The Slytherin Magus

Chapter 21. Level up! Wizard Title Acquired

I jogged the rest of the way to the dorms, impatient now. I had been distracted by practice but I was pretty sure I heard something like 'Level Something Acquired'.

I was so excited that I barely got on my bed after putting the necessary charms in place before I was bringing up my stat board.


[Audric Albeline]

+ Title : <WIZARD>

 <SP: 935>

 <Health: 99/100>

Physical Stats

[Strength: 170/1000]

[Stamina: 190/1000]

[Speed: 230/1000]

Non-Physical Stats

[Magical Power: 240/1000]


[Charms: 270/1000]

[Dark Charms: 100/1000]

[Knowledge: 300/1000]


[Intelligence: 260/1000]

[Information: 380/1000]


[Animagus - -]

<Locked> this feature can be unlocked with 500 SP

[Legilimency - -]

<Locked> this feature can be unlocked with 500 SP

[Bloodline Magic - -]

<Locked> this feature can be unlocked with 2000 SP


I could only gape at my new stats. Without realizing it, I had filled up the previous stats.

Would this happen again if I maxed out the current stats? Only one way to find out.

Quickly, I checked out the 'Info' to see if it gave me any information on the 'Titles'.

It did.



SP - Story Points :

Story Points can be gotten when actions are made to further the plot. 

Story Points can be spent on Skills.

Titles :

Titles are given when the stats for a current level are maxed out.

Titles increase growth limit.

Titles affect Skills. The higher the Title, the more powerful your Skills.

There are three Titles to be achieved.

"WIZARD - 1000 max to level up"

"SORCERER- 10000 max to level up"

"MAGUS - ∞"

Legilimency : <info locked>

Animagus : <info locked>

Bloodline Magic : <info locked>


I stared intently at the new information I had been provided, my eyes fixed on the Title 'Magus'


What the fuck?

It meant that I had the chance for unlimited growth. This was some overpowered protagonist deal.

Sure, I would have to work hard to even get the 'Magus' Title, but the fact that as long as I wanted to get stronger, I could, overrode everything else.

I leaned back on my pillows with a big smile on my face, I also had enough SP to unlock another skill but I couldn't be too hasty.

I had no idea which I would need most. Unlocking Animagus when I would need Legilimency would be a terrible move on my part.

Besides, I would be able to unlock whenever so I would keep that aside for now.

The weekend finished faster than I liked, why couldn't school days especially Thursday and Friday go this fast?

I had a free period first thing Monday morning and afterward, it was Defense Against the Dark Arts.

The Professor for this subject was also someone I had never heard of before. Professor Lambert Faringray.

(A/N Another OC ^^)

He was a tall man in flowing robes who talked a lot.

"This year focuses on mental magic, defense of the mind, and application of logic in order to overcome challenges. Sixth Year students will come face to face with their inner demons and be challenged to perform magic more difficult than they have thus far, all while proving their ability to grapple with the heavy theories behind their spellwork and defending themselves against the Dark Arts…"

I had to force myself to keep listening to him, it was easy to zone out while he spoke.

Just like in Transfiguration, we would be learning Non-verbal spell casting. But before then we had to learn the introductory topic.

'Introduction to the Mind'

It was boring and Professor Faringray just found more of a reason to keep talking.

I was grateful that I had managed to learn how to write with a quill. 

I missed pens. It was the one thing from muggle schooling that I wouldn't mind having.

Quills were nice and all but I often forgot to dip the tip of my feather in ink and end up writing with no ink, it was frustrating especially when I was in a hurry.

Just like Professor Esme, Professor Faringray had an affinity for far too much homework that even though the class was over, I wasn't elated.

After lunch, it was time for Potions.

It was easier to find my classes now so I didn't have to go extremely early for them anymore.

I found Hazel and Witter already seated on the second row when I came in. I just headed to the last row and got comfortable.

Professor Slughorn wasn't having it though, he made sure to impress on us that the groups we chose in the first class would be our designated group for the rest of the semester.

There were a couple of telltale groans and I just calmly looked in the direction of Hazel and Witter, I wasn't going to be the one to change seats.

Hazel didn't even seem to consider this, getting to her feet while waving to me. "Hi!"

Witter wasn't so enthusiastic, he remained seated for the longest time until Hazel sat beside me. Then he shot to his feet and angrily made his way over, his expression dark.

I kept a poker face on, remaining quiet.

Hazel however was already chattering away. "You didn't get to tell us what you think." She reminded me, curiosity burning in her gray eyes.

I frowned. "What I think?"

"About the Basilisk?" She prompted.

Witter made a dismissive sound at the back of his throat, throwing his face to the side with his arms crossed.

A bulb lit up in my head, that was the one thing I had forgotten.

It seemed like the rumor didn't get far, just as I had been expecting. A Basilisk wasn't something that could just go around undetected.

"I'm on Witter's side, she probably saw a pipe in bad lighting."

Witter gave me a cold look. "It's Weston."

"Sure thing, Witter." I tossed back.

Hazel quickly interrupted. "The rumor actually got around but no one else seemed to see any trace of the supposed Basilisk."

"As expected, Basilisks aren't just lying around waiting for girls to stumble onto them in their bathroom mirror, if she had actually seen one, she would be petrified." Witter scoffed.

"She has to look at its eyes though for that to happen." I mused.

Hazel shrugged. "Anyway, it's looking to be a legend of some kind like 'Moaning Myrtle'. That's why it's such a popular rumor. Some girls have even taken to avoiding the first-floor bathrooms entirely."

I wanted to shrug it off too but I couldn't help but think about it further. It kept popping up whenever I had a conversation with these two, it had to mean something.

Professor Slughorn was handing out instructions so we had to shelve the discussion for later.

I doubted that the Basilisk on the first-floor girls' bathroom would become a legend, unless a couple more girls came forward to say they saw it, the rumors would completely die out eventually.

After Potions, it was Care of Magical Creatures which would be taught in Hagrid's cabin. It was the one class I was looking forward to.

We took the classes outside because there was not enough space for us all to fit in his cabin which was fine with me.

Hagrid's Cabin was at the edge of the Forbidden Forest which looked ominous even though it was early in the afternoon.

The class was fun and short and we were given zero homework. I was yet to finish a full school week but I already had my favorite teacher.

We had learned about the Glumbumble and just as the name implied, it was a sad bee…

It was gray and furry and produced Gumbumble treacle, a magical substance that induced melancholy in whoever consumed it.

It wasn't all bad as the Glumbumble treacle countered the effects of Alihotsy leaves. The leaves of this tree, also known as 'Hyena trees' made whoever ate them laugh uncontrollably.

Glumbumbles were a nuisance though because they tended to infest beehives, contaminating their honey with treacle. This caused problems.

I was learning quite a lot. Honestly, I paid more attention in Hogwarts than I ever did in school back in my past life.

We were told that we would be tackling xxxx rated creatures for the entire year. 

While I expected this outcome, I really couldn't have guessed how difficult it was taking Nastily. Exhausting. Wizarding. Test. (N.E.W.T) level subjects.

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