The Sleeping Dragon (High School DxD)

Chapter 86: Kunou All Grown Up

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Issei tries to be a decent person, still ends up with a coed kitsune.


“Mother… they said he’d arrived, right? So where is he?”

“Kunou, darling… patience. You’ve waited this long, haven’t you?”

A needy whine is the only answer that Lady Yasaka, Nine-Tailed Kitsune and leader of all of Japan’s Youkai gets. Meanwhile, listening in from out in the hallway as he’s escorted to the meeting room by the kitsune’s servants, Issei lets a small smile spread across his face. He hears the way Kunou shifts back and forth in her seated position and smells the arousal from both her and her mother on the wind.


“We’re here, your Majesty. Please… the Lady and her Heir await inside.”

Issei throws the servant a smile, knowing full well that they don’t quite know how to address him even after all this time. To be fair, he hasn’t given them any sort of guidebook to follow either. He loves leaving them in suspense.

Stepping into the room beyond, he closes the doors behind him with a flex of his power. This draws the attention of the two Nine-Tailed Kitsune that are waiting for him. Both Yasaka… and her beautiful daughter Kunou.

It’s been a decade since Issei and Yasaka first met. A decade in which Yasaka had had ample opportunity to regret not trying to make being Issei’s mate work when she had the chance. If she’d only gone against her advisors and the people she wanted to please and let herself be swept up in Issei and Gabriel’s pace… she would have been more than just an ally. More than just… harem adjacent as she’d wound up.

Not that Issei had given Yasaka MUCH reason to regret it. Sure, she could have been right at his side, perhaps opposite of Gabriel while he ruled Heaven and Earth from the Throne of God. But even though that hadn’t come to pass, Issei still had a soft spot for the incredibly beautiful golden-haired kitsune… and the numerous children she’d ended up having with him all the same.

He’d helped Yasaka out in a multitude of ways over the last decade, and spent many, MANY nights in her bed and with her in his. They might not have been official mates, but they were certainly friends with benefits… and then some.

This, of course, had led to Issei and Kunou interacting quite a few times. There had been kidnappings that he’d wound up foiling, tea parties that he’d been roped into attending, and even escape attempts by the precocious young kitsune that Issei had been called in to help thwart.

It wasn’t any one thing that had led to Kunou’s serious case of hero worship, which had then turned into a serious case of lust as she’d gotten older. It was just… a byproduct of Issei having a singularly unique relationship with her mother. One would think that him being the not-so-secret father of her half a dozen little siblings would be a bit of a turn off… but no.

Kunou had started to declare that one day, Issei Hyoudou would be HER mate. It was cute when she was young. Less cute when she got old enough to start putting plans into practice. Ultimately, Issei had tried to hold this off as long as he could, mostly because despite his draconic instincts screaming at him to claim another kitsune for his hoard, he’d wanted Kunou to have a chance to find normal love outside of her hero worship of him.

In fact, she’d technically been ‘of age’ for a few years now for as much as that mattered. Unfortunately, every relationship she’d had had gone nowhere. No one could measure up to him, apparently. Which led them to today.

As Issei enters the room and shuts the doors behind him, he takes in the sight of Yasaka, still as beautiful as the day he met her if not more so… and Kunou, almost as beautiful as her mother, though without the signs of motherhood to accentuate that beauty. Kunou had the body of a perky, pert coed at this point… along with her fox ears and fox tails, nine of them arrayed out behind her just like her mother.

The two made for an… arousing pair to say the least, but there were traditions to be observed. Rising from her seiza, Yasaka starts them off by bowing low at the waist while Kunou does the same next to her.

“Red Dragon Emperor. We are glad to have you with us today, on this very auspicious day. As you well know, it is my Heir’s birthday and-!”

“Please fuck me silly and knock me up with your kits already!”

… Well, he feels like he probably should have seen that coming. Even as both kitsune come out of their bows and Yasaka looks at her daughter askance, Kunou is staring right at Issei with a fire in her eyes. She wants this… no, she NEEDS this. Or at least she thinks she does. Still…

“K-Kunou! You agreed to do this m-my way!”

“I’m sorry mother, but I can’t hide behind traditions any longer! If the end result is that I join his harem either way, then why bother with all the stuff beforehand?!”

“Because he might say NO, you silly girl!”

As Yasaka and Kunou face off, Issei chuckles softly, breaking through the tension and causing them both to look at him. In the end, he shrugs.

“She’s right, Yasaka. You and I have already discussed this between us. Why waste time?”

Kunou’s eyes widen at that reveal and Yasaka covers her face with her palm.

“No respect for tradition, either of you… fine! But we do this my way!”

Issei just grins, while Kunou nods enthusiastically as Yasaka begins to pull off her kimono. The kitsune’s nine tails swirl around behind her in agitation… or is it anticipation? Who can say, really…


A low whine fills the air as Kunou struggles.


“Hush, Kunou. I said we’re doing this my way. Wait your turn.”

The three of them have retired to Yasaka’s bedroom now, and all of them are on the kitsune’s rather large bed. The same bed where Issei and Yasaka had conceived a few of their children together, in fact. To say Kunou was excited at the thought of being deflowered and bred on said bed would be an understatement… but she’s a little less excited and more whiney now, mostly because Yasaka had proceeded to pin her daughter down with her tails and then kept Issei from penetrating her.

Amused as he kneels there between Kunou’s eagerly spread legs, Issei nevertheless waits and lets Yasaka do her thing. In this case, the Lady Kitsune’s way seems to be some prolonged foreplay. His cock is out, rock hard, and ready for action… and mere inches away from Kunou’s dripping, naked cunt. But Yasaka leans forward, occupying the space between them as she drapes herself over her daughter’s body on her hands and knees and peppers his cock with kisses and swift licks of her tongue.

Of course, after telling Kunou to hush and wait her turn, Yasaka goes ahead and escalates things finally… by leaning forward and placing him in her mouth. As she begins to suck, Kunou lets out another aggrieved whine, watching her mother bob up and down on the cock SHE wants right in front of her.

“I could have done that! I-If you’d just told me, I could have used my mouth f-first!”

With her mouth now full of dick, Yasaka just raises an index finger in Kunou’s direction, the universal ‘wait one moment’ gesture. Though in this case, Issei suspects that it means ‘wait your turn’. Amused as all hell, he meets Kunou’s eyes as Yasaka continues to gorge herself on his cock. The younger of the two Nine-Tailed Kitsune stares up at him pleadingly, as if he’s going to back her up in place of her mother.

Technically, he probably should. After all, while Yasaka had never properly joined Issei’s harem, Kunou was planning on doing precisely that. That was her birthday gift this year, something she had spent the past few years convincing both her mother and Issei that she truly wanted. That this wasn’t just some simple schoolgirl infatuation. That she wasn’t going to regret this in the future.

At their behest, Kunou had tried out dating. She’d given a few boys the time of day. And according to her, none of them had impressed her. She couldn’t help it, or so she claimed. She compared every man she wound up going on a date with to Issei and none of them ever proved worthy. She claimed he’d ruined other men for her, so it was only right that he take responsibility… and ruin her for other men.

Of course, Yasaka gifting her Heir to Issei was bound to cause a bit of a stir… but the problem was somewhat alleviated by the number of spares she had waiting in the wings. And it helped that Kunou had proven herself to be flighty and unwilling to truly settle into her role as Heir. She’d never wanted that sort of responsibility, so even the most traditionalist among Yasaka’s subjects would probably prefer to hope that a proper heir rose up from among her other children.

In the end… this was what Kunou truly wanted. And so Issei and Yasaka had decided to give it to her at long last.

After making sure to really get every last inch of his cock nice and wet and spit-polished with her tongue and lips, Yasaka pulls back with a twinkle in her eye. The golden-haired kitsune hums as she holds his dick by the base for a moment, looking between him and Kunou’s cunt appraisingly. It’s obvious she’s ‘considering’ whether or not they’re both really ready at this point, even to Kunou herself.

“Mama… please…”

The other Nine-Tailed Kitsune’s heartfelt plea is enough for Yasaka to sigh and nod, letting go of Issei’s cock and leaning back.

“Alright. I could never say no to you, my daughter. Go ahead, you beast. Deflower my baby girl. Make her a true woman. Get her with child as you have me half a dozen times before~”

Kunou blushes at Yasaka’s crass words but doesn’t let her mother’s teasing tone get to her. Not now. Not when she’s so close. Biting her lower lip, the blonde spreads her legs a little wider and then reaches down between her thighs and uses her fingers to splay open her pussy lips for good measure.

“R-Right here… please give it to me.”

With begging like that, Issei would have to be a monster to reject her now. Chuckling, he places the head of his cock against Kunou’s entrance with her mother watching them both. Then, he gives Kunou a grin.

“Fast or slow?”

Before Yasaka can demand he take things slow, Kunou quickly answers.

“F-Fast! Give it to me! Don’t you dare tak-eep!”

Before she can finish her sentence, Issei slams home into her cunt right there on the spot. The coed kitsune squeals as he tears right through her hymen, claiming her virginity. As far as he understood it, none of Kunou’s dates had ended in so much as a kiss. Yasaka assured him that Kunou had still tried to form a connection with the handful of boys brave enough to date her, but that none had gone anywhere.

He was, effectively, Kunou’s first. In every way. With that in mind, Issei wastes no time in leaning down, cupping the young kitsune’s cheek for a moment before kissing her soundly on the lips. Her first kiss.

Kunou’s eyes widen and her pussy walls clench and flex around his cock as she’s… overwhelmed by the experience. Her eyes even roll back in her head a little bit as she shudders under him. Not quite an orgasm upon penetration, but certainly close. Chuckling as he pulls back from the kiss, Issei grabs hold of the moaning kitsune by her waist and gives Yasaka a raised eyebrow.

“You heard her.”

Letting out a sigh, Yasaka nods as she casually plays with her own cunt while leaned back on her other hand.

“Yes… I suppose I did.”

With that, Issei begins to fuck her daughter. And he doesn’t hold back. Kunou squeals as she finds herself being railed into her mother’s bed. Her body spasms as she’s impaled upon Issei’s cock again and again. Her moans fill the bedroom… but at her heart, Kunou is still a mama’s girl through and through despite her flighty nature. While one hand goes back behind her head to clutch at the bedding there for dear life… the other hand reaches for Yasaka, scrambling for her mother.

Leaning forward again, Yasaka places her own hand in her daughter’s, letting the younger kitsune cling to her mama as she’s fucked silly and pounded by arguably the most powerful man in the world. Issei smirks, even as Yasaka bites her lower lip. There’s some mild concern for her daughter in her gaze… but she knows Issei wouldn’t truly hurt Kunou. He would never take it too far.

Mostly, Yasaka just gazes upon the scene with abject lust. She looks almost regretful that she didn’t demand a full turn before Kunou finally got hers. Her fingers are still driving in and out of her cunt in a futile attempt to match Issei’s pace and mimic the sensations that Kunou must be experiencing right now while impaled upon his cock.

Meanwhile, Kunou herself cries out, orgasming around his member again and again. The young kitsune has been waiting for this for a long time and Issei knows it. She’s been aiming to seduce her way into his bed for way too many years… and now, at long last she’s getting exactly what she wants. She’ll be leaving this place with Issei when the day is done, and from now on she’ll be one of Issei’s women, her own place up in Heaven… as she grows heavy with Issei’s child.

Her mother might not have taken the offer, she might always be harem-adjacent… but Kunou would be damned if she was going to miss out on such an opportunity like Yasaka did. Moaning up a storm beneath him, Kunou thrusts up with her hips as much as she possibly can, meeting his cock again and again.

Grinning, Issei reflects that Gabriel will love the coed kitsune. Kunou is the perfect amount of perverted and inexperienced to set off all of his beloved’s deepest, darkest desires. Oh yes, they’ll likely be sharing the Nine-Tailed Kitsune between them before the day is out. For now though… it’s time to finish Kunou off.

The poor dear is having the time of her life, but she’s also having her first time. She simply doesn’t have the stamina to keep up. Orgasm after orgasm wrack her inexperienced body, until finally Issei gives her precisely what she asked for and cums inside of her, breeding her very fertile youkai womb on the spot.

Yasaka blushes as her daughter makes incredibly perverse sounds while experiencing this for the first time. As her womb is basted with his seed, Kunou’s eyes roll back in her skull again… and this time they don’t roll forward before she slumps down, passing out on his cock.

As Issei pulls out of her, Kunou twitches but doesn’t otherwise react… she’s completely unconscious after just one go.

“Ah, she’s going to be so embarrassed when she wakes up.”

Issei chuckles at Yasaka’s pitying tone. Of course, the older kitsune then looks down at his cock and licks her lips.

“… I suppose as her mother, I’ll have to make up for my daughter’s deficiencies… just this once.”

That draws a derisive snort from Issei. They both know what Yasaka really hopes to gain from this… another child produced from his seed. Still… he has no reason to deny her. They have such a strong partnership, after all. And with Kunou passed out… they also have plenty of time to kill.

Reaching for the Youkai Ruler, Issei just grins as Yasaka leans forward to let him grab her. Soon, the bedroom is filled with the mother’s exultant cries just as it was the daughter’s mere moments before…

The Patreon Vote:

[X] The Queens (Akeno, Tsubaki, Grayfia) - 42%


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