The Slytherin Magus

Chapter 26. Skills Unlocked


<ATTENTION!!!> : 'Boggart Banisher' acquired

<REWARD!!!> : 200 SP Awarded


I woke up to a series of notifications, I had slept for just a couple of hours but I felt fully rested, just hungry.

It would soon be time for dinner but before then I had a couple of things to do.


[Audric Albeline]

+ Title : <WIZARD>

<SP: 1135>

<Health: 100/100>


+ Physical Stats

[Strength: 200/1000]

[Stamina: 230/1000]

[Speed: 250/1000]


+ Non-Physical Stats

[Magical Power: 500/1000]


[Charms: 450/1000]

[Dark Charms: 150/1000]

[Knowledge: 380/1000]


[Intelligence: 290/1000]

[Information: 450/1000]


+ Skills

[Animagus - -]

<Locked> this feature can be unlocked with 500 SP

[Legilimency - -]

<Locked> this feature can be unlocked with 500 SP

[Bloodline Magic - -]

<Locked> this feature can be unlocked with 2000 SP



My stats had drastically improved. It was a smart decision after all to take my own path.

But even more important than that, I now had enough SP to unlock both skills so I didn't have to choose between them anymore.

All that would be left was the Bloodline Magic skill. I was immensely curious about what it could be.

I decided to unlock the skills first, then later, I could make plans on what my next steps would be.


<CONGRATULATIONS!!!> :  Animagus 'skill' unlocked

<NOTICE!!!> : 500 SP Deducted


<CONGRATULATIONS!!!> :  Legilimency 'skill' unlocked

<NOTICE!!!> : 500 SP Deducted


I sat up after I finished burning all my SP on my purchase, if I checked now, I would have just 135 SP left.

I had to shower and then go up to the fourth floor to check up on Blair and Roxana before dinner time.

I doubted students were allowed to move around freely yet so I would be sneaking out.

The common room was empty, most students taking a midday nap as they weren't allowed out of their dorms.

I slipped out of the dorm, the corridors were deserted. Perfect.

After dinner I wouldn't have the time, I planned to sneak out again but this time to find out what kind of Animagus I had.

I couldn't go around randomly using Legilimency on people around me so I would reserve it for when I needed to use it.

I got to the Hospital Wing without any issues but I couldn't get in without Madam Pomfrey sighting me.

"You again." She placed her hands on her waist and shook her head at me.

"I just want to check on a couple of people and I'll leave." I said quickly.

"Same thing they said." She muttered, sweeping open curtains to reveal Hazel and Witter checking up on Blair.

"Hey, Audric." Hazel anxiously waved.

"She dragged me here." Witter said, looking a tad unhappy.

"They told me you were the one who got rid of the dementors." Blair sat up to say but a stern sound from Madam Pomfrey made her lie down again.

"Thanks, I owe you one." She sighed.

I got to check up on Roxana as well, she was out cold but her complexion had improved.

Madam Pomfrey shooed us out as soon as she could, ordering us to go right back to our dormitories.

"I didn't expect to see you guys here." I noted.

"We didn't think we'd run into you either." Hazel was the one to speak. "We just figured that it would be harder for you to come up here so we decided to help you check up on your teammate before we came down for dinner…"

"There's a lot of 'we's' in that sentence considering that I was brought here against my will." Witter grumbled. "Anyway, he's here now so we should get going before we get in trouble." He added, already walking away.

Hazel had no other choice but to follow him, looking at me one last time to wave goodbye.

I turned around and started my journey down to the Slytherin dungeons, the trip back was as easy as coming up had been.

Well, until my luck ran out on the first floor.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" A malicious voice spoke up behind me, making me freeze up.

It was Peeves.

"Out when you shouldn't be, are you?" The Poltergeist asked with blatant excitement. "Now that I think about it, I saw Professor Esme somewhere around."

I weighed my options as the crafty creature kept throwing threats around. I knew that the only people he was scared of were Dumbledore and the Bloody Baron.

Using the Bloody Baron as a shield could very well backfire because Peeves would just go ahead and rat me out anyway.

I turned around and threw an arm around the Poltergeist, trying a different tactic. There was no way he would know that I wasn't a patient at the Hospital Wing if I didn't tell him.

"Peeves, my man." I patted his shoulder. "You don't want to get in trouble now for reporting a patient, do you? I bet the teachers are stressed out enough already, I don't think they would appreciate a false alarm."

Peeves ducked out from under my arm, looking none too pleased about being outsmarted.

He still looked like he would take the risk and try to raise an alarm to get me in trouble.

"Also I bumped into the Bloody Baron on my way here…" He didn't let me get all my words out before vanishing.

Just as I got back safely to the dorm, the bells rang to signal that it was time for dinner.

I was relieved that it was finally time to eat because I was quite hungry.

Halfway through stuffing my face, I caught sight of Blair seating a couple of seats down with Jason and the new Chaser, Tanner Walker.

She waved at me when she saw me, she looked brand new. It was nice to see that she recovered quickly.

After the table was magically cleared up, Headmistress McGonagall cleared her throat.

Her voice was magically amplified because although the Great Hall was bustling and noisy, everyone heard her quite fine.

A hush fell over everyone as she stood tall on the podium.

The entirety of the students had been talking of nothing but what had happened earlier today so they were quick to shut up, eager to hear what would be said.

I was curious too. Had anything been found out? Would we be even told if anything was found?

"Hello, students." Headmistress McGonagall started in a grave voice. "I would like to formally apologize for the magical accident that occurred today. Unfortunately, Boggarts were released into the castle by a mishap but it has been resolved now." She announced.

The entire hall was thrown into disorder, hushed conversation boiling over and filling the large space.

I raised a brow at this, 'A magical accident, huh?'

Granted, the school couldn't just come up front and announce to the students that there was a possibility that the Boggarts that attacked the students were planted by a Professor.

"For safety sake…" Headmistress McGonagall raised her voice and waited, staring expectantly at the students.

The hall fell into silence again, the students listening intently.

"For safety's sake, after dinner, every student is to retire to their dorms and remain there." She directed. "As I said, the situation is now under control so your lessons will resume tomorrow. Also, we were fortunate not to have any severe casualties." She bowed her head slightly. "On behalf of the school, I apologize once again for this great inconvenience. Have a good night."

Conversation exploded once more as soon as she was done with the announcements, students milling out of the Great Hall to retire to their dormitories.

"Let's hope that today will be the last day we're stuck inside our dorms." Blair said.

We were back in the Slytherin common room now and the Slytherin Quidditch team were gathered around each other discussing.

I sat back quietly and let the conversation go over my head. I was occupied with other things.

Like how I was going to manage to sneak out of the common room.

There were far too many people here for me to just step out and not come back for a long time.

We were supposed to have a secret practice today but that didn't happen because of all that was going on.

After a light discussion, the meeting dispersed.

I went up to my dorm because there was no use hanging around in the common room when I hadn't yet come up with a plan of sneaking out.

I could have checked what my Animagus was on any other day when it wasn't forbidden to move around.

But the thing was, I had no plans of checking it in the Hogwarts castle.

There was a possibility that I was a bug and I could just check it on my bed but what if? Now stay with me here, what if I was some kind of large animal? Like a hippo or worse?

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