The Slytherin Magus

Chapter 68. Helpful Strangers

I materialized on the edges of the Albeline Manor.

Previously, I couldn't return here because wards were placed on it by the ministry to keep me out.

It still baffled me why they would go to such lengths, what did they think a teenager who had lost his memories was capable of?

Why go through all this trouble just for me?

I was willing to respect the decision of the Ministry but now I was a fugitive essentially living outside the law.

Everyone back at Hogwarts believed that I had been behind Sawyer's death.

I was already a suspected murderer, what was one more count of breaking and entering?

I crashed through the front door, Wilkins appearing in front of me in a split second.

He had his hand out like he planned to attack the intruder, then he caught sight of me and his hand fell to his side.

"Master Audric!" The stubby creature exclaimed in disbelief. "Master Audric is back! Wilkins will take your coat, sir…" 

I smiled a little at this, at least one person was happy to see me.

"Never mind that, Wilkins." I stopped his effort to take off my torn, bloody robes. "I'll be gone soon, I just need to pick something up." I said to dissuade the House-Elf from sticking to me.

"As Master Audric wishes." He bowed deeply before lifting his glittering light brown eyes to me. "Is Master Audric sure he would not like something to eat, Wilkins will prepare…"

"Don't trouble yourself." I cut him off again. "Tell me, has anyone been here since I left."

Wilkins frowned at this, making a show of thinking. "There has been peoples from the Ministry, Lady Vannessa was also here but that has been a long time ago, Master Audric."

My brows furrowed, curiosity on my face. Why would Vannessa come to the Manor? "Did she take anything?"

"Only a portrait of Master when he was young." Wilkins looked fearful for a moment. "Has Wilkins done something wrong? Should Wilkins have prevented Lady Vannessa from taking Master's picture?" His panic rose with each question.

I patted his shoulder, walking past him. "No, Wilkins, you did well."

There was no time to talk shop with the House-Elf even though he's the nicest person I've spoken to in a good month.

I had broken into the Albeline Manor, my family house by the way but I was wary of being attacked and corralled like a common criminal.

I still didn't know what to do or where to go but I hoped that the Manor would give up secrets.

I had Wilkins take me straight to my parents' room, the door was still magically locked but I wasn't in the mood to peacefully unlock it.

I blew it open much to Wilkins's horror, I left the House-Elf lamenting over the door, stepping in. It was a good thing because it would keep the sweet creature occupied as he fixed it.

The room was in pristine condition, the bed was perfectly laid. It made me think that although I couldn't open the door, Wilkins could freely enter as he wished.

It would explain the lack of dust and why the room was in immaculate condition.

I went for the dresser beside the bed only to stop and stiffen, looking over my shoulder at the chair in front of the dressing mirror.

"Who is there?" I pointed my wand, ready to blast the entire section away if I needed to.

A hollow clap resounded through the room, each clap slow and deliberate, almost mocking.

I still couldn't see who was behind the claps but I held my wand steady in the same direction.

I couldn't see whoever it was but I could clearly sense them, they were most likely sitting on the chair.

"I'll admit that I never expected you to notice me." A man with graying blond hair and a veiled look in his shrewd dark eyes slowly appeared in front of me.

I kept my wand trained on him. "Who are you? How did you get in here?"

He rose to his feet and his beefy form towered over me even though he was nearly halfway across the room from me.

The strange man was dressed in important-looking robes, a finely trimmed beard framing the lower part of his hard face.

He had an exquisitely carved walking stick which he placed with a loud defining stomp in front of him, both of his hands placed on the handle.

"I would like to say I am not an enemy but the one thing I am not is a liar so instead I will have to ask you to come with me to somewhere safer so we can discuss." He spoke in an unhurried manner and had a habit of emphasizing his words.

Derisive laughter fell out of my mouth before I could stop it. "How stupid do you think I am to listen to a stranger that calls himself an enemy?"

"My name is Willard Carleton. There, we are acquaintances now." He took a step forward. "Are we not, young master Audric?"

My hackles rose at this, I had a bad experience with people who called me that. It was like they were all in on an inside joke that I didn't know of.

I didn't hesitate, casting a spell straight at him. When the bright blue light caused by the spell dissipated, I found that he had used his walking stick to block the attack.

It carved out a jagged hole in the solid walking stick, faint wisps of smoke emanating from the serrated wooden edges.

His hard features rearranged into one of shock. "You are the first person to damage my walking stick." His gaze shot from the damage to my wand which was still pointed straight at him.

"The next one will rip your fancy twig apart, and the next will carve a hole through your fancy gown." I bit out.

He whistled, unfazed at my threat. "You are packing quite the weapon with you." He took another step closer.

I shot another spell, the sound of the broken pieces of the stick getting thrown away with force ricocheting around the room.

He had been expecting my attack yet he hadn't done so much as flinch, an insidious look in his dark eyes.

Willard Carleton. Who the hell was this man?

He calmly dusted shredded bits of wood off his expensive robes but this time he stayed in place. "Testy."

My eyes widened in sudden realization, where was Wilkins?

Mere minutes ago he had been sticking to me but now was nowhere to be found. He was just at the door too, there was no way he wouldn't notice what was going on.

I glanced at the door in concern only to find the House-Elf standing right at the entrance to the bedroom with a vacant look in his prominent eyes.


"Your Manor's House-Elf is fine." Carleton said in a calm tone but it didn't ease my worries at all.

"He doesn't look it." My eyes darkened. "What did you do?"

"You ask too many questions, boy…" He cut himself to glance to the side. "Unfortunately, we are out of time."

"What?" My wand lowered slightly in my confusion. So much was happening at once.

"The pesky Ministry puppets are here, if you don't want to get dragged to Azkaban, you will come with me."

I heard crashing sounds and all of my hair stood on end. "How do I know that coming with you won't spell a worst fate for me?"

"Oh for heaven's sake, they are almost upon us." He walked forward with brisk steps.

This time I didn't attack him, even though I had no idea of what was going on, staying here was no better than going with the strange man.

Maybe he would even have answers for me?

"I won't end up dead, will I?" I asked when he came closer.

"No, now hang on."

I could hear footsteps running in our direction, any moment now they would be upon us.

What would happen to Wilkins? There was no time to think about it because we were warping away from the Manor.

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