The Slytherin Magus

Chapter 48. Humans, such fragile vessels

"You look brand new." I nodded to Witter.

He scoffed, crossing his arms. "I look just the same."

I let it go, knowing that he was still touchy from the incident that had gotten him injured during the Troll fight.

A rustle at the door caught all of our attention, the three of us instantly going on alert.

The door swung open to reveal Roxana, she walked right in. "Hi."

Silence reigned in the dusty classroom at her unexpected appearance.

"What? I joined you to fight off Trolls, haven't I earned a spot?" She reminded us.

Before either of us could comment on her presence, she swept forward.

"This is where you have meetings?" She swiped her finger over a desk with a sour expression. "A simple Tergeo would have fixed this." She brought out her wand.

"What? Were you sleeping in Professor Flitwick's class? Can't do it without your wand?" Witter said in a tone that came off as lighthearted teasing but it was so unlike him that it was hard to believe.

Roxana crossed her arms. "Says the one that never even thought to clean."

Hazel and I just watched with dumbfounded expressions as they bantered back and forth, both competing to get rid of the most dust before the other.

"Uh, thanks?" I spoke up after they were all done, the class glittering from how clean it was. "It was supposed to be an unused classroom though."

"Right, you both just wiped down the aesthetic." Hazel supported me.

"But isn't it better now that you can sit down?" Roxana pointed out, making a show of comfortably sitting down on a clean chair.

Hazel huffed out a laugh, finding a chair to sit on as well. "You guys might as well get comfortable."

When we were all seated, Witter leaned back, placing both of his legs on a desk. "Can't believe I missed all of the excitement." He muttered dryly.

"You didn't miss much." I placed my arms on the back of the chair I was sitting on.

"Uh, I'm a little behind on what's going on." Roxana said.

Hazel quickly brought her up to speed.

"So um, what are we doing now?" Roxana asked.

They all turned to look at me when she asked this.


"What are we doing now?" Witter repeated.

"Why are you all asking me?"

Hazel shrugged. "I don't know, because you're the leader?"

"I'm not…"

"Stop dragging the matter." Witter cut in, dropping his legs.

I took a deep breath, saying nothing, not because I didn't want to but because I had no idea what to do next.

"We just have to keep a sharp eye on the new teacher, I guess."

"Wonder when they'll be coming." Roxana mused to herself.

I was just as curious and was slightly surprised when Thursday rolled by and a new Professor was waiting for us in Classroom 1B.

"Hello class, I am your new Transfiguration Professor, Fodel Drumwind." An average-looking Professor introduced himself.

I leveled sharp eyes on the new Professor, he didn't behave suspiciously but that was exactly how it was supposed to be.

"I'm supposed to resume teaching till next week but I convinced the Headmistress to let me pick up teaching the classes, I didn't want the students to fall behind you see, especially after all that happened."

It would explain why Professor Drumwind wasn't introduced to the school at the Great Hall.

There was nothing that stood out about the new Professor, his classes and teaching were just as nondescript.

Even though Professor Esme was beyond strict and seemed to have it out for me, my Transfiguration abilities had largely improved under her tutoring.

Roughly two weeks passed after the new Transfiguration Professor was hired and there were no incidents, it was almost easy to believe that Professor Esme had truly been the one behind the attacks.

There was no time to worry about that though because the first Quidditch match of the school year was coming up in less than two weeks and Blair was working the entire team to the bone.

I had also seemed to hit a wall while leveling up. I had been pleasantly surprised at first by how quickly I racked up stats but it started to get harder and harder to level up.


[Audric Albeline]

+ Title : <WIZARD>

 <SP: 395>

 <Health: 99/100>

Physical Stats

[Strength: 450/1000]

[Stamina: 400/1000]

[Speed: 390/1000]

Non-Physical Stats

[Magical Power: 999/1000]


[Charms: 770/1000]

[Dark Charms: 850/1000]

[Knowledge: 490/1000]


[Intelligence: 420/1000]

[Information: 900/1000]


[Animagus - -] <Unlocked>

[Legilimency - -] <Unlocked>

[Bloodline Magic - -]

<Locked> this feature can be unlocked with 2000 SP


I had earned a bunch of SP from the Troll fight and from all the hexes and jinxes I used during the battle, the 'Dark Charm' stat had shot up.

I deduced that I would level up further from experience, training could only get you so far after all.

The snail's pace at which I was leveling up was disappointing because I was looking forward to getting the Sorcerer Title before the end of the semester.

I had probably had beginner's luck at the start, but now to level up would require sweat and blood.

Granted, it wasn't easy to level up, to begin with, but it was progressive. I knew that as long as I read, practiced magic, and exercised I would level up, not anymore obviously.

I was in the Room of Requirement, taking a break after another round of training that didn't yield much result.

Absently, I transfigured the pile of books beside me into a flock of birds that flew up to the ceilings in a flurry of white wings.

Before they could get far, I pointed my wand at the flock, books raining down when I did this.

Notifications went off at the same time that the books thudded to the ground.

I shot upright in surprise, my eyes widening as I scanned the new information. 


<ATTENTION!!!> : 'Requirement Reached'

<NOTICE!!!> : Spend 250 SP to bypass the growth limit?


<ATTENTION!!!> : 'Limits Unlocked'


I frowned, studying the new information, what did the System mean by 'Requirement Reached'? And 'Limits Unlocked'? What limits?

I quickly searched through for answers and flopped back on the ground with a huff of laughter.

The System was equipped to deal with everything, wasn't it?

Info provided the answers concerning the Limits.



SP - Story Points :

Story Points can be gotten when actions are made to further the plot. 

Story Points can be spent on Skills.

Titles :

Titles are given when the stats for a current level are maxed out.

Titles increase the growth limit.

Titles affect Skills. The higher the Title, the more powerful your Skills.

There are three Titles to be achieved.

Wizard - 1000 max to level up

Sorcerer - 10000 max to level up

Magus - ∞


Limits depend on the vessel the System inhabits.

Limits are flexible and can be pushed or changed.

Legilimency : 

Legilimency grants the ability to magically navigate through the many layers of a person's mind and correctly interpret one's findings.

Animagus : 

Animagus grants the ability to transform into an animal and back again at will. 

Bloodline Magic : <info locked>


Basically, because I was human, I was the one inhibiting the system.

It would explain why my physical stats have been increasing sluggishly.

If I were a dragon with the System or some other magical creature, I would no doubt be able to max out every stat to 'Magus' level.

But as a human, my physical stats would not surpass 'Wizard' level.

Magical Power and its Substats was the only stat that I could manage to level up to 'Magus'.

But even then, I would probably need the Elder Wand to be able to use and control such power.

My average wand would most likely snap from the sheer power.

I guessed that being able to push or change the Limit applied to Knowledge and its Substats.

It wasn't impossible to become Magus-level intelligent or gather enough information of that level but that would require me devoting my entire life to learning and applying said information.

The Requirement Reached was that I had maxed out Magical Power.

The System then gave me the option of moving on to the next level without maxing out all the current stats.

This was a lifesaver because if I had to level up all my stats, it would take years of dedicated hard work and my Magical potential would be stunted during that time.

I was already far physically stronger and smarter than the average Wizard, coupled with the immense magical power that I planned to achieve, I would be unstoppable. 

It was an easy decision to spend the 250 SP on bypassing the Growth Limit. 


<ATTENTION!!!> Level 'Sorcerer' Acquired.

<REWARD!!!> 750 SP Awarded.


<CONGRATULATIONS!!!> Growth Limit Bypassed.

<NOTICE!!!> 250 SP Deducted 


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