The Sleeping Dragon (High School DxD)

Chapter 93: The Humans

A/N: We all make mistakes! Whats important is how we go about fixing them~


Humans tended to drift apart. This wasn’t a bad thing, just a fact of life. Except in rare cases, you couldn’t expect to know the same people forever. Sure, you might stay in touch with family, but if you’re going to move to a different country or even just out of town, you’re not likely to stay in touch with all your friends. Not forever anyways.

This was especially true for young humans. You didn’t usually stay in touch with all of the people you knew in high school. That was the whole point of high school reunions, to bring back a class of people ten years later that might have been thick as thieves once upon a time but had grown apart because of life and all its challenges.

All of this was to say… Issei had been a little surprised when he’d gotten this invitation from Murayama and Katase. Not that he wasn’t flattered, because he definitely was. It was just… well, it’d been a long time. For all of them. Not ten years or anything, but certainly a few years since they’d all graduated high school and even longer since they’d last talked.

It wasn’t like Issei had intended to drift away from them, to be fair. But when he’d finally realized it happened, he’d figured it was for the best. Back when they’d started their strange three-way relationship, Issei had still been… asleep. He’d still been resting on his laurels, effectively lounging back and relying upon his immense strength granted by Ddraig’s training to carry him through life without a care in the world.

The Captains of the Kendo Club were one of the catalysts for him to finally wake up and see that he was far from the biggest fish in the sea, but in doing so they’d sort of been left behind as a consequence. It just couldn’t be helped. One thing had led into another and before Issei knew it, he’d not only made Gabriel the Great Seraph experience a Fall, but he’d also taken his seat on the Throne of Heaven and supplanted God himself.

… Yeah, things had gotten a little hectic, hadn’t they? And just because he’d become incredibly powerful didn’t mean he’d become all-knowing or infallible. So it was only fair that some things slipped through the cracks. And by the time Issei finally thought of Murayama and Katase again, it’d been long enough that he’d figured they’d moved on. From the sound of things, they had.

He never would have thought that the two Kendo Captains would become Idols… but Issei can’t help the big wide grin on his face as their performance, currently being delivered live to a sold out stadium of tens of thousands of fans, finally comes to a close.


When Issei had received this invitation to come to their show, he’d been caught completely off guard. Looking into things, he found out that after graduating from Kuoh Academy, the two girls had gone straight into the entertainment industry, making a name for themselves as Idols faster than Issei would have thought possible.

They’d leaned into their kendo history though, never forgetting their roots. They both had amazing vocals, don’t get him wrong, but their show also incorporated lots of swordplay choreography and even had a Fated Duel between the two girls that ‘tastefully’ cut away some of their costumes. Nothing too inappropriate was exposed of course, but the crowd still went absolutely wild for it.

Heh. Katase and Murayama, Japanese Idols… Issei could still hardly believe it, even with how amazing they’d turned out to be.

Sitting back in his private box, he hums as he watches the two sweaty performers hurry back off stage. For a moment he considers getting up and heading back there as well to meet with them and congratulate them. But then before he can do so, he gets a text from a mystery number.

Sword Radiant and Sword Shadow will be visiting you soon, please sit tight Mister Hyoudou~

Hm. Interesting. Shrugging, Issei moves from the viewing seat to the private box’s little kitchenette, pouring himself a glass of alcohol and then sitting down at the small table at the back of the box. That’s where he’s waiting five minutes later when the door to the box opens and the ladies he’s waiting for come stumbling into the room. Well, them and one other. Issei raises an eyebrow at the spectacle-wearing brunette in a suit jacket, white blouse, and pencil skirt.

She seems to be around their age at first glance, even if she’s dressed far more professionally then Murayama and Katase. Well, professionally is a matter of perspective he supposes. The other two are wearing their Idol Costumes after all, so in a way they’re dressed just as professionally.

“I-Issei! You c-came!”

Murayama sounds amazed and even awed by his presence. Katase is right alongside her, the two girls both surging into the room only to stop a few feet away from him. Issei gives them both a curious but also affectionate smile.

“Of course I did. I called ahead and said I would, didn’t I?”

They both flush under his smile, sharing a glance for a moment before breaking out into grins themselves.

“Yeah, guess you did.”

“Glad you’re here!”

“So that we can finally ask…”

“… why did you abandon us?!”

… Wait, what? Issei blinks in confusion, staring at the two sweaty but also beautiful young women as they point accusatory fingers at him at the same time. He opens his mouth to ask for clarification, however before he can, he’s interrupted by the girl in the back.

“What… what IS that thing?!”

The bespectacled businesswoman is staring directly at Issei’s crotch, her eyes wide and her jaw slack. Both Murayama and Katase look at her, but not with looks of concern… rather, they look at her with looks of fond exasperation as they roll their eyes in unison.

“We told you he was worth it, Aika. And you agreed with us. You’ve seen Issei’s cock before, silly.”

Aika? That sounded… slightly familiar. Wasn’t there an Aika Kiryuu they went to school with that was always getting into trouble alongside those two perverts Murayama and Katase were always beating up? What had brought her and the former Kendo Captains together anyways?

“That… that is not the cock that I saw before back at Kuoh! S-Something has happened! He’s… he’s evolved! He’s not your average human specimen anymore… he’s become… the legendary-mmphmmph!”

Reaching over, Katase covers Aika’s mouth with her hand as she rolls her eyes and shakes her head in Issei’s direction.

“Sorry. You really don’t want to let her get going. She does this way too much.”

Murayama nods alongside her fellow Idol, hands on her hips.

“She’s convinced that there’s a Legendary Bitch Breaker somewhere out there and that he won’t just be naturally born, but rather ‘made’ or something. Just… don’t let her get to you, Issei.”

They were a little past that, weren’t they? Issei raises an eyebrow.

“Ladies… what exactly is going on here?”

Murayama and Katase both flush, before Murayama finally explains since Katase has her hands full with Aika.

“W-Well… after you sort of vanished and abandoned us, we kind of went a little mad? Not sure what we would have done if Aika here hadn’t seen us in our despair and melancholy and offered us a way out. N-Not that kind of way out… rather, she offered us a plan that we hoped would catch your eye again. Basically, we would become national idols, super famous popstars, and you’d HAVE to notice us again.”

Katase nods.

“That’s right. Aika here is our manager. Turns out that even though she’s a huge pervert who can literally calculate a man’s dick size just by glancing at their crotch, she also has a big brain for numbers… and not just numbers either. She’s a businesswoman through and through and she’s basically a huge part of our success. We’ve put in the work, don’t get us wrong… but neither of us would be here without her.”

Well… that was lovely to hear. Except for the part where they did all of this to catch his attention. And he didn’t even notice their rising popularity, in the end they had to send him a ticket just to get him to attend one of their shows. Issei winces at that realization, before spreading his hands apart. In the end, there was really only one thing to do, wasn’t there?

“Ladies… I fucked up. There’s no denying it. I should never have left you behind. I thought you would move on and live normal lives without me, but I realize now that that was just never in the cards. I’m sorry… how can I make it up to you two?”

Murayama and Katase exchange a look at that, before getting matching familiar expressions on their faces. Issei knows immediately what he can do to make it up to them both.



Issei grunts as he rails Aika upon his cock. The Idol Manager’s business attire is torn to shreds and hanging off of her mostly naked body. Her glasses are askew and her body is folded up into a pretzel. Issei currently has Aika in a full nelson and is bouncing her on his dick like it’s nobody’s business but their own. Her mouth is open and she’s screaming obscenities nonstop, going on and on about the ‘Legendary Bitch Breaker’ that is his dick.

Truthfully, there might be something to all of that. Oh, Issei doesn’t know about being a legend or anything, but she’s definitely detecting just how powerful he is somehow. Just… she’s doing it by reading his dick and only his dick. And it’s almost certainly the most powerful dick that Aika Kiryuu has ever seen.

Of course, he hadn’t fucked her first. Even as Aika is bounced on his member, ahegaoing and cumming buckets, squirting out from around his dick all over the floor before her… well, Sword Radiant and Sword Shadow have ‘lost’ their ‘battle’ against ‘evil’.

Murayama and Katase are both fucked into a stupor already, his seed leaking out of their wombs and freshly pounded pussies. Katase is face down ass up, but Murayama isn’t much better off lying prone as she is with her arms and legs both splayed and spready out behind her, giving the appearance of a truly defeated swordswoman.

The two of them had gotten Issei’s dick first on account of seniority and the fact that he felt so very bad for accidentally abandoning them. He really had thought they’d be able to move on and live fulfilling mortal lives in the human world, but he should have at least checked in on them. Sure, he’d been busy with the whole weight of restructuring and revitalizing Heaven on his shoulders, but that was no excuse.

Aika, meanwhile, got Issei’s dick on account of helping these two out. Even if she did so for ulterior motives, such as the very dick she was now getting drilled down upon over and over again, she’d still done a good thing… and made Murayama and Katase a boatload of money in the process. Issei had done his research before attending the show and Sword Radiant and Sword Shadow were THE most popular Idol Duo in Japan right now… and were even looking to take their show abroad sometime soon.

Issei was proud of them. For all that they were only human, the three girls had achieved something truly spectacular… and all for the sake of getting a ride on his cock.

With another wanton squealing moan, Aika cums all over his dick again for the umpteenth time… and Issei tips over the edge in response. He groans as he spills his divine seed deep in Aika’s quim, causing the perverted girl to positively lose her mind.


She’s not actually dying, of course. Issei would have been able to feel it if she was. Her little mortal heart is beating a thousand beats a minute, but she’s in no danger of having a heart attack, he’s sure of that. In the end, she does pass out though, going limp in his arms with her jaw slack and her tongue lolled out. Issei slowly pulls her off of his cock and rests her down on a nearby couch in the private box, only to watch in amusement as Katase and Murayama both pull themselves up onto their hands and knees and crawl over to him on shaky limbs.

They reach his dick at the same time but far from fighting over it, they tag team it like the partners they are and always have been, taking his cock in their hands and sticking out their tongues to begin licking and lapping at his member. Issei smiles down at them, even as they gaze up at him in debauched quiet for a moment, the only noises coming from them the slurping sounds upon his messy member.

But finally, they break that silence with Murayama being the first to speak.

“Please Issei… please don’t leave us again.”

Katase is quick to back her up though.

“We’ll do whatever you ask of us. We’ll quit being idols if you want.”

“Or we can keep working as idols and give you all of the money we’ve earned so far.”

“You could live like a king if you like. We don’t need it. All of this… was to get back to you.”

Issei sighs, smiling a bemused smile. Heh, if only they both knew the truth. Well, he’d probably tell them eventually. He would have to, given he was pretty sure he’d already knocked up all three girls and the night was still very young. But for the time being…

“That won’t be necessary, you two. You don’t have to worry about me leaving you again… and you don’t have to give me your money either. Unless that’s your fetish.”

The watery smiles they both give him makes it clear they understand he’s joking and that no, findom is not their fetish. They’re both defeat fetishists with a desire to be dominated and fucked forcefully the old fashioned way, not through their bank accounts.

“Now that I know how much I mean to you both… I’m not going anywhere. I’ll make time for you, you can both count on that. As for your careers as Idols, that’s entirely up to you. You were absolutely spectacular on stage, and I got the impression that you really enjoyed performing, so if you want to keep doing it, feel free.”

They share looks at that and he can tell from their smiles that they’ll keep up their Idol Careers. He was right on the money when he said they enjoyed performing. Issei smiles as the two go right back to cleaning his cock and then sucking it without truly giving him a verbal answer one way or the other. But he doesn’t need one, in the end.

Everyone is on the same page now… and Issei knows that Murayama, Katase, and even Aika… they’re all going to be alright.

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[X] The Fallen (Raynare, Kalawarner, Mittelt) - 81%


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