The Sickly Beauty Substitute Called It Quits

Chapter 169

Look, who's back from the dead? Do you believe I almost died doing my thesis? No? Well, you should. I have already had my final defense and thank god I passed. Right now, Im in my internship era, and updates will be slow af. But here you go. I present to you a new chapter.

P.S. Go check out my new translated novel. <3

"In reality, this situation is advantageous for us as well. Beimo's diversion effectively ties up the main forces of the court."

"Tan-xiansheng, aren't you concerned about Beimo prevailing? If that were the case, wouldn't my first act upon ascending to the throne be surrendering to them?" King Yue expressed discontent.

"Those lofty-minded individuals in Beimo are no match for the Subei Army. Who's to say that when the time comes, among those celebrating Your Highness's success, there won't also be victories from the Subei Army?" Tan-xiansheng remarked.

"It seems Tan-xiansheng is quite knowledgeable about the people of Beimo?" King Yue inquired, seemingly nonchalant.

"We've had some dealings. Your Highness need not worry about their side. Even if we were to face defeat, it wouldn't be catastrophic. At most, we'd return Beimo to them."

King Yue remained silent. He was aware of the duration of public condemnation following the relinquishment of Beimo by the late emperor. Even if such a scenario were to occur, he was determined not to shoulder that blame.

As if discerning his thoughts, Tan-xiansheng continued, "Even if we were to cede Beimo eventually, what of it? This war wasn't instigated by you. When the time comes, you'll emerge as the victor. Changing people's perceptions somewhat won't be too challenging, will it?"

"Tan-xiansheng makes a valid point. Should we continue to wait for now? Could you enlighten us, Tan-xiansheng, about what exactly we are awaiting?" King Yue didn't wish to remain uninformed.

"Naturally, we're awaiting someone who can aid us in achieving victory decisively," Tan-xiansheng responded, but he declined to provide further details.

The troops dispatched by the court weren't solely stationed around Hanzhou. Before their departure, they were specifically instructed to remain vigilant, as the enemy might not only be within the confines of Hanzhou but also elsewhere.

Consequently, in addition to the troops encircling the city, the general tasked with quelling the rebellion allocated a portion of his forces to search for suspicious individuals in the surrounding areas.

Particularly towards the west.

Hanzhou was situated in an expansive region, with mountains to the west providing cover. Previous armies had entered Hanzhou through this route.

The mountainous terrain was sparsely populated, making it an ideal hiding place.

The situation in Hanzhou has reached a stalemate. On the other hand, upon receiving orders from the court, troops stationed in various regions surrounded King Yue's territory, awaiting the arrival of emissaries from the court.

"In Your Majesty's opinion, who should be sent to Yuezhou?" In the warmly lit chamber, Shen Yu removed his thick cloak and handed it to a servant attending to him.

He and Shang Junlin had just entered from outside, and compared to the cold outdoors, the temperature inside the chamber was noticeably warmer. Considering Shen Yu's health, the heating in the Yu Zhang Palace was set a bit higher than in other palaces.

"Xun Chao." Shang Junlin took off his outer garment and sat down on the edge of the soft couch.

Xun Chao, a venerable figure who had performed admirably in the matter of Subei, had taken over Fang Jun's previous position upon their return to the court. Shang Junlin trusted him greatly, and it seemed fitting to send him for this task.

"Xun-dashen is meticulous; I believe he can handle the affairs in Yuezhou<sup data-mfn="1">King Yue's fiefdom. Just shortened and retained the pinyin quite competently."

Servants brought hot tea for the two men. Shen Yu picked up a cup, and after drinking, he felt warmth spreading throughout his body.

"I initially intended to send Fang Jun. But with the recent surge of affairs in the court, before I could even mention it, the Prime Minister intervened."

Fang Jun had finally entered the Grand Secretariat, and the Prime Minister was not keen on seeing him dispatched elsewhere. With so much to handle in the court, if Fang Jun were sent to deal with the matters in Yuezhou, it would again fall upon the Prime Minister to manage all sorts of affairs, big and small.

"The Prime Minister has finally found someone to share the administrative burden. Your Majesty shouldn't trouble him further," Shen Yu chuckled lightly.

"Both he and Fang Jun recommended Xun Chao. I didn't object. Despite his significant contributions in Subei, it cannot be denied that there were certain... incidents involving him and those individuals. Some in the court have been holding onto that." Shang Junlin pulled the person's wrist, drawing them into his embrace.

"Does Your Majesty not understand what these ministers are thinking? They simply feel that Xun-dashen is obstructing their paths. It's true, they can always find fault. This trip to Yuezhou to resolve matters there is perfect. If it's executed flawlessly, the court won't have anyone clinging onto his past missteps."

"That's precisely my thinking as well. The Prime Minister and Fang Jun suggested it, surely with such considerations in mind."

Upon receiving the royal decree, Xun Chao wasted no time in the court and immediately led his entourage towards Yuezhou. Besides Xun Chao, Shang Junlin also dispatched several officials to accompany him, including those from noble families and others from humble backgrounds.

Coincidentally or not, most of these individuals were the same officials who had originally accompanied Fang Jun to Subei.

This journey wasn't entirely safe. Though King Yue wasn't physically present in Yuezhou, his many years in the fiefdom likely left behind some potential threats. One of Xun Chao's objectives was to address these contingencies.

"Your Majesty, news from Subei! The Subei Army has achieved a resounding victory, and Beimo has surrendered!" Minister Meng burst into the room, excitement lighting up his face.

Shortly after, the court received the surrender letter from Beimo.

"This is excellent news! The heavens favor our great nation!"

Despite the expectation of victory for the Subei Army, receiving the official confirmation was a different matter. Until everything settled, there was always a chance for unexpected developments.

But now, things have changed. The war with Beimo had ended, the outcome was clear, and there would be no more surprises.

During the morning court session, the ministers displayed evident joy. Ever since they learned about King Yue amassing troops, the worries that had plagued them for so long could finally be laid to rest.

With the Subei Army no longer entangled by Beimo, achieving success for King Yue became even more challenging.

The following day, the newspapers covered the event.

"I always had faith in the Subei Army's victory. This is fantastic; Beimo got what it deserved!"

"I heard Beimo boasted about teaching us a lesson this time. Yet, they ended up defeated by the Subei Army."

"They've been defeated before; who gave them the confidence to challenge the Subei Army?"

"Will the court demand reparations from Beimo? They once demanded the entirety of Subei; I believe they should compensate us with some land in return."

"It's not just Subei; they emptied half of the national treasury back then."

"Wouldn't it seem undignified for us to demand reparations first?"

"At a time like this, dignity matters little. What's important is seizing tangible benefits. They certainly didn't care about dignity when they demanded it from us."


The court was abuzz with controversy over this matter.

Beimo has presented a surrender letter, and that's all—no further indications.

"We can't just let this slide," the Prime Minister spoke up. "If we lightly let them off this time, will Beimo think that losing a war with us doesn't matter? After all, they won't have to pay any price, and they can freely invade Subei whenever they want in the future."

"Although that's true, as a great nation, we shouldn't diminish ourselves by actively demanding reparations," another official remarked.

"Why not?" the Minister of Revenue retorted, glaring at the speaker. "Do you really think we haven't incurred any losses just because we won the war? Do you want me to itemize how much money this war has cost us?"

Without waiting for a response, the Minister of Revenue began to list out the expenses.

Regardless of when it happens, war always entails significant costs. If it weren't for the new relief model implemented this year, which didn't entirely rely on the national treasury, Beimo's strategy might have succeeded.

The cost of a war is no less significant than that of relief efforts. If the national treasury had been depleted solely due to relief efforts, this war could have crippled the economy of our nation.

After the Minister of Revenue finished listing the expenses, no one in the court raised any objections.

Fang Jun also stepped forward. "Even for the sake of deterrence, compensation is necessary. If they don't pay anything at all, Beimo will feel emboldened to attack whenever they please. Only by making them feel the pain this time will they hesitate before launching another war in the future."

"Fang Jun's words make sense. Otherwise, wouldn't others see us, people from Da Huan, as easy targets? They could just attack us at will, even if they lose, there'd be no consequences."

The opinions in the court quickly leaned towards demanding compensation from Beimo.

Seated on the dragon throne, Shang Junlin waited until the commotion subsided before speaking up, "Minister of Revenue, calculate the losses incurred this time. Then, discuss the specifics of compensation with the Prime Minister and several other esteemed ministers."

"Understood, Your Majesty," the Minister of Revenue bowed.

Next on the agenda was the discussion of rewards and promotions for the victorious soldiers. Since they had won the battle, promotions, and rewards were essential, none of which should be spared.

Shang Junlin was always generous with his soldiers, offering ample rewards and promotions. In this instance, he even made an exception by directly promoting a young soldier who had recently joined the Subei Army and performed exceptionally in several battles.

The ministers were accustomed to Emperor Shang Junlin's generosity in this regard, and none dared to upset him at this moment.

After the morning court session, Shang Junlin retained a few ministers in his study for further discussion.

"I think the grassland adjacent to Subei is a good option. What do you think, Prime Minister?"

The Prime Minister caught Lord Shang Junlin's subtle hint and responded, "I agree, Your Majesty. DaHuan could certainly use such a grassland."

The other ministers also voiced their agreement.

Seeing the ministers understanding his intention, Shang Junlin felt satisfied, "Draw up a rough plan for the compensation, and then submit it to me for review."

"As you command, Your Majesty."

With the surrender of Beimo, the court once again became busy. On his way back to the Yu Zhang Palace, the Prime Minister couldn't help but feel relieved. If it weren't for keeping Fang Jun back then, all these matters would have fallen squarely on his shoulders. Now, at least, he had Fang Jun to share the burden.

As Shang Junlin stepped out, a light rain began to fall. Minister Meng hurriedly brought an umbrella, "Your Majesty, are you heading straight to the Yu Zhang Palace?"


A servant brought a cloak, and Lord Shang Junlin donned it before walking out into the rain.

Meanwhile, Shen Yu was busy painting in his studio.

With just a few strokes, the figure of a man was captured on the paper.

The sky was gray and murky, the land scorched black by the spreading flames of war. Amidst it all stood the man, sword in hand.

Flags lay fallen, flagpoles broken, and the only splash of color on the canvas was the vivid red of blood splattered across it.

Shen Yu meticulously transferred the images from his mind onto the paper.

The man in the painting didn't reveal his face, clad in ebony armor with a mask made of dark iron covering his features.

With bowed head, Shen Yu delicately traced intricate patterns onto the mask with a fine silver pen.

As Shang Junlin entered, he didn't bother having the servants announce him. Minister Meng stood outside with a cloak and umbrella, understanding enough not to intrude.

The steady footsteps broke the silence of the room.

As Shen Yu finished the final stroke, he looked up.

A man dressed in regal black attire and imperial crown approached him, gradually merging with the figure in the painting, clad in armor. The face beneath the mask, previously indistinct, became clear in an instant.

"What are you painting, Ah Yu?" Shang Junlin walked over.

"I'm painting Your Majesty." Shen Yu placed the brush back on its stand.

Shang Junlin approached, observing Shen Yu for a moment before shifting his gaze to the painting.

"Why are you painting Me with a mask?"

"Don't you think it adds a mysterious allure?" Shen Yu inquired.

Shang Junlin pondered for a moment, "So Ah Yu enjoys this sort of thing. I'll have someone make a similar one for you to try on."

"With a mask," Shang Junlin leaned in close behind Shen Yu, whispering in his ear with a lowered voice, "Will Ah Yu be more excited?"

Author's note:

Role-playing theater:

A man wearing a mask covering the upper half of his face, with a cold and distant demeanor. Shen Yu, feeling an urgent desire to kiss his lips, but ultimately only touches the cold surface of the mask...

(High and mighty guards and their protected young masters are always an enticing trope!)

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