The Slytherin Magus

Chapter 32. Waves of Fire and Water

As soon as the bells rang to signal breakfast, quite a number of students were already spilling inside the Great Hall.

Conversations bubbled as the students filled their plates up with food, everyone impatiently waiting for the Paper owls to come rushing in.

And rush in they did!

There was a loud rustling as everyone scrambled to get their copy, those who didn't make the arrangements to receive Paper owls crowding around their friends to get a look.

I saw it at the same time as everyone, I could almost see them droop in disappointment.

There wasn't even a single mention of Jon Moreau in the papers. The school had been really thorough with keeping the matter under wraps.

It was probably better this way, eventually, something new would happen to take their minds off it.

I couldn't be more right.

A mere two days later, I was attending Care of Magical Creatures lessons. It was Slytherin and Ravenclaw this time.

Sawyer became even grimmer after our encounter during the Boggart attack and Jon's expulsion.

I didn't get the chance to pay him any attention in this class because Roxana was right beside me.

She was fully recovered now, her cheeks rosy and her eyes bright. She had little braids in her blonde hair today.

"I want to thank you again for saving me, Audric." She said with a smile.

I looked away from her bright smile, clearing my throat self-consciously. "It's fine, I should be thanking you for risking yourself for my sake…"

We were learning about the Diricawl today, which was a magical, flightless bird.

Basically, they were the extinct Dodo birds but much cooler because Muggles thought they were extinct but they just had the ability to vanish when they felt threatened.

Hagrid had managed to secure a couple to show the class. We were not allowed to touch them though lest they disappeared, finding them would be a chore if that happened.

"Gather roun' now! Get a proper look at 'em!" Hagrid encouraged.

As we were all bent over the large wooden crate where they were kept, an odd shadow fell over us.

Hagrid reacted the fastest. "Take cover!" He roared, pushing the students closest to him out of the way.

We all reacted instinctively, a few too slow and getting burnt by the wave of fire that fell from the sky.

It got hot and hazy fast, screams and shouts of terror mixing in the hellish confusion.

"Get inside the castle! 'Urry!!"

I could barely make out Hagrid's yelled orders, it had happened too quickly, there was no time for a reaction.

In the midst of the running and yelling and falling fire, I could make out the figures of flying dragons.

Dragons! Wild dragons on school grounds?

How the fuck did that happen? Someone could get badly hurt!

"Audric! We have to take shelter!" Roxana's voice broke me out of my thoughts, she had been the one pulling me from the commotion this entire time.

It made me come back to reality. "You're right." I agreed, pushing her in the direction of the castle. "You go ahead, I'll be right behind you."

Before she could reply I turned around and hurried back. We were having our Care of Magical Creatures class by Hagrid's cabin as usual which meant that we were at a great disadvantage.

Because we were quite the distance from the castle, there was little protection against the attacking dragons.

I got to the outer ring of fire and stopped, holding out my wand. "Aguamenti!" I shouted, a wave of water flowed from my wand and put out the fire in my path.

Battling with the fire all by myself was similar to fighting a losing battle because I had to be cautious of the dragons flying overhead ever ready to spit out more streams of fire while keeping the raging fire from spreading.

They didn't seem interested in landing though, content to remain safely in the sky while scorching the land below them.

Where the fuck had they even come from? How hadn't we noticed them till they were upon us?

"Keep the water coming boy!" Hagrid's hoarse voice came from somewhere behind me.

Turned out that the half-giant had stayed behind to help save the students that had gotten caught up in the fire.

I nodded and did as he said, if we kept this up, we would be able to hold out till the Professors showed up to help.

What I didn't take into account was the dragons trying to physically stop me from putting out their fires.

I had to keep a steady stream of water pouring to beat back the voracious fires, it was taking up all of my concentration so I didn't notice till it was too late.

I heard an awfully familiar yelling my name and immediately after, a sickening scream.

My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach as I turned around to see a menacing green dragon coming for me with its claws out.

In a moment of panic, I sent out a barrage of stunning spells which managed to override the immunity that dragon skin had.

The large creature dropped out of the sky but I didn't pay it any attention, streaming water again as I ran flat out in the direction that the scream had come from.

"Professor Faringray, Professor Sprout, and Professor Slughorn please provide assistance to Hagrid to transport the injured students to the Infirmary. The rest please contain the attacks…" Headmistress McGonagall's reassuring voice came over the din and I could breathe a sigh of relief.

I had also gotten to Roxana. Her left sleeve was ripped to shreds as well as her arm, which caused her to bleed.

I knelt beside her, my brows furrowed, I was troubled at her inclination to quickly jump into danger because of me.


She smiled nervously, a pained expression on her reddened face. "I know, I know, you don't have to tell m…me." A sharp gasp punctuated her words. "I should stop getting in your way…"

"You're not," I said sincerely. "But you need to be more cautious…"

"I thought I might find you here." Headmistress McGonagall interrupted me.

I looked up at her, questions in my eyes.

"No idea, child." She adjusted her spectacles.

I huffed out a breath, like she would tell me anything even if she knew.

"Come on, you might want to get your friend to the Infirmary before she bleeds out."

I didn't want to leave the site of the incident but there was little for me to do here, this time around there was no evidence lying around. Dragons had simply swooped out of the sky and started spewing fire.

Besides the Professors immediately got the situation under control, and injured students were carried to safety inside the castle.

I silently acquiesced, carefully lifting Roxana in a way that didn't cause her more pain before starting for the castle.

Now that the adrenaline was fading, I could feel the little stings all over my body. I could guess that I had quite the tan going on for me.

Roxana had her eyes closed when we started up the stairs.

There were students gathered around, most curiously watching on. There were a few that helped out to get the students to the Hospital Wing.

I ignored the stares that we garnered, giving all my attention to a hurt Roxana.

"Are you okay?" I couldn't help but ask.

It was a bit redundant considering that her hand was still shredded but there was little else I could do.

Headmistress McGonagall had been kind enough to quickly stem the bleeding before sending me on my way so that I didn't paint the entire school with Roxana's blood.

"Yes." She answered stiffly.

I blew out a breath, what other answer had I been expecting?

Roxana fell silent again, her eyes closed but she had such a troubled look on her face that it worried me.

Without thinking I found myself using Legilimency, trying to figure out exactly what was bothering her.

I merely dipped into her thoughts but it was very clear what exactly had been troubling her because she was thinking about it.

Apparently, she had gotten into a fight with Sawyer before coming to save me.

He had tried to stop her from returning back to the scene with dangerous dragons and fire.

I couldn't blame him though, he was doing more for Roxana than I ever did. All I did was put her in dangerous situations when she tried to help me.

I quickened my pace, relieved that Sawyer hadn't won. If he had won, I would currently have my spine ripped out, or worse, I would be dead.

Roxana had distracted the dragon long enough for me to notice it and try to defend myself. It had cost her an arm.

I glanced down at her again, wondering how she could do it.

As much as I wanted to save people, I wouldn't jump in the face of death for them.

How did the former occupant even snag a girl like her?

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