The Sleeping Dragon (High School DxD)

Chapter 75: Serafall Leviathan Redux

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Power. It makes the Underworld go round~ (and by go round I mean cream their collective panties)

As Gabriel pushes Serafall down to her knees in front of him, Issei reflects that it all comes back to power in the end, at least where female Devils are concerned. Even though she’s trying to glare up at him, trying to maintain her defiance… Serafall Leviathan’s eyes betray her, constantly flicking down to his swaying prick with a hunger that Issei is most used to by this point.
A Devil was a Devil at the end of the day. And ultimately, the thing that got a female devil the hottest and most bothered would ALWAYS be overwhelming strength. Oh, not every female devil would break the moment that a true enemy of theirs turned out to be stronger than them to be fair. If Serafall was suddenly faced with a member of the Old Satan Faction that Gabriel had told him about, and they were somehow stronger than her, Issei didn’t think she would immediately crumble before them or anything like that.
… But the proof was in the pudding, as the saying went. It had been this way all the way back with Akeno Himejima. And then Rias and the rest of her peerage. Sona and her peerage had also succumbed to the difference in his strength to theirs. Hell, even Ravel Phenex and her mother, Lady Isabella Phenex, had ultimately submitted to his power.
More recently… much more recently, Issei’s latest conquest had been the woman that was even now sleeping off her own fuck-fest on the bed behind him. His first time with Grayfia Lucifuge might have been months ago, but today was the day in which he truly conquered her. Today was the day where she let herself break upon his cock, let herself succumb to his overwhelming power over her, like the horny little slut-devil she was.
None of these female devils had reason to dislike or hate him, to be fair. So they had no reason to fight their innate lust and inner desire when it came to submitting to him. By comparison, Serafall is a little bit different… but not by much.
No matter how powerful the female devil was, if you were stronger than them and not pants-on-head evil, they would likely cave before your might. The whole lot of them got off on power dynamics like these. It was their whole world.
Frankly, the Underworld was just lucky that the New Satan Faction had leaders that didn’t necessarily want to crush and sexually dominate everyone around them with their overwhelming power. Though, judging by Sirzechs’ neglect of Grayfia, Issei was starting to wonder if that went TOO far in the other direction, at least where the Super Devil was concerned.
There was being busy… and then there was being so neglectful of your wife and foremost servant that she went around wearing racy red lingerie NOT because she thought you were going to fuck her, but because she just wanted to feel desired.
… But that whole situation was neither here nor there, and Issei was letting himself get distracted from the matter at hand. Fortunately, he’s not the only one putting Serafall in her place here. Gabriel is also there and the Fallen Seraph has the Leviathan well in hand, pushing Serafall’s face into his cock and rubbing it back and forth as she punishes the other woman for daring to try and ‘claim’ her like a piece on a game board.
Issei watches with interest, curious to see if Serafall will try and refuse. But while her face is twisted into a light grimace, she opens wide all the same, reluctantly taking his cock in her mouth. He can tell from the way she immediately wraps her lips around his dick and swirls her tongue along his glans that Serafall truly doesn’t have a problem with sucking the cock of a more powerful devil than her. In fact, she’s already getting off on it just as much as any of his other devil conquests would. But she does still have a problem with HIM personally. She just doesn’t like him.
… He doesn’t care. Staring down into her angry eyes, enjoying her no-less enthusiastic blowjob as Gabriel helps her along by forcing her up and down his length, Issei smiles.
Yeah, this wasn’t about the current Lucifer. This was about the current Leviathan.
Serafall was the strongest female devil in existence, Issei assumed. Certainly, he’d never met another devil of the feminine persuasion who was stronger than her. But when matched up against him and Gabriel with them both using Boosted Gear… she suddenly found herself out of her league. And hell, Issei had only Boosted twice, and Gabriel once. He himself could easily Boost another half a dozen times before the strain of THAT much exponential power started to get to him.
That was a consequence of him simply not using Boosted Gear as much as he probably should have though. His base strength was immense for his age, or so Gabriel assured him. But where Boosted Gear was concerned, he needed more practice. That was okay though. Even quadrupling his base power after all the hellish training Gabriel put him through was enough to put Issei on par or even slightly above Serafall Leviathan. And that was all he needed.
Indeed, faced with him and his beloved, both of them capable of using his Boosted Gear… Serafall suddenly found herself entirely out of her league.
“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”
Spit and saliva and drool begin to coat Serafall’s chin, ultimately dribbling down onto the chest of her silly Magical Girl Uniform as Gabriel forces her to deep throat his cock. While the Fallen Seraph bounces the Leviathan’s head up and down his throbbing, pulsating member, Issei stares down into Serafall’s watery eyes… and can tell that she’s unused to being outmatched like this.
He can tell this is the case because she’s clearly struggling to deal with the arousal she’s experiencing from being completely dominated by two beings more powerful than her. As she gags and chokes on his cock, as Gabriel rails her throat with his shaft… the Satan’s hands tremble and twitch their way down between her legs. Issei isn’t sure Serafall even realizes she’s doing it… up until her fingers finally reach up under her skirt and pull aside her panties to begin touching herself.
Then he sees how she jolts in surprise at her own treacherous body. He sees the light of understanding fill Serafall’s eyes as she looks at him, half-imploring him not to have noticed, half-imploring him not to say anything if he has. Of course… Issei just grins down at her. He’s not going to be able to hold back, but he can be a little kind.
“Touching yourself, Satan Pink? Hmm, it would seem you’re succumbing to the Dragon Master’s charms after all.”
“Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!”
Of course, Gabriel isn’t so merciful as to allow Serafall even a moment’s respite to respond to him. And despite being ‘in character’, Issei’s words still make the Leviathan freeze for a few moments. But after those few moments are up, her eyes close shut and she resumes fingering herself, unable to truly stop it… and taking the olive branch he’s offering, no doubt. It’s easier if she just thinks of this as some sort of roleplay, Issei imagines. Less humiliating for her, she probably thinks. Of course, it doesn’t really change anything…
After a few minutes more of Gabriel railing Serafall’s face and throat upon his cock, Issei lets out a distinct groan, one that the Fallen Seraph recognizes immediately. With the skill of a Master, Gabriel waits until the exact moment and then yanks Serafall back just as Issei’s load is finally traveling from his churning balls up the length of his pulsating pecker.
His seed, therefore, ends up exploding all over Serafall’s face and tits rather than down her throat, and Issei makes sure to liberally cover the Satan in his jizz as Gabriel holds her head in place for him. As his balls finish emptying out all over Serafall’s front, Issei pauses for a second, a small tableau of silence forming between the three of them. But if he doesn’t maintain control, then Serafall might just rethink this situation.
Smack! Smack!
Slapping his cock casually back and forth across the Leviathan’s cum-stained cheeks, he gets her attention. Lust-drunk and dazed, Serafall’s eyes take a moment to refocus as she looks up at him, swaying on her knees.
“It’s time for you to apologize to Gabby properly for daring to try and take her from me, Satan Pink. Your shameful actions have insulted not just me, but also tarnished your name as a Magical Girl.”
Serafall blinks at that, before a flicker of something that almost might have been gratitude appears in her eyes. She appreciates being given the opportunity to make things right with Gabriel. To ‘regain her honor’ as a Magical Girl. Issei resists the urge to roll his eyes, wondering what it says about him that he’s able to get in sync with the female devil’s thought processes so easily, despite their somewhat mutual dislike of each other as people.
… Is that why they dislike each other? Because familiarity breeds contempt and they’re just too similar?
Shaking himself out of THAT particular thought, Issei watches as Serafall finally works up the courage to open her mouth and speak.
Which is of course when he swings his cock back around and fully nails her across the face with it, cutting her off before she can get out another word. The Leviathan stiffens, her eyes widen and blazing with righteous indignation when she looks back at him. But Issei just smirks and shakes his head.
“I said properly, Satan Pink. Your idiotic words are what got you into this mess. It’s time to put that mouth of yours to a better use.”
Serafall’s eyes widen as well as lighting up with understanding. Gabriel, meanwhile, helps her out by turning the other woman around. Staring down at her, the Fallen Seraph flares her beautiful black wings out on either side of herself as she brings the kneeling Leviathan face to face with her dripping, drooling cunt.
To her credit, Serafall does as she’s told. Though she does also let out a half-yelp, half-squeak a moment later when once she’s properly munching away at Gabriel’s quim, the Fallen Angel proceeds to drop backwards onto the floor, falling onto her ass and using her wings as cushions to prop herself up.
The end result is a Serafall Leviathan on her hands and knees, eating the other woman out with great enthusiasm and energy. Issei smiles at this, noticing just how EAGER Serafall is to ‘properly apologize’ for her trespass. He also notes just how eager her body is to be fucked by his big fat cock. He’s pretty sure Serafall isn’t doing it on purpose… but there’s no denying the slow, languid sway that her hips are currently doing.
As she kneels there on her hands and knees, performing cunnilingus on his beloved, the Leviathan’s ass sways invitingly for him. And so Issei kneels down behind her and flips up her Magical Girl skirt, yanking down her panties. The Leviathan stiffens up of course as she realizes what’s about to happen, but before she can even react he’s already grabbed hold of her hips and thrusts into her from behind with all his might.
Serafall’s answering squeal as he drives his entire length DEEP into her gushing wet twat is muffled by Gabriel’s… well, muff, as the Fallen Seraph plays with their new toy’s pigtails, using Serafall’s hair as handlebars to drag her even deeper into her cunt.
It’s not like last time. When he and Sona had double-teamed Serafall together a time ago, the Satan had been humoring them. Issei was man enough to acknowledge that now. She’d wanted to have a relationship with her little sister, and she didn’t care if she had to submit to Sona’s desires and whims in order to make it happen. She wanted to be on Sona’s good side, so she’d gone along with things.
He… he was just collateral in all of that. His place was only secured because Serafall needed to make Sona happy, and Sona was only happy when he was involved.
In a roundabout way, it had still given Issei power over Serafall… but it was false power. A false sense of security, completely undermined by Serafall’s strength. At the time, Sona and he were standing at the top of a mountain, acting like just because they’d reached the summit, they had somehow conquered it.
But the mountain was still a mountain. And they were still little more than ants compared to it.
Well, not this time. Serafall isn’t fucking humoring him now. And he’s not an ant before her anymore… he’s a goddamn mountain in his own right, especially with his Boosted Strength. His fingers dig into her hips hard enough to bruise this time around, and as he rails the strongest female devil alive with more power than she could ever have expected, she shudders and shakes, quivering her way through overwhelmed orgasm after overwhelmed orgasm.
This time around, Issei is in charge from start to finish. This time around, while he still has a partner… she’s actually a partner. There are certainly parallels to be drawn between this time and the time with him and Sona, but that’s where it ends. With the parallels. Ultimately, he and Gabriel are much more connected than Issei is with the Sitri Heiress. Oh don’t get him wrong, he loves Sona for what she is to him… but she’s no Gabriel.
Plowing Serafall’s pathetic, grasping cunt with all his strength as she shudders, trapped between Gabriel’s pussy and his rock hard cock… is an absolute delight. And together, they’re going to fuck Serafall Leviathan until she breaks. Of that, Issei has no doubt. Though… there is what happens after. Or rather, what happens at the end.
Does Serafall know about Ravel Phenex’s breakthrough? From what he understands, Venelana Gremory does. The Lady of House Gremory is specifically here BECAUSE he managed to knock Rias and Akeno up at the same time. But whether the Devil Delegation is all actually on the same page or not is less clear to him.
He could ask her where she wanted him to cum. And if she begged for him to creampie her, he could reveal the possibility of pregnancy and make her beg, one way or another.
Issei liked that idea, but was it to convoluted? Was it better to just… finish Serafall off and then move on with things?
Hm… as he rails the beautiful Leviathan through yet another explosive orgasm on her end, Issei considers his options… and makes his choice.
The Patreon Vote:
[  ] Just cum inside of her, don't bother consulting her or upping the chances - 20%
[  ] Ask her if she wants the creampie, then offer up Ravel's elixir - 11%
[X] Ask her if she wants the creampie, then make her beg for Ravel's elixir - 69%


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