The Sleeping Dragon (High School DxD)

Chapter 84: Runeas Gremory

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

I don't expect every single one of these 'Epilogue Arc' chapters to be split into two parts, but the setup for this one got away from me, admittedly.


Time passes, as it likes to do. Things aren’t easy by any means, but they settle all the same. With Issei sat upon the Throne of Heaven, the major factions sort of have to play nice. Especially when he has the Governor General of the Grigori on his side and the majority of the Fallen returning to the fold under his command. That represents Issei’s hard power, while his control over the Sacred Gear System and Ravel Phenex’s Fertility Elixir for Devils represents his soft power.

In the end, the Underworld is lucky that Issei is being so generous rather than just outright waging a war of conquest or annihilation on them, really. And those at the top know it too. That’s not to say there aren’t still troublemakers. And not just on the Devil side of things, but also among the Fallen and even Heaven itself. Not everyone is happy to have God’s Throne filled again. In fact, a lot of very powerful people aren’t happy at all.

Tough luck for them. Issei was here and he wasn’t going anywhere. Still, there were a few incidents… but all in all, time passed by. Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. And before he knew it, it had been a year since he’d first claimed the Throne of God. His already pregnant women had given birth. Others had gotten pregnant and were getting closer to popping. Issei wasn’t just the Ruler of Heaven, but also the proud father of several beautiful baby girls and boys now.

He was happy with the family he’d made. His harem, his hoard, whatever you wanted to call it… it hadn’t grown so much since he’d taken the Throne of God, but his family had. And that made Issei unbelievably content.

That said, there were still a lot of women in his life. Women that Issei felt an obligation to, even now. He made time to be with all of them as often as possible, but sometimes they literally had to schedule appointments for him through his secretary. That being Ravel Phenex, of course. The lovely young woman spent most of her time in a laboratory exploring alchemy, but she also loved taking care of secretarial work, especially when it resulted in roleplay where he bent her over his ‘desk’ and fucked her silly.

As such, the other women in his harem had quickly learned to go to her to arrange a ‘meeting’ with him, since going to Gabriel inevitably led to them having to pay some sort of humiliating ‘price’. Besides, Issei’s right-hand was almost as busy as he was these days. She didn’t have time to be the gateway to his loins.

Regardless, that led Issei to today, where he found himself down on the human world in his old mansion located in Kuoh Town. He had holdings all over Earth now at this point, but this one would always be special to him. Special to those he was meeting with as well, he supposed… considering it had been Rias Gremory who had originally gotten him the mansion in the first place.

Stepping into the room where she and her mother are waiting for him, Issei doesn’t bother to suppress a grin as he takes in the two beauties. Rias and Venelana Gremory both sit with blushes on their cheeks and a… sizable box between the two of them. Each has already given birth to one of his children by this point, and while their breasts were always large, Issei thinks they’re a little larger still from the post-pregnancy fat. Probably also still lactating right now, he muses to himself.

Still… they seem rather worried about something. Tilting his head to the side in amusement, Issei moves further into the room, looking between Rias and her mother… and then at the box between them. He’s not an idiot. Nor is he blind. The amount of demonic power held within that box is… certainly something else.

“Rias. Venelana. You wished to meet with me?”

They both blush and nod their heads, smiling hesitantly as Issei comes to a stop in front of them. He doesn’t take a seat, just peering at the box they’ve brought. The mother-daughter duo are so tense… its strange. Rias has known him the longest, and even after he became what he’s become, she hadn’t acted like this around him. Meanwhile, once he’d gotten Venelana pregnant, the Lady Gremory had loosened up around him a lot more as well.

And yet, they’re both acting so high strung right now…

“We want you to impregnate us both again, Issei~”

“Yes… and to convince you to knock us up, w-we’ve brought you a present…”

Issei raises an eyebrow at the two of them, causing them both to go even redder. The box, meanwhile, is very nearly vibrating with anticipation. Finally, the two female devils turn and grab the edges of the box, pulling open the top together.

“Presenting… Runeas Gremory! The originator of House Gremory… the First Gremory.”

Taking a step forward, Issei peers down into the box to see what looks like Rias’ sister is inside, wearing one of Rias’ school uniforms and bound and gagged. Runeas Gremory, for that’s definitely who she is based on the power flowing off of her, is a young-looking woman with her red hair done up in twin tails and a crown set between a pair of black devil horns.

She’s quite beautiful, Issei idly notes. She’s also, as previously mentioned, wearing one of Rias’ uniforms from Kuoh Academy. Which is doing an excellent job of hugging her voluptuous curves all on its own, but then to top it all off, she’s also tied up in professionally done shibari that further accentuates her fat chest and forcibly spreads her legs apart so she’s sort of crouching in a rather humiliating position in the box.

To top it all off, she has a ball gag between her lips, big and red, and it’s coated in her drool and saliva. The moment Issei lays eyes on her, she lays eyes on him too and begins squirming and whining.


Issei just stares for a moment. Then, he looks at Venelana and Rias. Neither of them are making eye contact with him or their ancestor. In fact, they’re both sweating bullets. One might assume, taking it all at face value, that they’re sweating bullets because of him. Because Issei has never taken an unwilling woman before and he’s not about to start now.

But they know that. And so, one has to wonder… if the mother-daughter duo KNOW that, why are they doing this in the first place? In the end, there’s really only one option.

“Your ancestor put you up to this, didn’t she?”

Issei’s deadpan tone causes Rias, Venelana, and Runeas to all look at him in unison with wide-eyed shock. Issei just stares back, unimpressed. Finally, both Rias and Venelana give quick, ashamed nods. This in turn prompts Runeas to stop her struggling entirely, roll her eyes, and then… in a burst of hellfire, the Gremory Ancestor incinerates both the ball gag and the rope while showing enough fine control to keep her purloined uniform intact.

Rising from the box to her full height, Runeas Gremory plants her hands on her wide, expansive hips and huffs loudly, her cheeks puffing a bit as she glares up at him. She’s still pretty short, after all.

“You’re a clever one, aren’t you? How’d you figure it out?”

Issei snorts derisively.

“I didn’t have to be clever to figure this one out. For one, Rias and Venelana both know I’m not interested in anyone that’s unwilling. For two, why would Rias dress you in one of her school uniforms… unless you demanded it of her? For three, you used regular old rope and a ball gag. If you wanted to believe that a Devil of your power had been taken down by your descendants, even if by subterfuge, then you should have at least used enchanted rope and a runed ball gag.”

The crowned, pigtailed Gremory Devil considers all of these things for a long moment before nodding her head, causing both her hair and tits to bob up and down with her movements.

“… You’re not wrong! Those are all fair points!”

Hopping out of the box, Runeas Gremory lands right in front of Issei and immediately pokes him in the chest.

“Now! What’s this I hear about you bullying my descendants, huh?!”

From their still-seated positions, both Rias and Venelana groan and rub their faces with their hands.

“Lady Runeas, we already told you it’s not like that…”

Issei just raises an eyebrow, confused about what Runeas is talking about. Tilting his head to the side at the short stack, he just shrugs.

“I don’t know what you mean.”

“Sure you do! After all, you’re boning the wife and daughter of the current Lord Gremory, plus the wife of the current Satan Lucifer… who is also a Gremory in blood if not name! What else do you call that, if not bullying?”

Ah, he hadn’t thought about it that way, but Runeas was sort of right. Lord Gremory and Sirzechs Lucifer were in fact her descendants as well. And Issei had ‘bullied’ them by her logic. Of course, he wouldn’t call it bullying. He’d call it plain old cuckoldry. But he doesn’t say that to Runeas. Instead, he just shrugs again.

“If they couldn’t handle their duties, who am I to deny the needs of their women?”

Both Rias and Venelana gawk at that, blushing even harder. If Grayfia were here right now, the silver-haired maid might have had something to say. Then again, maybe not. He really had thoroughly broken her down, at least where he was concerned. She couldn’t bring herself to be stern around him anymore. She was as submissive as they came, at least when it was with Issei.

That said, Grayfia wasn’t here right now. It was just the Gremory women… well, and Venelana, but she was still Lady Gremory if nothing else. And really, that said it all at the end of the day, didn’t it? Venelana’s husband, Lord Zeoticus Gremory, was not an idiot from what Issei knew. He had to be aware that his wife was fucking Issei. Hell, she’d had a whole-ass baby with Issei, one that was not being passed off as Zeoticus’ child nor were they being raised in the Gremory Household.

And yet… the man did nothing. According to Venelana, they had an open relationship and Zeoticus had his own harem, so it sort of made sense… but at the same time, the fact was, Issei pleased his wife in ways Lord Gremory apparently couldn’t. The same was true with Sirzechs and Grayfia. The Satan Lucifer simply didn’t seem to have it in him. Whether he was asexual and using his position and duties as excuses, or whether he was simply too overworked… he couldn’t keep Grayfia Lucifuge satisfied. The fact that they’d even had a son together was a miracle in and of itself.

Issei had stepped in on both counts and despite there being no real secrets anymore, neither man had tried to stop him. And so… who was Issei to stop himself? He was the Red Dragon Emperor after all. Just becoming as powerful as a god with the potential to become as powerful as THE God wasn’t going to change that.

Runeas Gremory hums in consideration for a long moment, peering at him closely. Issei is prepared in the event that she decides to attack, but he keeps himself at ease outwardly. The Gremory Ancestor is quite a powerful devil, especially to have been alive all this time. But he can still take her. He’s confident of that. He hopes he doesn’t have to though. It would be-

“You’re right!”


Grinning, Runeas shrugs right back at him, causing her ample bosom to bounce some more within the confines of the schoolgirl blouse she’s borrowing.

“I would never want any woman to be unhappy just because my descendants couldn’t satisfy them in bed! So really, I should be thanking you for supporting my daughters-in-law and my great granddaughter with your big fat juicy cock!”

… Seriously? Issei tosses a glance back at Venelana and Rias as if to say, ‘is she for real?’. Blushing profusely, the two of them both nod their heads in response. Yes, yes she is. Which… wow.

“Aren’t you missing a few greats there?”

Runeas puffs her cheeks out at his sassy response and wags a finger in his direction.

“Hey now! I am the eternally youthful and incomparably gorgeous Runeas Gremory! My beauty is transcendental and unequalled across the entirety of creation!”

The ego on her is certainly something else. Issei snorts derisively though, having no problem shaking his head and puncturing her big head.

“No it’s not. Gabriel is definitely more beautiful than you are.”

Sure, he’s biased. But he’s also kind of in charge of ‘the entirety of creation’ that she just mentioned now. So to say he had a sort of authority on the matter wasn’t entirely wrong. Runeas’ jaw drops open at his declaration, but then her gaze turns contemplative.

“Oh? Gabriel the Great Seraph? She is beautiful… tch. And you’ve been with her, haven’t you? Well now… I can’t very well compete if you don’t get a taste of the goods! Issei Hyoudou! Fuck me right here and right now in whatever way you like! I’ll prove to you that I’m better even than Gabriel!”

Impossible. The response is on his lips, but he holds it back at the last second. After all… he’s not the kind of guy to pass up an offer like that. With a flick of his wrist, Issei summons fresh rope and a new ball gag. The difference, however, is that this is enchanted holy rope and the ball gag is runed to be unbreakable. Runeas’ eyes widen as the rope swiftly swirls around her form, taking up the exact same position as the perfectly done shibari from earlier. The ball gag slips into her gawking mouth with ease as well.

There’s a… slight sizzling as the holy nature of the rope burns her flesh where it makes contact with her skin, but Issei uses his connection to the Throne of Heaven to dial back the effect of Holy Power on Runeas Gremory in this moment, effectively making her far more resistant to it than she otherwise would be.

“MMMPH! MM… mmmph?”

It takes her a moment to notice this, of course. When she does, she stops trying to struggle, only to then blink as she realizes her earnest struggles had amounted to nothing. She looks at him with a mixture of fear and lust then, anticipation and trepidation alike.

“You did say I could have you in any way I wanted, yes?”

Her cheeks slightly rosy as she realizes the position she finds herself in, Runeas nevertheless hesitates for only half a moment before nodding enthusiastically. Issei just chuckles. Very well then.

The Patreon Vote:
[ ] He fucks Runeas first, bound and gagged in front of her descendants - 26%

[X] He fucks her descendants first, making the bound and gagged ancestor watch - 74%


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