The Slytherin Magus

Chapter 3. Voldemort is dead?!

I wasn't wrong when I guessed that I had transmigrated into the body of a Death Eater… 'Is Voldemort still alive or does he even exist in this timeline? Did I transmigrate into an alternate Harry Potter universe?' I whipped my head around to glare at Wilkins, I couldn't ask the half-mad House-Elf about that, I would probably trigger another episode.

It was something I would have to find out myself.

Now regarding what had happened with Audric's… more like my family. What I could get from the very unreliable explanation from Wilkins was that… They had gotten attacked while eating dinner, something about failing so they must have botched some evil plan. The attackers had used dark magic so it might have been one of the unforgivable curses. The Imperius Curse, if they were able to keep the entire family docile for them to get gang-beat.

Because I didn't see them going down without a fight even if they were at fault. If the rest of the family died, it meant that Audric could have also died as well. Not that it mattered to me; with the state the rest of the family had been, he would have died whether I transmigrated into his body or not.

Plus it was better someone else died than me. Dying was scary, and I was only human.

A human in a world of Wizards and magic.

I might have adapted a bit too fast to being transmigrated into a world with magic but I had transmigrated into a body on the brink of death, I was forced to think fast from the very start. I still had a lot of information to find out so before then I had to take very careful steps.

Wilkins put himself back together. "A meal has been prepared for Master Audric." He said in a shockingly articulate manner, bowing so deeply that his bat ears brushed against the expensive carpet.

My stomach rumbled painfully and I realized that I was hungry but the excitement I felt distracted me from it. Wilkins was already long gone and I noticed that I didn't see him leave, he just vanished.

I jumped to my feet, looking around a room that was much bigger than I thought it was from my limited view while I was still on the bed. You could easily fit like four of my previous apartment inside the room, with space to spare. I was dressed in an expensive silk bathrobe and there were soft bedroom slippers beside my bed for me to wear.

I still hadn't done the most important thing! It was to use magic but before then I needed to see my new face. I walked a bit unsteadily to the floor-length mirror at one end of the room, still unused to my new body. My eyes widened in pleasant surprise as I stared back at an unfamiliar face.

In my past life, I had dirty blonde hair and brown eyes, and a nondescript appearance. But the person staring back at me from the cloudy mirror had black hair and light blue eyes that reminded me of ice. I touched my face and the person staring at me touched theirs too, it felt weird, like an out-of-body experience. Audric wasn't bad looking, he just needed to ditch that boring haircut.

He was of average height but then again he looked really young, he must still be in school. Now that I was done checking out my new body, it was time to try out magic. Or so I would have done if I didn't yet know how young Audric was. He was definitely underage and trying to use magic could get me expelled from school. I wasn't trying it out till I knew more.

So instead of using the Summoning Charm 'Accio' to bring my wand to me, I had to go on a search for it. It turned out to be on my study desk, lying beside important-looking books. I picked up the finely carved wooden stick with reverence, staring at it in awe.

Every Harry Potter fan must have once wanted to own a wand and I was the first one to ever achieve that. A live, actual wand, not the props being used in the movie series. I reluctantly returned the wand to the tabletop, forcing myself to look through the table first.

After a quick search, I found out the date and the year. It was the 17th of August, 1999. I slowed down, I had transmigrated nearly 23 years back in the past into an entirely different universe. In my own universe, I would just be born as my previous birth date was July 28th, it was a little strange.

But that meant that Voldemort was dead, as well as Albus Dumbledore and also a lot of the Death Eaters. Basically, I had transmigrated into the universe right where the 7th book ended. I doubted I would be seeing any of the main characters in school but that was fine, I was in their world anyway, seeing them wouldn't be too hard.

I couldn't find out much about what was going on currently in the Wizarding world. I had expected to see an edition of the Daily Prophet, at least one but I couldn't find any. I did find out though that Audric Albeline was about to begin his sixth year at Hogwarts. He was also in the Slytherin house, no surprise there.

I cursed under my breath. I was happy that I would be going to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in less than two weeks but the work I would have to get done in that space of time made my head ache. I was in my sixth year, which meant I would start taking N.E.W.T-level subjects and classes and I had no idea of even the most basic stuff. Fortunately, my entire curriculum for the new year had already been bought so I wouldn't have to worry about that for now.

First I had to get some food inside my body for strength, then plot out a smart plan. A book in the third drawer that I had absently opened caught my attention. It was a worn-out leather book that had a lock on it. I picked it up and looked it over, then checked the rest of the drawer but I couldn't find a key. A piece of paper fell from the locked book and I picked it up. It was crumpled up and then smoothed out again after being left in the book, there were words written on it in scraggly handwriting that I had to squint to see.

It was clearly written by Audric, he was boasting - to himself in written form - that was creepy. He was boasting to himself that his family had been chosen by Vindicta to carry out an important assignment and after they were successful they would be promoted to the top. The more I read the barely legible note, the more I frowned and not because it was getting harder and harder to read it. But because I was learning new things that looked like they would cause complications for me.

'What the hell is Vindicta? And what kind of assignment is Audric talking about?' Whatever it was, it sounded like bad news.

There was a possibility that it had something to do with the people that attacked and killed Audric's family. I needed to find that key. I was upset and frustrated because I couldn't find a key after searching the entire desk.

'What did the bastard do with the key? Swallow it?'

I knew without being told that the book was probably his diary and it would give me a lot of answers. But things were never that easy, even in real life. I just had to think of my new life like it was a book. No author would give out so much information at the start of a novel.

They would put out enough to get the readers hooked and then withhold the rest. It sucked for me because I was the character in this scenario but I had to deal with it. I also had a bit of leverage because I was a writer in my past life, 'Well, sorta.' It meant though that I would be able to picture my life from the perspective of a writer.

I returned the book to the third drawer. Even if I searched the entire room and then the mansion, I still wouldn't find the key to the book. So instead of worrying about it, I took a quick shower and got dressed.

I was never the type to bother too much about clothes and appearances as we didn't have enough for me to get that opportunity. But now in my new life, my wardrobe was filled to the brim with designer clothing. Audric had zero taste though, I eyed up the wardrobe. It was outfitted with dress shirts, slacks, and prissy sweaters. They were all the same color and style, how did he tell apart the clothes he had already worn?

I was used to wearing worn jeans and simple t-shirts so this was more than a little too much. I pulled on black slacks and a simple white dress shirt. It felt a little tacky to leave it untucked but I refused to button it all the way up, leaving a couple of buttons undone.

I got to the door that led out of my room and waited for a couple of beats, bracing myself for what I would see when I stepped out of my room. I stepped out of my bedroom into a large hallway and it was only after I got out did I realize that I had no idea where anything was.

'This will be fun.' I thought sarcastically.

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