you may be treated well, but once the feelings fade, everything that once happened can become evidence to be used against you at their whim.

"Given His Majesty's personality, most of the things you're concerned about probably won't happen." It was Lady Fang who spoke, and her position had risen alongside Official Fang's entry into the cabinet.

"Why is Lady Fang saying this?" The refuted lady's expression didn't look good.

"His Majesty has never been interested in physical beauty. If it weren't for a twist of fate, the noble consort entering the palace, perhaps the harem would still be empty even now. If that's the case, how could those things you're worried about happen?" Lady Fang spoke calmly and unhurriedly.

Shen Yu didn't know that the imperial consorts had already started worrying about his future fall from favor.

Back in the camp, Meng Gonggong presented the records.

All the game that everyone hunted would be recorded, and they could dispose of their own game as they pleased, either giving it away or keeping it for themselves.

Shang Junlin had hunted quite a lot, and some of it had been given away as rewards. More had been kept.

"His Majesty actually hunted this much?" Shen Yu was surprised. Shang Junlin spent most of his time inside the camp, and looking at the records, he saw that on the first day they hunted together, they caught relatively little game. But as the days went by, they caught more and more.

Among them were some large wild animals.

"We haven't dealt with this bear yet. When it's done, we'll steam the bear paw for you, but unfortunately, we didn't catch a tiger. I mentioned before that I'd give you one. We'll have to wait again."

The shock on Shen Yu's face was evident. He knew Shang Junlin was skilled, but this was the first time he had seen it so vividly.

Unusually, Shen Yu's astonishment showed, and Shang Junlin playfully stroked his face. "Were you this surprised when the generals and I hunted together?"

"Your Majesty, were you injured?"

Shang Junlin shook his head. "We were lucky to catch that bear. It was already injured, and it stumbled into our hunting range as it fled. It didn't take much effort to kill it."

"But that's a bear." Shen Yu knew that no matter how casually Shang Junlin described it, the situation at the time couldn't have been so easy. Even if injured, unless immobilized, a bear's strength was not something a person could easily contend with.

"I'm really not injured. How about you personally check, Ah Yu?"

Without hesitation, Shen Yu began unbuttoning Shang Junlin's clothes, turning the tables on Shang Junlin.

Shang Junlin was helpless and could only stand still as Shen Yu examined him.

Fortunately, there were no new injuries apart from the old ones.

After the inspection, Shen Yu casually straightened Shang Junlin's clothes. "Your Majesty, your body is precious. You can't afford to be injured casually."

Shang Junlin paid no mind to his clothes that had been haphazardly opened, and he draped an arm around Shen Yu.

Caught off guard by his actions, Shen Yu suddenly found himself falling into Shang Junlin's embrace.

"Ah Yu?"

Shen Yu's movements didn't stop, and he raised an eyebrow slightly. "Your Majesty, didn't you ask me to check?"

Shang Junlin couldn't do anything but watch as Shen Yu continued his examination.

Unexpectedly, it was Shen Yu who turned the tables this time.

"Ah Yu, were you worried about me?" Shang Junlin's voice, low and tinged with a smile, came close to Shen Yu's ear.

Shen Yu's ear tickled, and he shifted uncomfortably. "What does Your Majesty think?"

"I think you were." Shang Junlin finished speaking and lightly kissed Shen Yu's trembling earlobe.

After two days of rest, Shen Yu had finally recovered somewhat. Having been bored at the camp the entire time, when Shang Junlin went out to hunt, Shen Yu volunteered to join him.

Shang Junlin couldn't argue with him and had someone bring a white horse.

It had only been a few days since they were last outside. As Shen Yu rode along the forest path, every breath he took was exhilarating.

Unlike last time, this time they were accompanied by several ministers in addition to their guards. Shen Yu glanced around briefly and deduced that these must be Shang Junlin's close confidants.

After walking a while, everyone dispersed. Shang Junlin and Shen Yu were left behind, and their private conversations increased.

After another successful shot at a running target, the chief of the imperial guards following them had gone from astonishment to numbness.

Shen Yu didn't know how those rumors about the noble consort being frail had started, but it was time for those people to witness the noble consort's heroic hunting.

As they reached a deeper part of the woods, Shen Yu spotted their quarry, nocked an arrow, and took aim.


The target fell as the arrow hit its mark.

As the guards were about to retrieve it, both Shen Yu and Shang Junlin spoke simultaneously, "Wait."

The horses pawed at the ground restlessly, and for a moment, the forest seemed eerily quiet.

The wind rustled through the trees, and the chief of the guards signaled. The guards surrounded Shang Junlin and Shen Yu, protecting them in the middle.


Suddenly, the previously quiet forest erupted with activity. Arrows whizzed through the air, converging on them from all sides.


figures in black emerged from the undergrowth, wielding short blades as they attacked.

Shang Junlin wasted no time, pulling Shen Yu onto the back of a dark steed and tightly sheltering him in his arms.

"Protect His Majesty—"

In an instant, the clash of steel filled the air.

Shen Yu crouched on the horse's back, calmly calculating his angles. His supply of arrows was running low, so each shot had to count.

Now's the time!

Shen Yu swiftly turned around, quickly nocked an arrow, and let it fly.


The person concealed in the trees crashed to the ground, kicking up a cloud of dust.

Fortunately, the arrows from those hidden in the trees were not endless. After the first wave ended, they joined the fray.

With no arrows threatening them, the guards had an easier time dealing with the attackers.

The guards shielded Shang Junlin and Shen Yu as they retreated.

The attackers were well-prepared, encircling them in a tightening formation.

"Break through!" With his arm around Shen Yu's waist, Shang Junlin held the reins in his other hand, a sword in the other, its blade stained with enemy blood. He was like a god of war.

Shen Yu had been observing his surroundings and pointed to the weakest point. "That way!"

They absolutely couldn't be trapped here!

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