The Slytherin Magus

Chapter 55. Pieces of the Puzzle

When I was woken up night had fallen, Blair and Tanner had been nice enough to sneak food for me out of the Great Hall.

Now that I was well rested and fed I could settle down to go over the information I had learned.

I was sure that Professor Drumwind hadn't seen me back in Hogsmeade but his actions when he bumped into me on the second floor were a bit off.

I wondered how the Headmistress would handle it, the Ministry would probably have to be called in as it largely involved them.

Something had also been niggling at the back of my mind ever since I heard Professor Fodel speak with the stranger at Hog's Head Inn.

Could 'Vindicta' have any involvement with this? If they were trying to raise another group of Death Eaters, it would require them to break their members out of jail.

There was nothing that could be done tonight, I wished though that I had been able to get a date from my eavesdropping.

It would have saved a lot of trouble.

Sunday morning came with bright cloudless skies and looked to overall be a rather nice day.

I was tense at breakfast though, waiting for the other foot to drop so it was a relief when I was called away from breakfast by the Headmistress.

Why was I being called though?

I was asked to go to Professor Drumwind's office but before I got there I ran into Headmistress McGonagall.

"Stay with me, Albeline, remain quiet and simply watch." She cautioned me.

I nodded gravely, following right behind her.

I had no idea why she wanted me to follow her but I wasn't going to pass up on a front seat to the investigations.

She probably wanted it to come off as casual so as not to alert Professor Fodel Drumwind.

"Just wait a moment, Albeline, I'll attend to you after this." She smiled at me when we got inside the office.

I could see Professor Drumwind's eyes narrow at this but he recovered just as fast. "Headmistress, to what do I owe this visit?"

"Nothing of importance, I'm hoping." She said nicely but steel edged her words.

Professor Drumwind immediately had his guard up. "I'm sorry, what do you mean?"

Headmistress McGonagall stepped forward. "Professor Drumwind, do you remember the basis I hired you on?"

Professor Drumwind furrowed his brows. "If I remember accurately, you impressed that my stand was delicate and the moment I did anything out of line I would be held up to it." He answered calmly.

"Splendid, now a source of mine tells me you were at Hogsmeade yesterday." She started, still in that casual tone.

I could see Professor Drumwind's gaze flick in my direction so I put on a shocked expression like I was hearing this for the first time, he probably wasn't buying it though.

"It isn't a breach of rules to visit the village, is it, Headmistress?" His voice went cold.

"Not at all but I have to be on guard, you see, I have a duty to protect the school."

"I understand that Headmistress." He demurred.

"So you won't mind if I ask a few questions then?"

"Of course not, please go right ahead."

"You agree that you went to Hogsmeade yesterday?" She started with a simple question.

Professor Drumwind's guard went up even higher. "Yes, I did, I wanted to take a break from the school environment and get a drink from The Three Broomsticks, splendid reception that place has."

Professor Drumwind matched Headmistress McGonagall's tone, answering lightly.

"Did Madam Rosmerta tell you I was there?" The shrewdness under his light tone was a dead giveaway though.

"How I found out is unnecessary if you simply went there to unwind." Headmistress McGonagall waved away his questions. "If you don't mind, could you mention where you visited?"

As he prepared to respond I also breached his thoughts.

"As I said I visited The Thr…" Professor Drumwind paused sharply and shot a dark look at me.

"Professor Drumwind?" Headmistress McGonagall brought his attention back to their conversation.

"My apologies." He grumbled, his voice degrees darker.

I leaned against the wall beside the door like I wasn't even listening to their conversation.

Professor Drumwind was sure that Headmistress McGonagall wasn't using Legilimency but he was also sure that a mere student like me couldn't get past his Occlumency.

Headmistress McGonagall curiously asking him simple questions was also throwing him off.

"I would appreciate it if you didn't try to forcefully pry information from me." He gritted his teeth after a while into the conversation.

"I'm sorry?" Headmistress McGonagall frowned, sounding confused.

"Nevermind, Headmistress, are there any more questions for me?" He forced himself to calm down.

"Not right now but I will have to ask that you remain on school grounds at least for today, things have to be done by the books you see." She explained patiently.

"I understand." Professor Drumwind clenched a fist and could barely keep the malice from his words.

I followed closely behind Headmistress McGonagall as she took her leave, looking back at Professor Drumwind only to hear the familiar dull thud of a metal door.

"No slacking, Albeline." She tossed over a shoulder, making me hurry up.

"He's the one Headmistress McGonagall, why aren't you taking him in right away?"

"There are procedures, Albeline." She tsked. "Besides, Professor Drumwind will find that he can't leave the school grounds, I'll make a call to the Ministry to send someone over to handle it."

My eyes widened at this. "So... So you knew?"

"That you were a Legilimens?" She turned to look at me with a raised brow. "What kind of educator would I be if I didn't pay attention to my students, Albeline?"

"Oh…" I deflated, Headmistress McGonagall had been banking on me using Legilimency on Professor 

"I rather don't like it when an institution of learning is used as a tool for dubious acts." She only stopped when we were sufficiently far from Professor Drumwind's office. 

"Although the school has assisted the Ministry in apprehending an important suspect, they will withhold information from this school so I had to find out myself."

I gave Headmistress McGonagall way too little credit, she already seemed to have it all planned out, unlike me who was floundering at best.

"So you've always known that Professor Drumwind had a hand in the attacks?"

"Of course but there was no concrete proof. I also wanted to get more information before turning him over to the authorities. Now tell me wha…"

"Headmistress McGonagall!" Professor Pomona Sprout hurried over.

"Pomona? What is the matter?"

"There's a slight scuffle in front of the Forbidden Forest and Hagrid bid me to come to get you." The dumpy witch panicked.

The Headmistress was already moving. "Scuffle? A scuffle between students?"

"Oh no, goodness me, a scuffle between Professor Faringray and Hagrid!"

My shock at her words was palpable and I'm sure Headmistress McGonagall felt the same way because she increased her pace.

They were both so distracted with the matter on ground that they didn't notice me follow right behind them or they simply didn't mind.

There were quite a number of students outside today, it was one of the best weathers we have had in a while, and it was only natural for them to want to take advantage of it.

It also meant that it caused quite the spectacle. 

True to Professor Sprout's words, Professor Faringray was standing right at the entrance of the Forbidden Forest with his wand out and was shooting spells to stop anyone from entering the forest.

Professor Flitwick had also arrived at the scene and was offering his assistance to subdue Professor Faringray without harming him.

To their disadvantage, Professor Faringray had no qualms using dangerous magic.

I hung back when Headmistress McGonagall hurried forward with Professor Sprout at her side.

Prefects had shown up to keep curious students back, I wasn't allowed to get as well.

"I thought I might find you here." Hazel walked up to me, it was easy to forget that she was also a prefect sometimes.

"Do you know what is going on?" I asked curiously, trying to get a proper look at what was going on.

I was stopped a little distance from Hagrid's Hut where the other prefects took up posts to stop students from getting past, it was a little difficult to see what was going on.

"I was just about to ask you that?" Roxana showed up behind me, also looking past Hagrid's Hut.

Why was Professor Faringray suddenly protecting the Forbidden Forest with his life? 

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