The Slytherin Magus

Chapter 50. Opening Match

After the Hallowe'en Feast, Blair was strung up tighter than before she let loose at the celebrations. 

So much for taking a break.

The first match of the season was scheduled for the 6th of November and it garnered even more enthusiastic responses than the Hallowe'en Feast. 

From the not-so-hidden gossip, I could tell that the majority of the students expected Gryffindor to take the win.

I couldn't even blame them, with the way the Slytherin Quidditch team practiced while on the Quidditch pitch, it was clear that the other House teams had a large advantage over us.

On the day of the match, Blair dragged us out of bed way before sunrise, rushing us to get ready even though the match wouldn't begin till after breakfast.

She was the only one that was visibly nervous and we let her worry, it was the only thing she could occupy herself with at the moment.

We would be missing breakfast for the match which was a preferred outcome as food made one heavy and would only slow us down.

We all huddled together in the locker rooms after we were done getting changed.

"The plan to keep our true abilities under wraps was a success." Blair started in a steady voice, pushing aside her anxiety to rally the team.

"But now, we're done hiding, it's time to show Hogwarts the true strength of the Slytherin Quidditch team!"

We cheered her on, adrenaline running high and fast among the team.

"We'll attack hard and fast, the plan is to put a reasonable gap between scores before they realize what is going on." She went right on, her dark eyes shrewd as she got into the game.

"Jason, don't try to catch the Snitch until the other team is about to get it, we need to give Audric enough time to rack up scores." She paced slightly.

We all listened intently, enraptured by her simple yet thorough planning.

"We're not just playing to win this match but to also take the Quidditch Cup home this year, deal?" She put out her hand.

The entire team mimicked her actions, putting out their hands as well.

There were the Chasers consisting of me, Tanner, and the Captain, Blair.

The Beaters, Blythe, and Crawley. Seeker, Jason, and the Keeper, Ji-hun.

There were also two reserve players, a Beater Zander and a Chaser, Sybell.

Nights of practice at the Room of Requirement had culminated into this, a strong team who had spent gruesome hours strengthening their weak spots.

Even though I was basically the ace, the rest of the team hadn't slacked off either, each one of them working just as hard to improve.

Well, with a hard driver like our Captain, it wasn't exactly optional.

But it was the desired end because everyone on the team wanted to win so they put in the work to achieve it.

Ji-hun was a decent enough Keeper but the Chasers and the Keeper of the Gryffindor team would have a hard time dealing with the Slytherin Chasers that he would be spared most of the heat.

Our defense had always been strong because if there was one thing Blythe and Crawley had, it was teamwork.

Coupled with their raw strength, they were the perfect match to defend the team from Bludgers.

Jason could also handle himself but his main goal for this match was stopping the other seeker from getting the Snitch. 

We raised our hands with a loud cheer, high fives, and shoulder pats being given generously around.

Even Bak Ji-hun who was mostly on the quiet side was animated today, there was determination in his black eyes as Blair spoke.

The locker rooms were close enough to the pitch that we could hear the stands filling up, cheers already starting up before the match could even begin.

Blair had made us promise to give up going to Hogsmeade for the most part of the semester, she said it was to strengthen our resolve.

If we won, we would celebrate at the nearby Wizarding village, the bills all on her.

She had definitely sacrificed a lot for this match and it showed.

Before we stepped out of the locker room, I walked up to her.

"Audric? Is something wrong?" She asked, apprehensive.

I huffed out a laugh, patting her shoulder. "Not at all, you made sure of that."

"Oh." She mumbled glancing down.

"Blair? Why do you think the team is so calm?" 

"What?" She looked up again, looking up at me before following my gaze to where the team was talking amongst each other, jesting and laughing.

Her brows furrowed as if she could not comprehend how they could be so relaxed at a time like this.

"Because they trust their Captain." I answered for her when she took too long to figure out an answer.

Blair turned to look at me again, her wide eyes glassy. "They… wow." She glanced down to hide her teary eyes. "That much?"

I smiled a little at the shakiness in her voice. "Yup, shouldn't the Captain trust her team just as much?"

She laughed at this, her shoulders shaking even as tears dropped to the floor of the locker room. "Yeah, you're right." She wiped her tears and looked up at me with a smile. "Thanks."

"Sure, couldn't have the Captain moping around like she's going to a death battle." I teased.

Blair snorted. "What about you? Why are you so relaxed?" She asked in a lighthearted tone.

"I also trust the Captain, of course." I smiled widely then my pleasant expression dropped. "I'm also confident in my abilities…"

"What are you guys whispering about over there?" Tanner called when he finally noticed us, bounding over before we could even respond.

"Guys! The match is starting!" Jason's loud voice cut through the room, he had been peeking through the doors.

Blair matched forward, her shoulders straight. "Alright, team! It's time to show the school what we're about!"

The Gryffindor Quidditch team was called on the pitch first and cheers were deafening.

It was mostly the Gryffindor House doing the most cheering because admire another House as they may, everyone still wanted their own Houses to win.

Our cheers were clearly less voracious but we let it bounce off our backs, their reactions would be changing before the end of the match.

Slytherin clearly didn't hope for their House team to win but they still went with the spirit, holding out banners and waving streamers to cheer their House team on, nonetheless. 

Madam Hooch was standing at the center of the pitch, holding a broom at the ready in her left hand while she blew into the whistle in her right to kick-start the match.

The pitch quietened down to barely banked excitement, hushed whispering could still be heard.

The competing teams stood on either side of Madam Rolanda Hooch, Hogwarts Flying Instructor who also doubled as the referee for Hogwarts Quidditch matches.

"Welcome to the opening Match of the year, everyone." A familiar voice chatted away. "I hope you're all as excited as I am to witness this long-awaited match…"

"Absolutely," Another voice continued. "The excitement is practically tangible this fine morning…"

I tuned the second commentator out, looking around in a bid to find where their voices were coming from.

The first voice had been unmistakable, it was Avery!

"I don't need to remind you all to play fair." Madam Hooch said in a stern tone and I couldn't help but feel like her gaze lingered on our team longer than normal.

We got dark looks from the Gryffindor team and I noted that some of Blair's anxiety returned.

I couldn't blame her, we had watched a couple of their Quidditch practice, they were a pretty solid team.

Without thinking, I ruffled Blair's hair before getting on my broom and flying upwards.

Her scandalized yells were what I had been hoping to hear. She couldn't be anxious if she was mad.

Gryffindor's team members also flew into position, their sneering expressions never leaving us.

"Is there something wrong with our uniforms?" Tanner drifted closer to me to ask, an honestly befuddled expression on his face.

I huffed out a laugh. "Eyes on the game, Tanner." I reminded him.

"Oh, it's beginning folks!" Avery's magically amplified voice filled the stadium.

I couldn't tell who was the boy speaking as her co-commentator but that wasn't important now.

The match was finally about to begin, the culmination of our vigorous practice sessions.

Each team floated in place on their team's sides on the pitch.

I could see better this high and it was easy to catch sight of Headmistress McGonagall who was in attendance as well as a handful of other professors.

Professor Flitwick sat stoutly beside the Headmistress for one.

There were also random spectators that I had never seen before, it would seem that they visited Hogwarts merely to view this match.

So it was a big deal.

I pulled my gaze back to the pitch, Gryffindor was still staring at us like bugs under their feet, the stands were going wild with cheers and the commentary was a constant in the background.

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